
-911584497004604468-17136700700957-449746Has the coronavirus pandemic impacted your life?00Has the coronavirus pandemic impacted your life?For questions 1–8, read the text below and circle which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.Last week my school district 1……………. that our school would be closed until May 10. Upon receiving the email, I immediately contacted my friends to 2 ……………. our responses. To most of my friends and me, this news was no surprise. Already finishing week one of quarantine, I find myself in a state of pessimism in 3 ……………. to life in the midst of a pandemic. My days have blurred into Google Classroom assignments, hobby 4 ……………, aimless searching on Netflix, and on exceptionally 5 …………… days, existential contemplation.Everything is weird. I can’t find a better way to describe it 6 ……………………. being negative. My parents are yet working and as an only child, I try my best to stay 7 …………………. with blasting music and shows. Other times I call my friends to pass the time doing school assignments. Even then, schoolwork seems increasingly 8 …………………….1. A told B announced C withhold D canceled 2. A share B bestow C split D refuse3. A proceeding B regards C split D refuse4. A conspire B neglect C look for D seeking5. A bright B fascinating C boring D unusual469201573660006. A out B inside C with D without7. A sane B irrational C fit D healthy8. A significant B relevant C urgent D pointless4173855-55816500-127635-643890How to Survive Quarantine Without Going Crazy?00How to Survive Quarantine Without Going Crazy?-1022985-6477000 What do these people do while they are stuck in quarantine? -704850600075You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their life under coronavirus quarantine. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-G what each speaker says about. 91059060325A . watches Netflix E. works on businessB. enjoys good food F. reads paper booksC. watches opera online G. works out at homeD. does the household chores 00A . watches Netflix E. works on businessB. enjoys good food F. reads paper booksC. watches opera online G. works out at homeD. does the household chores -93726022606000450151518542000How is the coronavirus affecting your life — physically, socially and emotionally?What changes have you, your friends, family and community experienced?What changes have you, your friends, family and community experienced?Has your school been closed? If so, what does your education look and feel like now?Are you and your family practicing any forms of social distancing?How are you staying connected and sane in a time of social distancing?4704583-11064300What helps you deal with all the changes brought about by the coronavirus outbreak?How do you cope with feelings of isolation and loneliness?HOJA DE RESPUESTASNAME:GRADE:Tabla de respuestas de: For questions 1–8, read the text below and circle which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.No.OPCI?N DE RESPUESTA1ABC D2ABC D3ABC D4ABC D5ABC D6ABC D7ABC D8ABC DTabla de respuesta de: How to Survive Quarantine without Going Crazy?-63507620ABCDEFGTabla de respuestas de: ................

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