
How do we make everyday pork chops more exciting? Stay right here 'cause we're gonna show you.

The other day I was at the market and saw that they had these pork chops on sale. They were really cheap, but the catch was you had to buy at least 5 pounds. So I picked some up 'cause pork chops are one of those ingredients you can make so many different ways. Let me show you what I made the night I brought 'em home. What I did was combine equal amounts of soy sauce and lemon juice, some ground ginger and a bit of minced garlic. I gave that a good stir and poured it over a few pork chops. And into the fridge they went to marinate for a bit. The rest of the chops I froze for later. And you could always marinate these in a resealable plastic bag instead of putting them in a glass baking dish. I drained off the marinade and into a hot skillet they went with a bit of butter. It only took 5 to 6 minutes per side. And even though I used butter, you could always swap it out with a bit of peanut or sesame oil to really kick up the taste. Just remember: a little oil goes a long way. The combo of the all those Asian flavors along with how tender and juicy these chops are will make you fall in love after one bite. And talk about fast cooking. Go ahead, get the recipe for “Asian Marinated Pork Chops” online now so the next time you see pork chops on sale, you'll rush to buy them knowing you have this recipe as part of your new dinner routine. I'm Howard in the Mr. Food Test Kitchen, where every day we're looking for more creative ways for you to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!”



Cook up a tasty breakfast, brunch or lunch with just six ingredients. We’re gonna show you how.

A few weekends ago, my wife and I decided to have some friends over for a last-minute brunch. They're good friends (so we knew we could keep it simple). But then we looked in the fridge and there were slim pickin’s, which meant we had to get creative. Luckily, we were able to pull it off. Here's all we did. I cooked up some shredded potatoes with a chopped onion and a bit of salt and pepper in a little vegetable oil. (I had a package of those refrigerated potatoes, which made it nice and easy since they were already peeled and shredded for me.) Once they browned up, I poured some beaten eggs over 'em and gave them a little stir and covered it so the eggs would set up. You can make this any day ‘cause it has just a few basic ingredients that you probably have on hand. It’s one of those dishes you could eat as a main dish or a side dish. When it firmed up and the bottom was crispy, I flipped it onto a platter and cut it into wedges and that was the centerpiece of our brunch. We served it with a side of fruit. Whenever you're ready for it, you can get the recipe for “Classic Potato Frittata” online. Like all of our recipes, it's so easy and tasty; it'll become a mainstay at your house. See, the simplest recipes are often the best ones. I'm Howard in the Mr. Food Test Kitchen, where every day we're looking for an easier way for you to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!” It is. Wow.



Today we're putting on the “Ritz” with a restaurant-style dish that will impress everyone. Everyone.

We've all got our favorite go-to recipes. Ya know, the ones that we turn to when we've got friends and family coming over. Well, today I'm sharing one of the Test Kitchen's favorites that is dressed to impress but simple enough to make any night of the week. Here's what we do: We sauté lightly breaded chicken breasts in a touch of oil until they're golden and cooked through. Then we top each with a slice of mozzarella cheese, and while the cheese melts, we'll make a sauce to take this over the top. For that, all we do is heat some heavy cream with some parmesan cheese, some chopped roasted red pepper, a little fresh parsley, and some salt and pepper. We give that a stir and let it cook until it just starts to thicken up. Now, we like to serve the chicken over a bed of spinach fettuccini with the creamy sauce drizzled over it. Maybe top it off with more roasted red peppers for a fancy restaurant look. Any way you serve this “Very Ritzy Italian Chicken,” your gang is going to feel like you pulled out all the stops. As always, the recipe is online. It's fancy enough for company, yet so easy that you don't have to wait for company in order to make it. I'm Howard in the Mr. Food Test Kitchen, where every day we're looking for an easier way for you to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!”



Where do some of those crazy recipe names come from? Today we're sharing what we discovered.

Sometimes recipes get the craziest names, and we often have no idea where they come from. For example, the combo of cabbage and potatoes, better known as “bubble and squeak,” is named after the squeaking sound this dish makes while it bubbles away on the stove. Then there's the Pennsylvania Dutch favorite, shoofly pie. That name came about years ago when these freshly baked pies were set on the windowsill to cool. They were so sweet smelling that mom had to shoo away the flies. So our Test Kitchen team turned shoofly pies into muffins that are so good you'll have to shoo away your gang. We start by combining some flour with brown sugar, a little cinnamon and salt. Then we add chunks of cold butter. Cold butter is key. That way the butter crumbles rather than blends into the mix. And we'll set aside about half a cup of the mixture. And to the rest we'll add some molasses, vegetable oil, a touch of vanilla, baking soda and a cup of boiling water. We'll give that a good stir. Once that's mixed, into muffin cups it goes and we finish them off with the crumbly topping. Then these guys are ready to bake. After half an hour or so, you'll have the best streusel topped buttery muffins that you ever tasted. To get the recipe for our “Shoofly Muffins” just go online now so you can “wow” your gang with these treats that only taste like they were a lot of work. I'm Howard in the Mr. Food Test Kitchen, where every day we're looking for more homemade ways (shoo!) For you to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!”

MR. FOOD TEST KITCHEN Cheese-Stuffed Meatballs & Spaghetti FRIDAY 09-20-13


I’m no meteorologist but the forecast in the Test Kitchen looks like “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.” Stick around and I’ll explain.

Howard: Here in the Test Kitchen we love anything and everything that has to do with food. We seek out gadgets that help us cook faster, and we love reading cookbooks filled with all sorts of new recipes. So you can only imagine how excited we were when we heard that there's a sequel to one of our favorite food movies. That's right, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 is premiering next Friday. We got a sneak peek and we laughed all the way through it.

Animated Flint: There’s a leek in the boat. Ahhh!!!! I can’t believe my machine created all this. Howard: All our favorite foods came to life. There were taco-diles, shrimp-anzees, even watermelephants. So we wondered: what could we make in honor of this movie? We figured nothing would be more fitting than meatballs. Not just any meatballs, these are made with ground turkey, and to give them their big flavor, we added some ranch dressing mix, a few seasonings and then we stuffed each one with a chunk of cheese. After we bake 'em, we'll toss 'em in a spaghetti sauce that we accent with some carrots and celery. That way everyone gets their veggies (without even knowing it). And when we serve these meatballs on top of spaghetti watch all your little ones (and big ones) line right up. As always, the recipe is online. Just look for “Cheese-Stuffed Meatballs & Spaghetti.” And while you're online, make sure you check out the bottom of the recipe, ‘cause we’re giving away tickets to see the movie. No matter what the forecast says, around here it looks like “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2” and these meatballs are reason to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!”



How do you tell if a pear is ripe? There’s a trick you should know about. And we'll share it with you so don't go anywhere.

The other day I was at the grocery store, and as I turned into the produce department, it was pretty obvious that summer was over. Most of the summer fruits were gone, and it seemed that apples and pears ruled the aisles. There were all sorts of pears: brown ones, red ones, green ones. They all looked good. Most of them felt pretty firm, but that’s ok. Because the thing about pears is that they ripen best after they're picked from the tree. That means if we want the juiciest pears, we need to let them ripen on our counters once we get them home. To tell if they're ready, the trick is to lightly squeeze them near the stem. If they give a little, they're ready. Then you can go ahead and eat them as is, or do what I did last night: slice 'em thin and put 'em on top of a salad with a few walnuts and some blue cheese. You'll also love these in the new cake we just came up with. All it is … is a spice cake mix made according to the package directions that we topped off with some fresh pear slices. As it bakes they'll sink into the batter. After it cools, we top it with a homemade caramel glaze before finishing it off with lots of chopped walnuts. Let me tell ya … between the spices in the cake, and the sweetness of the pears and the ooey-gooey glaze, you're not gonna be able to resist this one. As always the recipe's online, just type in “Caramel Pear Cake” and you're in for a real treat. What a tasty way to welcome in fall. I'm Howard in the Mr. Food Test Kitchen, where every day we're looking for more seasonal ways for you to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!”



Kick off fall -- and football feasting -- with a hearty country chili that is loaded with flavor.

Ya know, September isn't just the start of fall, it's also football season. And that means it's time to bring out those hearty recipes for our hungry fans. And today in the Test Kitchen, we've got a new dish that is ready to add to your weekday (or game day) line-up. It's a simple backwoods chili that's always welcome. We started by browning some onions and ground beef with a little salt and pepper and drained off the drippings. To that we add a can of tomato sauce and some pinto beans (or you can really use any kind of bean you like). We toss in some canned tomatoes and a bottle of chili sauce. We stir that all together then spice it up with some chili powder, a little light brown sugar (that cuts the tartness of the tomatoes) and some cooked bacon to give it smokiness. All that's left to do is to let it simmer for about an hour so all the flavors can blend together. Once you dish this into bowls and top it off with some shredded cheddar, let me tell ya, you're in for the ultimate game day dish. It's a down home favorite that's not only easy it's such a crowd pleaser you can't go wrong. So what are you waiting for? The recipe for what we call “Hillbilly Chili” is online. Ya know, sometimes the simplest things are the biggest winners. And you don't need to be a hillbilly to like this. I'm Howard in the Mr. Food Test Kitchen, where every day we're looking for an easier game day way for you to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!”



Think the only things you can make in Bundt pans are cakes and gelatin molds? Well, after today that's all gonna change.

Here in the Test Kitchen, we love figuring out how to use everyday items in new ways. For example, we've used muffin pans upside down to bake edible cups. Over the holidays, we’ve used drinking glasses as cookie cutters. Our goal is simple: we want to use the tools that we have on hand so we don't have to buy new ones. And today we're using a Bundt pan as a chicken roaster. All we do is mix together some olive oil, onion powder, garlic, paprika, salt, pepper and some fresh rosemary. And if ya don't have fresh, the bottled stuff is fine. Now we rub this all over the chicken. And it’s okay to use our hands. And we want to make sure we get all those nooks and crannies. Now we slide the chicken over the tube of the Bundt pan. And to make this super moist, add a little chicken broth and some lemon juice to the pan. If you're using fresh lemons, add them to the pan as well. Then it's ready for the oven. After it's roasted for an hour or so and no pink remains, remove it from the pan to a cutting board and it's ready to serve. Don't forget to drizzle it with all those pan drippings. It's that easy. Don't just take our word for how juicy it is. Try it yourself. Go online and get the recipe for “Lemon Bundt Pan Chicken” so you can see how versatile your Bundt pan really is. I'm Howard in the Mr Food Test Kitchen, where every day we're looking for more creative ways for you to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!” And it is. Oh, this is really good.



Soup that you can eat without a spoon? It's possible with today's dish that makes grilled cheese and tomato soup way more fun to eat.

When I think of classic lunch combos, the first thing that comes to mind is a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup. ‘Cause there's something about those 2 that makes 'em go so great together. Well, today we've got a twist that turns these two comfort foods into one steaming hot casserole that's hard to resist. All we have to do is butter some thick slices of French bread and put 'em on a baking sheet. We'll bake 'em until both sides are golden. Once they're done, we put half of 'em in a baking dish and cover 'em with plenty of shredded cheddar cheese. Then we top them with the other slices, making what looks like sandwiches. Now on top of that, we pour a can of tomato soup that we mixed with a little milk. Then it goes into the oven. After it bakes for about 20 minutes, we'll pull it out and sprinkle on more cheese before popping it back in the oven ‘til it's all melty. All that cheesy goodness combined with the flavor of the classic tomato soup makes this a favorite for kids and grownups alike. Skip the spoon 'cause you're gonna wanna eat this “Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup Bake” with a knife and fork. As always, the recipe is online so you can whip up this new family favorite for lunch or dinner. I’m Howard in the Mr. Food Test Kitchen, where every day we’re looking for a cheesier way … a cheesier way for you to say … “OOH IT’S SO GOOD!!”



The secret for making fast lasagna for a weeknight dinner is finally revealed. Don't go anywhere 'cause it’s that fast.

Have you ever craved lasagna and not made it just because it was too much work? Well, what if I told you that you could have all the flavors of classic lasagna without ever turning on your oven? Well, you can, and it's fast, super easy and the perfect dinner any weeknight. All we did was break up some lasagna noodles into large pieces, and cook 'em until they were tender. While these were cooking, we started sautéing some hot Italian sausage. (If you want, you can use a mild sausage, lighter turkey sausage or even a combination of both, that's fine.) Once it's cooked through, we add our cooked noodles along with a jar of spaghetti sauce, some ricotta cheese, a little shredded mozzarella, some grated parmesan and a bit of basil and black pepper. We gently stir this together so all the flavors combine and the cheese melts. The whole thing takes not even 30 minutes. Maybe top it off with some fresh parsley and even more parmesan cheese. This along with a salad and dinner is done. Lasagna has never been this easy, and each bite gives you the taste that you crave. Go ahead and get the recipe for “Quick Lasagna Toss”. It's as simple as cook, toss and serve. Who says you need all that layering and baking to make a great tasting lasagna? Not me. I'm Howard in the Mr. Food Test Kitchen, where every day we're looking for an easier way for you to say … “OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!”


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