
ResearchReference Track Nick cave/ Kylie Monouge : The bad seeds is a deep emotional country western song. The song has a ? time signature and includes the following instruments: violin, bass guitar, drums kit and church bells. The vocals on the track are placed at the front of the mix and have little reverb on them giving them a dry tone. The dry dryness of the vocals also gives the male vocals a soft and deep tone, which emphasises the emotion of the song. The female vocals have an airy texture, giving it an emotional depressive feel. Like of someone who is sighing. The small reverb used on vocals also gives the effect of the song being performed in a small room, which gives the overall track a more intimate and personal feel, which engages the listener.The violins are panned to the left and the piano is panned to the right giving the track more atmospheres. Online article When reading an article from audio audiorecording.me, I came across some helpful mixing techniques and tips. The article talks about the blending of instruments and the texture and tones of each instrument. For example in the Nick cave reference track the singers have two contrasting vocals. The male has a deep and sof voic where as the female has a hier yest airy voic. These two voices blend well with the compliments of violin merging all three sounds togtrher. Vocals are the most important instrument. The give focus on the vocals and the engineer would make it sound dry (less or no reverb applied). The engineer would also give emphasis to the clarity of the instrumentation particularly banjo, guitar, drums and other strings. I will use this technique in my mix to give the track a emotional and raw feel. From listening to the track it also makes the track more intimat when listeniung to it.Job Roles: Sound Engineers Job entails: ? Planning recording sessions with producers and artists? Setting up microphones and equipment in the studio? Making sure the volume and recording levels are set correctly? Operating recording equipment and adding effects? Recording each instrument or item onto a separate track? Mixing tracks to produce a final ‘master’ track? Logging tapes and other details of the session in the studio archive.Job requirements Sound engineering technicians must have excellent manual dexterity to set up and adjust sensitive recording and mixing equipment. They must have the technical expertise to know which pieces of equipment are best for a particular purpose and how to operate those pieces of equipment, and they must have the computer skills to manipulate sound editing and equipment control software. Sound engineering technicians must listen and interpret instructions from clients on how they want their finished product to sound. They need excellent hearing ability to identify the proper pitch, volume or effects for each sound involved in a recording.Key scenarios of a sound engineer: When an artist comes to the studio to record the engineer must be able to be comfortable with operating all equipment. The engineer must also have a good ear when listening to the artist to advise any tips or advise to the artist on how to better there performance as well as be able to listen to the artist’s desires when customizations to the recording/ recording proses is requested.Mic Types: Dynamic: Dynamic microphones are reliable and versatile. Their moving coil magnetic diaphragm, allows it to capture sound and can do so even at high sound pressure levels. As such, you can use them for micing loud sound sources like bass and guitar amplifiers, and drum kits without worrying about unwanted distortion or damage. They are not just for high SPL (Sound Pressure Level) applications because they work quite well in quieter settings. After researching dynamic mics I dicided to use them for the drum kit as it is able to record at very high levels of volume. I will use this mic for recording the drum kit because it is able to record at high volumes with no distortion 18288001206500Close micing Condencers overheads 3429000132588000Condencer : Condenser mics have a thin conductive diaphragm that sits close to a metal backplate. This works like a capacitor wherein sound pressure vibrates the diaphragm, which changes the sound copasity to produce the audio signal. They use capacitance instead of actual moving coils, fidelity and sound quality which makins these mics ideal for precision recording in the studio. That this method of sound capture requires power, which needs a mixer or direct box with phantom power. Whatever instrument is recorded, condenser mics will get the job done. Long as the sound pressure levels aren't too high.I will use this mic to record vocls as it is versatile and can be used for difrrent voic types AKG112: Frequency response curve5372100200025000000The AKG112 microphone increases the low frequency of an instrument when recorded. I think this mic will particularly be good for recording the kick drum as the increase in low frequency will give it a powerful rich sound. The AKG112 also has a small increase in the high frequency section, which will b great for a good attack when the pedal makes contact with the drum. I will use this mic when recording the kick drum for my clients country western track.SM57: Frequency response curve548640036512500017907000The SM57 microphone cuts out the low frequencies and increases the high frequencies when recording and amplifying an instrument. I think the mic will be particularly good for recording a guitar as it a higher pitched sounding instrument and will provide I a crisp clear sound. I will use this mic for recording the main and leading guitars in my recording sessions of the country western track. ................

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