
|[pic] |School Health Services |

| |Donna Johnson, Director |

|Please return to: School_Booth Fickett | |

|Fax _731-3825 | |

| |Parent Form: Asthma Action Plan |

| |Student Asthma Action Plan |

| |Academic year: | |

| | | |

| | School: |Booth Fickett K8 |

| | | |

| |Name of School Nurse: |Kathy Stinely, RN |

| | | | | |

| |School Nurse Phone: |      |Fax: |(520) 731-3825 |

|Name of Student |      |Age |   |Date of Birth |      |

| | | | | | |

|Teacher |      |Grade |   |Room Number |      |

| | | | |

|Asthma Care Physician | |Phone Number | | |

| | | | |

|Other Physician | |Phone Number | | |

| | | | |

|When my child is nearing an asthma episode, I notice the following signs (please circle all that apply): |

|Runny/Stuffy Nose Funny |Funny Feeling in Chest |Itchy Throat Sneezing|Itchy Chest |Tummy Ache |

|Feeling in Chest Itchy | |Coughing Watery Eyes | | |

|Throat Itchy Chest Tummy | |Circle Under Eyes | | |

|Ache | | | | |

|Feeling Weak |Headache |Dry Mouth |Getting Upset |Nervous |

|Sad |Sneezing |Coughing |Watery Eyes |Circle Under Eyes |

|Other (please list): | | |

| | | |

|My child's asthma triggers (things that start an asthma attack) are (please circle all that apply): |

|Animals With Fur Dust Cigarette Smoke Strong Smells |

|Cold Air Humid Air Colds Sinus Infections |

|Exercise (Running, Sports) Aerosols (Hair Spray, Perfume) Emotions (Sad, Happy) |

|Cockroaches Mold |

| |

|Food (please list): | |

| |

|Other (please list): | |

| |

I have reviewed my child’s action plan with the school nurse and believe all of the information to be accurate. I agree to notify the school nurse of any changes in my child’s condition including emergency room visits and hospitalizations. I give the school nurse and my child’s physician permission to contact one another or my insurance/Medicaid carrier for the purpose of obtaining information related to my child’s health. A reasonable effort will be made to obtain the information from me prior to any other source.

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________ Date _______________

Please have your physician complete the Physician Asthma Action Plan

Return both forms to School Nurse

|[pic] |School Health Services |

| |Donna Johnson, Director |

| |Physician Form: Asthma Action Plan |

| | |

|Please return to: |School |

| |Booth Fickett K8 |

| | |

| |Address, |

| |450 S Montego Dr |

| | |

| |City/State/Zip |

| |Tucson, AZ 85710 |

| | |

| |Nurse: |

| |Kathy Stinely, RN |

| | |

| |Fax |

| |(520) 731-3825 |

| |Phone |

| |(520) 731-3817 |

| | |

|Student Name |      |Physician: |      |

|DOB: |      | | |


| |ZONES | |

|sleeping without symptoms | |Long-term Control - Daily Medications |

|able to do normal activities without symptoms |GREEN |Medicine How Much Frequency |

|OR |ALL | |

|peak flow 80 to 100% of predicted or personal |CLEAR! | |

|best | |Before exercise: |

| | |Take ( 2 or ( 4 puffs of |

|Student’s personal best peak flow meter |_________ to _________ | |

|reading is: _____________ | |minutes before exercise. |

|OR |Greater than | |

|Student's predicted peak flow meter reading |80% of Best of Predicted Peak Flow | |

|is: __________________ | | |

| | | |

|ALL CLEAR! | | |

|Early warning signs of asthma may be seen: | |QUICK RELIEF - For Mild/Moderate Symptoms |

|cold symptoms and/or fever |YELLOW | |

|coughing/wheezing but able to do normal |CAUTION! |First Medicine: |

|activities | |( 2 or ( 4 puffs or |

|shortness of breath with activity | |( by nebulizer one time |

|chest tightness |_________ to _________ | |

|waking at night with cough/wheeze | |Then: |

|OR |50- 80% of Best of Predicted Peak Flow|If improvement in 15 minutes: |

|peak flow 50 to 80% of personal best |This is NOT where the student should | |

| |be every day. |If no improvement in 15 minutes: |

| | | |


|This is an emergency, you need help! | |ALERT - For Severe Symptoms |

| |RED | |

|difficulty walking or talking |DANGER! |First, take this medicine: _________________________________ |

|uses neck/stomach muscles when breathing | |( 2 or ( 4 puffs or |

|needs rescue medication more frequently than | |( by nebulizer one time |

|every 4 hours | | |

|constant coughing |Below____________ |If feeling better or repeat peak flow is in yellow zone, call|

|worsening symptoms after treatments | |doctor and ask for further instructions |

|blue or gray lips or fingernails |Less than | |

|OR |50% of Best of Predicted |If no improvement or repeat peak flow is in red zone or nails|

|peak flow ................

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