Course Description:

|Course Description: |18-weeks\1 credits. The course is a study of the marine environment, oceanography, marine diversity (survey |

| |of marine organisms), and marine ecology. |

|Course Objectives: |Students will: |

| |A) Gain knowledge of the science known as Marine Biology |

| |B) Establish a time line of the history of Marine Biology |

| |C) Learn the physical / chemical properties of seawater |

| |D) Become aware of the energy flow thru the marine environment – individual, as well as system wide |

| |E) Learn about the microscopic world within marine biology |

| |F) Examine the characteristics of both plants and animals in the marine environment as well as their |

| |relationships to each other |

| |G) Recognize marine ecology and its importance to mankind |

| |H) Identify marine communities and the interactions therein |

| |I) Recognize the impact of man on the marine environment |

| |J) Become aware of careers and research opportunities in Marine Biology |

|Classroom Expectations: |I assume that each of you is capable of speaking and writing in complete, grammatically correct sentences. I|

| |also assume you understand the basic difference between right and wrong and how to be courteous towards |

| |others. I assume you are all tremendously talented in some way or another and that you can think through |

| |somewhat complex questions. |

| |I expect that you will treat your other classmates and me with respect and dignity, just as I will do with |

| |you. I expect that if you do not understand something, or if you are having problems with me personally, |

| |that you will come to me and let me help you. I expect that you will try hard to complete all class work, |

| |keep up with all reading assignments, homework and that you will study for tests. |

| |Keys to Success: |

| |Responsibility You are responsible for the amount you learn and your grade in this class. It is my |

| |responsibility to teach you Biology in the best way possible. Grades are earned not given. |

| |Motivation You are the one who must be motivated to come every day and learn as much as possible. |

| |Effort Your achievement and learning is directly related to your effort. Homework is not a punishment but |

| |an invitation to practice a skill. I will put forth a great deal of effort on my part and you should follow |

| |suit. |

|BJ Grading Policy: |You will be graded on lesson review questions, written laboratory activities, assigned reports, tests and |

| |in-class activities. |

| |No unexcused absence work will be accepted. |

| |Tests will be a combination of multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short answer, and/or true-false.|

| | |

| |Each student will be required to complete two inquiry-based projects counting as two test grades. The |

| |projects will involve research and real world application of scientific principles. |

| |Your grade each nine weeks will be calculated as follows: |

| |30% Daily Grades and Labs- lab quizzes, lab reports and conduct in lab, book work, worksheets, |

| |homework, and quizzes. |

| |70% Tests, Projects, and Composition Book Quizzes |

| |Grades will be entered into the INOW system allowing parents / guardians and students to access grades. |

|BJ Make-up Test Policy: |Make-up test day for the Science Department is every Thursday at 7:15AM. It is the responsibility of the |

| |student to ask for a hall pass for make-up tests.  If a test is missed due to an excused absence, the student|

| |will have two consecutive Thursdays after the absence to make it up.  Students who arrive late for a make-up |

| |test may NOT receive extra time to finish the test and any uncompleted sections will be counted as |

| |incorrect.  Quizzes, labs, daily grades and homework will be made-up before and after school at a time |

| |specified by the teacher. |

|Text and Other Required Reading: |Text: Marine Science – The Dynamic Ocean, Pearson, Marrero and Schuster, 2012 |

| |We will use Google Classroom and Remind while in class and to communicate while away from school. During the|

| |first week of class I will introduce Google Classroom and Remind to all of you and we will spend time |

| |learning how to benefit from these online services. |

|Materials and Supplies Needed: |Pen, pencil, and colored pencils. |

| |1 inch three-ring binder with paper. |

| |Composition book |

| |Signed Signatures Page (signed by you and your parent or guardian) |

| | |

|Concerning laptop utilization: |1. Under no circumstances are student laptops to be wired to the network or have print capabilities. |

| |2. No discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will be allowed. |

| |3. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops. |

| |4. Laptops will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher. |

|Note: |1. The academic misconduct policy of the school will be followed for this course. |

| |2. The attendance policy of the school will be followed for this course. |

| |3. Any student who receives failing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher |

| |immediately. |

| |

|18 – WEEK PLAN |

|Week 1 |Introduction to Marine Biology; History of Marine Biology and Ocean Explorations |

|Week 2 |Chemical and Physical Features of Seawater |

|Week 3 |Saltwater and Brackish Water in Estuaries and the World’s Oceans |

|Week 4 |Interactions between the Oceans and the Atmosphere; Seasons |

|Week 5 |The Ocean Surface |

|Week 6 |Energy and the Ocean |

|Week 7 |Topography of the Ocean Floor (Benthic Zones, Mid-ocean Ridge, and Vents) |

|Week 8 |The Depths (Exploration and Understanding Conditions of the Depths) |

|Week 9 |Ocean Ecosystems |

|Week 10 |Biodiversity and Food Webs |

|Week 11 |Relationships in the Ocean |

|Week 12 |Waves |

|Week 13 |Tides |

|Week 14 |Prokaryotes, Algae, and Plants; Invertebrates and Fishes |

|Week 15 |Marine Reptiles and Birds |

|Week 16 |Marine Mammals |

|Week 17 |Student Research – Human Impact and Conservation |

|Week |Careers in Marine Biology, Review, Catch-up, and Final Exam |

|18 | |

* Dates subject to change.


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