Period 8 Logic Puzzle: Who is the killer?(Remember – this is for FUN – if you’re the killer or the victim – don’t read anything into it!)Directions: Follow the clues below to solve the murder of the famous jewelry designer.The Crime: Mr. Dominick and his wife Mary-Lacy San Martin are the most famous jewelry designing team in Hollywood. All their designs are custom-made and every one of them is unique. Their clients include movie stars, famous musicians, actors and billionaires. Every client is promised 100% privacy so only one person at a time is allowed into their exclusive design studio. On the morning of Thursday May 14th, Mary-Lacy awoke to find her husband gone. She assumed he drove to the studio early to meet a client in the morning or that he had stayed late at the studio working and had slept there. When she arrived at noon, she found her husband dead on the floor. Mary-Lacy dialed 911 and the Beverly Hills Police Department sent their best detective, Joshua Patrick, to investigate. Det. Patrick sees the studio’s appointment book on the counter and notices that for the week, there was only 1 client scheduled each day. However, the book has been tampered with. Use the clues to help the detective solve the crime and figure out who killed Mr. Dominick and WHY?The Clues:The customer who ordered the white gold ring picked it up the day before the person who bought the diamond ring, which was picked up the day before the ruby ring (which wasn’t ordered by Bianca, the Olympic athlete).Between Ayat (the billionaire philanthropist) and the customer who bought the ruby ring, one of them had an appointment on Thursday and the other chose a ring with a yellow gold band. The titanium ring (which was not picked up on Tuesday) has three enormous emeralds set into it.The last of the 5 customers, scheduled to pick-up their ring on Friday, chose a yellow gold band.Vega (the famous artist) picked up her ring one day before Aleisha, (Silicon Valley tech genius), who didn’t come to the studio Wednesday.The platinum ring does not have amethysts in it and was not picked up on Thursday.The ruby ring will be picked up sometime after the silver ring (Vivien, the Oscar-winning actress is allergic to silver.)The Conclusion: Who are your 2 prime suspects based on the information from the appointment book?________________________________ b. _________________________________Is there anyone else that needs to be investigated? WHY?Who do you think the killer is? SUPPORT YOUR THEORY WITH EVIDENCE! ................

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