Pre-Post Test for

What it Takes to be a Retirement Transition Counselor

1. By what year will Americans of retirement age exceed the number of people under the age of 18 for the first time in US history. 

a) 2050

b) 2035

c) 2075

d) 2025

2. The benefits of Pre-Retirement Planning are that future retirees will have increased financial stability, sustained optimal physical health, and ____________

a) Satisfying Interpersonal and leisure activities

b) Improved problem solving

c) Increased control over their weight management

d) Sustained communications with their family members

3. Pre-Retirement Planning will help future retirees to prevent decline in life satisfaction; lowered social economic status or _____________

a) Lack of confidence in their decision to retire

b) Inability to make course directions if needed

c) Decline of physical health

d) Constant sense of second guessing their choices for retirement

4. It is important for people planning retirement to consider the following four goals: Financial position they want in retirement; Specific goals for their long-term health; Specific plans for how they want to spend their time in retirement and _______________

a) Plans for the future roles they would like to hold as a retiree

b) Location of where they want to retire full-time

c) Where they want to travel when they retire

d) What would be the appropriate style of life they would like to live in retirement

5. Individuals who retire do not need to begin receiving their Social Security monthly payments until they are _____ years of age.

a) 55

b) 62

c) 65

d) 70

6. It is important for Retirement Counselors or Consultants be aware of the four major downfalls which occur after people retire. They are 1. Increase in Abuse of Alcohol; 2. Increased feelings of social isolation and depression; 3. Increased cognitive decline and ____________

a) Loss of identity

b) Marital dissatisfaction

c) Family abandonment

d) Inability to maintain the wellbeing of their pets

7. The best age for people to begin putting savings into their retirement accounts is: ____________

a) 18-34

b) 35-54

c) 55 or old

d) All of the above

8. The biggest challenge in retirement savings, based on polls of individuals planning their retirement is:

a) Job Loss

b) Health Problems

c) Paying for College

d) Failure to save early enough

9. Retirees can experience the upside of retirement if they do the following: Having places to be every week; pursuing hobbies, volunteering to provide service to others; learning something new and:

a) Find a job which allows them to remain actively working full or part-time

b) Taking a world cruise

c) Locating into a retirement community for people 55 or older

d) Moving to a different state than the one they are retiring from

10. One of the most important things which LMHC’s need to know about becoming a Retirement Counselor is that:

a) They already have the knowledge and skills to provide such services

b) They can do this work over and above their already busy schedules

c) They do not need to be a Medicare Provider to offer such services

d) They can immediately offer this service with no need for any additional educational training

Answer Key

1. b) 2035

2. a) Satisfying interpersonal and leisure activities

3. c) Decline of physical health

4. a) Plans for the future roles they would like to hold as a retiree

5. d) 70

6. a) Loss of identity

7. d) All of the above

8. d) Failure to save early enough

9. a) Find a job which allows them to remain active in the labor market

10. c) They do not need to be a Medicare Provider to offer such services


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