The Power of LightLight is something so therapeutic and real, but also taken for granted. ?However, have you ever considered the real and significant healing effects of light? ?Specifically Red Light? ?It is real, it is here, and it is for you!Red Light Therapy is changing the way rejuvenation and pain management is dealt with. ?What was at one point behind the closed doors in the "uber-elite" University Hospitals and Clinics around the world, is now available for you. ?A trust, proven, therapy used by doctors, Red Light Therapy is today's technology that can provide relief in:True Anti-Aging Tool: ?Removing lines, wrinkles, and provide real skin rejuvenation!?Destroy the bacteria that causes acne!Increase blood flow and circulation - This increases natural repair!Relives joint pain!Can help with the debilitating effects of fibromyalgia?Treats eczema and psoriasisHelps with many sleep disorders!More? ?There is many more treatments in this non-evasive therapy. ?First discovered by NASA, this deep penetrating red light therapy easily penetrates skin to boost circulation and bring more blood and nutrients to areas of need. ?With amazing stimulation of vital collagen and elastin production. ?What does this mean? Simple:"The red light is Energizing and Repairing ALL damaged cells. ?With its stimulating effect it WILL give skin back its youthful natural look!!"Is that not what you want? ?Consider the amount of money, time, energy, and really loss associated with so many anti-aging products, creams, lotions, and potions? ?The daily maintenance involved in a low producing non-natural skin process has worn out and defeated many men and women. ?Why? ?No matter how hard companies may or may not try in the process, you cannot replicate the power of light that penetrates deep within your skin? ?Creams are topical at best, dry, and evaporate. ?Light does not. ?Light penetrates areas that ointments cannot get to. ?There it lies the true power of the therapy. ?This therapy cannot be rubbed off!Red Light Therapy promotes healing, it does not cover up the issue like ointments. ?Often with creams and solutions, they provide a temporary relief to a never ending problem. ?Red Light Therapy is a PROVEN healer to the hardest of problems. ?However, this therapy goes beyond the cosmetic, it is a pain reliever as well!Imagine a drug free, chemical free alternative to pain management? ?YES, massage is amazing but, Red Light Therapy can go where no chemical and no hand could ever go. ?Remember the cell regeneration? ?Well when you are stimulating and regenerating cells in the body's largest organ, which is the skin, it can do wonders for pain. ?Light will travel deeper and penetrate your body in areas that cannot and will not be touched by any other method, pain relief is imminent. ?Red Light Therapy will relieve pain with:Muscle related back pain!Osteoarthritis!Pulled muscles, strained muscles, spasm, and torn muscles!Tendonitis!All issues dealing with neck and back pain!Do you see the power of light? ?Do you see how this non-evasive, all-natural process is something that your body wants and needs? ?Youth, pain, and vitality is within your grasp. ?Put down the chemicals, creams, lotions, and potions. ?Your body is a system, and is craving a healing sensation and rejuvenation. ?It is at hand. ?The power of Red Light Therapy is real and finally available to all those that seek treatment. ?Tomorrow’s technology is available today. ?The power of your light awaits!Recommended Session Lengths:Weeks 1-4: ?15 minutes, 3-5 times a week?Weeks 4-12: ?15 minutes, 2-3 times a weekWeeks 12+: ? 15 minutes, 1-2 times a week ................

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