PDF Mayor Speech - Real Life 4 Kids

[Pages:1]Mayor Speech

You are involved in a campaign to become the next mayor of your town. Prepare a mayor's speech to convince your town why they should vote for you.

You need to follow these guidelines when preparing your oral:


Duration of the oral must be no longer than 2 minutes. You must include a canvassing poster with a slogan for your campaign.


Why should people vote for you? What makes you the best person for the job? What will you do for your town that no other mayor will? Talk about housing, education, medical care, crime, poverty, any up and coming exciting events etc. How are you going to improve on these aspects and/or look after them? How are you going to excite and entice your town into

voting for you? Be creative, interesting and add humour to get your audience's attention!

You Will be Marked on the Following:

Content: Have you included all the content required of you? Eye Contact: Did you maintain good eye contact with the audience? Pronunciation: Did you use clear speech with good word formation?

Fluency: Did your voice flow evenly with the correct pitch? Presentation of Charts: Were your charts and/or other aids neat? Effort/Interest: Did you show interest and enthusiasm in this project?

Audibility: Was your voice clear and strong?

Total: 20 Marks


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