
Established 1978

The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc. & The National Association of State Procurement Officials

151 Spring Street, Herndon, VA 20170 ( 703-736-8900 ( Fax 703-796.9611 email: certification@






On behalf of the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC), I appreciate your interest in learning about the value of professional certification in public procurement.

As the public procurement function transforms from a regulatory agency to a strategic player with greater credibility and recognition, professionals who serve in governmental procurement have expressed an increased interest in achieving certification. Some will do so in order to demonstrate that they offer their governmental employers and taxpayers a heightened understanding of the body of knowledge required to be successful in this discipline. Others will seek certification in order to increase their opportunities for promotion – particularly since many governmental agencies require professional certification as a prerequisite for employment. Whatever your motivation is, I trust that this experience is both challenging and rewarding.

The certification examinations offered by the UPPCC are rigorous. We do not anticipate that all candidates will successfully pass the examination – but for those who do, their professional designation as a Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) or a Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO) admirably reflects their understanding of a complex procurement function and an ability to apply this knowledge to the workplace in service to the taxpayers. I wish you the very best as you strive to achieve your certification.



Don Buffum, CPPO




(High profile issues are identified by question numbers in brackets)

Membership of the UPPCC 3

Membership of the BOE 4

Vision and Mission of UPPCC 4

Program History 5

Value of Certification 5

Administration of the Program 6

Eligibility Requirements 7

Eligibility Schedules 7

Purchasing Experience Defined [15] 8

Purchasing Buyer Function Defined [17] 8

Functions That Do Not Qualify [18] 8

Purchasing Manager Function Defined [19] 8

Supervisory Position Defined [20] 9

Delayed Eligibility [25] ….9

Formal Coursework [26] 9

The Application Process 10

General Information 10

Fees [30] 10

G.I. Bill Reimbursement [31] 10

Applying for CPPO if already a CPPB [32] 10

Applying for CPPB as a C.P.M. [33] 10

Applying for CPPO as a C.P.M. [34] 10

Special Needs Accommodations [35] 11

Candidate Confidentiality [36] 11

Time Period of Application [38] 11

Application Extensions [39] 11

Documenting Work Experience 11

Documenting Formal Education 12

Documenting Coursework 12

Application Submittal Process 13

Appeals Process 13

The Examination Process ...14

Specific Exam Dates [58] 14

Scheduling an Exam [59] 14

Exam Cancellation [60] 14

Preparation for the Exam 14

Administration of Exam [62] 15

CPPB Examination Outline [63] 15

CPPO Examination Outline [64] 15

Structure of CPPO Oral Exam [65] 16

Supervisor Notification [66] 16

Examination Scoring [67] 16

Results Notification [68] 16

Supervisor Attaining Results [69] 16

Re-Examination Fee [70] 16

Re-Exam Waiting Period [71] 17

Re-Examination Scheduling [72] .17

Replacement Certificates [73] .17

Recertification 17

Lapsed Certification 17

Lifetime Certification 17

Revocation of Certification 18

UPPCC Code of Ethics 18




James B. O'Neill II, CPPO

Vice Chairman

Director of Purchasing & Risk Management

City of Fort Collins, CO

Louis Moore, CPPO, CPPB


Director of Purchasing & Materials Management

City of St. Petersburg, FL

Rick D. Berry, CPPO

Director of Materiel Management

Old Dominion University

Norfolk, VA


Donald Buffum, CPPO


Materials Management Officer

Department of Finance & Administration

State of Mississippi

Jackson, MS

John Adler, CPPO


Purchasing Manager

AZ Department of Administration

Phoenix, AZ

Mark D. Hutchison Sr., CPPO, CPPB

Procurement Manager

State of Ohio


Canada Representative

Micheline Brunette

Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat

Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)


Cliff McCue, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Florida Atlantic University

Urban & Public Affairs, School of Public Administration

Khi Thai, Ph.D.

Editor, Journal of Public Budgeting

Florida Atlantic University

Urban & Public Affairs, School of Public Administration


Program Administrator

Rick Grimm, CPPO, CPPB

Program Coordinator

Carol D. Hodes, CAE

Certification Manager

Ann Peshoff

Certification Analyst

Charles Tedesco, CPPO

Certification Coordinator

Kitty Campbell




William E. Hertwig Jr., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M.

BOE Chairman

Asst. Director of Logistics & Tech Support

Metro North Commuter Railroad

Yonkers, NY

Lucy Slaich, CPPO, C.P.M.

Director of Procurement

Towson University

Mr. Jack T. Pitzer, Ph.D., CPPO

Purchasing Agent

City of Alexandria, VA


James Miluski, CPPO

Director, State of Missouri

Jefferson City, MO 65101-1580

Gretchen Adkins, CPPO

Procurement Manager

State of Ohio

David Kinney, CPPO

Supervisor, Procurement Unit

State of New Jersey

Trenton, NJ


Elène Fromanger, CPPO, CPPB

Manager, Continuous Improvement

Acquisitions Renewal, Acquisitions Branch

Public Works & Gov. Services Canada

James P. Kearney, MIIPMM, C.P.M., CPPB

Procurement and Materials Mgmt Health Service Executive

Ireland Shared Service Eastern Region


The vision of the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC) is to create a global recognition and acceptance of the Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO) and the Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) designations as being representative of public procurement excellence.


The mission of the Council is to establish and monitor the professional standards required for success in the public purchasing profession.


1. Origins of the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council

The education and continuing professional development of those individuals involved in public procurement has been a primary objective of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) since its founding in 1944. In 1964, this quest for excellence in public procurement was more clearly defined when NIGP developed and initiated its Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO) program. The CPPO program of NIGP was, at the time of its initiation, the only professional certification offered by a national professional purchasing association in North America.

The concept underlying the development of the CPPO program was to establish a standard by which qualifications of any public procurement official could be evaluated for a managerial or supervisory level position in public procurement. Public purchasers and personnel specialists informed NIGP that such a standard was needed.

In order to more effectively promote and insure professionalism in public sector procurement, NIGP and the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO), jointly established the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council in 1978. The functions of the Council are as follows:

□ to establish, monitor, and revise requirements for certification;

□ to continue research efforts relating to the certification of public purchasers;

□ to coordinate with other NIGP and NASPO programs in order to further the certification of public procurement officers; and

□ to do all things necessary and proper to promote and insure professionalism in public procurement

Realizing the need for a certification program for non-managers, the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC), its Board of Examiners (BOE), and NIGP’s Education and Professional Development Committee developed the Professional Public Buyer (PPB) certificate. The first PPB certificate was issued in 1979. This designation was changed by the UPPCC to Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) in 1991.

Program Designations

The Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council program is applicable to all-public and/or governmental organizations and agencies. The program has two designations, a Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO), and a Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB).

The CPPB level applies to individuals who have demonstrated prescribed levels of professional competency as a buyer in public and governmental purchasing, and not required to meet the additional managerial function requirement for CPPO. Realizing that procurement standards and norms should be the same in all public purchasing environments, the UPPCC certification programs have been established to meet the requirements of all public purchasing personnel in federal, state, and local governments.




2. Why should people who have been purchasing in the public sector for years as well as those public purchasers new to the profession become certified?

The same response applies to both the seasoned professional and the recently hired/appointed public purchaser. Purchasing has a strategic role in most organizations and the competency of its purchasing personnel can become the critical element and focus in the spending of tax dollars. Certification is the process by which the public purchaser demonstrates a standard of competency for the benefit of the public. Certification reflects established standards and competencies for those engaged in governmental purchasing and attests to the purchaser’s ability to obtain maximum value for the taxpayer's dollar.

The trend in governmental purchasing is for mandatory certification of procurement professionals. This designation communicates to the taxpayer that the public employee who manages tax dollars has reached a specific level of education and experience and is knowledgeable about government purchasing.

3. In North America, how widely recognized is the UPPCC certification program?

In the United States, many local and state governments formally recognize the CPPO and CPPB designations as meaningful standards for employment and advancement of public procurement personnel. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management's revised standards for the Contracting Officers Warrant Program (COWP) recognizes the CPPO certificate awarded by the UPPCC.

In Canada, the CPPO and CPPB designations are highly regarded by all levels of government, and in some locations have been integrated as prerequisites into their promotion systems.

4. How many professionals hold either a CPPO or CPPB designation?

As of April 2006, the Council has issued 1,415 CPPO certificates and 7,504 CPPB certificates.

5. Is the UPPCC program recognized internationally?

Yes. In addition to the traditional strongholds of the public purchasing certification program in the United States and Canada, practicing professionals in Bermuda, India, Nigeria and Sierra Leone also hold CPPB credentials. In Ireland, the CPPB designation has become the standard-bearer for public sector procurement professionals. The Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management currently administers the CPPB program in Ireland.

The International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM) have accredited the UPPCC certification programs. The IFPSM is composed of 42 national member associations spread over six continents representing more than 200,000 purchasing and materials management professionals.

6. How does the UPPCC ensure that its program remains relevant to the needs of the public procurement professional?

The current program maintains the spirit and intent of the original program, but seeks to address certification requirements for the public professional in the 21st century.

In 1997, the UPPCC and the NIGP co-commissioned a comprehensive job analysis of the knowledge and skill sets required by the public procurement official in order to remain successful in the workplace. This profile has been utilized by NIGP to realign its educational curriculum. As a result, NIGP continually reviews its textbooks. The UPPCC will be conducting a new analysis in 2006.

The UPPCC and its Board of Examiners (BOE) utilizes the job profile to re-structure the certification examinations in order to ensure that the exam questions accurately reflect the body of knowledge required by the profession. Since the certification examination reflects the broad range of tasks important to the public purchasing profession, the exam may reflect subject matters that are not familiar to every candidate. Candidates are strongly encouraged to review the topic areas of the examination outline (examination blueprint) and enroll in appropriate coursework in preparation for the certification examination.

In lieu of the current trend toward state certifications, how valuable are the CPPB and CPPO certifications?

The trend has been for state governments to develop internal training and professional certification designations in order to enhance the professionalism of their purchasing staff. While the Council applauds this effort to promote professionalism, the Council has also encouraged State governments to adopt a blended certification program that embraces the existing professional certifications and training programs with augmentations of specialized training on the unique procurement requirements contained in the individual state codes and statutes. In this way, the State government can adopt a quality educational program, such as the curriculum offered by NIGP, and a credible certification program like the CPPO and CPPB designations rather than building a unique program at considerable costs. Additionally, the use of a universal designation provides greater versatility and transferability to the certificate holder.

State agencies that are interested in developing a blended certification program should contact the UPPCC Certification Manager regarding these opportunities.



9. Who owns the certification program?

The certification program is owned and governed by the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC or Council). While the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) and the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) elect representatives to serve on the Council, the program is governed exclusively by the Council. It is neither NIGP’s nor NASPO’s certification program; nor do their respective Boards of Directors have the authority to effect policy issues for the CPPO and CPPB professional certifications.

10. What is the scope of authority of the Council?

The Council determines all policy and governance issues related to the program including eligibility requirements, fee structures, re-certification requirements, examination structure, budget and administrative issues, and the appointment of the Board of Examiners.

11. Who is the Board of Examiners?

The Board of Examiners is comprised of elected representatives from NIGP and NASPO who are approved by the Council. The BOE also consists of non-voting advisors from the academic community as well a Canadian stakeholder who assists the Board in developing exams, which are culturally sensitive to the North American and international communities. The Board of Examiners (BOE) function is to continually develop and revise the CPPO and CPPB certification examinations subject to the approval of the Council.

12. Who administers the certification program?

The UPPCC contracts with NIGP to support the daily administration of the program. This includes professional staff, office space, and other infrastructures needed to manage an international program.

The professional staff is responsible for verifying candidate eligibility, administering exams, issuing certifications, issuing re-certification notices, processing financial transactions, managing a central database of candidates and certificate holders, and maintaining a physical record-keeping system. This professional staff includes individuals who work exclusively for the Council as well as NIGP employees who support the program in addition to their NIGP responsibilities.



13. How are the UPPCC requirements different from other professional certification programs – particularly those programs relevant to procurement?

The UPPCC programs are designed specifically for the public procurement professionals. Only those individuals who have public purchasing experience are eligible. The programs include three essential components for eligibility:

□ Work experience

□ Coursework in procurement; as defined in this Handbook

□ Formal education

Unlike most purchasing-related certification programs, the Council requires substantial work experience in purchasing including some years of public purchasing experience. This work experience must be complemented by formal training courses specifically in procurement as well as formal education; with some college work preferred for a CPPB designation and a college degree required for CPPO candidates who do not hold a CPPB designation.

The requirements for work experience and formal coursework are dependent upon the amount of formal college education achieved by the candidate at the time of application. For example, a four-year or advanced college degree will reduce the coursework and experience requirements.

14. Are there different levels of qualification based on the three essential components?

Yes. To determine the appropriate combination of requisites for each designation, the Council established a series of eligibility schedules. The Council reserves the right to modify these schedules periodically in order to reflect the changing requirements of the profession. It is essential that all certification candidates determine which eligibility schedule apply to their particular circumstance; as this affects the ability of the candidate to qualify for certification.

CPPB Eligibility Schedules

|Schedule A |High School Diploma or GED |

| |96 contact hours in purchasing seminars/courses* |

| |5 years total purchasing experience which must |

| |include 3 years of public purchasing experience |

|Schedule B |Associates degree |

| |96 contact hours in purchasing seminars/courses* |

| |4 years total purchasing experience which must |

| |include 3 years of public purchasing experience |

|Schedule C |Bachelors degree |

| |48 contact hours in purchasing seminars/courses* |

| |2 years of public purchasing experience |

|Schedule D |Advanced degree (Masters or Ph.D.) |

| |24 contact hours in purchasing seminars/courses* |

| |2 years of public purchasing experience |

* College/university level coursework may be applied to meeting the coursework requirement. See question 45 of this Handbook for more information on this topic.

CPPO Eligibility Schedules

|Schedule A |Holder of CPPB Designation |

| |144 contact hours in purchasing seminars/courses* |

| |8 years total purchasing experience: 6 years of |

| |public purchasing experience, of which 3 are in a |

| |public purchasing management function |

|Schedule B |Bachelors degree |

| |48 contact hours in purchasing seminars/courses* |

| |3 years total purchasing experience: 2 years of |

| |public purchasing experience, of which 2 are in a |

| |public purchasing management function |

|Schedule C |Advanced degree (Masters or Ph.D.) |

| |24 contact hours in purchasing seminars/courses* |

| |3 years total purchasing experience: 2 years of |

| |public purchasing experience, of which 2 are in a |

| |public purchasing management function |

* College/university level coursework may be applied to meeting the coursework requirement. See question 45 of this Handbook for more information on this topic.


15. How is “Purchasing Experience” defined for eligibility purposes?

Purchasing Experience is defined as the length of time employed in a position where the candidate has the responsibility to perform functions within the purchasing cycle. (Purchasing functions for buyer and manager are defined in subsequent questions. The purchasing cycle is defined as the sequence of activities carried out by a purchasing department in the acquisition and disposition of supplies and services. In addition, if the delegation of purchasing activities has been transferred from the centralized purchasing department to outlying locations with responsibilities similar or equal to those performed within a centralized purchasing function, these delegated authorities will qualify as meeting the purchasing experience requisites.

Only those positions where the purchasing functions performed constitute 50% or more of the total job responsibilities are considered applicable positions for the purpose of qualifying for UPPCC certifications. The only exception to this rule is when there are instances where the candidate is the only employee responsible for purchasing for the government entity. In such cases, the experience is applicable regardless of the amount of time dedicated to the purchasing function.

16. How is “Public Purchasing Experience” defined for eligibility purposes?

Public Purchasing Experience shall include full time employment with a public entity to include states and provinces, counties, municipalities, educational enterprises, authorities such as parks, water and utilities, military, and federal governments. Candidates employed by the private sector and assigned to the public sector on a full-time basis shall be considered as public purchasing experience for the time assigned to the public sector.

Only those positions where the public purchasing functions performed constitute 50% or more of the total job responsibilities are considered applicable positions for the purpose of qualifying for UPPCC certifications. The only exception to this rule is when there are instances where the candidate is the only employee responsible for purchasing for the government entity. In such cases, the experience is applicable regardless of the amount of time dedicated to the public purchasing function.

17. How is the “Purchasing Buyer Function” defined for CPPB eligibility purposes?

The Purchasing Buyer Function involves the process of determining the customer requirements, reviewing specifications or requirements, developing and issuing bids, evaluating offers and selecting the vendor, arriving at fair and reasonable price and terms, preparing the contract or purchase order, vendor relations, following up to ensure timely delivery, and contract administration provisions.

Personnel involved in one or more facets of the purchasing cycle shall also be eligible: managers of contracts; warehouse personnel including storekeepers, stocking personnel, and property accountability personnel; contract oversight personnel such as engineers; and MBE/WBE outreach personnel.

Additionally, training personnel who teach purchasing related courses are also eligible.

Finally, delegated purchasing authority personnel who are responsible for purchasing for their own agency are eligible provided that their job description meets the definition for purchasing experience.

18. What job functions do not qualify under the purchasing buyer function even though they may be auxiliary to the purchasing process?

The following activities do not meet the purchasing function definition:

□ Budget accountability

□ Financial management and accountability including budget allocation and verification and payment of purchase orders

□ Expediting activities

□ Administrative, secretarial, office management, and clerical activities

□ Data input positions involved within the purchasing cycle but not directly with purchasing

19. How is the “Public Purchasing Manager Function” defined for CPPO eligibility purposes?

Public Purchasing Manager functions must include responsibility for overall purchasing/material management activities in a specific governmental entity to include the supervision of purchasing personnel and/or the display of executive abilities involving economic/financial, technical, statistical, legal and administrative attributes.

Management positions may be totally dedicated to the purchasing function, or shared with other responsibilities. The percentage of time managing the purchasing function must be 50% or more of the candidates total job responsibility unless the candidate has total responsibility for purchasing in their entity.

Examples of purchasing management-related functions include:

□ Management of contracts either within a centralized purchasing function or in a decentralized function.

□ Management of user requirements, without direct supervision of purchasing personnel, such as buyers.

□ Management of warehouse, inventory or stores function.

□ Management of training program, which includes purchasing within the curriculum.

□ Management of contracts, overseeing contracts to benefit using agencies, diversity outreach programs, purchasing training programs, and budget oversight of contracts.

20. How is “supervising purchasing personnel” defined for CPPO eligibility purposes?

Supervision shall include the direct supervision of one or more individuals who are defined as purchasing personnel.

Purchasing Personnel shall include buyers, buyer’s assistants, diversity representatives, property auditors, purchasing auditors, engineers participating in the purchasing cycle, and users who are responsible for contract administration. Supervision of clerical/secretarial personnel and other non-buying personnel within the purchasing function does not satisfy the eligibility criteria.

21. If the purchasing manager manages a one-person office, does this qualify under the CPPO eligibility criteria?

Yes, a candidate who is solely responsible for the management and supervision of the purchasing function for the entire public entity is eligible for CPPO designation.

22. Can a candidate who held a purchasing position with a private firm apply this experience to the eligibility requisites of the UPPCC?

Yes, private sector purchasing experience counts towards the total number of years to meet the experience requirement. An Official Position Description must be provided for any and all purchasing/buyer positions that the candidate wishes to be considered towards meeting the purchasing experience requirement.

23. If a candidate is not currently employed within the purchasing function of the public sector, is he/she eligible to apply for UPPCC certification?

Yes. However, an individual must meet the requirement for public purchasing experience within the candidate’s selected schedule.

24. If a candidate has worked in public procurement on a part-time basis, can this experience be pro-rated to qualify for work experience eligibility?

No, the UPPCC does not pro-rate experience and a candidate must hold or have held full time positions in purchasing to meet the experience requirement.

25. If a candidate does not currently possess the minimum years of work experience or the minimum educational contact hours required for the applicable eligibility schedule, can the candidate still take the examination?

Yes, a candidate can take the certification examination under a delayed eligibility status if the minimum work experience requirement or educational hours requirement have not been fulfilled. However, the designation will not be conferred on the candidate until all requirements are fulfilled.

If successful on the examination the educational requirements must be achieved within twelve months of the exam date. If the educational hours are not completed within the twelve (12) month period described, the application will expire. If the application expires, a new application with appropriate fees must be submitted for consideration.

This delayed eligibility decision is based on documentation submitted at the time of application. Educational progress is expected. However, the experience factor is final as of the date of the application. If the candidate notes a discrepancy, it must be brought to the attention of the UPPCC in the form of a written appeal within thirty (30) days of notification of the delayed eligibility decision. If discrepancies regarding experience are not noted within this time frame the initial decision will stand as final. Subsequent appeals will not be permitted or considered.

15. What courses satisfy the formal coursework requirements?

The following is a listing of college/university courses that have been approved to fulfill the purchasing coursework requirements:

□ Accounting (General accounting, cost accounting, managerial accounting)

□ Contracts (Contract administration, negotiations and/or management, cost/price analysis)

□ Economics (Managerial, macro, micro)

□ Ethics (Business or professional ethics)

□ Finance (Business or governmental)

□ Law (Business law, contract law, government contract law, legal environment of business management (Organizational theory and behavior, public administration, project management)

□ Personnel (Personnel management, performance appraisal, employee development)

□ Purchasing and Materials Management (purchasing, materials, inventory control)

□ Transportation (Physical distribution, traffic management, logistics)

25. If, after reading this Handbook, a candidate is still unsure whether he/she is eligible for certification, what assistance is available?

The UPPCC certification team is available to address any questions related to the certification program. The certification team may be contacted at (703) 736-8900 x236 or by email at certification@. The certification team will offer assistance, but will not pre-qualify applicants. Each applicant must submit a completed application and applicable fees for consideration for UPPCC certifications.



General Information

26. What are the essential components of the application?

The major intent of the application is to demonstrate that candidates have fulfilled the three major eligibility requirements:

□ Work Experience as documented in official position descriptions

□ Formal Education as documented through official college transcripts

□ Formal Coursework as documented through certificates of training or other proof of attendance

27. How does a candidate obtain an application for certification?

Certification applications are available on the UPPCC web site, or by contacting the UPPCC Certification Office. Candidates can either call (703) 736-8900 x236 or email certification@ to request an application and related materials.

28. What are the fees for certification?

Certification fees are outlined in Section K of the application form.

The payment method must be indicated on the application. The UPPCC accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express, Check, Purchase Order or Money Order. All fees are quoted in US Dollars. Checks must be made payable to the UPPCC. Payment must be included with the complete application at the time the application is submitted. Processing will be delayed for any applications submitted without payment or proper documentation.

29. Does the VA Administration reimburse certification fees under the G.I. Bill?

Yes, the UPPCC certification program is fully approved for reimbursement by the United States Department of Veterans Services. Details for filing can be found at gibill. under the Education Benefit Programs Section.

30. If the candidate already possesses CPPB credentials, does all of the documentation need to be re-sent for a CPPO application?

No. The only documentation required is that which demonstrates that the candidate meets the additional eligibility criteria required for the CPPO designation.

33. Can I utilize my C.P.M. towards attaining the CPPB?

Yes, the UPPCC is offering a bridge opportunity for current C.P.M.s. Bridge examinations are offered from August 1, 2006 through December 31, 2008. Individuals wishing to achieve the CPPB designation must hold a valid and current C. P. M. Designation. The candidate will be required to complete the UPPCC application in its entirety, including proof of position responsibilities, years of experience, employment history and public purchasing experience. Applicable application fees and documentation are required. Each applicant must meet the current experience and education criteria in order to qualify. Successful applicants will take a 50 multiple-choice question bridge examination addressing public sector specific concepts of the procurement profession.

34. Can I utilize my C.P.M. towards attaining the CPPO?

Yes, the UPPCC is offering a bridge opportunity for current C.P.M.s. Bridge examinations are offered from August 1, 2006 through December 31, 2008. Individuals wishing to achieve the CPPO designation must hold a valid and current C. P. M. Designation. The candidate will be required to complete the UPPCC application in its entirety, including proof of position responsibilities, years of experience, employment history and public purchasing experience. Applicable application fees and documentation will be required. Each applicant must meet the current experience and education criteria in order to qualify. Successful applicants will be exempt from taking the written examination. However, the individual wishing to achieve the CPPO designation will be required to take an oral examination conducted by a panel of CPPOs and evaluated under the same criteria as others who have tested before them.

35. If I am interested in applying for the UPPCC designations through the C.P.M. bridge, do I need to complete a different application form?

No, all applicants use the same application form to apply. The applicant indicates the type of application they are submitting in Section A of the application form. Bridge applicants should check off the appropriate type of application in this section.

15. Does the UPPCC accommodate candidates with special needs?

Yes, the Council practices a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, political or religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family relationship, or disability by or within the organization.

The UPPCC is also in compliance with the American Disability Act (ADA). Candidates who require special accommodations due to physical limitations including hearing or visual impairments should contact the Certification Coordinator at (703) 736-8900 x236 for appropriate procedures.

36. Is a candidate’s application confidential?

Yes, it is the policy of the UPPCC to maintain all candidate information in confidential files. Information submitted by candidates is for Council and staff review only for purposes of determining eligibility and for maintaining historical records. All database records are permanently archived by the UPPCC.

37. Can a candidate’s supervisor or other individual gain access to a candidate’s file?

No, the UPPCC will not release any information during the application and testing process to anyone unless the Permission for Release of Confidential Information form has been signed by the candidate and is on file with the UPPCC. However, once the designation is conferred the status of the individuals’ certification is available as a public record.

38. Is an application valid until such time as the candidate successfully completes all eligibility and examination requirements and obtains the applicable designation?

No, all CPPB and CPPO applications remain in active status for a period of two years. During that time candidates must complete and pass all testing requirements. If testing is not completed within the two year period, the application and all supplemental documentation are destroyed. The applicant must then submit a new application with appropriate fees and demonstrate that she/he meets all of the eligibility requirements stipulated at the time the new application is submitted. Applications for candidates in delayed eligibility status who have passed the exam and have met the educational requirements will remain active until the eligibility date is met.

C.P.M. Bridge applicants please note: The bridge opportunity is a temporary opportunity for C.P.M. holders. The bridge examinations will be offered beginning August 1, 2006 and will conclude on December 31, 2008. To allow adequate time to review an application and to schedule an examination, applications for the C.P.M. bridge will not be accepted after September 30, 2008. Regardless of the application submission date, all testing must be successfully completed prior to December 31, 2008. If testing is not successfully completed by that time, the bridge application on file will automatically convert to a regular CPPB or CPPO application for the remaining portion of the two (2) year life span of the application.

39. Will the UPPCC consider any extension of the application period?

Yes, under extreme circumstances such as medical emergencies, the UPPCC will consider extending the application period beyond two years. Requests for extensions must be submitted in writing/email to the Certification Manager and must include a detailed reason for the request and a recommended revised expiration date. The Certification Manager will review these requests on a case-by-case basis and will notify the candidate of a determination in writing.

There will be no extensions granted for C.P.M. bridge applications beyond December 31, 2008.


Documenting Work Experience

40. What is an Official Position Description?

Position descriptions are used to set the "generic" description of the types of duties performed by positions in specific classes of work. An Official Position Description includes a class title; a definition of the kind of work performed in that class; distinguishing characteristics of the class; illustrative duties; knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform the work; employment standards for incumbents of positions in that class; required licenses and certificates; and necessary special requirements (if any) which must be met. The UPPCC uses the Official Position Description to determine whether the certification candidate performs the essential functions of a purchasing buyer or manager; particularly in those cases where the official title of the position does not accurately reflect the work that is performed.

All information and documentation must be provided in English and there are no exceptions to this rule. If the documentation is not available in English, the candidate must provide a notarized translation into the English language to supplement the original.

41. What should the candidate do if an Official Position Description is not available?

Alternate personnel documents issued by the Human Resources Department of the governmental entity or business may be accepted as a variation of the Official Position Description. At a minimum, this documentation must be on government or business letterhead and authenticated by the Human Resources Director to the extent possible.

Under no circumstances are resumes acceptable as an alternate form for documenting work experience.

42. How can a candidate claim work experience from a governmental unit or private company that is no longer in existence?

As a rule, corporations must keep personnel records for a number of years. The state archivist should be able to provide candidates with the statute of retention and where to apply for past records.

In addition, the candidate has hopefully maintained private records of past official position descriptions, performance evaluations or other documentation that can be used to document past experience with defunct organizations.


Documenting Formal Education

43. If a candidate is applying under an eligibility schedule that includes a college degree, what documentation must be submitted?

An official transcript from the college or university is required, and must be sent directly to the UPPCC. The UPPCC will not accept a student copy of the transcript; nor will it accept a copy of the college diploma.

All information and documentation must be provided in English and there are no exceptions to this rule. If the documentation is not available in English, the candidate must provide a notarized translation into the English language to supplement the original.


Documenting Coursework

44. What documentation must be submitted by the candidate in conjunction with the purchasing coursework requirements?

A copy of a Certificate of Attendance, Participation, or Completion is the best form of documentation.

All information and documentation must be provided in English and there are no exceptions to this rule. If the documentation is not available in English, the candidate must provide a notarized translation into the English language to supplement the original.

45. How are contact hours for seminars calculated for purposes of meeting the eligibility requirements?

Each full day of classroom training is calculated as eight contact hours. Pro-rated hours for less than a full day of training are acceptable.

46. How are contact hours computed for coursework at the formal education level?

There are a variety of college/university level courses that are applicable to meeting the coursework requirement (please see question 26 of this Handbook for a complete list of courses). Since the coursework requirement is measured in contact hours, the candidate must perform a simple calculation to translate college credit hours into contact hours. The calculation is provided below:

Total Number of

Credit Hours X 8 = contact hours

For Course

In order to receive credit for coursework at the formal education level, the candidate must provide the UPPCC with documentation. Official college transcripts MUST be mailed directly to the UPPCC from the institution of higher learning to ensure authenticity. The candidate must have completed the course and received a passing mark in order to receive credit.

47. If a candidate attended a seminar in conjunction with a national, regional or chapter conference, will this experience apply to the requirement for formal coursework?

Yes. Seminar attendance must be validated with documentation of date and subject matter.

48. If a candidate attends the NIGP Annual Forum, the NASPO Annual Conference or a chapter or regional conference, will this experience apply towards the educational requirements for formal coursework when applying for certification?

Yes, with attendance documentation. Full attendance at a NIGP Forum earns 24 contact hours. Partial attendance will be pro-rated. Documented attendance at a NASPO conference or other national purchasing conferences and all regional and chapter conferences earns 16 contact hours for full attendance and pro-rated contact hours for partial attendance.

49. Does an educational hour include chapter business meetings, luncheons, vendor presentations, banquets, or entertainment events?

No. The UPPCC does not consider these activities to be educational in content.

50. Does the UPPCC recognize education and professional development courses sponsored by organizations or associations other than NIGP and NASPO?

Yes. The UPPCC shares an alliance with NIGP, NASPO, CAPPO, FAPPO, IFPSM, ISM, NAEP, NCMA and PMAC as collegial associations serving the procurement community.



Application Submittal Process

51. How does a candidate submit an application?

Certification applications with supporting documentation may be submitted via facsimile, email or mailed to the appropriate UPPCC address listed on the payment page of the application. College transcripts required of an applicant MUST be mailed directly to the UPPCC from the institution of higher learning to ensure the authenticity of the transcript. The verifying documentation and applicable fee must accompany all applications. Processing will be delayed for all applications submitted without payment or documentation.

Have transcript sent to:


Attn: Application Department

151 Spring Street

Herndon VA 20170

52. What happens if a candidate fails to submit all of the required documentation?

The UPPCC will notify the candidate that additional information is required. Missing information will not be researched by the UPPCC. An incomplete application will be placed in a pending status until the candidate provides the missing documentation. An application in “pending status” does not extend the two-year active life of the application.

53. How long does it take to receive notification on eligibility?

All applications require a minimum of four to six weeks for processing and review to determine candidate eligibility to sit for the certification examination.

All candidates will be notified in writing that their application has either been approved or requires additional information. Candidates will not be able to schedule an examination date until such time as they have been notified of eligibility approval.


The Appeals Process

54. If a candidate disagrees with the decision of the Council, what recourse is available?

All certification candidates have the right to appeal the decision made on their certification eligibility. The First Appeal should be sent to the UPPCC Certification Manager.

Letters of Appeal to the Certification Manager must be in writing and postmarked within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the final denial decision letter. The Letter of Appeal must contain the following information:

□ The applicant’s name, address, telephone number

□ A clear statement of the reason for appeal

□ Supporting exhibits, evidence, new documentation, if any, in support of appeal

Upon receipt, the UPPCC Certification Manager will review the appeal and render a written decision. Applicants should allow thirty (30) calendar days for appeal decisions.

55. If the first appeal is not satisfactory, is there a second level of appeal?

Yes, the second and final level of appeal is to the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council.

Letters of Appeal to the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council must be in writing and postmarked within fifteen (15) days following the decision of the Certification Manager. The Letter of Appeal must contain the following information:

□ The applicant’s name, address, telephone number

□ A copy of the first appeal decision of the Certification Manager and all supporting documentation provided by the applicant

□ The factual basis for the appeal specifying any NEW information not considered in previous decisions

The Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council will render a decision within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the Letter of Appeal. The decision of the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council is final.

56. What address should be used to submit an appeal?

All appeals should be addressed to the appropriate person or body at the following address:

Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC)

Attn: Certification Appeals

151 Spring Street

Herndon, VA 20170



57. What are the testing requirements?

A written examination is required to obtain the CPPB certification. A written and oral examination is required for the CPPO certification. If the applicant is a C.P.M. applying for UPPCC designations under the bridge opportunity, there is an abbreviated written examination required to obtain the CPPB and an oral examination (no written examination) required to obtain the CPPO. Examinations may be scheduled only after the candidate has received written confirmation of approval of his/her application.

58. Are there specific dates when exams can be scheduled?

Yes, all written examinations are administered on the 2nd Monday, 3rd Friday or 3rd Saturday of each month.

59. How does the candidate schedule an exam?

Candidates will receive a Request for Certification Examination form at the time written notification of eligibility is received.

The candidate can make arrangements for testing in one of two ways:

Option 1: Individual administration. Proctors can be engaged from a college or university located in the general area of the candidate, or an official in the Personnel or Human Resources department whose duties include proctoring examinations. Examination material is forwarded directly to the designated proctor, who then administers the examination and returns the examination materials to the Certification Coordinator. The written examination may be conducted at a time and location convenient for both the candidate and the proctor on the second Monday, third Friday or third Saturday of any month. If the candidate has difficulty in establishing a proctor, they may contact the Certification Department at (703) 736-8900 extension 236 for assistance.

Option 2: Group administration. Contact an NIGP local chapter accessible to the candidate in order to participate in a group examination. The Chapter selects the proctor, the location, and the test date. For a listing of NIGP Chapters as well as contact information, please visit the NIGP Web site, .

60. How do I cancel a scheduled exam?

A cancellation request must be submitted in writing; via email or fax and sent to the UPPCC, attention Certification Coordinator indicating the date of the exam and the reason for the cancellation. Cancellations received within ten calendar days prior to the scheduled examination date will incur a cancellation fee of $50.00 within the US or $100.00 outside the US.


Preparing for the Examination

61. How should a candidate prepare for the examination?

Candidates should review the categories of the specific written test to ascertain their strong and weak points and select coursework where they feel is applicable.

Likewise, this same self-assessment concept applies to those C.P.M.s preparing for the bridge examinations as a preparation strategy. The UPPCC, through the C.P.M. bridge recognizes a C.P.M.s previous testing experience through ISM and applies concepts important to public sector practice to compose the bridge examination. Therefore, bridge candidates will need to focus on public sector concepts, rules, regulations, etc. during the self-assessment process and subsequent preparation activities.

The examination is based on a broad body of knowledge in the field of public procurement. Authoritative literature which addresses this knowledge is available from a variety of sources.

Suggested study materials for the CPPB and CPPO

• Introduction to Public Procurement - Khi V. Thai, Ph.D., 2004, NIGP, ISBN 1-932315-00-4

• Legal Aspects of Public Procurement - Kirk W. Buffington, C.P.M. & Michael Flynn, Esq., 2004, NIGP, ISBN 1-932315-01-2

• Planning, Scheduling and Requirement Analysis - Connie Hinson, CPPO, CPPB & Clifford P. McCue, Ph.D., 2004, NIGP, ISBN 1-932315-02-0

• Sourcing in the Public Sector - Ken S. Babich, BCom., CPPO & Carole Pettijohn, Ph.D., 2004, NIGP, ISBN 1-932315-03-9

• Developing and Managing RFP's in the Public Sector -  Khi V. Thai, Ph.D., 2004, NIGP, ISBN 1-932315-04-7

• Contract Administration - William D. Davison, CPPO & Elisabeth Wright, Ph.D., CPCM, 2004, NIGP, ISBN 1-932315-05-5

• CPPB Review Guide - William E. Hertwig, Jr., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., A.P.P., 2004, NIGP

Additional Study Material for the CPPO

• Fundamentals of Leadership and Management in Public Procurement - Clifford McCue, Ph.D. and Jack T. Pitzer, Ph.D., CPPO, C.P.M., 2005, NIGP, ISBN 1-932315-06-3

• CPPO Review Guide - William E. Hertwig, Jr., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., A.P.P., 2004, NIGP

NIGP publications are available through the NIGP Bookshelf and can be ordered on-line at member_services/ShopCart.htm. Finally, both CPPO and CPPB candidates may benefit from participating in a certification review program sponsored either by a NIGP Chapter or a program available as a NIGP seminar. These reviews should serve as the final step in preparing for the exam and should supplement other preparatory activities. Review programs are not designed to stand alone or replace other preparatory activities.

62. How are the examinations administered?

The written examinations are administered by a proctor approved by the Certification Manager. The proctor must have experience in administering written examinations. Under no circumstances can the proctor have a personal or professional/supervisory relationship with any of the testing candidates. Further, under no circumstances can the proctor be certified as a CPPO or CPPB.

63. What is the structure of the Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) exam?

The Certified Professional Public Buyer exam is a 240 multiple choice pencil/paper examination.

The 240 questions are aligned with the results of the job analysis study of the public procurement profession. The study was commissioned by NIGP and the UPPCC in 1997 and completed in 1999. The UPPCC will be conducting a new job analysis study in 2006.

Candidates will be given 4 hours to complete the exam and a 15-minute break at the 2-hour mark. Candidates will answer the first 120 questions; followed by a break. After the break, the candidates will answer the remaining questions.

The written CPPB bridge examination consists of fifty (50) multiple-choice questions. Candidates are allotted sixty (60) minutes of testing time in which to complete with no scheduled breaks.

The CPPB examination reflects 9 domain areas:

□ Administrative Aspects of Purchasing

□ Procurent Requests

□ Solicitation And Evaluation of Bids/Proposals

□ Supplier Analysis

□ Negotiation Process

□ Contract Award and Administration

□ External/Internal Relationships

□ Material Flow

□ Inventory Management

□ Miscellaneous

64. What is the structure of the Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO) written exam?

The written exam is a 240 multiple choice, pencil/paper examination.

The 240 questions are aligned with the results of the job analysis study of the public procurement profession. The study was commissioned by NIGP and the UPPCC in 1997. Note that approximately 30% of the CPPO exam includes buyer-related issues as the job profile concluded. Buyer-related issues will be incorporated in the written examination only.

C.P.M.s applying under the CPPO bridge are exempt from taking the written examination. The bridging concept recognizes previous successful testing through the individual’s C.P.M. experience and desires only to test that individual on public sector knowledge and application.

The CPPO written examination reflects 9 objective categories aligned to the job profile as follows:

□ Administrative Aspects of Purchasing Department

□ Personnel Issues

□ Forecasting and Strategies

□ Negotiation Process

□ Contract Award and Administration

□ Supplier Analysis

□ External/Internal Relations

□ Solicitation and Evaluation of Bids

□ Procurement Requests

Candidates will be given 4 hours to complete the exam and a 15-minute break at the 2-hour mark. Candidates will answer the first 120 questions; followed by a break. After the break, the candidates will answer the remaining questions.

65. What is the structure of the Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO) oral examination?

The oral examinations are administered by a three member panel of active CPPOs. Thirty-Three (33) questions will be asked of the candidate.

The panel will assess the candidate’s understanding and application of professional purchasing and materials management; the candidate’s experience in governmental or other public organizational structures; the candidate’s ability to communicate with peers, subordinates, and superiors, and the candidate’s ability to recognize and respond to both typical and atypical problems and situations.

The C.P.M. bridge examination to CPPO reflects the same format. Bridge candidates are allotted ninety (90) minutes of testing time in which to respond to thirty-three (33) questions.

The candidate does not make arrangements for the oral examination panel. UPPCC staff schedules and coordinates all oral examinations.

66. Does the UPPCC notify my supervisor if I earn the CPPO or CPPB designation?

Yes, but only upon request. When you take the examination you are provided an opportunity to advise the UPPCC if you want an agency representative notified of your success. In addition, the UPPCC provides you with a press release to promote your accomplishment in a local chapter newsletter or newspaper and posts your achievement on the UPPCC website.

67. What is the minimum score required to pass the CPPB and CPPO examinations?

Raw scores (number of correct responses) are reported as percentages. A minimum score of 70% is required to pass any examination offered by the UPPCC. Scores are neither rounded up or down.

68. How are examination scores reported to candidates?

Candidates for the written examinations should expect to receive notification of the results by letter from the UPPCC to the candidate’s home address within twenty-one (21) calendar days following the exam administration.

Successful candidates for the written CPPO and CPPB examinations will receive an indication by letter that they passed the examination, no numeric scores are reported. However, unsuccessful candidates for the written CPPO and CPPB examinations will receive an indication by letter that they were not successful on the examination, their individual numeric score as well as a diagnostic report of their individual performance by topic area of the examination. This information is designed to assist candidates in preparation for future testing attempts.

Successful candidates for the oral examination will receive an indication by letter that they passed the examination, no numeric scores are reported. However, unsuccessful candidates for the oral examination will receive an indication by letter that they were not successful and will include their numeric score. No additional information is provided.

69. Can my supervisor or other individuals obtain a copy of my examination results?

No, the UPPCC only releases testing and scoring information to the candidate. A “Permission for Release of Confidential Information” form must be signed by the candidate in order to for any information to be released to a third party.

70. If a candidate fails the examination, is there a fee for re-examination?

Yes, there is a fee required for a candidate to re-test. This fee is the same for each attempt. The fee schedule is located within the UPPCC Certification Application.

Full payment must be included with the Request for Certification Re-Examination form. This form must be received a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days prior to the requested examination date. Forms received without full payment will not be processed and will be returned to the candidate.

71. If a candidate fails the examination, is there a waiting period before the exam can be taken again?

Yes, candidates must wait a minimum of three (3) months from the time of the last testing prior to subsequent testing.

72. How does a candidate schedule a re-examination if he or she is unsuccessful?

The candidate must submit a Request for Re-Examination form to the UPPCC. This form is available by request or on-line at .

73. If a certification certificate has been misplaced or destroyed, how does one obtain a replacement?

A written request for replacement can be made to the UPPCC. Replacement certificates cost $20.00 (USD). Requests can be made via email at certification@.



74. Does the UPPCC certification program include a re-certification component for all designees?

Yes, please refer to the UPPCC Handbook for Professional Recertification in Public Procurement.

A copy of the Recertification Application and Handbook can be obtained by contacting the UPPCC staff at (703) 736-8900 x236, emailing certification@ or on the web at . A certificate is valid for a period of five (5) years.



75. My certification has lapsed. Can it be re-instated?

Within one (1) year of the expiration date of the certification:

CPPB candidates must earn twelve (12) points for re-certification within two (2) of the three (3) categories and CPPO candidates must earn eighteen (18) points for CPPO recertification within two (2) of the three (3) categories. Additional points must be earned between the expiration of the current certification period and the date that the lapsed application is submitted. The candidate must submit a Recertification Application with appropriate payment and documentation.

Within one (1) to five (5) years of the expiration date: Candidates will be required to take the complete set of the applicable CPPB or CPPO examinations and pay appropriate examination fees. While the candidate is not required to re-apply for certification, the candidate must complete a Request for Certification Re-Examination form with appropriate payment at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the examination date. A new certification number and new valid certification dates will be issued upon successful completion of the examination.

After five (5) years of the expiration date of the certification:

Candidates will be required to re-apply and pay appropriate fees for certification and take the complete set of the applicable CPPB or CPPO examinations.

76. Can someone continue to use the CPPO or CPPB after it has expired?

No, the continued use of the CPPO or CPPB designation, after it has expired is misrepresentation and may carry legal implications of such action. Blacks Law defines misrepresentation as: "Any manifestation by words or other conduct by one person to another that, under the circumstance amounts to an assertion not in accordance with the facts.

Upon receiving information that an individual is continuing to use the designation of CPPO or CPPB after expiration, the UPPCC will notify the individual by certified mail of the violation, and request the individual to immediately cease its use. The procedures to follow for lapsed certification will be outlined to the individual with a suggestion to select an option. The individual is responsible for correcting the situation. The UPPCC retains the legal right to advise any inquirer of the status of a certificate holder as a matter of public records.



77. Under what conditions can a CPPB or CPPO holder apply for lifetime certification?

Holders of the CPPB or CPPO certificate who have retired after fifteen (15) or more years of purchasing experience may apply for Lifetime Recertification at retirement or age sixty-two (62). Lifetime Recertification candidates are not required to document the points earned on the Activity Point Schedule.

78. How does a CPPB or CPPO holder apply for lifetime certification?

The holder submits the Recertification Application and indicates that the application is for Lifetime certification. The candidate must submit documentation that supports the following:

Official retirement; and

Fifteen years service in public sector procurement; or

62 years of age.



79. Can a certification be revoked?

Yes, the Board of Examiners may revoke a CPPO or CPPB Certificate for demonstrated violations of the UPPCC Code of Ethics.

A petition signed by at least five (5) current CPPOs must be presented to the UPPCC Board of Examiners (BOE) recommending revocation of the CPPO or CPPB designation of the individual in question. The petition must fully document its allegations of violations of the UPPCC Code of Ethics.

After full review of the facts and after the accused has had the opportunity to present any arguments on his/her behalf, a decision to revoke certification may be made by the Board of Examiners. Any ruling of the BOE regarding revocation of certification may be appealed to the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council, whose decision will be final.



All applicants for UPPCC certification must subscribe to the following ethical principles.

Breaching this Code of Ethics will be just reason for revocation of UPPCC certification.

➢ I will seek or accept a position of employment only when fully in accord with the professional principles applicable thereto, and when confident of possessing the qualifications to serve under those principles to the advantage of my employer.

➢ I believe in the dignity and worth of the services rendered by my employment and the societal responsibilities assumed as a trusted public servant.

➢ I shall be governed by the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order to merit the respect and inspire the confidence of my employer and the public served.

➢ I believe that personal aggrandizement or personal profit obtained through misuse of public or personal relationships is dishonest and intolerable.

➢ I will identify and eliminate participation of any individual in operational situations where a conflict of interest may be involved.

➢ I believe that individuals that possess UPPCC certification should at no time or under any circumstances accept directly or indirectly, gifts, gratuities or other things of value form suppliers, which might influence or appear to influence purchasing decisions.

➢ I will keep my governmental organization informed, through appropriate channels, on problems and progress of applicable operations by emphasizing the importance of the facts.

➢ I will handle all personnel matters on a merit basis. Politics, religion, ethnicity, gender and age carry no weight in personnel administration in the agency being directed or served.

➢ I shall not seek or dispense personal favors that are in conflict with my profession.

➢ I will handle each administrative problem objectively and empathetically without discrimination.

➢ I subscribe to and support the professional aims and objectives of the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council.





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