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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION 022-2020-GAVI-RFQ for the COVAX Facility Legal Consultant (Consultant)RFQ Opening Date: 4 August 2020RFQ Closing Date: 18 August 2020 - COBAddress responses via email to procurement@Background and IntroductionGavi Alliance’s (“Gavi”) mission is to save children’s lives and protect people’s health by increasing access to immunisation in poor countries.Gavi is a unique organisation that aligns public and private resources in a global effort to create greater access to the benefits of immunisation. It does this with precision and in creative, innovative ways to ensure that donor contributions efficiently save lives and help build self-sufficiency in the world’s poorest communities and regions.For more information please visit the Gavi website: Purpose.Gavi is committed to securing a global response to COVID-19 that is effective and fair, using its unique expertise to help identify and rapidly accelerate development, production and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines under the principle that no one is safe unless everyone is safe.As part of broader efforts to secure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, Gavi has launched the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) Facility (the “Facility”). All countries are invited to participate in this Facility, which will pool demand and resources and secure supply of COVID-19 vaccines through entering into advance purchase commitments with manufacturers. The Gavi Secretariat is currently coordinating efforts together with global health partners to complete the design of this Facility and begin operationalising, with the goal of securing 2 billion doses by the end of 2021 to vaccinate the highest priority populations globally.Within the COVAX Facility, an innovative financing instrument – the Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC) launched at the Global Vaccine Summit on 4 June – is being used to secure access to timely and sufficient supply of COVID-19 vaccines for developing countries specifically.The legal consultant will provide legal advice to the central coordination team during this critical phase of design and implementation of an innovative global coordination mechanism to stop the pandemic. The legal consultant will be part of the Gavi Legal team, which provides legal risk analyses, proposes effective mitigation strategies and supports the Gavi Secretariat on all legal matters. The Legal team helps develop effective and efficient structures for Gavi projects and negotiates and drafts all agreements for the Gavi Alliance and Gavi affiliated entities as appropriate including agreements with donors, Alliance partners, vendors and consultants.Specific duties and responsibilities of the COVAX Facility Legal Consultant include:The scope of responsibilities will include the following: independently drafting and negotiating volume guarantee agreements with COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers; reviewing and negotiating commitment and donor agreements with countries interested in participating in the COVAX Facility; andadvising on general legal questions that may arise in the development and implementation of the Facility.Further, as required, the consultant may also support Gavi teams with the preparation or development of legal documents and policies to support the Gavi affiliated entities, including by:preparing or reviewing agreements between the GAVI and its donors; preparing or reviewing collaboration agreements between GAVI and its private sector partners and other international organisations; andpreparing or reviewing contracts for the acquisition of goods and services, advising on intellectual property and IT matters, and advising on matters related to GAVI’s investments.Location: Gavi Alliance HQ, Geneva, Switzerland or remote (subject to discussion, and current COVID pandemic travel and work guidelines)Qualifications and work experience required:Academic:A law degree from a leading university; for candidates from civil law jurisdictions, a post graduate law degree from a common law jurisdiction would be preferred.Admission to practice law in at least one jurisdiction and preferably professional experience in both civil and common law.Work experience:Minimum of five years of post-qualification legal experience in a leading law firm or as an in-house counsel in the healthcare and/or pharmaceutical industry.Minimum of five years of experience spent drafting and negotiating complex commercial, licensing, development, consulting, service, research and/or clinical trials agreements in healthcare and/or pharmaceutical industry.Skills/Competencies:Excellent command of English language, including a demonstrated skill to draft and negotiate legal documents in English; ability to work in French is an asset.Interest in public international law and/or health related development.Ability to communicate effectively to a wide variety of audiences both within and outside of Gavi. Ability to work both independently and as part of a small team. Good team player with strong interpersonal skills. Ability to handle pressure and work to challenging deadlines. Good organisational and multi-tasking skills. Note: Short-listed candidates may be asked to complete a timed test to demonstrate their legal analysis and writing skills, followed by an interview. Duration of assignment: one year (with possibility of extension).Timelines:Interested parties should respond by completing the information in the table on the final page by 18 August 2020 - COB (CET). Request for Quotation: 022-2020-GAVI-RFQ for the COVAX Facility Legal Consultant (Consultant)IF ANY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL, PLEASE STATE SO IN THE RESPONSE.Applicant name:Address of residence:Business type: Non-profit For-profit Individual Other:Daily rate (currency & amount):Resume (attach CV):Description of past services, similar to this position:Short letter outlining motivation and relevance of experience to date:AttachThis information certified by:Date:Signature:Please do not submit generic marketing materials, broadly descriptive attachments, or other general literature.RFQ RulesGavi invites you to submit a competitive bid by responding to this “Request for Quotation” (RFQ), based on the below outlined rules:This entire RFQ and all related discussions, meetings, exchanges of information, and subsequent negotiations that may occur are confidential.The issuance of this RFQ in no way commits Gavi to make an award. Gavi is under no obligation to justify the reasons for its supplier(s) choices as a result of this RFQ. Gavi may choose not to justify its business rewarding decision to the participants to this tender.Gavi reserves the right to:reject any proposal without obligation or liability to the potential bidder;withdraw this RFQ at any time before or after submission of bids, without prior notice, explanation or reason;accept other than the lowest price offer;award a contract on the basis of initial offers received, without discussions or requests for best and final offers;decide not to award any contract to any bidder responding to this RFQ,You agree that your bid is valid for no less than sixty (60) days from the quotation due date.Faxed copies will not be accepted. Late quotations are subject to rejection. Gavi reserves the right to request additional data, information, discussions or presentations to support part of, or your entire bid proposal. Bidders or their representatives must be available to discuss the details of their proposal during the evaluation process. All responses should be submitted in electronic version.The proposed time plan set out above indicates the process Gavi intends to follow. If there are any changes to this time plan, Gavi will notify you in writing.If the applicant is a US Citizen or resident (Green Card holder) or a non-US person living or working in the US, they should be aware of OFAC regulations. ................

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