
Central Connecticut Conference Fall Cheerleading ConsiderationsThe CCC plan has been created to provide member schools, coaches and athletes with information that will serve to guide them in the reopening of facilities and return to training in a manner that is safe for all participants. A committee of coaches and athletics directors were assembled to review the CIAC Fall Sports Plan while considering other resources and best practices. It should be noted that implementation of any considerations, recommendations or best practices should be review with appropriate personnel within each member school’s district to ensure compliance with local health and safety protocols. Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) 2020-2021 Fall Sports PlanWhile the sport of crew does fall under the purview of the CIAC, elements of the CIAC Fall Sports Plan are applicable to all interscholastic athletic programs. The CIAC’s plan was a result of collaboration with a multitude of stakeholders with the intent to return to the playing fields when it is safe to do so. The CIAC emphasizes “…this plan is fluid and in a perpetual state of evaluation. COVID health metrics and data in Connecticut will continue to be closely monitored and the appropriateness of holding youth sports and/or interscholastic contests can change at any time.”View the full document here: document that follows is intended to serve as a template for schools/programs to use/modify to suit your program and the nuances of your facility. Thank you to Simsbury, Avon and Farmington High School coaches for sharing their guidelines.USA Cheer “Return to Cheer and Stunt” GuidelinesUSA Cheer has provided guidance and recommendations for programs to resume cheer activity. Their guidance is fluid and will be updated as new recommendations become available. The document states“USA Cheer supports the return of cheer and STUNT activities while keeping the health and safety of the athletes as the priority…USA Cheer recommends following federal, state and local guidelines, as well as those of your governing athletics/activities association.”USA Cheer promotes preventative actions where primary consideration before beginning any activity is starting with a clean space. Surfaces should be cleaned and sanitized with approved cleansers (see CDC guidelines, refer to district protocol). They promote regular cleaning of surfaces, such as mats. Additionally, USA Cheer promotes temperature checks and health assessment questionnaires and proper social distancing.Regarding physical readiness, USA Cheer states, “due to shutdowns and general isolation, many athletes have not participated in an activity in several months. Even with individual conditioning and practicing jumps and tumbling, athletes will need a period of acclimatization to prepare for physical activity.” As such, and to be consistent with guidelines established in the CIAC Fall Sports Plan, cheerleading practices will include time devoted to conditioning.View the full document here: High School NameCheerleadingThe successful completion of this season rests with the underlying premise that students, and school personnel remain healthy. To that end, it is imperative that coaches stress with their athletes, the importance of remaining healthy and stemming the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands and face, and by following all the guidelines established by their school and team. Coaches should stress the importance of good health practices while they are with the team and when they are at home and in school. This season depends on students remaining healthy and that requires diligence at all times (CIAC 2020 Guide for Coaches and Athletic Directors).PRE-SEASONCoaches must become aware of each student's fitness level and be especially conscious of inexperienced players. Coaches must develop a plan for progression of conditioning. That progression should extend over the entire preseason. For teams that have not yet had tryouts, these need to be scheduled such that athletes are gathering and are properly distanced during the tryout process. An appointment schedule is recommended. Athletes must be in face masks/face coverings at all times before and after performing the tryout routine.August 29 – Sept. 13 (Cohorts of 10) 1-hour practices comprised of 30 minutes of conditioning and 30 minutes of skill work. Skill work is non-contact and maintains a social distance of 6 feet for all participants. Additional time can be spent with student-athletes online.?Sept. 14- Sept. 21 (Cohorts of 10) 60-minute practice comprised of 30 minutes of conditioning and 30 minutes of skill work. Skill work can involve 15 minutes of contact intended to demonstrate and teach routines, stunts (if applicable). Additional time can be spent with student-athletes online.Sept. 21- Sept. 30 (Full team) 2-hour practices comprised of 45 minutes of conditioning and 75 minutes of skill work. Skill work can involve 30 minutes of contact intended to demonstrate and teach routines, stunts (if applicable). The remaining 60 minutes of skill work is non-contact and maintains a social distance of 6 feet for all participants. Additional time can be spent with student-athletes online.Oct. 1- Nov. 21 (Full team) 2-hour practices maximum. Coaches should be aware of student-athletes’ conditioning level and account for additional progressions on an individual basis. Considerations (Continued discussion among AD’s)Cheer at home games. All CCC teams stay at home site and not travelCheer at other sports’ home games.Travel (transportation is a concern) If travel is added, a section on transportation/bus protocol needs to be included.Stunting or sideline onlyAthlete RequirementsAthletes will complete the COVID-19 Self Screen prior to the start of practice sessions.Athletes exhibiting any symptoms should not attend practice.Temperatures will be taken upon arrival (if applicable). If an athlete’s temperature is 100.3 or higher, they will be sent home with the recommendation to see their physician.Face masks or cotton face coverings will be worn at all times, before and after exertional activity and during all instruction, chalk talk sessions, team meetings.Athletes will arrive dressed for practice in proper practice attire.Athletes must bring an ample supply of water. There will be no sharing of water bottles.There is no sharing of personal items (clothing, towels, water bottles).Staff ProceduresStaff will complete the COVID 19 Self Screen prior to each session.Temperatures will be taken (if applicable)Coaches will follow the same procedures as athletes if symptoms present.Coaches are required to wear a facemask or other cloth face covering that completely covers the mouth and nose. Masks should be worn at all times.Health ScreeningsCoaches will review athlete self-screen information per district plan (google doc, paper survey).Report any discrepancies to appropriate staff (athletic director, health office, staff per district plan)Athletes or staff responding yes to any symptom should be sent home.Attendance will be taken daily and will include cohort roster as appropriate.Arrival and Dismissal ProceduresAthletes who arrive to practice/games will be asked to park in the lot. Athletes are not to leave their vehicles until cleared by staff.Separate entrances and exits will be determined when in cohorts to avoid cross contamination in transition.Athletes are asked to arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to practice.All athletes are expected to immediately leave the practice site at the conclusion of practice. There is to be no gathering before or after sessions.Social Distancing ProceduresAll athletes should be placed a minimum of six (6) feet apart during all practice sessions.Athletes should be facing forward while performing sideline cheers.Each line should be staggered so that athletes are not standing directly behind another athlete.Cleaning ProceduresWhere possible, athletes should be assigned appropriate equipment and use that equipment for the duration of the season (i.e. poms). Shared equipment should be appropriately disinfected at the conclusion of cohort session, full practice or between use where applicable. District cleaning protocols should be followed but may include disinfectant sprays, wipes, UV lights etc.Chairs, benches and bleacher use should be limited where possible. Appropriate cleaning between use should be arranged (spray, wipe down etc.)Considerations when indoors include vacuuming mats after us, increased sanitization of mats, disinfecting high touch points such as door handles, benches, light switches etc. Athletes should be encouraged to use special soft soled shoes that you can disinfect and not wear off the mat (Pop Warner).Locker rooms/RestroomsUse of locker rooms shall be limited/not permitted.When in use, a regular cleaning schedule shall be implemented.If used, only a small group of athletes should be permitted at one time. Athletes should be able to maintain twelve (12) feet of distance while indoors.Athletes should not store any equipment or personnel items in the locker room. All items should be taken home to be properly laundered or disinfected. Use of the restrooms should be limited to one at a time (or one per every other stall) to limit gathering. Hand washing stations should be available. In the absence of running water and soap, hand sanitizer should be availableSpectators/VisitorsPractices should be closed to spectators/ visitors at minimum during the weeks when cohorts are in place.Social distancing should be enforced at all times.Spectators at games is being discussed on the state level and will involve local decisions as well. Game Day ProcedureAthletes arrive dressed in uniform and proper footwear.Coaches will prepare appropriate sideline spacing for athletes to remain during the game (perhaps marking these spaces will serve as a reminder during the excitement of games).Sideline cheers will be performed with all athletes facing the same direction to avoid potential exposure to respiratory droplets.Stunting Protocol (TBD- more research needed on this, if schools are planning on doing so).Physical contact with the opposing team (if traveling) should be avoided. Contact should be limited to greeting from a proper distance and using creative means to extent that greeting (no hand shaking, hugs etc.)Other ConsiderationsAppropriate, free of obstruction space for practice sessions should be available.Athletes should stay in their assigned space, cohort until released by a coach.Encourage creative greetings without contact, discourage high fives, handshakes, hugs etc.Practice sessions should include carefully planned conditioning component to help bring athletes back from deconditioning state (CIAC Fall Sport Plan)Stunting should only occur when local directives allow contact in sport (USA Cheer)Stunt groups should be kept together in their cohort. Switching groups should be avoided.Keep stunt groups distanced from other stunt groups when possible, while allowing groups to remain on proper surface for stunting.ResourcesCIAC Fall Sport Plan ()CIAC 2020 Guide for Coaches and Athletic DirectorsNFHS Guideline for Spirit ()USA Cheer Return to Cheer and Stunt ()Pop Warner Football and Cheer ()Others ................

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