
Name________________________________________________Rotation_____________ Date___________________Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments QuizRead the following Supreme Court cases and select the response which best answers each question. This set of questions references the Bill of Rights. 1. Tinker vs. Des Moines School District: Three public school students in Iowa were suspended from school for wearing black arm-bands to protest the government’s policy on the war in Vietnam. Tinker will appeal the conviction based upon the grounds of: Illegal search and seizureSymbolic speechDue processPrior restraintThe amendment in question in this case is the:SixthFourteenthFirstFourth2. Gideon vs. Wainwright: Gideon was charged with a property felony. He was unable to find his own lawyer and requested that the court appoint him one for his trial. The request was denied and Gideon was convicted and sentenced to five years imprisonment.Gideon will appeal his conviction based upon the grounds of:Free speechRight to a fair trialIllegal wiretapsRights to counselThe amendment in question in this case is the: FirstFifthFourthSixth3. Mapp vs. Ohio: The police conducted a warrantless search of Mapp’s residence while looking for evidence of a bombing and materials associated with gambling. Instead, they found “obscene” materials. The materials were confiscated and Mapp was convicted for their possession. Mapp will appeal his conviction based upon the grounds of:Freedom of pressRight to a fair trialIllegal search and seizureRight to counselThe amendment in question in this case is the:SecondEighthFirstFourth4. Price vs. Georgia: Price was convicted of manslaughter although the state had charged him with murder. Price successfully appealed his conviction in an appellate court. Price was retried again for murder. The jury again convicted him of manslaughter and Price appealed his conviction.Price will appeal his conviction based on these grounds:Right to a fair trialDue processDouble jeopardySelf-incriminationThe amendment in question in this case is the:FourteenthFifthFirstEight5. John Brown is a well-established businessman that has no prior convictions. For the last few years he has been purchasing handguns for his personal collection. He has obtained them legally and has a permit to have them in his possession. Which amendment protects his rights to have the guns?6. Sonya Banks was pulled over for a minor traffic violation. When the police officer checked her license, he found out that she did not show up for court when requested on a previous occasion. As a result, Sonya was arrested and her bail was set at $1 million dollars. Which amendment was violated as a result of Sonya’s arrest and detention? Fill in the blank with the best answer.7. The ______________ Amendment abolished slavery in America.8. The ______________ Amendment allowed women the right to vote. 9. The Eighteenth Amendment outlawed the making and selling of ______________ and was later removed with the _______________Amendment. 10. The Twenty-sixth Amendment states that pay raises for Congress cannot go into effect until ____________________________________________________. 11. The _______________Amendment states that anyone 18 or older have the right to vote.12. The Sixteenth Amendment gives Congress the power to ________________________________________. 13. The _______________Amendment gives states powers that the Constitution doesn’t give the federal government. Decide and then circle if each question is true or false. 13. TrueFalseThe Eleventh Amendment states that a foreign citizen can sue a state in federal court. 14. TrueFalseThe Fifteenth Amendment says that a state cannot deny voting rights to someone based on race or color or because they used to be a slave.15. TrueFalseAccording to the Twentieth Amendment, if the President dies, there must be an election within seven days for a new president. 16. TrueFalseWashington D.C. has been included in electing the president and vice-president since the creation of the United States. 17. TrueFalseThe Senate will have twelve senators from each state.Which of the amendments is the most important to you and why? (3-5 complete sentences)Which amendment do you think affects you (or will affect you in the future) the most and why? (3-5 complete sentences) ................

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