Name/Type of Scholarship

|Scholarships are emailed to STUDENTS & PARENTS using |


|Please keep your EMAIL contact information updated to be sure that information can be sent to you! |

|Name/Type of Scholarship |Requirements |Amount |Deadline |Comments |

|2013 Holocaust Remembrance Project |National Essay Contest |Up to $10,000 |TBD: check website | or 1-866-452-2737 |

|2013 Radio & Television Broadcast Scholarship |Varying scholarships to participating |Varies |Not yet posted | or |

| |colleges. | | | |

|2013 Bucks First Federal Credit Union Scholarship |Member of CU |$1500 award |Feb 1st |Apply online at : |

| | | | | |

|2013 Miss Irish Scholarship & Essay |Essay |Up to $4000 |April |Application sent thru Naviance |

|2013 Student View Scholarship |Must complete the on-line application. |Partial to Full Tuition|Nov. 1st to Feb. 1st |student- |

|BIG 33 Scholarship Award Program |AVAILABLE ONLINE AFTER OCTOBER 15th |$1,000 to $5000 |Feb 11th | |

| | | | |or |

| | | | |fafsa. |

|A. Marlyn Moyer, Jr. |6-8 scholarships available. Must be a | | |(To be sent thru TCCI) Academically qualified, financial |

| |resident of Bucks Co. |Up to $5,000 |MARCH |need, involved in giving service. |

|ACT POSTER CONTEST |OPEN TO 11th and 12th grade students. |4,000 to 12,000 |Check website | |

| |POSTER DESIGN | | |postercontest |

| | | | | |

|Alvernia Admissions Office |Merit & Partnership Awards available |$500 award |March | |

|American Association of University Women Makefield Area Branch|Female high school student pursuing a four |Five $1,000 |Apr |Contact guidance if interested. |

| |year degree |awards | | |

| |1st decile | | | |

| |Community service | | | |

|American Heritage Federal Credit Union |Merit based, references, essay required |Up to $3,500 |Essays due in January |Download all forms at |

|American Legion Annual Essay Contest |Essay |$18,000 to $1,500 |January |Emailed thru Naviance |

|American Legion Oratorical Contest |Preparation and delivery or speech and debate|$1,000 |Feb | |

| | | | |must participate at designated contest |

| | | | |sent thru Naviance |

|American Red Cross |Must have participated in An American Red |UP TO $6,000 |Spring semester |Application: |

| |Cross Blood Services Activity during senior | | | |

| |year. | | | |

| |Essay | | | |

| |2 Recommendations | | | |

|Anderson University Scholarship Competition |MUSIC |Deed trust |March | |

| |ART |varies | | |

| |THEATRE | | |or 1-800-542-3594 |

|Anna M. Vincent Fund |Ability, Financial need, work history, long |$5000 |January |Apps must be submitted online at: |

| |time resident of Philadelphia area | | | |

| | | | |annavincent |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Technical assistance at 800-839-1754 |

|APA |Open to Juniors & Seniors |$5, 000 |ASAP |For more information, Please visit |

|Creating A Green Neighborhood Plan – High School Essay Contest| |Renewable | |. |

|This year is the 100th year of the American planning movement.| | | | |

|To help celebrate this landmark, you will develop an historic | |$1,000 to $13000 | | |

|preservation plan for your community | | | | |

|Arcadia University |VARIES |Varies |ASAP | |

| | | | | |

| |Distinguished Scholarship | | | |

| |Landman Scholarship | | | |

| |Writing Achievement Award | | | |

|Art Institute of Philadelphia |Varied scholarships |Valued at 30,000 |March |Please contact: |

| |Based on portfolio, GPA | | ||

| |Essay writing skills | | |.asp |

| |Design | | | |

|Asian American Women’s Coalition |Asian heritage, financial need. Willing to |$100 |TBD |See for more information. |

|Two Nursing scholarships |Work post graduation at Methodist Hospital | | | |

| |for at Three Years | | | |

|ASM Liberty Bell Chapter Essay Contest |Essay required |Partial to full tuition|TBD | |

|ATC |Competition determines award |$10,000 to $25,000 |Dec | |

|Automotive Training Centers | | | |or |

| | | | |1-800-441-8031 |

|AXA Foundation |Demonstrated achievement, job, sport or |Up to $25,000 |Jan 1st thru Feb 15th |axa- |

| |extra-curricular activity | | | |

|Best Buy Scholarship |Dedication to community |$5,000 |Feb. |scholarships |

| | | | |visit website on after January 1st |

|Best of CO-OP |Scholarship to internship/co-op schools |Partial to Full Tuition|Feb. |Includes: Johnson & Wales, Pace, Drexel, Kettering, Long |

|***Early Submission are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED | | | |Island (CW POST), Northeastern, RIT, Cincinnati, Toledo, |

| | | | |Wentworth |

| | | | | |

|Best Teen Chef Scholarship Competition |Min GPA 2.0 |Partial to Full Tuition|Nov. 1st thru Feb. 1st | |

| |Portfolio Required | | | |

| | | | |directions on website |

|Big 33 Scholarship Award Program |AVAILABLE ONLINE AFTER NOV. 1 |Partial to Full Tuition|Nov. 1st thru Feb. 1st | |

| | | | |or |

| | | | | |

|Big 33 Waste Management Scholarship |AVAILABLE ONLINE AFTER NOV. 1 |$1,000 |March | |

| | | | |or |

| | | | |fafsa. |

|Bob Schiller Service Scholarship |Based on a personal commitment to public |Full tuition |varies |American Cancer Society @ 215-985-5305 |

|“Coaches vs. Cancer” School Initiative |service. | | | |

|Boston University |Application to BU, essay, SAT results, two |Varies |Varies | |

|Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship |SAT II subject tests | | |***indicate that you are a Bell Scholar applicant on your |

| | | | |application |

|Boston University |Varies |Full tuition |Check website |For information on all scholarships Offered: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Boston University College of Engineering |Acceptance into the BU College of Engineering|Full tuition |Nov 20th | |

| | | |To guidance | |

|Boston University Trustee Scholars Program |Merit Based |Full tuition |Check website |By nomination, please let your guidance counselor know if |

| | | | |you plan to apply/attend BU |

|Boston University: MLK, Jr. Scholarship |Recipients Average: |$500 |APRIL | |

| |3.8 gpa | | | |

| |SAT 1370/1600 | | | |

| |(700 writing) | | | |

| |ACT: 32 | | | |

|Bucks County Librarians Association |College Majors in Education or Library |$1,000 |Sept. 15 thru Feb 2nd | |

|“Bucks for Books” |Science | | | |

|Burger King Scholars Program |2.5 GPA |Varies |April |scholars |

| |Work avg. 15 hr/wk | | | |

| |Community service | | | |

| |Financial need | | | |

|Business & Professional Women of Lower Bucks |Academic Achievement, financial need, | |March | |

|Florence Hopkins & Marion Chapman Memorial Scholarship |community/school involvement, recommendations| | | |

| |required | | | |

|Caldwell Banker Hearthside Realtors |Scholarship for pre-licensing thru the Real |Up to $5000 |March |Mail essay to: Marge Wingate, Coldwell Banker Hearthside, |

| |Estate Academy of Bucks | | |REALTORS |

| | | | |277 Dublin Pike, Perkasie, PA 18944 |

|Cecilia Moy Yep Scholarship |Asian American Women’s Coalition Scholarship |$1,000 to ½ tuition |With application | |

|Cedar Crest |Various grants & awards |varies |October | |

|Coca-Cola |Apply online |$1,000 |OCT 31st |coca- |

| | | | |$3 million awarded annually |

|Council Rock Graduate MAST SCHOLARSHIP |BUCK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE award |$1000 |March | |

|CSNABC |Letter of acceptance from an accredited |$1,000 |March |Finalists must submit a copy of current income tax listing|

|Certified School Nurse Association of Bucks County |school of nursing, short letter from the | | |applicant as a dependant. |

| |applicant, official HS transcript, | | |Applications available in late January. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|DELMARVA Farmer Scholarship |Resident of DE, NJ, PA, VA |$1000.00 |Nomination by July 2012|american |

| | |Per semester | | |

|DeVry University Community Scholar Award |Accepted and attending DeVry, in good |Up to $25,000 |Jan |For more information on various grants & awards: |

| |standing | | | |

|Discover Card |Juniors Only. Essay. |Up to $2,500 |March | |

|DVASBO |Students pursuing a business career. Essay. |One time award of |April |Online applications are found at: |

| | |$2,000 | | |

|DVSFMA |Seniors continuing at a trade or technical |$1,000.00 |June |Coursework should be concentrated in HVAC, plumbing, |

|Delaware Valley School of Facility Managers Association |school |each | |electric, etc. |

| | | | |Applications available in Guidance in early March |

|Educational Communications |All high school students. Legal residents of |Up to $8,000 |Feb. |There is a $3.50 processing fee to reimburse the |

|Scholarship Foundation |the U.S. Must take the SAT or ACT to compete.| | |Foundation for processing, production and postage costs. |

| | | | |Request applications: |

| | | | |721 North McKinley Road |

| | | | |Box 5002 |

| | | | |Lake Forest, IL 60045 |

|Elks Eagle Scout Scholarship |Registered Eagle Scout SAT/ACT required. |Up to $ 60,000 |By Dec. |For application go to bsa.nesa |

| |Financial need. | | | |

|Elks National Foundation - 2012 Most |Seniors only. Based on |Varies |With Application by |500 national awards to be given away |

|Valuable Student Scholarship |Scholarship, leadership, and financial need. | |MARCH | |

| |Essay Required. | | |Applications will be available on-line after November 1st |

| | | | |at |

| | | | | |

|Elmira College |Elmira College Key |Renewable up to $3,000 |Dec of academic year | |

| | | |of need | |

|Emergency Educational Grants |Child of an Elk who is |Varies |Postmark by Feb 15 |Contact the Elks at 773-755-4732 |

| |deceased, who is | | | |

| |unmarried and in | | | |

| |financial need | | | |

|FFA National Scholarship. |Must be a U.S. |$1,000 to $10,000 |FEB |Individual scholarships may have |

|Numerous scholarships & Grants available. |citizen; current FFA | | |additional requirements |

| |member; high school | | | |

| |Senior. | | |Apply at |

|FIRSTRUST |Apply online |Varies |Upon admission |Apply at |

|Samuel A. Green Scholarship |Essay required | | | |

|Frankford Hospital School of Nursing |GPA, High SAT, years of service at Frankford |Varies |March |Loan Forgiveness $9, 000 yearly |

| |Hospital | | |Academic Scholarships $3-$4000 yearly |

|Future Business Leaders of America |FBLA member in good standing. Letter from |Varies |February |Visit |

| |FBLA sponsor required. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |**** UP TO ½ TUITION at Some Schools |

|Gates Millennium |Scholars 3.3 GPA, minority |$6,000 |Varies |Apply at |

| |students, financial need, nomination | | | |

|Girl Scout Gold Award Administered |Must be a Girl Scout Gold Award winner. |Up to 10,000 |March |Judging criteria are academics, activities, leadership, |

|by the Elk's | | |Online |community involvement |

| | | | |Apply at |

|Girls Going Places |Community minded girls 12-18. Essay & |Non-monetary honors |January | |

| |References required | | | |

|Goucher College’s Writing Contest |For high school women; submit original pieces|$500 |March | |

| |of writing, 6 copies of each | | | |

|Grace M. Reimard Award |Resident of Bucks or Montgomery Co. | | |Student in good standing, pursuing a career in Family & |

| | |$300 to $2,000 |May |Consumer Sciences |

|Harcum College Scholarships | |Min $500 |APR. | |

| |Varied | | |Some essays are required, indicate interest on application|

| |Inquire with Admissions | | |and in financial aid paperwork |

|Harry W. Fawkes Scholarship from the Bucks County Community |Student in good standing, letter of |$2,500 |Oct. |Must enroll full time at BCCC. |

|College Foundation |recommendation, resident of Bucks Co. | | | |

|Horatio Alger Scholarship Program: |Entering college not later than Fall |Full tuition |Jan |

|For students who have exhibited perseverance in overcoming |following Graduation. Resident of PA, US | | |**commitment to a four year degree, financial need, |

|personal adversity |citizen | | |co-curricular & community activities, min 2.0 |

|Ithaca College |Top 4% of class and SATI of 1350/1600 |varies |March |Fully renewable tuition and book stipend. Communications |

|Park Scholar Program | | | |majors only. Merit based. See your guidance counselor to |

| | | | |express interest in being nominated. |

|Jack & Jill, Inc. Scholarship Award |Legal resident of the U.S. & resident of |Varies |November |Two essays, a letter of recommendation from an academic |

|Bucks County Chapter |Bucks County, African American, GPA 3.0 or | | |teacher and an official transcript |

| |better. | | |** 35 documented hours of community within the last 12 |

| | | | |months, demonstrate recognition or awards for citizenship,|

| | | | |civic activities, athletics, the arts, religious, |

| | | | |extracurricular or job experiences. ** |

|James Madison University |Achievement, leadership, community service & |$1000 |May |Apply online: |

| |personal qualities | | | |

|Jean Madeline Aveda Institute Scholarship |Recommendation requires, interview required |Up to $16,000 over 4 |Received before Feb 1st|Call 215-574-9670 for more information. |

| | |yrs, | | |

|John McKee Scholarship |Senior, fatherless boy, financial need, |varies |As early as 1/2012 |Preference given to Naval Education Candidates |

| |native to the 5 county Phila. Region | | |Apply at |

|Juniata College |Merit and need based scholarships |varies |Upon receipt of | or 1-877-JUNIATA |

| | | |portfolio | |

|Kansas City Art Institute |Portfolio Required |Varies by merit |June | |

| |Freshman Competitive Scholarship | | | |

| |Freshman Merit Award | | | |

| |Transfer Student Awards | | | |

|Katherine G Ryan Award |Upper fifth of class |Varies |Upon application | |

|Kettering University |Full paid internships |$5,000 renewable to |Dec 1 to Feb 10 online | |

| |$3 million in aid |20,000 | | |

| | | | |800.955.4464 |

|KFC Colonel’s Scholars |Min GPA 2.75, In-State student status, US |One time award. |April |Online application will become available Dec 10th. |

| |citizen, financial need |Varies. | | |

|Latino Leadership Alliance of Bucks County |Academic Performance |$1,000 |March |** Acceptance to a 2 or 4 year Institution of Higher |

|Latino Leadership (continued) |Financial need | | |Learning |

| |Community service | | | |

| |Extracurricular Activity | | | |

|Martha K. Smith Memorial Scholarship |Student beginning a career or continuing |Minimum of $2000 |April | |

| |toward a career in business education | | | |

|MK SMITH cont’d | | | | |

|Martha Washington Garden Club of Yardley |Essay required |$40,000 |Jan | |

| |For students of Horticulture or related | | | |

| |studies | | | |

|McKelvey Foundation |Entrepreneurial Scholarship: |$1,000 |May 1st |Apply online at: |

|Mervyn Sluizer, Jr Scholarship Fund |Boy Scouts: Eagle Scout |$2,000 |June |Application is online at: |

| | | | | |

| | | | |WWW. |

|Michigan State University |Valedictorian Scholarship |Varies |held in November |See your guidance counselor to express interest in |

| | | | |applying and being nominated |

|Miss Pennsylvania Teen USA |Female students entering Pageant. |$500 |3/25 |Ages 15-19 |

| |US citizen, resident of PA. | | | |

|Montgomery-Bucks Family & Consumer Sciences Assoc. |Application, pursuing a career in Family & |awards vary | | |

| |consumer science | | | |

|NAACP |varies |Varies |Jan | |

|Bucks County Branch | | | | |

|Scholarship announcements and programs | | | | |

|National Aeronautics and Space |Science, math, computer |$2,000.00 to |TBA |grc.WWW/OEP/SCHOLARS.htm |

|Administration (NASA) |or engineering majors. |$15K | |** must attend a college offering NASA awards & |

| | | | |fellowships |

|National Alliance for Scholastic |Planning to attend a 4- |Varies |Feb |contact: bus/nasa |

|Achievement |year college or university. | | | |

| |U.S. citizen; GPA of at least 2.75 | | |**ACT or SAT, letter of recommendation, application and |

| | | | |essay |

|National CO-OP Scholarship program |GPA of 3.5 and one page essay as part of |$1,000 |Feb 1st |Demonstrates leadership abilities |

|(ALSO KNOWN AS BEST OF CO-OP) |application process |to $10,000 | | |

| | | | |Apply at |

|National Peace Essay Contest |Essay required |$5 million awarded in |Nov 17th or |npec |

| | |2011 |March 30 | |

|National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation |High school students looking to further their|varies |Varies by scholarship |scholarships |

|(NRAEF) |education in restaurant and food service | | | |

| |industry. | | |or contact LaDesia Taylor at 312-715-6744 |

|National Society Daughters of the |Must be a U.S. citizen |varies |TBA | |

|American Revolution |and must attend | | | |

| |accredited college | | | |

| |university in the US | | | |

|National Wild Turkey Federation |Seniors with a 3.0 or |$10,000 |With Application |must support the preservation hunting tradition |

|Academic Scholarship Program |better GPA, pursuing | | |Actively participate hunting sports. |

| |degree at an accredited | | | |

| |institution of higher | | | |

| |learning. | | | |

|New England College |Essay Contest, Business Plan & Political |Up to $12,000 |March | |

| |Science Competition | | | |

|NFB (National Federation of the Blind |Complete Application | |October |Applications become available in mid-January. |

| |Multiple Awards Available | | | |

| |Blind/visually impaired students | | | |

|NYU: Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholars Program |Nomination thru scholarship committee |$1000 to 15,000 |Sept. |Contact guidance to express interest applying to NYU & in |

| | | | |being considered |

|NYU: Stienhardt School of Education |Education majors |$5000 |Feb 15 |Contact guidance to express interest applying to NYU & in |

| |Need based & Re-newable | | |being considered |

| | | | | |

|OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO! |Application, Essay |varies |Dec. 1st | to download a PDF |

|College Scholarship Program | | | | |

|Ohio State University |New Awards: |Full tuition, room & |Feb 1st |Also: Buckeye Award & Buckeye PLUS scholarship for out of |

| |“Honors & Morrill Scholars Program” |board. | |state freshman. |

| |“Maximus Competition” | | |Call: 614-292-3980 |

| |“Land Grant Opportunity Scholars” |VARIES | | |

| | | |Upon application | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Full tuition | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |$3,000-$10,000 | | |

|Ohio Wesleyan: Schimmel Scholarship |Women in the top 5% of the class with a 3.9 |½ tuition |May |Please address questions to |

| |or above GPA | | | |

| | | | | |

|Presidential Scholarships |MERIT BASED | | | |

|Trustee scholarships | | | | |

|Faculty Scholarships | | | |or 800.922.8953 ext3020 |

| | | | | |

|Helen Crider Smith: Women As Leaders Scholarship | | | | |

| | | | | |

|LaPorte Meek: Community Service & Leadership Awards | | | | |

|Orleans Technical Institute |Must pass entrance test, references required,|Full tuition |May | |

|Court Reporting Scholarship |letter of interest | | | |

|Orleans Technical Institute |Must pass entrance exam, Scholarships in HVAC|$1,000.00 |Check website | |

|Trades Scholarship |& Residential/Commercial Electricity |Each | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Outstanding Students of America |Well-rounded SENIORS |Amount of award is |APRIL |active in community service and |

| |with a GPA of 3.0 or |based on tuition | |school activities |

| |higher |**Must be used within | | |

| | |PA | | |

|PA House of Representatives Scholarship |Applicants are judged on academic record, |Five $1000 |2/6/10 to guidance |WWW. |

| |extracurricular activities, leadership and |renewable | | |

| |commitment to community. Min 3.0 GPA & Essay| | | |

| |required | | |OR |

| | | | | |


|PACB |Children of employees and directors of member|$500 |March | |

|(Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers) |banks. Min GPA required. | | | |

|PAEOP (PA Assoc. of Educational Office Personnel) |Pursuit of Higher Education in a business |$1,500 |APRIL1 |Applications online at |

|Hermine Solt Scholarship |career. | | | |

| |Achievement, leadership, citizenship, | | | |

| |service. | | | |

| |Recommendation from business education | | | |

| |teacher or counselor must accompany the | | | |

| |application | | | |

|PASR |For Resident students who have expressed |Full tuition to The Art|Nov | |

|Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees |interest in the field of education |Institute | | |

|Passion for Fashion Competition |1)Fashion Design |Up to $10,000 |March 1st | |

| |or | | | |

| |2) Fashion Marketing/Merchandising & Retail | | | |

| |Management | | | |

|PBFAA |Children of Law Enforcement & Fire Service |Varies |With Application |info@ |

| |Personal | | | |

| | | | |Regional, State & Local Awards |

|Phi Kappa Psi Woodrow Wilson Leadership Scholarship |Male students, attending PSU Main Campus | | | |

|Philadelphia Inquirer Student Citizenship Award | |$200 to $7,000 per year|April | |

|Platt Caddie Scholarship |Caddie-scholar, must have caddied at least |$500 |June 1st | |

| |one year at a member club of the Golf | | | |

| |Association of Philadelphia | | |apply online |

|PRIDE of Greater Lehigh Valley |3 scholarships |To $5000 |Not yet available |At |

| |Essay based | | |Listed under programs |

|PSBA: Kids’ Chance of PA |To benefit children PA workers injured or |varies |Feb 1st |Documentation required. |

| |killed in a work related accident | | | |

|Rider University |Admission to Rider |Up to Full Tuition |Feb 1st |With Application |

|Rider University |Various scholarships for Freshman: ACTING, |Full 4 year |Feb. 16 |Upon application to the University. |


|Rider University: Scholarship for Actors |With Application for Admission: *Audition |$160,000 |January 15th |Fax resume, & 2 letters of recommendation to: 609-896-5232|

| | |Over 4 yrs | | |

|Roanoke College |Scholars Program |1,000.00 |Feb 2nd | |

|Ronald McDonald House |RMHC/African American (Future Achievers |$1,000.00 |Feb 1st | |

| |Scholarship Program) and | | |or |

| | | | | |

| |RMHC/HACER: for Latino high School Seniors | | | |

| | | | |under “ programs” |

|Ronald McDonald Scholarship (RMHC) |Current seniors of all backgrounds who are |$150,000. | | |

| |eligible to attend a two or four year |value | |or |

| |college. | | | |

| | | | | |

|ROTC |US Citizen, age 17-23, SAT 1000, ACT 22, must|$150,000 | | |

|Marine Option: NROTC |meet Physical/medical req. |value | | |

| | | | |or contact |

| | | | |Capt. Matthew W. Crocker |

| | | | |717-770-5316 |

| | | | |Four Years of tuition, books, lab fees and monthly stipend|

|ROTC |ACT scores of 22 Math,22 |Full tuition |ASAP | |

|Naval ROTC |English or SAT Math520 | | | |

| |or 530 Verbal, US citizen, | | | |

| | | | |or contact |

| | | | |Capt. Matthew W. Crocker |

| | | | |717-770-5316 |

| | | | |Four Years of tuition, books, lab fees and monthly stipend|

| | | | | |

|ROTC |Integrity, service, & excellence |varies |Varies |Contact: Lt. Col. Susan DeGiovanni |

|Air Force ROTC | | |Check website |215-794-2036 |

|**Untied States Air Force Academy** | | | |degiovanni@ |

|SAE/Society of Automotive |A high school senior |Up to $10,000 |March 1st | |

|Engineers |at date of application; citizen of the U.S.;| | | |

| | | | |must meet requirements: GPA, SAT1 and/or ACT scores as |

| | | | |outlined in the individual requirements for each |

| | | | |scholarship |

|Salve Regina University |Competitive GPA & class rank combines SAT |$1,000.00 |January | |

| |scores required | | | |

|Sam Walton Community Scholarship |Non-renewable |$7500 |March | |

| | | | | |

|Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year” (SAMMY) 2012 |Academic performance, athletic excellence, |Two at $4,500 |Nomination – please |Apply at |

| |leadership, community service | |express interest to | |

| | | |guidance by 3/25 | |

|School of Beauty Culture |2.5 GPA & in good standing, must provide your| |Feb 1st |Contact guidance to express interest applying to SBC & in |

| |own transportation to school | | |being nominated for award: must attend a pre-admission |

| | | | |presentation & tour, must maintain satisfactory progress |

|Silas H. Rhodes |3.0 GPA |75,000 | | |

|The School of Visual Arts |Review of Academic & Creative accomplishments| | | |

| | | | |email admissions at: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sterling College |Exemplary commitment to environmental service|$4000 to $40,000 |With application |For details, please visit: |

| |& volunteerism | | | |

| | | | | |

|Susquehanna Music Scholarship |Decision based on performance and evaluation |$1000 |DEC |1-800-362-9672 |

| |of musical talent and potential | | | |

|TD BANK: American Dream Scholarships |3.0, employment or volunteerism |$1,000 to $8,000 |Upon application |Application online |

| | | | |AmericanDream |

|The College of New Jersey |Merit Scholarship for Out of State Students |Varies |February | |

|The Links, Inc |African American High School Seniors |varies |With application | |

|Towson University |Math and Science Students |Up to $20,000 | | |

|  | | | |  |

|Toyota Community Scholars Program |Outstanding academics, well documented record|Full and Partial |Dec 1st |**Documented community service and nomination by |

| |outstanding service in and out of school | | |committee** |

|University of Connecticut |Full and Partial Scholarships |Full & partial |Upon application |Priority consideration for applications submitted before |

| | |scholarships | |Dec. 1st |

| | | | | |

|University of Dayton |Merit & Need Based |Full to partial |Jan | |

| | | | | |

|University of Mary Washington |Varies by scholarship |$20,000 |February 1st |Apply within the application |

| | |annually | | |

|University of Michigan: | |Up to $1000 |March | |

|“Joseph M Geisinger” Scholarship | | | | |

| | | | |Or |

| | | | |

| | | | |html |

|University of Pennsylvania |Documentary Film Contest on the subject of |Full tuition |Dec 1st |Hosted by the Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice|

| |Child Abuse. | | |and Research. In conjunction with the National Conference|

| | | | |“One Child, Many Hands: A Multidisciplinary Conference on |

| | | | |Child Welfare”. |

| | | | | |

|University of Virginia |Excellence: leadership, scholarship, |$500 in 4 annual |Not Yet Available |See your guidance counselor if applying to UVA in order to|

|Jefferson Scholars Foundation |citizenship. Nomination. |installments | |be considered |

|Upper Makefield Business Association 21st Annual Scholarship |Two individual scholarships for $2000 |$25,000 |On going | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Ursinus College |African American & Latino students, top 15% |varies |On website |Contact Erin Dickerson at 610-409-3200 |

|Tower Scholarship |of class, 1200 min SAT | | | |

|USA Today Academic Team |Key elements: academia, arts & leadership |varies |Feb 1st |By nomination at allstars. |

|VMI Institute Scholarship Program |1200+ SAT, 27+ ACT, 3.5 cum, top 10% class |Grand Prize |Nov 1st. |Email: for more information |

|Merit Scholarship | |$30,000 | |Application: |

| | | | |

|VMI Cont’d | | | |=fb5d653b_311_385_130_1 |

| | | | | |

|Voice of Democracy: Veterans of Foreign Wars |Patriotic Audio Essay Competition |$5,000.00 per | |Official Entry Form Available in Guidance |

| | |year | |Or Call John McGowen at 215-493-9822 “ |

| | | | |between 9AM & 3PM |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Wal-Mart Competitive Edge |27 ACT or 1100 SAT; 3.5 |Varies |Upon application |Interview, financial need |

|& |cum GPA, 90% or higher | | | |

|Local Scholarship |in class rank; essay | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Washington & Lee |Merit scholarships |Regional award $500 to |January |Totaling over $100 million in aid |

| |The Johnson Scholarship Program |$5000 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |admissions: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Washington Crossing Foundation |Seniors who are planning careers in |Varies - $500,000 in |Register by OCTOBER | |

| |government service |awards |1st… | |

| | | | | |

|youngARTS AWARDS |Senior in good standing & portfolio or | | | or by phone at 1-800-970-ARTS |

| |audition required | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Register by OCTOBER 1st… |

| | | | |PORTFOLIO/AUDITION by Nov 3rd |

2012-13 This table reflects information and contacts collected 2012. As links change and new information becomes available, pages may be altered.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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