Effective Icebreakers - TOPS Club

[Pages:1]Learn It. Live It.

A program for use at chapter meetings

Effective Icebreakers



? positive attitude ? welcoming smile

Sometimes group settings can be awkward. Even ours may be from time to time--especially for a new member. I know we'd all like to make a new person feel included, while keeping the overall close-knit feel of our


group. Icebreakers are an excellent tool for that. They are a great way to turn a first experience into a lasting

This program is ideal for new chapters, when a new member attends a meeting, and/or when you want to unite the group. Forming a circle instead

friendship or valuable partnership. Icebreakers are specifically designed to introduce a

group of people to each other--or a person to a group-- in an informal, yet intimate way. Let's say goodbye to the awkwardness.

of rows is ideal.

Is It Someone's First Day?

The next time we have someone new, instead of

just going around the room stating our names, how

about we try a notable name-game icebreaker? The

game is to come up with a positive adjective that starts

with the same letter as your first (or last) name. You can say, for instance: ambitious Alyssa or,

big-hearted Barb. Let's give this icebreaker a try now.

(Begin icebreaker with yourself and then proceed around the room.)

Why Are You Here?

Even our group may become sidetracked from the reason we are all here. Icebreakers can be a great way to show we are all here for the same reasons. Let's use a thought-provoking icebreaker to remind everyone of this. Each of us will state why we came to the group in the first place. Also mention one thing you want to learn. For example, you might say: "I came here because I am ready to put myself and my health first, and I want to learn ways I can stay active throughout the week." Let's all try this icebreaker now.

(Begin icebreaker with yourself and then proceed around the room.)

We Want You Back

We all want to see our new members return, and getting them involved in the next meeting will increase that chance. Let's try a follow-up icebreaker to invite them back. I will ask all members to bring an item that represents their weight-loss journey, or a goal they wish to achieve, to the next meeting. At that meeting, each of us will talk about what we brought and why. For example, you might bring a mirror because you want to see a healthier reflection.


I hope you enjoyed using our icebreakers today! Going forward, let's have these tools ready whenever we have a new member, feel we need to bond more as a group, or want to remember that we all have the same goal in mind--weight loss and getting healthy.


QO-023 ?2015 TOPS CLUB INC.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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