US History

US History

Viewing Guide: John Adams

While watching the HBO mini-series, John Adams, think about the following questions and do your best to answer them accordingly.

1. As you watch, note moments in life for which John Adams deserves to be remembered.

2. Reflect on the following description of John Adams: “He united the states of America.”

a. What evidence do you find from the movie that would support this claim?

3. How is John Adams portrayed in the movie? Give examples to support your argument(s).

4. What do you see as his strengths and his weaknesses?

5. What scenes shed the most light on his views and values?

6. What role did Adams play at the Continental Congress?

7. What do you think is John Adams’ most important contribution as a member of Congress?

8. List the advantages and disadvantages, as they are debated in the movie, with American independence.

| Advantages to Independence |Disadvantages to Independence |

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9. After watching the few episodes you have, of John Adams, what can you honestly say you’ve learned about this time period in American history?


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