English 10 Honors


Marion Senior High School

2nd & 7th period

Mrs. Carrie Cornett


“Words are vehicles that can transport us from

the drab sands to the dazzling stars.”

Course Description: Students taking this course will learn the skills necessary to design, write, publish, advertise, and distribute Marion Senior High School’s official newspaper, The Scarlet Hurricane. Such skills will include interview techniques, using appropriate internet sources, and writing a variety of newspaper articles (news, sports, opinion, etc.) Students will also learn the responsibilities of successful journalists, including the legal aspects, ethics, and policies.

Course Expectations: The number one rule in this class is RESPECT. Everyone has the right to learn in the best environment possible, free of interruptions, put-downs, offensive language, and ringing cell phones (to name a few). Additionally, a large portion of your grade involves actively participating in classroom activities and discussions which, generally, cannot be made up. Therefore, regular attendance is crucial.

Daily Activities and Assignments:

Lesson plans will be available weekly, on the website for this course:

It can also be accessed from the school’s website within the faculty/staff link. Lessons and assignments on this site will be updated weekly, but are subject to change. Please check with the instructor concerning specific assignments and due dates.

Students are expected to:

Always show RESPECT

Come to class on time

Be prepared to learn

Have required materials

Work their hardest


Three-ring binder

Spiral-bound, college-ruled notebook

Loose leaf paper, college-ruled

Pencil or pen

Make-Up-Work Policy:

If a student is absent, any homework due on the day of the absence (including snow days and school-related events) will then be due on the next day back at school.

Upon returning to school from an absence, it will be the student’s responsibility to ask about work missed. Once discussed, the student will then have an agreed-upon time frame to turn in the missed work before a grade of zero will be entered in the grade-book.

Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as stealing (language, ideas, or thoughts) from another, representing them as one’s own original work. This topic will be covered more in depth in class, as it is a very serious offense and will, under no circumstances, be tolerated.

Technology Policy:

Students participating in Newspaper will be expected to use the computer and internet in a responsible and professional manner, as detailed in the Student Handbook. Violations of these rules will not be tolerated, and could result in a suspension from computer and/or internet use.

Grading Scale:




Daily Activities & Participation…10%






F…below 70


Syllabus Agreement

If you have any questions regarding this syllabus, or anything else pertaining to this course, please contact Mrs. Carrie Cornett, either at school or by e-mail.

Marion Senior High School, Front Office: 276-783-4731

Mrs. Carrie Cornett e-mail: carriecornett@

Quia Web Page:

Thanks so much—we’re looking forward to a great year!


Please sign and return this portion by August 22.

I received the syllabus for Journalism-Newspaper and understand the policies and procedures discussed in it.

_____________________________ ______________________________

Student Name (printed) Student Signature

_____________________________ ______________________________

Parent Name (printed) Parent Signature


Date Received

A few notes on the daily assignments for this class

• Vocabulary

Every Monday, I will give you a handout of 20 journalism-related vocabulary words. If you happen to lose this handout, it can also be found on the Quia page for this class. Every Friday, there will be a test on these vocabulary words. Even if you happen to be absent on Thursday, you will still be expected to take the test on Friday. Vocabulary tests count towards 35% of your grade.

• Journals

Every day when you come into class, you are expected to sit down, get a newspaper, and begin working on your journal. You will have ten minutes to find an article and write a brief summary that shows an understanding of what the article is about. Journals will be taken up at random, so it is crucial that you always bring your journal to class, completed and up-to-date. Journals count for 20% of your grade.

• Article assignments

Depending on what is going on in the world (and whether or not we are preparing to put out an issue), when you come in the “newsroom” I might have a breaking news assignment for you. These assignments will vary in length and topic. They might be individual or collaborative. The one constant is that they will NOT go in your journal. They will need to be handwritten on loose-leaf paper and will be due, unless otherwise specified, by the end of class. I will generally not assign breaking news articles if we are working on a deadline for our next issue.

The following information MUST APPEAR for EACH JOURNAL TOPIC:



3-Source (, for example)

4-Journal Number (1, 2, 3, etc.) Journal numbers will start over after they have been graded

5-Name/Topic of the article

Also, please don’t forget that journals must be at least ½ a page for you to

receive full credit.

You can have up to 2 journals per page, and you can write on the back.

Journals must be in your spiral-bound notebook.

The purpose of writing about news in your journal is because, as journalists,

you need to know what is going on in the world!



Carrie Cornett

Today’s Date

or Smyth County News


“This is how your journal should be set up—

put the name of the article here”






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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