MovieMaker CheatSheet Notes 2014Important!!: You can’t just copy a picture or song to MovieMaker. You must have each file on the computer.You can’t work on a MovieMaker at home without taking the pictures/video/music files as well. Many MovieMaker versions are not compatible. If you do work at home, do a section, and save it as a movie, and then bring that wmv file here.Keeping picture, video, and music files together in a folder is important while doing any video editing program. That is because, for example, the picture you see in MovieMaker really isn’t there…it’s just a “thumbnail” reminder or “link” to the image.Don’t hit “automovie themes” ever. Trust me on this one.Getting Started (Title and pictures):Open Live MovieMaker. Write _________ in the start button to look for the MovieMaker program.Title: (You will have title, credits, and at least 5 other text or caption slides in your individual video clip.) ___________, in the HOME tab obviously can be used at the beginning of a video, but if you click somewhere else with the black line, you can put titles anywhere in your video…and move them around once they are in. Format the title. Usually, the ____________ tab will come up automatically. In the format ribbon, change the size, color, and style of font, as well as the background color. Also, set the DURATION, and add an text effect.Save Project as: Click the blue “office button”, and save your project by going to SAVE _____________ As. Name it, and put it in your fileserver folder.Add pictures (or videos later): Go to “___________” tab, and then “_________ Videos and ___________”. If you want to get multiple pictures, you may have to hold down the __________…or just highlight the picture group. Once in, you can move the pictures into whatever order you want by dragging them.Make pictures move: Add transitions and pan & Zoom. To do this, go to the___________________________ tab, and choose one transition (left side). Time how long you want the transition to last in the ________________________ box. Then, choose a “pan and _______” (right side) for each picture.Duration/Timing: Each picture usually defaults to _______ seconds. Play it to see. You will want most of yours to be shorter if you aren’t using text to read. To change the _________________ of each slide, go to the tab called __________ _________ at the top. It is _________________in color. Set the time you want. When you change timing, be sure to check the __________ __________ tab as well to make sure your text isn’t longer than your slide.Story Slides, Captions, Credits, and Music:46012109525If you just want to put a word or two right on top of a picture, choose the ______________________button. You can then format and move your label anywhere it is best seen. If you have a sentence or two to say, I would put it in a title on its own slide. (Titles can be use anywhere you put the black line, not just the beginning) Remember that when you add text, the text tools tab, which is ______________ in color, will show up to change duration and other things. When you get ready to put credits at the end, use the __________________ button. Time the slide, so that you can read all the credits. Use “duration” at the ________ __________tab. Music: Go to “Add music” in the HOME tab to add a music sample. (You must have a file of it….either a CD or an mp3 on a USB, or find one from the Internet sites from the “Music” paper. If you choose to just “__________ ____________”, it will put it at the beginning. If you choose “ADD MUSIC AT THE _______________ ____________”, it will put the music wherever you have put the black line. If you go to the Green Music tab, you can _____________ your clips, change the V_______________ to loud or soft, or if you want to gradually change volume, __________in or out. (Note: If you put on music (or anything else, for that matter) that you end up not wanting, either click right and _______________ or click on it, and then hit DELETE on your keyboard. *Patriotic Music files can be found in the D:\New Volume drive.Effects and special for pictures/video:Visual Effects tab: Use effects sparingly. You would never want to add effects to all your slides, just one or two for decoration…or to fix, and make brighter, etc. To narrate over pictures, use the __________ ____________ button at the HOME tab. Make sure your black line is where you want the narration to start, plug in a ______________________, and then click the narration button. Next, click the ________________ button to start. When finished, make sure you name it and save it in your fileserver folder, so it’s there the next time you open the project. (It saves as a separate audio file)Still pictures from Actual videos: If you want to take a still picture of a part of your video, choose _________________ and save it to your fileserver folder. If you have a video you want to split in parts, go to the ______________ _________ and choose with the _________ ____________ where you want to split. Hit __________, then delete the portion you don’t want. When you actually film “Clips” (short videos), start filming before and after what you actually want to use. You can split them, and delete any unwanted parts. Choose the video, put the black line where you want to start or stop the split, click, and delete the unwanted part(s).Finishing:Reminder: If you are not finished yet with a movie or movie segment, you will want to save your project “as a _______________ ___________”. To do this, go to the office type button, and “save project as”. Notice that it saves as a MovieMaker Project. (.wmmp)392112519685Once you are totally finished, and want to share your video, you will want to make it into a media player file (wmv) or mp4. To do this….Go to _________ _____________ and then ___________ _____________ and wait for it to compress/render into a wmv. Make sure you name it something, and direct it to your fileserver folder.When it says “Open Folder”, do that, and find it, and then watch it to make sure it’s ok. Remember its name!!! Ex. Something.wmv or something.mp4**Remember that there are DURATION buttons EVERYWHERE. The main ones involve the video length, text length, transition length. You have to make sure your durations match over an area, or it will throw off your whole video, and will not save as a finished movie. ................

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