John T Bell Drive MARYLAND NSW 2287


Phone: (02) 4955 9430 Fax: (02) 4955 8945






Welcome to the 2018 school year. Our Stage 1 classes are looking forward to a happy, safe and productive year.

Classes This year Stage 1 students have been placed across 5 classes. Great consideration has been taken to ensure all students have been placed in classes that will provide them with the best possible learning environment.

Staffing 1/2SC 1/2DG 1/2JB 1/2TC K/1AG

Mrs Susan Conn Mrs Deborah Groth Mrs Jody Birleson / Mrs Karlie Brooks Miss Tegan Clunes Ms Alison Gero

Our formal school day commences at 9.00am. Children line up at 8.55am each morning in readiness to move into class. We would appreciate parental assistance to ensure all children arrive at school by 8.55am. This will allow all children to maximise important learning time.

Home Reading All children benefit from regular reading at home and we are fortunate to have a home reading program, which provides our students with a wide variety of levelled books. Students are encouraged to spend approximately ten minutes each night "reading" to a family member.

Home reading should be an enjoyable experience for both parent and child and with this in mind, students do need to borrow books at their own level, which will be determined by the class teacher.

All students will need to provide an A4 plastic document folder to protect books and their borrowing card, to be used throughout the year. Please encourage your child to change their reader on a regular basis.

Homework Year 1 and Year 2 students have set spelling words (including a number of "personal list words" each week. Mathematics homework will reflect work that has been covered in class and will provide students the opportunity to further consolidate skills and understanding.

On occasion children may be asked to collect pictures, locate information, prepare an oral presentation etc based on a Science, History / Geography or literacy theme.

Children in Years 1 and 2 are asked to provide an A4 plastic document folder for homework. Please note that written homework does need to be returned to the class teacher by Friday of each week.

Library All students attend the library each week to borrow books. In order to borrow, students must have a cloth library bag clearly labelled with name and class. Your child will inform you of their library day.

Our rules Positive Behaviour for Learning. We have four school values the children follow.

Respect Responsibility Excellence Safety

Maryland students respect themselves, each other and their environment Maryland students take responsibility for their actions Maryland students always do their best Maryland students act in a safe and fair way at all times

Lessons taught in personal development and social skills classes build upon and develop these ideas, giving children every opportunity to develop the skills to live up to these important community values.

Planning room Planning room is not a punitive experience. It is a dedicated teacher/ student time that seeks to; 1. identify any behaviour choices a student may have made that were not acceptable by the school community,

and 2. teach students better ways to act, respond or seek help in the future

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Parents of students referred to the planning room for serious and repeated incidents may be notified by letter with an acknowledgement of receipt that must be returned the following day, by telephone conversation with the relevant teacher(s), or by a combined meeting between relevant parties.

Sometimes students may be called upon to provide background information about an incident also.

Student Support Our main goal at school is to help every child achieve their potential. We offer a wide range of interventions to support students in achieving their educational best. These interventions target; students with previously identified or emergent reading or writing difficulties students with speech or language difficulties students demonstrating problems in Mathematics students who encounter problems with peers or socialising within the cohort.

We also offer support programs that target; students who do not have identified learning difficulties, but do not seem to reach their potential in

standardised testing students who have no evidence of learning problems, but whom we believe would perform at a significantly

higher standard with a small amount of intensive support. students who would benefit from enrichment and extension.

Students receiving support will be provided with a short information note, which must be signed by parent/ carer and returned to school.

When significant support opportunities are identified, the school may form a Learning Support Team. During a Learning Support Team meeting parents are invited to discuss their child's learning needs with teachers and sometimes specialist staff from the DET, in order to determine positive and productive ways of meeting each child's needs.

Reporting on students The school has established procedures for communicating with parents / carers when reporting on student progress. Semester 1 reports will be distributed toward the end of Term 2 and parents / carers / teachers will be

offered the opportunity for a formal interview to discuss student progress if required. Semester 2 reports will be issued toward the end of Term 4. Parents are always welcome to discuss their child's specific needs with classroom teachers. We do request

that parents arrange a mutually convenient time with classroom teachers, either by organising a time or contacting the school office on 4955 9430 and requesting a meeting. 3 way conferences will be offered at the end of Term 1.

PE and Sport All classes will participate in PE activities during the week and Sport on Friday. Children must bring their hat to school each day for these activities as well as outdoor play times.

Crunch and Sip Children are encouraged to bring a small piece of fresh fruit to school each day to enjoy during "fruit break" (held during the morning session) and a small refillable water bottle to encourage the drinking of water. Examples of fruits include, small apples, strawberries, cut watermelon, grapes, sultanas, celery, carrot sticks etc.

Excursions We will be participating in a number of excursions, in school performances and specialist programs during the year which will be planned to complement units of work from the key learning areas. Cost of these will be kept to a mimumin.

NB This figure does not include extra curricular activities such as our dance or band program.

All children are requested to provide: two boxes of tissues (to share) twin or triple packs of paper towel (to share) own glue stick (clearly labelled) at the beginning of each new term painting shirt (clearly labelled) 2 x A4 plastic Document Wallets (1 each for home reading & homework) headphones ? labelled (for computer use) whiteboard markers at the beginning of each new term (clearly labelled)

Mrs Kim Mackay Stage Leader

Mrs Annette Van Egmond Principal

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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