1. Officer terms are on a calendar basis with inductions in December or January.

2. Traditionally, IREM officers start as Secretary and move up through the ranks to President. Each year, the Nominating Committee considers this transition and formally nominates each officer for their positions. In considering individuals for the officer positions, it is important to clarify that they are being nominated with the hopes that they have both the desire and skills to fulfill all four officer positions.

3. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART – Each IREM officer is assigned to work closely with a group of committee chairs (this chart is included at the end of this document).

4. ATTENDANCE – Officers and Board members are expected to attend all board meetings and all chapter meetings.



• Develops the agenda for, and presides at, all meetings of the chapter and its board of directors; attends all meetings of the chapter and its board of directors.

• Conducts the business of the chapter in accordance with the chapter bylaws.

• Oversees and coordinates the establishment and implementation of chapter goals and strategic plans.

• Appoints committee chairs, guides the work of the committees, and encourages coordination among committees.

• Serves as an ex officio member, with the right to vote, on all committees.

• Represents the organization, as necessary, at official functions with private and public organizations.

• Maintains communications with IREM® Headquarters and the Regional Vice President.

• Ensures that the chapter has strategies for recruiting and retaining members.

• Oversees and coordinates a plan for chapter leadership succession and the development of future leadership.

• Conducts annual review of the chapter IREM® Association Executive.

• Attends the semiannual IREM® national conferences (reimbursement is based on approved travel budget) and serves as an ex officio member of the Governing Council.

• Participates in the chapter leader webinars and conference calls.

• Reviews all communications from IREM® Headquarters and the Regional Vice President and coordinates distribution to chapter leaders and members.

• Writes periodic articles and letters for the newsletter.

• Conducts regular meetings with the Executive Committee (president, president elect, treasurer, secretary, IAE and immediate past president).

• Appoints the annual Nominating Committee.

• Contacts new member to welcome and encourage involvement.

• President must be a CPM member.

Key Resources:

• Strategic Planning Workbook – National Website.

• IREM Chapter Insider (biweekly e-mail from Headquarters).

• Lessons in Leadership (webinars on National Website).

• Minimum Standards and Best Practices Guide for Chapters – National Website.

• Chapter Leader Toolkit.



• Attends all meetings of the chapter and its board and presides at these meetings in the absence of the president.

• Participates in the establishment and implementation of chapter goals and strategic plans.

• Assists president with chapter activities.

• Participates in a plan for chapter leadership succession and the development of future leadership.

• Chairs the Nominating Committee.

• Helps to ensure that the chapter has strategies for recruiting and retaining members.

• Attends the semiannual IREM® national conferences (reimbursement is based on approved travel budget) and serves as an ex officio member of the Governing Council in the absence of the president.

• Participates in the chapter leader webinars and conference calls.

• Reviews all communications from IREM® Headquarters and the Regional Vice President.

• Assumes the office of president for the remainder of the unexpired term of office in the event of the resignation or removal of the president or due to the failure or inability of the president to perform the duties of his office.

• Introduce the Featured Friends of IREM at monthly luncheons.

• Act as Committee Advisor to assigned committees (on Organizational Chart).

• President Elect must be a CPM member.

Key Resources:

• Strategic Planning Workbook – National Website.

• IREM Chapter Insider (biweekly e-mail from Headquarters).

• Lessons in Leadership (webinars on National Website).

• Minimum Standards and Best Practices Guide for Chapters – National Website.

• Chapter Leader Toolkit.


• Provides financial reports at board meetings.

• Responsible for ensuring that financial reports, IRS returns, and other information to proper authorities are completed.

• Develops a budget in conjunction with the Association Executive.

• Attends all meetings of the chapter and its board of directors.

• Participates in the establishment and implementation of chapter goals and strategic plans.

• Participates in the chapter leader webinars and conference calls.

• Approves and signs checks prepared by the Association Executive.

• Attends the semiannual IREM® national conferences (reimbursement is based on approved travel budget).

• During Board meetings, helps guide other volunteers in financial matters to ensure that the chapter operates within the budget.

• Treasurer is listed on the bank account and should look at monthly statements on-line on a regular basis to review bank balances, review deposits and checks, etc.

• Conduct two annual audits (January & midyear) of the chapter’s financial activities.

• One time per year, do a bank reconciliation with the IAE.

• Act as Committee Advisor to assigned committees (on Organizational Chart).

• Treasurer is not required to be a CPM member but this is preferable.

Key Resources:

• IRS Website.

• Lessons in Leadership (webinars on National Website).

• Minimum Standards and Best Practices Guide for Chapters – National Website.

• IREM Chapter Insider (biweekly e-mail from Headquarters).



• Keeps a record (minutes) of the proceedings of the chapter and its board meetings.

• Attends all meetings of the chapter and its board of directors.

• Participates in the establishment and implementation of chapter goals and strategic plans.

• Participates in the chapter leader webinars and conference calls.

• Act as parliamentarian in chapter board meetings.

• Act as Committee Advisor to assigned committees (on Organizational Chart).

• Secretary is not required to be a CPM member but this is preferable.

Key Resources:

• Record Retention Policy – chapter website.

• IREM Chapter Insider (biweekly e-mail from Headquarters).

• Lessons in Leadership (webinars on National Website).

• Minimum Standards and Best Practices Guide for Chapters – National Website.



1. Committee chairs are encouraged to attend all monthly board and committee meetings so they are aware of all chapter activities, etc.

2. In addition to accomplishing the tasks or projects of the committee, having active committees allows our chapter members to engage with other members, give back, learn about IREM Austin leadership, etc. Committee chairs are encouraged to form committees and give other members an opportunity to get involved. As part of this process, committee chairs sometimes identify co-chairs as someone who should be considered for future committee chair positions.

3. All committees are requested to have a “kick off” meeting in January (or before for some committees) to establish committee goals, projects, etc.

4. Committee chairs are requested to copy the President, Committee Advisor, and IAE on meeting notes.

5. Committee chairs should write “newsletter articles” about their committee activities to include in IREM Insights.

6. The IAE should not be considered the “secretary” for any committees – the chair should appoint someone to take notes.

7. Friends of IREM (FOI) can serve on most IREM Committees but there are limited committees that can be chaired by a FOI (these currently include Registration/Welcome and Golf).

8. Most committee budgets are included in the chapter annual budget. Any variances should be addressed with their Committee Advisor and IAE (and in some cases the full board) prior to committing any chapter funds.

9. The chapter budgets for two to three lunches per committee, however, it is assumed that lunches will primarily be sandwiches/pizza and efforts made to control costs.

10. Committee Chairs should keep a binder of notes and important documents (including IREM Insight articles) to utilize in training the next Committee Chair. It is also helpful to save documents on a disk or thumb drive so that modifications can be made. This binder should be handed off to the next year’s Chair.

11. Conference Calls are an effective way to hold some committee meetings. We utilize a free system for these calls and the details are included on the Documents Tab of the ABOUT IREM section of the website.

12. Committee Chairs should coordinate dates for their events by reviewing calendars for other organizations. BOMA is the primary association for potential conflicts but following is a listing of all of the real estate associations in Austin:

• Austin Apartment Association

• Austin Association of Maintenance and Facility Engineers

• Austin Commercial Real Estate Society

• Building Owners and Managers Association

• Central Texas Association of Commercial Realtors

• Certified Commercial Investment Member Institute

• Commercial Leasing and Brokers Association

• Commercial Real Estate Women of Austin

• Institute of Real Estate Management

• The Real Estate Council of Austin

• Urban Land Institute



Promotes the ARM designation, identifies potential ARM participants, plans and coordinates ARM seminars, courses, or meetings.

Key Resources:

• ARM® Application

• ARM® Checklist

• ARM® Admissions Contact Handbook

• Chapter New Member Welcome Program



Plans and coordinates the annual Bowling Tournament for IREM members and FOIs, promoting the event, selling sponsorships, coordinating and negotiating with bowling facilities event planner and manager, and organizing and empowering event volunteers. Takes steps to ensure that at least 50% of the lanes sold are to members and FOIs so that this is truly a member event. This event is open to vendors who are not FOIs. FOI are given first right of refusal for the title sponsorships and all other non-lane sponsors. The IAE contacts the FOIs to determine their involvement. This committee is encouraged to have a co-chair who is groomed to chair the committee the following year (subject to confirmation by the president).

• This event is typically held on a Friday near the end of June.

• Proceeds from this event are used for general chapter activities and events (including scholarships, conference travel, educational offerings, etc.). Volunteers should not promote this event as an IREM Charity event.

• The pro-forma budget for this event is included in the Chapter annual budget.

• The IAE will negotiate and sign contract with bowling facility.

• Committee to decide on a theme and to decorate the bowling facility the day of the event.



• Schedules and conducts interviews with candidates to review their work experiences and/or at the completion of their CPM©, ARM or ACoM requirements.

• Processes final paperwork on behalf of the chapter for members completing their designation requirements.

• Advises new candidates on the application and designation process. Proactively helps candidates through the paperwork process to ensure they have no surprises or delays in attaining their designation.

• Introduces and coordinates the chapter’s Mentor Program, explains the various educational tract options, increases awareness of scholarship opportunities, promotes pursuit of the designation, and encourages active involvement in the local chapter.

• Leads the committee members through the process of initiating new candidates and associates, and assigns mentors to each individual. Initiates email correspondence between new mentees (new members) and mentors.  

• Identifies candidates in advance for classes held locally based on their current class needs and solicits them to attend the class.

• Makes regular contact with candidates via phone and e-mail to review status, etc.

• Attends locally sponsored classes (typically hosts a lunch) to create awareness of the Candidate Guidance Committee and the Mentor program. Provides schedule of upcoming educational offerings, explains various scholarship opportunities, and distributes IREM literature/applications

• Conducts 2 candidate luncheons each year (budget for these luncheons are included in the Chapter annual budget).

Key Resources:

• CPM® Candidate Handbook.

• CPM® Checklist.

• CPM® Admissions Contact Handbook.

• Chapter New Member Welcome Program.

• Student Candidate Status Report – available thru IAE on request.

• Candidate Meeting Agenda (Chapter files).



Oversees chapter volunteer opportunities during the year. Plans at least one fundraiser/food drive/community program per year. The chapter philosophy/policy on Community Outreach is included in the Policies & Procedures Manual. This committee is encouraged to have a co-chair who is groomed to chair the committee the following year (subject to confirmation by the president).



• Plans, coordinates and promotes the annual Forecast Forum.

• Goals for the Forecast Forum include:

o Acting as a major income-producing event for the chapter through corporate sponsorships and ticket sales;

o Promoting IREM as a premier educational organization in the real estate business by recruiting best of class speakers for the event;

• This committee should have a co-chair who is groomed to chair the committee the following year (subject to approval by the president).

• The pro-forma budget for this event is included in the chapter annual budget.



Facilitates education opportunities for members, FOIs, and the general real estate community outside of offerings specific to CPM©, ARM, and ACoM designations.  The education committee plans and coordinates Learn @ Lunches and seminars on various topics that are relevant to the real estate professional. This includes planning the education roster for the year, coordinating class content, identifying and scheduling the speaker, creating class materials as needed, booking the event location, creating marketing materials for chapter distribution, arranging catering, and coordinating MCE information as needed.  The committee chair also welcomes and signs in students as well as introduces the speaker before each class.  Additionally, the committee is responsible for disseminating surveys during events, collecting the survey information and sharing with the Chapter Leader for guidance in future events. The budget for Education Committee activities and events is included in the Chapter annual budget.

Key Resources:

• IREM Resources.

• IREM Non-credentialing offerings on National Website.

• IREM Austin Past Presidents.

• Historical Education Listing included in Annual Binder.

• IREM Austin Annual Planning Meeting.



Plans, coordinates, promotes, and executes the annual golf outing including recruitment of players and sponsors. This event is intended for IREM members (and their staff) and FOI but is not open to sponsorship or participation by vendors who are not a FOI. Additionally, this outing is intended to be a social event and not a fund-raiser. The pro-forma budget for this event is included in the Chapter annual budget.



• Meet and/or exceed chapter Income/Expense Analysis® Goals, provided by IREM® Headquarters. Chapter Goals are based on an average of the past three years’ submittals.

• Monitor the I/E website, tracking the status of your chapter submittals. Chapter login will be provided in December.

• Contact contributors: both new and previous; members and non-members; promoting the I/E program and encouraging them to submit their properties data to the Income/Expense Analysis® program. Previous contributor contact information is available on the I/E website. Contributors who submit by the April 1st deadline will receive a free I/E book and an Individual Building Report (IBR).

• Outreach to non-members within the real estate community, introducing IREM® and the I/E program encouraging them to participate in the I/E survey.

• Coordinate chapter promotional activities as well as maintaining contact with IREM® Headquarters.

• Attend the I/E webinar in January/February. IREM® Headquarters staff introduces contributors and chapters to the I/E website. IREM® staff will demonstrate how chapters utilize the Chapter Workbench, how contributors can submit their property data, use the website and other tools available on the website, and explain the benefits to submitting to the I/E program.

• Review and recommend chapter goals for upcoming year when goals are announced in September.

Key Resources:

• Income/Expense Chapter Workbench




The mission of the IYP committee “is to promote growth for Young Professionals, IREM and the Asset and Property Management field by providing Educational & Social Networking Mixers in a casual, progressive and fun environment. Everyone is encouraged to participate.” The committee plans and executes events that specifically target the interests and professional needs of IREM’s younger members. Options are networking events, happy hours, targeted education, etc. The committee is responsible for all aspects of planning and coordinating the event (locating a venue, preparing marketing pieces, coordinating sign-in, promoting, reaching out to attendees after the event, etc.).



• Have interest in, and knowledge of, the basics of how the legislative process works – especially at the state level.

• Serve as the liaison between IREM® Headquarters and the local chapter; provide communication to chapter members on pertinent local (and sometimes federal) legislation and policy.

• Develop chapter legislative agendas – collect information on issues pertinent to that region.

• Encourage chapter member participation in legislative activities.

• Responsible for leading discussions of issues and actions during the legislative committee meetings.

• Develop and maintain relationships with other industry groups (to assist in lobbying efforts).

• Develop and maintain relationships with elected officials and other local political individuals.

• Monitor pertinent state-wide legislative issues and report back to chapter when necessary.

• Responsible for issuing legislative or regulatory "Calls-for-Action" and coordinate Chapter legislative needs within the chapter and requests for involvement from Institute Headquarters.

Key Resources:

• IREM® Public Policy Website.

• Government Affairs Training Manual.

• State Legislative Database.

• Chapter Legislative Resources.

• U.S. Homeland Security Updates.



• Identify sources of new members (other associations, schools, etc.).

• Disseminates information to new members.

• Coordinates Student Outreach activities.

• Provides input to the board on potential social activities aimed at membership development.

• Hosts new member orientations on an as-needed basis.

• Contacts new members to encourage their involvement.

• Coordinates a phone bank to contact members at risk of losing their designation for not paying local or national dues.

• Writes a monthly “new member profile” to include in IREM Insights.



Secures speakers for monthly luncheon meetings. The goal is to provide members with information that will benefit their owners, buildings, tenants, or their career.  Program topics may be industry specific, industry related, or items of personal or local interest.  The intent is to provide information that will enable our members to be well-informed as professionals, to be more effective and efficient in their positions, and to be current and fluent on topics that matter to peers, building owners, tenants, or vendors.


The committee solicits input from the Chapter President, the Board, and members for ideas and suggestions on future speaker and topics, and seeks feedback on past programs and speakers.  The committee secures the speaker and coordinates with the speaker on luncheon details (date, time, and location), facility set-up and AV needs, presentation length, IREM content expectations, program title, and summary.  Two to four weeks prior to luncheon, coordinates with the IREM chapter office to promote the speaker and the program to members, and requests a biography from the speaker. At the luncheon, meets and greets speaker, assists speaker with any set-up, reviews with speaker the luncheon agenda, escorts speaker through the buffet line, sits with speaker at the head table, and introduces the speaker to the audience.  After the presentation, the Chapter will present the speaker with a thank you gift.  After the luncheon, the committee chair will follow-up with a written thank you letter to the speaker.

The Program chair will help organize the December holiday party event and help the incoming Program Chair with the January program as needed.


Plans and hosts at least one member and FOI Social each year

…need to develop



• Arranges for a minimum of two FOIs to handle registration/badges, etc.

• Arrives at the luncheon by 10:45 to check in lunch attendees.

• At the end of the luncheon, collects all member badges and re-alphabetizes.

• Welcomes members and guests at each luncheon and chapter function.

• Schedules members and FOIs to attend each luncheon and act as greeters/ambassadors.

• Periodically recommends ice-breakers for the luncheon to encourage networking.




The President will propose a Nominating Committee no later than the fourth Thursday of July. This committee will consist of not less than three voting members and one past president. Typically the committee is chaired by the President Elect. Additional details regarding this committee’s responsibility are available through the IAE.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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