
CAPM Mock Exam 41.? A project manager determines that there are 15 communication channels in the project. The number of stakeholders in the project must then be:15 stakeholders6 stakeholders8 stakeholders105 stakeholders2.? A summary milestone schedule would normally be part of which document?Project sign-off documentProject charterProject requirements documentProject scope statement3.? Which of the following processes deals with maintaining the integrity of baselines by releasing only approved changes for incorporation into the project management plan?Perform Integrated Change ControlDirect and Manage Project WorkDevelop Project Management PlanMonitor and Control Project Work 4.? Defense Dynamics has been awarded a fixed price project to design and build a military cargo jet. The design team is looking at ways to increase the cargo capacity of the plane while keeping manufacturing costs and the fuel efficiency of the final product within specific limits. The engineers on this team have identified factors that affect capacity, costs, and fuel efficiency and have created a statistical model of how these factors impact each other. The outcome of this model is a design with the highest cargo capacity and fuel efficiency at the lowest cost possible. What type of mathematical model is this called?Outcome-based HypothesisBasis BenchmarkingCost of QualityDesign of Experiments5.? Organizational process assets are key inputs to the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process. The key elements of the organizational process assets utilized during this process are organizational communication requirements, issue management procedures and the change control procedures. Which of the following is also a key organizational process asset that must be considered during this process?Process audit proceduresHuman resource policiesHistorical information about previous projectsProject document templates6.? Sometimes the broader, more comprehensive summary activity is also referred to as:Critical ActivityHammock ActivityMilestoneGroup Task7.? The formula for Cost Variance is:CV=EV-ACCV=AC-EVCV=BAC-(AC-EV)CV=SV-BC8.? Select the best answer: Continuous process improvement reduces _____________ and ________, which allows processes to operate at increased levels of efficiency and effectiveness. Process and policy overhead.Departmental and organization processesCost and scopeWaste and non-value added activities.9.? A detailed milestone list is created as an output of what process?Sequence ActivitiesDefine ActivitiesDevelop Project CharterDevelop Schedule10.? You have just learned that your project's sole equipment supplier has gone out of business. This is an unanticipated risk, and will cause a delay in the project until a new vendor can be selected and contracts put in place. What do you do?Continue working on non-critical path tasks.Put out on RFP for new vendors.Notify the project stakeholders.Consult with legal counsel.11.? You are managing the communication requirements for your project. You find that certain general management skills come into play as part of managing stakeholder requirements and that there are different dimensions to communication that you have to plan for as the sender of information. Which of the following is not a dimension of communicating?Vertical / Horizontal communicationForward / backward communicationFormal / Informal communicationInternal / external communication12.? Accounting for the limited resources in the project schedule is called:Forward passCritical chain methodBackward PassCritical Path Method13.? You find out that a project team member has been stealing some material from the work place. You accidentally discover this and he says that he is very sorry about it, and will not repeat it again. You will:Get a statement in writing from the project team member saying that he will not repeat such an activity.Document the matter for your rm your HR department about the matterKeep quiet until it repeats for a second time14.? As part of the Develop Team process, the project manager of a project has planned for some Team Building activities. Team Building Activities should take place throughout the project life cycle, but have greater benefit when conducted:On a need-basis.At the end of the project life cycleEarly in the project life cycleIn the middle of the project life cycle.15.? During a project status meeting, a new project manager has reported that there is a two week delay in acquiring a key resource for a task on the critical path in her project. She also states that she has built 3 weeks of float into the project schedule. What do you do?Create a proposal for the other project manager for alternate resources.Notify appropriate management that the new project manager has made a scheduling error that could cause an impact to the project outcome.Do nothing.Volunteer a resource from your team.16.? Collect Requirements, Develop Schedule and Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis are all part of what process group?PlanningScope PlanningMonitor and ControllingExecuting17.? You have assembled a group of subject matter experts (SMEs) to perform an exercise where they are going to complete a probability and impact matrix chart. You and your team are still in what process group? RiskMonitor and ControllingQuantitative AnalysisPlanning18.? Stakeholders can be identified in which management process group(s)?PlanningPlanning and Monitoring & ControllingInitiating and planningAll19.? A project is being done for an external customer. Which of the following is not an input to the Develop Project Charter process?AgreementsBusiness CaseProject Statement of WorkStakeholder register20.? A project manager is currently performing the Control Stakeholder Engagement process for his project. The stakeholder management plan has not been delivering the desired results so far. The project manager is now struggling to come up with a new strategy to manage his project stakeholders. Which of the following can provide some guidance to the project manager in this situation?Project management planCommunication management planWork performance informationExpert judgment21.You have overheard two functional managers arguing about the impacts that your project will have on their departments. What is your best response?Do nothing.Analyze and report to each manager the impact your project will have on their departments in terms of time and resources required, and the relative enterprise priority of your rm the managers that the project sponsors had already considered this impact when they decided to implement the project.Put in advance requests for resources from each department.22.? A large construction project for a logistics company will require the expenditure of a large amount of capital. The finance group works with the project manager to project set limits when expenses will be incurred in a given project, and determine if there are ways to smooth out or level the spending to avoid a single large expenditure one quarter and none the next. This is an example of:Levelized BillingFunding Limit ReconciliationA financial reviewRescheduling23.? Calculation of late finish dates and late start dates for the uncompleted portion of the project is called____________.Schedule compressionAn arrow diagramA backward passA forward pass24.The following text is an example of ___________________. "WBS Element - System Deployment Testing Planning - This element includes the effort to identify requirements for and methodology of testing systems to be deployed."a resource breakdown structurea scope baselinea bill of materialsa WBS dictionary entry25.? Susan is currently developing her project's stakeholder register. She wants to identify the internal and external parties that are involved in the project. Which of the following documents can provide this information to Susan?Scope management planProject charterStakeholder management planProject management plan26.? While rating a proposal, one of the requirements was "The proposed project manager needs to be a certified Project Management Professional, PMP? " This is an example of:ConstraintsSource Selection CriteriaAssumptionsGood practice27.? Which of the following is Deming's formula for continuous improvement?Plan-Act-Check-DoPlan-Do-Check-ActCheck-Plan-Do-ActPlan-Check-Do-Act28.? A decision tree is a Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis technique that is structured around using a Decision Tree Diagram. It describes a situation under consideration and the implications of each of the available choices and the possible scenarios. A Decision Tree Diagram shows how to make a decision between alternative capital strategies known as:Alternative nodesQuestion pointsDecision nodesCheckpoints29.? As part of the Close Procurements process, the project manager prepared a complete set of indexed contract documentation, including the closed contract, to include with the final project files. This is called a:Procurement fileDocumentation fileClosure reportClosure file30.? Michael is managing a multi-million dollar project. The project is in the planning phase and has a big number of key stakeholders. During an analysis, Michael finds out that there are big gaps between the current and desired engagement levels for most of the key stakeholders. What should Michael do next?Immediately escalate the situation to the project sponsor.Brainstorm on the stakeholder management strategies that can close these gaps.Propose to terminate the project.Prepare a business case for the project.31.? You have the project management responsibility of a virtual team comprising team members from the same company who live in widespread geographic areas; employees who work from home-offices and employees with mobility handicaps. Virtual teams are formed as a result of which of the following processes?Acquire Project TeamPlan Human Resource ManagementEstimate Activity ResourcesDevelop Schedule32.? The term ________ indicates the degree to which a particular product or service meets requirements, while _____________ indicates a category or rank used to distinguish that item from other similar items.Quality, gradeGrade, standardGrade, qualityQuality, standard33.? Visiting a construction site to ensure the work being done is the same work called out in the requirements is called:MilestoneScope validationVariance AnalysisRequirements traceability34.? A Responsibility Assignment Matrix illustrates the connections between the work that needs to be done and the project team members. A RACI chart is a type of Responsibility Assignment matrix where the names of the roles being documented are:Responsible, Administration, Check and InformReportable, Actionable, Check and InformResponsible, Accountable, Consult and InformReportable, Actionable, Consult and Implement35.? While reviewing project procurement and accounting records for your project, you discover that there is a pattern of unauthorized expenses by a specific resource. These expenses are not within the scope of the project, and have been somewhat camouflaged within a number of large and complicated expense reports. What do you do?If the total expenses are less than 1% of the project budget, do nothing.Fire the resource.Notify the appropriate management immediately.Confront the resource.36.? Due to the unexpected release of a similar product from a competitor, the Widgets International executive team has stepped up the pressure on the product team to release the Widget product 3 months earlier. The project manager uses what technique to shorten the schedule but maintain the project scope?Schedule compression Rolling wave planningSchedule network analysisSchedule management planning37.? Which of the following indicates the required cost performance in order to complete the project on budget?TCPICPIEACSPI38.? A project to design and build a new aircraft is cancelled after the project has been underway for some time. What process is invoked to document what work was done, and to what extent it was completed?Manage ScopeClose ScopePerform Quality ControlClose Project or Phase39.? The project manager of a large construction project is responsible for ensuring that all changes to the building plans are approved and tracked before they are implemented. These activities form part of which process?Manage ScopePerform Configuration ManagementPerform Integrated change controlPerform Quality Control40.? Vendor selection and management and documentation of lessons learned are tasks that fall under this process area:Procurement managementDeliverable managementConduct ProcurementsScope management41.? The Conduct Procurements process receives bids or proposals and applies criteria to select one or more sellers who are both qualified and acceptable as a seller. Which of the following techniques is not a valid technique for this process?Make-or-buy analysisProposal Evaluation TechniquesAdvertising Bidder Conference42.? You are managing a project which requires an environmental permit to do work. The approval is in the final stages of being granted when a confidential, reliable report is brought to your notice which indicates that there is a high risk of an environmental hazard due to the project. Your manager tells you that it is better to keep quiet at this stage since the loss due to non-starting/execution of the project is very high. You will:Send an email to your manager documenting the matter and disowning ownership of the rm the necessary authorities of the hazard, even if it means that the project will be cancelled.Wait for the project to start and see if the information in the report was true.Keep quiet about the matter since you will follow your manager's instructions.43.? A Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical illustration of all the work to be done in a project. A WBS component does not represent:productsresultsservicesproject activities44.? Performance reporting is a tool and technique of which of the following processes?Validate ScopeManage CommunicationsControl RisksControl Scope45.? The business case to justify a project typically contains:BAC and ETC of the project.Cost Benefit AnalysisProject WBSVariance Analysis46.? Which of the following is not a Risk-Diagramming Technique?Influence diagramsControl chartsCause-and-Effect diagrams System flowcharts47.? The Cost of Quality principle includes:The costs of ensuring conformance to requirements.The costs involved when changes are made to the requirements.The cost of deploying a project Configuration Management SystemThe costs associated with eliminating requirements.48.? The most recent analysis of Microcorp's new fabrication facility renovation shows a CPI value of less than 1.0 What does this indicate?The cost has overrun estimates.The cost has underrun estimates.The project is running ahead of schedule.The schedule has slipped.49.? The degree to which the amount or volume of risk than an organization will withstand is:Risk appetiteRisk toleranceRisk mitigationRisk management50.? Probability distributions are frequently used in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis. Which of these is not a valid example of such a distribution?Sigma distributionLogarithmic distributionTriangular distributionBeta distribution ................

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