WFSC 304 Conservation Biology Exam II—Read all responses and select the bestThe crux of most environmental problems of conservation concern owe to what?Preventing extinctions is visualized compellingly as a process of…The highest per capita ecological footprint is from people of which of the countries below?The major cause of biodiversity loss isThe only major ecosystem type on and increaing trend in habitat quality is which of the following?Old growth forest habitat in the US is at what level relative to that before European colonization?What is the scale of tallgrass prairie land conversion to agricultural use?Who enacts controlled/prescribed burns in the US for maintainance of healthy ecosystems? All EXEPT which the following:The habitats I saw upon visiting Mediterranean Greece were:When resources are plentiful they feel inexhaustible. Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil probably felt this way. Now the forests, once vast (say mid 1940), are down to what rounded percent of their former vastnessCoral habitats are at risk globally due to which of the following?Soils of which habitat are richer and deeper?Tropical rainforest accounts for 7% of land area but what percentage of eukaryotic species?Loss of tallgrass prairie habitat in the US is about what %Edge effects are particularly acute in rainforests and involve all of the following EXCEPTReferring to the map of caribou habitat change in Sweden, what would be a useful measure of “effective habitat size”?Idi Amin as President of Uganda was responsible for a massive resurgence (increase) of biodiversity and threatened species. How or why did he do it?The lesson espoused at least twice in lecture regarding Chernobyl isFossil fuel use for energy creates which threat to natural ecosystems? (A for true E for false)Methane escape as a byproduct of oil extractionCarbon dioxide liberation when burnedCarcinogenic and otherwise toxic chemicals used in fracking and oil spill cleanupsOil spill fouling in aquatic and coastal habitatsHeavy metals liberation when burnedNitrogen and sufer oxide liberation when burnedToxic residual ash after burningGreenhouse gases have what property that creates cumulative warming of the atmophereBangladesh was discussed in class for having which of the following major impacts on their environment which impact biodiversity What would you reason would be the most likely relationship between biodiversity and global losses in agricultural production expected due to climate change If ocean currents change due to increasing sea level or influxes of water from ice melt, what impacts will arise regarding regional climates?Which of the following gases contribute the greatest summative effect on global warming?Which of the following gases is the most potent greenhouse gas per molecule?Acid rain in the US has increased/decreased in the last 30 years due to ____________.Melting of Antarctic ice is expected to increase sea level byThe VICE video demonstrated that actual arctic ice melt was _____ meteorological projections at the time wereRecent research discussed in class demonstrated which of the following points regarding the magnitude of sea level riseOcean acidification is caused byUnder what circumstances and how is excess nitrogen a risk to biodiversityThe pH of normal rain is aboutMining and ore processing are problematic for natural systems becauseBioaccumulation is likely taking place in which of the following levels of biological organization?If an owl consumes 10 kcal of energy from secondary consumers, it is the energetic equivalent of how much producer biomass?Why is human vanity lust for gold and diamonds so problematic for the environment and people?Biomagnification occurs at what level of biological organization?Overgrazing, deforestation, careless agricultural and land use practices, fuelwood consuption lead to which of the following environmental problemsChina is attempting to stop the progression of the Gobi Desert byBenthic trawling affects natural communities by what means other than removal of target species?Who or what killed most of the vultures in IndiaWhat type of chemical is Atrazine?Tyrone Hayes found that the multiple pesticides he tested had effects in combination?Hayes’s work demonstrated that levels of atrazine in rainwater areTyrone Hayes discovered that Atrazine caused sexual deformities in What does Hayes say the position of scientists with respect to communicating to nonscientists?The UN estimated that what proportion of marine fisheries stocks are overfished? What proportion are fully exploited or overfished?One of the few major fisheries stock recoveries has been that forAs recounted in lecture and student presentations, plastics in the ocean are problematic because…Why are endocrine disruptors to dangerous?A common means of invasive species introductions isSpending money fighting invasive species isThe Mysis relicta study in the Journal of Plankton Research revealed what?Fire ants are a likely cause of decline for what native bird?The reason to control purple loosestrife is __________ and the cost is __________.Invasive saltceder supports ___ species of bird compared to ___ per 100 acres of native vegetation.Kudzu is fun to say but now covers 7 million acres and is spreading each year to cover an additional The project by Dr. D and Liz Edgerton found that the most key trait that aquatic invasive species share isThe key mechanism for amicable dispute resolution and planning between the US and Canada regarding their shared Great Lakes isThe Great Lakes suffered tremendously from which toxic substanceThe first invader to cause huge impacts on the ecology and economic value of the great lakes wasUltimately the control for alewife wasUltimately the control for lampreys settled upon wasReduction in sewerage contamination of S. L. Michigan was achieved by:Management techniques for the silver carp threatening invasion of the Great Lakes include:Ultimately round gobies were found to be useful forLake trout and whitefish were parasitized by which species?The latest invasion threatening the Great Lakes are some new Asian carps, which are expected to enter the system throughA minimum viable populations is defined as theThe boss says you must design a refuge population of bighorn sheep that will persist for 100 years, but don’t spend too much. Based on the cost-probability graph, you tell the boss…Heterosis isGenetic drift differentially removes what type of alleles from a populationA catastrophe (e.g. the black plague for humans) creates which of the followingWhat is the effective population size if there are one male and three females?Imagine a population of annual plant that fluctuates and has 15, 6, and 9 organisms in subsequent generations in a habitat patch on Andros Island, Bahamas. What is the effective population size?The type of selection indicated in a given population, in a given environment, having a concave (U-shaped) fitness profile across trait values isHow are heterozygosity and population size related in birds?Why is inbreeding costly?When is outbreeding costly?Is it better to have one large or several small conservation reserves of the same total area? Why?The idea behind introducing Texas cougars into the Florida panther population was toWhy is genetic variation important to foster in a population?Describe the extinction vortexWhat is a ‘genetic rescue’ in conservation biology?A genetic bottleneck is?A founder effect is?What factors reduce genetic variation in a populationWhat increases genetic variation in a populationDraw fitness functions for the various forms of natural selectionSupplemental feeding of wildlife makes sense whenGenetic drift is more likely inThe effective population size of grayling in Sweden has decreased due to global warming becauseMonitored populations in which bottlenecks were noted were compared for hatching success. How was hatching success related to the size of the bottleneck?On a graph from the book, 10 % of populations studied showed no costs when inbred. Why might that be?Suppose two countries (Germany & Spain?) have the same population size. What might cause you to project that one would outgrow the other?The Allee effect is Applied population biology must be informed regarding what parameter(s)?Demographic parameters of guppies differ among populations. In high predation environments the fishPopulation growth over time is determined in general byHuman population growth since the industrial revolution resembles:Which statement is true regarding dispersal:An example of negative density dependent population growth isA population lacking density dependent limits have what type of growth curveK in population dynamics stands for Quadrats and line transectsWhich of the following is a reasonable definition of precision?Given that we fully expect habitats to have a mosaic structure, we should expect populations to occur as Bighorn sheep dispersal seems limited to/byWhich of the patterns of species presence/absence or density by quadrat demonstrate ‘overdispersion’ (also termed ‘negative spatial autocorrelation’)Geometry of habitat patches is important as demonstrated by the Northern spotted owl simulation, which showed the superior placement of habitat is…Environmental DNA methods are good for detectingMark-recapture analysis is used foreDNA involves what genetic technologyThe Loess plateau restoration involved all but which of the The African case study of restoration in the Lui video involvedReconciliation ecology is about …The massive destruction of the Everglades in the early to near-mid 20th C. was due toThe infrastructure effort that drained half the Everglades involved directing what order of magnitude in gallons of water daily out of the system directly to the sea?After habitat destruction, what is the next most serious threat to the Everglades ecosystem and its communities?The architectre of the Everglades system is best described as:Who is paying for Everglades restorationWhat order of magnitude in dollars has been spent on Everglades restoration?Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding the Chesapeake BayWhich of sthe following intersecting domains best characterizes the disparate fields united in modern conservation science:The goal of ‘integrated conservation and development projects’ is to What is community-based conservation?Communities can best be engaged in support of and participation in conservation byConservation goals are easier to achieve in which of the following sociopolitical settingsBrazil’s Pantanal wetlands is The Namibian community conservancy highlighted in lecture (Nyae Nyae) was tracked over 10 years and demonstrated what summed population trends for big game megafauna?What trait is a direct measure of vulnerability of a species to negative effects of climate warming?Major impacts of global warming include all but which of the followingGlobally, what is the most general impact of global warming on precipitation expectations?Global warming is expected to have what impact on flooding?The summed mass of cows outweighs that of humans on the planet. How much greenhouse gas does a cow emit?From Primack (repeated in the notes), what is the projected precipitation change for texas over the next 80 years? ................

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