Welcome to Pillars of Eternity............................................................1 How To Use This Manual ..................................................................2 System Requirements ......................................................................2 Character Creation ...........................................................................3 Game Interface.................................................................................5 Default Controls..............................................................................12 Combat ..........................................................................................15 Stronghold......................................................................................19 Crafting and Enchanting .................................................................22 Races and Sub-Races....................................................................23 Classes ..........................................................................................29 Special Abilities...............................................................................32 Skills ...............................................................................................44 Dispositions ....................................................................................45 Spells .............................................................................................47 Equipment ......................................................................................64 Tables .............................................................................................69




Obsidian Entertainment invites you to our latest foray into the world of fantasy RPGs. Pillars of Eternity is a spiritual successor to the isometric-style games of the late 90's, such as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment. Pillars of Eternity introduces the new fantasy setting of Eora, the country of Dyrwood, and an as of yet untold story that sheds light on some of the mysteries lurking under the surface of this campaign setting.

Why did we make Pillars of Eternity? It was for more than simple nostalgia. Some of the best told stories have emerged from this "old school" approach to gaming. The techniques of the previous generation were too valuable to leave in our rearview mirror ? from narrative depth to richness of atmosphere, compelling characters, and a style of play customized to the user's chosen experience. What's more, we wanted the opportunity to bring new lessons and evolved skill sets to an art form that was already strong in its heyday. Pillars of Eternity will look and play better than its forbearers, and benefit from the wisdom that made them great.

We also wanted to craft an experience that resonated with seasoned players while inviting those for whom this is their first adventure. Since Pillars of Eternity is partially an echo of well-loved games, many of

its themes and mechanics may seem familiar. However, this game is the first expression of a multiverse yet to be explored. Join us on this first step into

an unpaved frontier.



This manual is intended as an introduction and reference guide. It is not required to successfully complete the game by any stretch of the imagination. Nowhere in its pages will it divulge which treasure chests are trapped or which doors should never be opened. The only way to find that out is to play Pillars of Eternity.

Early sections of the manual offer broad details about the game mechanics, such as the types of choices that might influence character generation. The further you go, the more the details get granular and based around hard data.

Pillars of Eternity offers a variety of options for gamers who wish to tailor their experience of the story. This manual should ultimately serve as a presentation of the tools at the gamers' disposal. How you use them is entirely up to you!


Place the Pillars of Eternity DVD into your DVD-ROM drive. If your computer is AutoPlay enabled, a window will automatically pop up on your Windows desktop. Double click the install icon to install the game to your hard drive. During installation, you will be prompted to insert multiple DVDs to continue installation. Open your DVD-ROM drive, insert the requested DVD, and hit OK to continue installation.


Minimum System Requirements ? Operating system: Windows Vista or greater / Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) /

Ubuntu Linux 12.04 or greater ? Video Card: Model Shader 3 Compatible Video Card, 512 MB or better ? Processor: 2.6 GHz Pentium IV or equivalent AMD Athlon processor ? RAM: 4GB RAM ? Hard Drive: 25 GB Hard Drive Space


Starting Out

The Main Menu presents the available options before starting a game:

1. New Game ? Begin a new game of Pillars of Eternity.

2. Continue ? Load a saved game.

3. Options ? Opens the options menu.

4. Credits ? View the game credits.

5. Exit ? Exit the game.


Once you enter the Character Creation screen, you'll be led through a series of decisions to craft the character you will play on your adventures across Eora.

Gender Selection

You can play as either a male or female character in Pillars of Eternity. Both men and women are found in a wide variety of stations and professions, depending on the culture from which they hail.

Race Selection

Pillars of Eternity has six races to choose from: Aumaua, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Godlike, and Orlans. Once you've selected your race, you can select the subrace for your particular character. Each race has its own set of modifiers that differentiate it from the other races.

Class Selection

You may choose from eleven different classes: Barbarian, Chanter, Cipher, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Ranger, Rogue, and Wizard. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses. For more information on each individual class, see the info pane for the classes on the right hand side of the character creation screen.

Attribute Points

You are granted a pool of points to spend across your attributes where you see fit, to further customize your character. Attributes consist of:

Might ? A character's physical and spiritual strength. Affects Damage with all

attacks, Healing, and the Fortitude defense.

Constitution ? A combination of the character's overall health and stamina.

Affects Endurance, Health, and the Fortitude defense.

Dexterity ? An abstraction of a character's hand-eye coordination, balance,

and overall grace. Affects Action Speed and the Reflexes defense.

Perception ? A character's senses, as well as their instinctive ability to pick up on

details. Affects Accuracy with all attacks, the Range of all non-melee spells and abilities, and the Reflexes defense.

Intellect ? A character's logic and reasoning capabilities as well as their

tactical instincts. Affects the size of all Area of Effects and the Will and Deflection defenses.

Resolve ? A character's inner drive, determination, and the emotional intensity

they can project to others. Affects Concentration (to resist Interrupts), Durations of all spells and abilities, and the Will defense.



Culture Selection and Background

Next, you'll be asked to pick a culture that your character hails from, as well as a general background for your character. This selection will influence how denizens of Eora may react to your character throughout the game. It can also affect your base Attributes present different Background options. Each culture will present different Background options.

Appearance and Name

Next, you'll be able to modify the appearance of your character, as well as select a portrait and voice to represent them throughout the game. Finally, you'll be able to input your name.


Action Bar

The primary toolbar at the bottom of the screen is a constant presence throughout Pillars of Eternity, and the hub of many useful shortcuts.


Left-clicking these buttons perform the various actions listed below: Attack: Mouse cursor enters Attack mode.

Cancel: Cancel movement and other actions.

Select All: Selects all party members. Inventory: Opens the currently selected party

member's inventory. Character: Opens the currently selected party

member's character sheet. Journal: Opens the party's journal.

Party Formation: Opens the party formation options.

Camp: Brings up the Resting screen. Scouting Mode: Toggles Scouting Mode, allowing stealth

and the detection of hidden objects. Area Map: Opens the Area Map. Stronghold: Opens the Stronghold screen, used for

Stronghold management. Options: Opens the Options Menu. Pause and Slow Mode: Inner circle of the button slows the game speed. Outer ring pauses the game.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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