Best book to learn indian stock market trading


Best book to learn indian stock market trading

You must expend some effort to be a successful investor--there's no getting around that fact. Investors who buy or sell on their "gut or feeling" about a stock or other fungible asset may be right sometimes, but most of the time they will be wrong. Being right on occasion is not a winning stock investment strategy. The steps to successful investing in the stock market are simple--it's the execution that is not so easy. Just as a football team would not take the field without a game strategy, an investor should not enter the market without a strategy. It's a clich?, but it is true--you must know where you are going so you will know you are there when you arrive. Your goals should be specific and focused. For example, "I want to retire in about 20 years and have a nice, fat nest egg" is not a good goal. A better goal might be: "I am 40 years old and want to retire by age 65. At age 50, I will have built my nest-egg (not including 401(k)) to $250,000. At age 55, it will be $350,000. At age 60, it will be $500,000, and at retirement, it will be $600,000." These numbers may be off for you and you probably have other goals, such as a college fund or buying a home. However, the point is you need to focus on specific goals with specific deadlines if you are going to be successful. There are three basic investing approaches: value, growth, and blended. You will hear others mentioned, but these three are the basis for all others. Value investing may be the most difficult, but may also offer the best return over the long term. Value investors find companies that are trading at prices significantly below their true market value. The companies may be out of favor with the stock market because they are not in the current hot stock sector, or they are in an unglamorous industry that investors find dull. This form of investing was invented by Benjamin Graham and then made popular by legendary Berkshire Hathaway chairman Warren Buffett. The difficult part of value investing is identifying and analyzing candidates. Value investing requires some deep diving into the company's financials to find out what the true or intrinsic value is and why this value is at odds with the stock's price. However, the payoff can be significant when the stock market discovers the stock and bids up its price from the low point when you purchased to a much truer level. This may require you to hold the stock for a long period and require you to update your assessment on a regular basis. Growth investing is the sexy part of the stock market. It involves finding companies with strong future growth potential. You want to avoid the shooting stars that shine brightly in the market for a short period, then disappear. You are looking for solid companies poised for continued growth. Growth investing can involve more risk if you focus too heavily on small-cap stocks that have the potential for rapid growth, but also face tremendous odds for long-term success. There are large-cap stocks that are in strong growth positions. Your job is to find those that match your strategy, goals, and risk tolerance. The majority of traded companies are large-cap stocks. These are the household names like Coca-Cola and Google. Blended investing--also called balanced investing--is a combination of growth and value investing strategies. By combining the two and practicing good asset allocation, investors in the stock market can hit the best of both. You can adjust the mix to increase or decrease potential return (and risk) to fit your particular goals and timeframe. Your personal risk tolerance is an important ingredient in your investment strategy. If you are comfortable losing some of your original investment on the road to a greater return, it can be worth putting more of your total investment dollars into stocks. Investing in the stock market isn't rocket science, but it is serious business. You can make money by investing in stocks, but you can lose money, too, so it's a good idea to do your background research before plopping down your hard-earned money on a hot tip you heard around the water cooler at work. The primary way that most folks buy and sell stocks is through an investments broker. There are three main types of brokerage firms: full service, discount and online. The type that is right for you depends on your comfort level with making your own investment decisions. Full-service brokerage firms typically assign a specific representative to handle your account. They provide the greatest level of service but also charge the highest commissions. Discount brokers offer more limited service but at a cheaper price. Online brokerage firms are the least-expensive way to trade stocks, but you'll usually be responsible for doing your own research and making your own investment decisions. There's no shortage of stock analysts who spend their time researching specific companies and industry sectors. Their job is to make wise recommendations regarding which stock to buy, which to sell and how long to hold. In some cases an analyst can be so influential that the market price of a stock might fall or rise on that analyst's recommendation, even if nothing about the company has changed, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. But just because an analyst makes a recommendation, it's not sufficient reason for you to make an investment decision. Some analysts are better than others, not all analysts are scrupulous and some analysts might have a conflict of interest. The SEC recommends doing your own research to determine whether you agree with the analyst's conclusions before you buy or sell a stock. Before you make your first stock investment, it's a good idea to determine how you feel about the risks involved. Investing in stocks is not even remotely like saving your money in the bank. There are no guarantees in the stock market, and you could lose some or all of your investment. Your ability to handle risk is commonly referred to as your investment temperament. If you don't mind rolling the dice, you probably have a low aversion to risk. If the thought of your stock prices dropping keeps you awake at night, you probably have a high aversion to risk. Knowing your investment temperament will help you choose stocks you can live with. If you don't know where your target is, chances are you won't hit it. It's the same with investing in stocks. You need to know why you are investing, so you'll recognize when it's time to buy or sell to meet your investment objectives. For example, if you're interested in generating a steady stream of dividend income, you probably don't need to invest in the latest high-tech growth stock. If you're looking to make a quick buck on on a stock price run-up, you probably don't want to invest in a mature, blue-chip industrial stock. The stock market as a whole has consistently outperformed just about every other type of investment over long periods of time since the middle of the 20th century. The operative phrase is, "over long periods of time." The market will fluctuate. Sometimes it fluctuates down, and sometimes it fluctuates way down for a while, but if you take a long-term approach to your stock investments and are willing to hold them for 15 years or more, you stand a good change of earning strong, positive returns on your investment, according to the SEC's website. Investing in the stock market isn't something the average American learns to do in school. In fact, growing up, most are taught that money is a taboo topic. So, when it's time to try your hand in the market, there are few people to talk to about how to do it. The good news is you're not alone. Because more and more people are searching for tips, tricks, and education centered around investing, there have been several investment courses offered online that teach everything from technical analysis to fundamental analysis, compelling day trading strategies to income investing strategies, and everything in between. Many online courses on investing are either free or come with a modest price, giving the average American the ability to learn everything they need to know to get started without spending tens of thousands of dollars in the process. But where do you find these courses and what should you be looking for in a course that's designed to help you take financial markets by storm? What to Look for in an Online Investing Course There are several online courses designed to teach you how to invest online, with price tags ranging from free to several hundred dollars. So, where do you start? What should you look for in an online investing class? There are a few key factors and features to keep in mind: Price. While some investing courses come with exorbitant fees, the vast majority are either free or reasonably priced. If you look at membership plans and see fees in the thousands of dollars per month, chances are that you'll find a better value with a different online class. Investing Basics. Any good online course designed to teach you how to invest will start with the basics. This creates an educational flow that's easy to follow, making the complexities of the stock market and investing within it simpler to understand. If the investing class you're looking at only offers intermediate and advanced level courses, you may want to start with another option that's geared toward the beginner investor first. Course Materials. There are several ways to go about making money in the stock market. Those who day trade look for short-term opportunities based on technical analysis. Income investors seek dividend payments and stable growth. Value investors look for valuation discounts, while momentum investors look for stocks that are moving upward at a fast pace. If you're looking for safe, stable investing strategies, trading strategies will do nothing for you. If you're looking to capitalize on fast-paced market volatility, income investing strategies will do nothing for you. Make sure that the course you sign up for is designed to teach you how to be the type of investor you want to be. Content Types. Some classes will only provide written lessons while others will provide video lessons, webcasts, and webinars alongside their written tutorials. Before signing up for a course, make sure that it provides the types of content you're looking for. Best Online Investing Courses Some of the best Web-based courses centered around turning beginner investors into experts include: 1. Morningstar Investing Classroom Cost: Free Morningstar is one of the largest financial services firms in the United States, offering a wide range of services. Most notably, the company provides a star rating for mutual funds that's often cited on advertisements for those funds. Outside of star ratings, Morningstar offers market commentary, investment research, and financial education. The Morningstar Investing Classroom is a free self-study guide for the stock market. The classroom gives investors the ability to learn how to invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, and bonds while maintaining a properly diversified investment portfolio with portfolio management lessons. Investing Classroom lessons range from the basics of investing -- like the power of compounding gains -- to expert investing strategies and techniques for evaluating a company's financial condition before making investment decisions. The classroom covers various investment strategies as well as stock market basics but is not the best option as a speculative stock trading course. In its courses, Morningstar teaches investors how to create long-term value by focusing on stable growth, income, and compounding gains. 2. TD Ameritrade Investing Curriculum Cost: Free TD Ameritrade is one of the most trusted online discount stock brokerages available. As a large, trusted firm, it only makes sense that the company teaches its users how to trade. After all, the more activities their users take part in within the stock market, the more money the company makes. So, by making their members successful stock traders, they're also padding their own pockets. The TD Ameritrade Investing Curriculum is one of the most intuitive investor training courses online today. The company offers a long list of content ranging from written tutorials to videos, webinars, and even in-person events. The Investing Curriculum is packed with information about both investing and trading, making it a great online course for any prospective stock market participant. Perhaps most impressively, TD Ameritrade has created several goal-based learning paths. These pathways pair online lessons with webcasts and events designed to help beginners master profitable concepts with the help of an education coach. The lessons, tutorials, and other training materials along the path are free. Even in-person events are free, but you will be required to pay for your own travel and hotel expenses. Nonetheless, these workshops and networking events are invaluable, especially for those looking to become experts in the investing community. 3. Udemy Investing Courses Cost: $9.99 to $24.99 per course Udemy is an educational website offering a wide range of courses curated by experts of all topics. You can learn about just about anything, from cooking to web design, on the website. However, you're here because you want to learn about investing, the platform has you covered. Most of the investing lessons available on Udemy range in price from $9.99 to $24.99 per course, and the vast majority of them are highly intuitive, offering detailed, expert-level advice as to how to go about investing. Keep in mind that anyone can claim to be an expert on Udemy and create classes. To make sure that you're signing up for a valuable course, pay close attention to the star ratings published along with each course. If the rating is four stars or above, chances are that you've landed on a solid course that's worth the money it costs or more. One of the most appealing features of the platform is that it has a course surrounding just about any investing subject you want to know, from value investing to day trading, from income investing strategies to trading in cryptocurrency and forex. If there's a way to make money as an investor, chances are you'll find a course to teach you how to do it. Some of the most compelling courses to look into on Udemy include: 4. Coursera Cost: Mostly free; some courses range from $20 to $200 Coursera is a lot like Udemy. The website offers a curated list of online courses on a wide range of topics. The biggest difference is where the courses come from. While other course-based platforms allow anyone who claims to be an expert the opportunity to create and market online lessons, Coursera courses are developed by corporations and universities. Some of the most trusted universities in the world have authored courses for the platform. Here you'll find classes designed by institutions like Yale University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Geneva. As with other educational platforms, you'll find courses that are tailored to beginners, intermediate investors, and experts, allowing you to choose your starting point and which lessons are most important to you. Moreover, the vast majority of interactive investing classes are free, even those offered by prestigious universities like Yale, Michigan, and Geneva. Coursera also offers a long list of courses on topics ranging from trading to value investing, income investing, and a wide range of other investing strategies. 5. The Fidelity Learning Center Cost: Free Fidelity is yet another large, trusted stock brokerage. As such, the company has a vested interest in seeing its investors and traders succeed in the stock market. So, it's not surprising to find that the broker offers one of the most comprehensive lines of investing lessons online today. When you visit the Fidelity Learning Center, you'll be brought to a page with a search bar asking what you'd like to learn today. Simply type in what you'd like to learn about the stock market, and you'll be met with a long list of articles and webinars surrounding your topic of interest. Next to each lesson, you'll find the experience level the lesson was designed for, with one of three levels listed: Beginner. Beginner investors are just getting their feet wet in the market. They may have done some research, but they don't have much by way of real-world experience. Intermediate. Intermediate investors have been investing for some time and have a detailed understanding of how the stock market works. However, these investors are still working on perfecting their strategies and learning the intricacies of Wall Street. Expert. Expert investors know what they're doing in the market, and lessons geared toward them will include the most complex and difficult-to-understand topics. It's also worth mentioning that the Learning Center from Fidelity is free to use. Ultimately, the company makes its money through your success in the stock market. 6. Warrior Trading Cost: Starting at $997 per courses The online courses provided by Warrior Trading are by far the most expensive courses you'll find on this list. With prices ranging from an initial fee of $997 and a monthly fee of $197 to $5997 per year for its top product, you'll have to be willing to dig deep into your pockets to enroll in these courses. Nonetheless, they're worth it if you're interested in making money in the high-energy world of fast-paced trading. Warrior Trading's classes have nothing to do with long-term investing. Instead, the founders of the platform teach their students detailed technical strategies. Warrior Trading courses include a long list of both written and video content, as well as live video seminars for students. More importantly, when you sign up for a course with Warrior Trading, you're not going in on your own. You'll be provided with up to six live mentor sessions per week to make sure your questions are answered and your trading activities are profitable. Although you'll find various lower-cost lessons on short-term trading strategies, Warrior Trading is one of few options available that actually provide live mentoring sessions; these are worth the cost of the service by themselves. 7. Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My! Cost: $129 Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh My! is an investor education program developed by the University of Central Florida. The online course is an actual college course designed to give students the tools they need to be successful in the market. The course covers far more than just stocks and bonds. Students learn the ins and outs of various investing strategies surrounding stocks, bonds, retirement plans, mutual funds, and more. Like most classes geared toward investors, Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My! is not the best program for those looking to learn more about day trading. However, if you're looking to build wealth through a successful long-term investment portfolio, this is the online course for you. 8. Bear Bull Trades Cost: As low as $99 Instead of focusing on long-term investment opportunities that build their value through compounding gains, Bear Bull Trades is an online course designed to teach you how to be a day trader. There are three ways to sign up. If you decide to be billed monthly, you'll be charged $99 per month. You can also sign up for a lifetime with 12 installment payments of $199 or one upfront payment of $1,199. Students of this online course will learn various investing strategies -- both basic and advanced -- receive access to the Bear Bull Trades chatroom, and gain access to valuable webinars. Interestingly, Bear Bull Trades is one of few trading courses that talk about psychology as a trading signal, which adds a new tool to the trader's toolbox. Final Word If you're looking to try your hand in the stock market, you're on the right track. It's one of the best ways to build wealth in today's economy. Learning how to succeed in whatever investing strategy you choose can set you up for financial independence and a comfortable retirement. The best investment decisions are educated decisions. By taking advantage of the various free and low-cost online classes on the topic of investing, you'll equip yourself with the tools you need in order to be successful.

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