Sarah Birmingham Drummond - Yale University

Sarah Birmingham Drummond

180 Whittier Road

New Haven, CT 06515

(475) 414-6548


Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School (YDS)

Dean, 2019-present


Serve as chief executive for Andover Newton Seminary, embedded at YDS

Design and participate in implementation of educational program for Andover Newton at YDS

Participate in school-wide leadership as Associate Dean of YDS

Raise funds for operations and scholarships; manage staff and affiliated faculty

Teach courses in and write about ministerial leadership, advise students

Andover Newton Theological School

Dean of the Faculty & Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2011-2019; member of faculty since 2005


Served United Church of Christ and American Baptist seminary as the second-ranking official

Led all aspects of the School’s academic programs, including the faculty, library, and academic staff

As tenured Professor of Ministerial Leadership, taught and wrote on leadership issues

Responsibilities Previous to Academic Deanship

Led Andover Newton’s historic and award-winning Field Education Program

Served as Associate Dean with responsibility for student learning assessment, staff coordination


Secured numerous grants from foundations including the Lilly Endowment and Luce Foundation

Navigated crises, including legal disputes resolved in the School’s favor

Introduced new degree and continuing education programs

Implemented new student learning assessment program

Represented School in attempted merger negotiations, culminating eventually in Yale affiliation

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University Christian Ministries

Campus Minister & Executive Director, 2000-2005


Served as Protestant chaplain to 27,000-student campus

Created and implemented spiritual growth programs for students, faculty, and staff

Supervised staff and student interns, raised and managed all funds


Moved budget from deficit to surplus by securing grants, promoting giving from individuals

Created internship program that placed students considering ministry in local parishes

Dramatically increased regular participation in ministry events from virtually no students to 200

Harvard University

The Memorial Church in Harvard Yard

Affiliated Minister, 1997-1999, 2005-current

Summer Minister, 2007, 2008; Religious Education Chaplain, 1998-2000; Seminarian, 1994-1996

The Freshman Dean’s Office

Assistant Dean of Freshmen, 1998-2000

Resident Proctor, 1995-1998; Prefect Program Director, 1996-1998

Consulting and Speaking (selection)

Association of Theological Schools (ATS)

The ATS is the accrediting body for theological schools in North America, which provides both quality control and leadership development for theological educators and their institutions.

Chair Standards Redevelopment Task force, 2018-present

New Educational Models Steering Committee, 2015-2019

Standards Redevelopment Process Design Committee, 2017

Chair of Board of Commissioners Nominating Committee, 2016

Commissioner, Association of Theological Schools Board of Commissioners, 2014-current

Peer Review Committee Chair, 2010 (extension site), 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Peer Review Committee Member, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013

Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion

The Wabash Center, a key partner of the Lilly Endowment, conducts research and educational programs on effective teaching in theology and religion in colleges, universities, and seminaries.

Colloquy leader on planning and evaluation for grantees 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019

Participant, Wabash Dean’s Colloquy, 2013-2015

Evaluation Coach, 2005-2010

United Church of Christ

The work of the denomination takes place on numerous levels, including local, regional, and national.

Ordained minister in good standing, 1997-current

Member, Spring Glen UCC, member of stewardship committee

Keynote speaker for the Connecticut Conference’s General Assembly, 2017

Consultant to New Haven churches in transition, 2016-2018

Workshop leader on interfaith leadership, National Synod, 2013

Keynote speaker for Metro-Boston Association Annual Meeting, 2013

Keynote speaker for Massachusetts Conference Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Program, 2011

Yale Women’s Leadership Initiative

This women’s organization at Yale University sponsors an annual conference that gathers 500+ undergraduate Yale women.

Workshop presenter on public speaking, career planning, 2009-16

The Indianapolis Center for Congregations

Another key partner of the Lilly Endowment, the Indianapolis Center for Congregations coordinated grant evaluation.

As an “Evaluation Coach,” Provided on- and offsite counsel on evaluation design to Lilly Endowment grantees, 2005-2011



Sharing Leadership, under contract with the Pilgrim Press for 2020

Dynamic Discernment: Reason, Emotion, and Power in Faith Community Change Leadership. The Pilgrim Press, 2019

Leading Change in Campus Religious Life. Scholars’ Press, 2015

Holy Clarity: The Practice of Planning and Evaluation. The Alban Institute, 2009

Articles and Book Chapters

Web Log:

“Why Andover Newton requires seminarians to take a course from the Yale School of Management.” The Christian Century, February 4, 2020

“Changing the Rules of the Game.” Reflections, the Yale Divinity School magazine, fall 2019

Book review on Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces: Diversity and Free Expression in Education, and Free Speech on Campus, The Christian Century, May 9, 2018

Lectionary essays on II Corinthians 5:20b-6:10; Romans 5:12-19; and Romans 4:1-5, 13-17. Connections: A Lectionary Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, publication pending

“Leadership Amidst ‘Institutional Pain.’” The Journal of Religious Leadership, Spring 2017

“Lead Time” Web log on leadership in a seminary in transition, @lead_time

“The In-Ministry MDiv.” The Journal of Religious Leadership, Spring 2016

“A Dean’s Perspective on Shared Governance,” In Trust, New Year 2016

Devotion series on “Everyday Resurrection,” These Days, Westminster John Knox Press, 2016

Book review on Mothers in Academia. Teaching Theology and Religion, October 2014

Devotion on “Respite and Compassion,” These Times, Westminster John Knox Press, January-March, 2013

“Surfing the Sea Change: Academic Leaders Pool Their Knowledge on Building Assessment Programs.” Colloquy, Spring 2012

United Church of Christ bulletin insert, Easter Sunday, 2012, viewed by over 1,000 worshipers

“Assessing Student Learning,” in Welcome to Theological Field Education! Matthew Floding, ed. The Alban Institute, 2011

“Attracting Younger Adults to Congregational Life: Three Tensions.” Congregations Magazine, Summer 2010.

Lectionary essays on II Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18; II Thessalonians 1: 1-4, 11-12; and Ephesians 1: 11-23. Feasting on the Word: Year C, Volume 4. Westminster John Knox Press, 2010

“The Integrative Seminar: A National Perspective on Field Education On-Campus Courses.” Co-authored with Rev. Dr. Henrietta Aiello. Reflective Practice: Formation and Supervision in Ministry, Volume 29, 2009

“The Integrative Seminar: Field Education On-Campus Courses.” Conference presentation and published abstract, Association of Theological Field Education. Atlanta, January 2009

“Making the Connection: A Case Study on Bridging Classroom and Experiential Learning.” Christian Education Journal (Series 3, 6:1). Spring 2009, pp. 71-83

“Theoretical Foundations for Integrative Learning in Theological Field Education.” Theological Education (43:2). Spring 2008, pp. 55-66

Faith Practices in Context. Edited anthology of student essays, published internally, Andover Newton Theological School, 2007.

“Learning, Leadership, and Rapid Change.” The Journal of Religious Leadership (6:1). Spring 2007, pp. 103-120

“Key Findings from a Case Study on the Programs for the Theological Exploration of Vocation.” Religion and Education (34:2). Fall 2007, pp. 77-94

“Assessing a Field Education Program.” Conference presentation and published abstract, Association of Theological Field Education. Dallas, January 2007

“God Wants You! Ministerial and Military Recruitment.” Congregations, Winter 2007. Co-authored with Rev. Andrew Warner

“Online Learning in Secondary Education: A New Frontier.” Educational Considerations (XXXIII:1). Fall 2005, pp. 31-36. Co-authored with Simone Conceiçao


University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

Ph.D. in Urban Education (Specialization: Educational Administration) 2005

Dissertation title: “Leading Change in Campus Religious Life: A Case Study on the Programs for the Theological Exploration of Vocation”

Honors: UW-Milwaukee’s Chancellor’s Fellowship, UW-Milwaukee’s Dissertation Fellowship, selected as student representative to doctoral faculty 2001-2004

Harvard Divinity School

Field Education Supervisor Certification 1998

Master of Divinity 1997

Honors: John D. Williams Fellowship; Hopkins Share Award

Yale University

Bachelor of Arts (Major: Ethics, Politics, and Economics) 1993

Activities included directing after-school volunteer program and studying abroad in France

Honors: Class Marshall, Saybrook College; EP&E Prize for Best Senior Essay; Wrexham Prize for Best Senior Essay in the Social Sciences

Community Involvement

Star Island, UCC

Annual Fund Co-Chair, 2018-present

Board of Directors, Chaplain to the Board, 2011-2017

Nominating and Personnel Committee chair, 2013-present; Marketing Committee chair, 2011-2013

Integrated Refugee and Immigration Service

“Cultural Companion” to refugees and their families, 2016-present

Yale University

Fellow and advisor to undergraduates, Saybrook College, 2017-present

Alumni interviewer, 2000-present

Member, report co-author, Yale Counsel Committee on Religious & Spiritual Life, 2003-2004


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