IDAHO RURAL LETTER CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTIONAS AMENDED BY THE IDAHO STATE CONVENTION OF 20192020 State Convention Cancelled(Revisions are noted in bold-Italic font)This association shall be known as theIDAHO RURAL LETTER CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATONThe State President, State Vice-President and the State Secretary/Treasurer shall be known as theSTATE OFFICERSThe State President, State Vice-President, State Secretary/Treasurer and elected seats(s), one from each district shall be known as theEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEThe State President, State Vice-President, State Secretary/Treasurer, the elected seats, one from each District, Editor of the State Newspaper, Webmaster, and the Retirees Representative shall be known as theSTATE BOARDThe object of this association shall be to unite fraternally all Rural Carriers, Part Time Flexible Rural Carriers (PTF), Substitute Carriers, Rural Carrier Associates, Rural Carrier Reliefs, Retired and Auxiliary Carriers of the State of Idaho for the improvement of their own conditions and that of the rural carrier service, to assist in establishing and supporting the National Association, and to cooperate at all times with the United States Postal Service for the advancement of the mail service.ARTICLE INameThe name of this Association shall be the “Idaho Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.” The Idaho Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (IDRLCA), by its Secretary-Treasurer, maintains custody and control of the State Association name as well as any State Association name, logo or symbol. Unauthorized use of the State Association name, logo or symbol shall be addressed by the filing of an internal union charge or legal action or both.ARTICLE IIMembersSection 1. Member in Good Standing. A “member in good standing” is a member who has made timely payment of dues and has not voluntarily withdrawn or been expelled or suspended by the Association. Section 2. ClassificationsA.Bargaining Unit Member. Membership is open to the following rural carriers:1.Regular Carriers (Designation Code 71), including regular carriers who are in Injured-on-Duty/Leave Without Pay (IOD/LWOP) status and assigned to (980-989) rural routes;2.Part-Time Flexible Rural Carriers (PTFs, Designation Code 76);3.Substitute Rural Carriers (Designation Codes 72 and 73);4.Rural Carrier Associates (RCAs, Designation Codes 78, 74, 79);5.Rural Carrier Reliefs (RCRs, Designation Code 75);6.Auxiliary Rural Carriers (Designation Code 77);7.Assistant Rural Carriers (ARCs, Designation Code 70-5); and8.Rural Carriers in the Armed Forces of our country, provided they were members when their duty began.Bargaining Unit Members in good standing are entitled to all voting rights and to hold both elective and appointive office at all levels of the Association.B.Retired Member. Retired membership is open to Rural Carriers who were members in good standing at retirement on an annuity. Eligibility for Retired membership expires on June 30 of the year following retirement. Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Retired membership. However, a Retired carrier whose membership has lapsed, due to extenuating circumstances, may apply for reinstatement to the National Secretary-Treasurer by providing proof of prior membership and the current year’s dues. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall present the request for membership to the National Board for a decision. Retired Members in good standing are entitled to all voting rights with the exception of ratification of National Agreements. Retired Members may not be elected to National office. C.Associate Member. Associate membership is open to Rural Carriers who were members in good standing and are now either working in other non-managerial Postal Service jobs or have left the service and are not receiving an annuity. Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Associate membership. Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.D.Retired Associate Member. Retired Associate membership is open to Associate Members who have retired on an annuity. Eligibility for Retired Associate membership expires on June 30 of the year following retirement. Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Retired Associate membership. Retired Associates may not apply for reinstatement. Retired Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.E.Honorary Member. Honorary membership may be bestowed by the Association at the National Convention upon recommendation of the National Board. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.Section 3. Restrictions. Inasmuch as it is an unfair labor practice under the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) for any employer (including persons acting in that capacity) to dominate or interfere with the administration of any labor organization, it follows that employers, while they may be members, may not be candidates for office or serve as officers.Members are prohibited from participation in the Association while serving in managerial or supervisory positions, such as Officer-in-Charge (OIC), Acting Supervisor (204-B) or Postmaster Relief (PMR) or acting in any capacity normally performed by a manager. Members who accept managerial positions shall be deemed to have resigned from all elected and appointed positions within the Association and shall be prohibited from holding any elected or appointed union positions for a period of one year from the last day served in that capacity. Section 4. anized Districts. Members working in organized districts shall affiliate with the district association representing the office from which the route originates. B.Retirees. A Retired Member shall affiliate either in the district of residence or in the district where previously employed as a regular rural carrier.Section 5. Application. The Association recognizes and accepts Standard Forms 1187 and 1187-R, Authorization for Deduction of Dues, for employees or retirees wishing to join the Association. Additionally, prospective members may make application by remitting in advance the appropriate annual cash payment.Section 6. Dues. A.Annual State Per Capita dues shall be defined as follows per membership classification plus the National per capita dues as defined in the National Constitution.1.Regular Rural Carriers; State .00406 (forty point six one-hundredths of one percent) of a 40K Step 12 Salary Rate, and District $10.00.2.Part-Time Flexible Rural Carriers; State .00406 (forty point six one-hundredths of one percent) of a 40K Step 12 Salary Rate, and District $10.00.3.Substitute Rural Carriers; State $44.50 and District $5.00. 4.Rural Carrier Associates; State $44.50 and District $5.00. 5.Rural Carrier Reliefs; State $44.50 and District $5.00. 6.Auxiliary Rural Carriers; State $44.50 and District $5.00. 7.Assistant Rural Carriers; State $7.00 and District $5.00.8.Retired Rural Carriers; State $14.00 and District $2.00.9.Associate Member; State $151.00, District $10.00. 10.Retired Associate Member; State $18.00 and District $2.00.B.Dues to be paid to the State Treasurer by lump sum annually or by dues withholding. 1.The per capita dues will be reassessed to reflect salary changes as of July 1st of each year, from Rural Carrier Evaluated Schedule Table One.2.The per capita dues will automatically change to reflect the changes made by the National rate. 3.The State Treasurer shall return to the district any per capita dues it has received for them by April 30th and October 31st of each year. C.Family Plan1.In addition to the above defined amounts, for those who have authorized deduction of such dues, annual State Auxiliary Per Capita dues shall be designated as follows, plus the National Auxiliary per capita dues as defined in the National Auxiliary Constitution. 2.Regular Rural Carriers; $8.003.Part-Time Flexible Rural Carriers; $8.004.Substitute Rural Carriers; $8.005.Rural Carrier Associates; $8.006.Rural Carrier Reliefs; $8.007.Auxiliary Rural Carriers; $8.008.Assistant Rural Carriers; $8.009.Retired Rural Carriers; $8.00These amounts shall be deducted pro-rata from NRLCA State Association dues by the NRLCA and remitted to the National Auxiliary quarterly.Those NRLCA members who have signed an authorization for deduction of dues and do not wish to participate in the Family Plan may request a refund of Auxiliary dues. Such refund request must be made in writing to the NRLCA Secretary-Treasurer not more than twenty (20) days and not less than ten (10) days prior to the beginning of each NRLCA fiscal year.Section 7. Membership Year. A.The fiscal year of this Association shall be from July 1 to June 30. The term of officers of this association shall be from July 1 through June 30.B.The fiscal year of District Associations shall be from July 1 to June 30.Section 8. Carrier of the Year. A.The Outstanding Carrier of the Year will be chosen by the State Board in the board meeting prior to the State Convention. The award will be made on the basis of a resume. The resume must be submitted to the State Secretary not later than one week prior to the beginning of the State Convention.1.The primary consideration of the Selection Committee shall be:a.Service rendered to the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.b.Membership, attendance and participation in local and state meetings.c.Willingness to accept responsibilities and dedication in performing duties.d.Fraternal attitude to others in the rural carrier craft.e.Service to Customers.2.Secondary consideration of the Selection Committee shall be:munity and civic service, which reflect favorably upon the rural carrier craft and the Postal Service.b.Consideration shall be given for service rendered in the immediately preceding 12 month period.The name of the selected candidate shall be reported to the National Office by the State Secretary in the regular annual report.Section 9. IDRLCA Distinguished Lifetime Service Award. A.The purpose of the IDRLCA Distinguished Lifetime Service Award is to honor the significant lifetime achievements of an IDRLCA member who has made lasting contributions in leadership, involvement and dedication to service in the District, State and National Associations.B.Criteria for the Award1.Candidate had led and inspired the membership to greater involvement in the Association.2.The Candidate’s work has had a demonstrable impact on the protection, advancement and promotion of the IDRLCA and the NRLCA through significant personal sacrifices and contributions.C.Award Guidelines1.The executive committeeman of the district hosting the next state convention, through the district’s meetings, will seek the names of candidates for this award and present them to the state board for consideration at the December meeting of the IDRLCA State Board.2.The state board will select a candidate or candidates and the executive committeeman, or designee, shall meet with the candidate(s) and compile a biography of the candidate’s service to the association for presentation to the state board at its March meeting. 3.The IDRLCA Distinguished Lifetime Service Award will be made only when the candidates clearly meet or exceed the eligibility criteria.Section 10. Standards of Conduct for the Association and its MembersA.Maintain democratic procedures and practices;B.Ensure members’ rights to participation in the affairs of the Association through periodic elections, fair and equal treatment under the governing rules and due process in any disciplinary proceedings;C.Prevent discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, gender, religion, creed, national origin or disability, or on the basis of marital, economic, social or political status;D.Maintain the fiscal integrity of the Association;E.Prohibit business or financial interests on the part of its officers and agents which conflict with their duty to the Association.Section 11. Discipline. The State Board may discipline any member of the Association or subordinate unit for misconduct or neglect of duty in office after a fair and impartial hearing. Any member so disciplined shall have a right of appeal as provided in this Constitution. ARTICLE IIISubordinate UnitsSection 1. Subordinate Units. A District with at least ten members may apply for charter to the State Board by remitting national and state per capita dues for its members and a copy of its proposed Constitution for review by the State Board. No District constitution shall conflict with the NRLCA Constitution or the IDRLCA State Constitution. The District Board shall have the authority to make interim amendments to the district constitution when necessary to conform to state and federal law. No district association shall offer representation to rural craft employees in matters relating to EEO, MSPB, OWCP or other non-contractual issues without prior written consent of the National Board.Section 2. Officers. Each District association shall have a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer (or a combined Secretary-Treasurer) and such other officers as the district association deems necessary.Section 3. Annual Report. Each District secretary shall prepare an Annual Report immediately after the close of the annual election meeting. The report shall be mailed to the State Secretary-Treasurer and shall include a roster of District Officers and Appointees, the roster of State Delegates and adopted resolutions which fall within the jurisdiction of the State Convention.Section 4. Meetings. A. Each District Association shall hold its annual meeting prior to April 30th of each year. The regular meeting time will be designated by District Officers. B. Each District Association shall hold no less than two (2) meetings per year including the annual meeting.Section 5. Trusteeship.A.Purpose. The State Board may place any subordinate unit in trusteeship for any of the following reasons:1.To uphold the principles of this Constitution;2.To prevent or correct corruption or financial mismanagement;3.To ensure performance of collective bargaining agreements or duties of a bargaining representative;4.To restore democratic procedures;5.To otherwise carry out the objectives of the Association.B.Authority. The trustee shall assume immediate control of the subordinate unit with full authority over all officers and property. The trustee shall act in such capacity for the duration of the trusteeship.C.Hearing. A trusteeship hearing shall be held before a committee of three members within 30 days of imposing trusteeship. The members shall be selected as follows: one member selected by the State Board, one selected by the Board in trusteeship and a chairman selected by the other two members. The committee shall have sole discretion regarding the conduct and procedures of the trusteeship hearing. Only Bargaining Unit Members may serve on this committee. No member of this committee shall be chosen from the District Association or Unit in trusteeship, or from the State Board. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the President as soon as practical following the hearing. The State Board shall determine whether to continue or to terminate the trusteeship.D.Termination. The affected subordinate unit may petition the State Board to terminate the trusteeship at six month intervals following the decision of the State Board. The board of the subordinate unit in trusteeship may appeal the decision of the State Board as provided in this Constitution. The State Board may terminate a trusteeship at any time.ARTICLE IVOfficersSection 1. Officers. A.The elected Executive Committee positions shall be President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer, and one seat from each district, which shall be elected for a term of one year.B.Any District officer elected as a State Officer, with the exception of Executive Committeeman will resign the District office.Section 2. Duties. A.State PresidentThe duties and responsibilities of the State President include but are not limited to the following:1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and enforce all laws thereof. The President shall have general superintendency of its affairs and shall sign all papers and documents requiring a signature for authentication.2.On the first day of each annual State Convention, the President shall appoint, from the list of Delegates in attendance, a committee of credentials, a committee on Constitution, a committee on resolutions, a nominating committee, a mileage and per diem committee, a teller committee, an audit committee, an election committee, a Sergeant-at-arms, a media committee, and any other committees deemed advisable. A Delegate-at-Large from each district shall chair a committee, with the President designating a delegate to serve as chair on each of the remaining committees.3.The State President, with Executive Committee approval, shall appoint an Editor of the State Newspaper, a Webmaster for the State Website, and a Retired Carrier to the State Board as non-voting members.4.The State President with Executive Committee approval will assign the PAC Chair, Auto Representative, Benefits Representative, and Provident Guild Representative as non-Board positions. 5.The President’s decisions upon question of law shall be final during recess of this Association. The President shall report all such decisions to the Association at its annual convention for approval or rejection. Such decisions, when approved or revised by the State Association, shall have force and effect of the General Laws of the Association.6.The President shall have power to grant charters, and in conjunction with the Secretary, to issue them during the interim between conventions of this Association and shall perform such other duties as the Constitution of the Association require.7.Special session of the Executive Committee may be called by the State President, and that he/she can call a special meeting, and that at least 14 days notice be required. The president directs the Secretary to mail the notice of the special meeting to all executive board members at the State’s expense. No business other than listed in the notice can be transacted at such a meeting.B.State Vice PresidentThe duties and responsibilities of the State Vice President include but are not limited to the following:1. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President. In case of death, resignation, disqualification, refusal or neglect of the President to discharge the duties of the office, the Vice-President shall become president and serve until such time as a successor shall be duly elected and installed. 2.It shall be the Vice President’s responsibility to be administrator of the State Newspaper and Website.C.The State Secretary/TreasurerThe duties and responsibilities of the Secretary/Treasurer include but are not limited to the following:1.Shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, keep a record and submit same when requested by the Executive Committee.2.Shall have charge of the books, papers and documents belonging to the Association and shall deliver to the Association or to a successor all property of the Association at the expiration of the term, or at earlier termination thereof. Shall be given an itemized receipt for all properties delivered by party or parties receiving the same. Records shall be kept in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.3.Shall keep a true and correct account of any transactions between the Association and the District Association.4.Shall receive all moneys due the Association.5.Shall render a report to the State Convention at its annual session, or to the President and Executive Committee when they so request, showing in detail the receipts and expenditures of the Association funds as shown by the books.6.Shall perform such other duties as laws and regulations of the office may require.7.Shall provide ways and means for all eligible carriers to become members of this Association.8.The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of this Association, read or cause to be read all communications, reports, etc., and to draw and attest all orders drawn upon the Treasurer and shall fix a signature to all official documents of this Association. The Secretary/Treasurer shall, on the first day of each State Convention, present a complete statement of condition of the Association, including a statement of Association membership.D.The Executive Committeemen The duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committeemen include but are not limited to the following:The Executive Committeemen shall hold an elected seat on the State Board, one from each District.The Executive Committeemen shall act as trustees of the Association.The Executive Committeemen shall represent their District’s interests before the State Board.E.The State Editor1.The Editor of the State Newspaper shall be an appointed member of the State Board.2.The duties and responsibilities of the State Editor shall include but are not limited to the following:a. Shall issue a paper four (4) times a year.b. Shall also print special issues and bulletins on the activities of the Association membership, as approved by the State Vice-President or the Executive Committee.c. Shall make a written report to the State Convention.d. Shall cause to be published the Constitution of this Association within six weeks following the State Convention.F.Historian1.The Historian shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee.2.The duties and responsibilities of the State Historian shall include the following:a. Collect and store important Idaho Rural Carrier history.b. Shall display items of rural craft history, for the perusal of members, at the State Convention.G. Webmaster1.The Webmaster shall be an appointed member of the State Board.2.The duties and responsibilities of the Webmaster shall include but are not limited to the following:a. Maintain the IDRLCA website and keep it current as directed by the State Board.H. Retirees Representative1. The Retirees Representative shall be an appointed member of the State Board.2. The duties and responsibilities of the Retirees Representative shall include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Shall be a contact person for rural carriers who are preparing for retirement.b. Shall represent the retirees’ interests before the State Board.c. Shall plan and host the retirees’ luncheon to be held during the annual State Convention.I. ReportsAt each State Convention a written report shall be rendered by each State Officer, Editor, Automobile Representative, Retirees Representative, PAC Chairperson, Benefits Representative, Provident Guild Representative and Webmaster. Section 3. Election.A.The State Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, beginning July 1st following the State Convention during which they were elected. A longer term may be permitted by a 2/3 vote of the Delegates to the State Convention.B.The nomination and election of State Officers shall take place at each annual meeting of the State Association. The installation of elected officers shall take place before final adjournment of the State Convention.C.The election of State Officers and Executive Committee members shall be by ballot except where there is only one candidate placed in nomination. Where only one candidate has been nominated, the President and/or Secretary-Treasurer shall declare the election by consent. Where there is more than one candidate for the same office, it shall require the majority of all votes to elect. Where there are more than two candidates for the same office after the third ballot, the one receiving the least number of votes in each succeeding ballot shall be dropped until election is accomplished. Write-in votes shall not be considered valid. D.Installation Ceremony1. All Elected Officers“Please raise your hand and accept each obligation by saying ‘I so promise.’In the presence of these witnesses, having been elected an officer of the Idaho Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, do solemnly promise and swear that you will uphold and enforce the Constitution of both, the Idaho Rural Letter Carriers’ Association and the National Rural Letter Carrier’s Association, upon yourself and all others, to the best of your ability?Do you promise to keep the finances of this Association as invaluable as your own when investing or spending the assets of this Association?At the close of your term of office, or when legally required, do you promise to transfer to your successor, or other authorized person, all the properties (including monies and documents) of this Association in your possession?By the power vested in me, I hereby declare you duly elected officers of the Idaho Rural Letter Carriers Association.”Section 4. Salaries.A.The State President shall receive a salary of $250.00 per quarter.B.The Vice-President shall receive a salary of $100.00 per quarter.C.The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive a salary of $750.00 per quarter.D.The Editor shall receive a salary of $250.00 per quarter.E.The Webmaster shall receive a salary of $200.00 per quarter.F. The PAC Chairperson shall receive a salary of $100.00 per quarter.Section 5. Expenses.A.The members of this Association shall be allowed, out of the funds of the treasury, such funds as they may have spent for postage, stationary and supplies in the discharge of their duties.B.The members of this Association shall be allowed, out of the funds of the treasury, Union Day of Pay and/or per diem as said and approved by the Executive Committee.C.All State Officers attending the annual State Convention shall be paid mileage and per diem at the same rate as paid to the Delegates-at-Large.D.The President of the Association, or designee, shall receive expenses incurred in visiting unorganized districts for the purpose of securing new members. Visits to other districts shall be limited to one (1) per year by one (1) State Officer. The visiting officer will notify a District in advance to allow sufficient time for maximum effort and full attendance during the visit.E.This Association shall pay mileage at the rate set by State Board policy, via the shortest feasible route, to the Executive committee, Editor of the State Newspaper, Auto Insurance Representative, Delegates to the National Convention, PAC Chairperson, Retirees Representative, Provident Guild Representative, Historian, and each District Delegate-at-Large to attend meetings and conventions as required to fulfill their duties. Distance in miles shall be calculated by using Google Maps.Section 6. Removal. A.In case of neglect of duty or violation of this Constitution on the part of any elected or appointed officer of the Association during the interim of the State Conventions, the State Board shall have power to suspend any officer of this AssociationB.Specific violations are:1.Neglect of duty or breach of the National or State Constitutions.2.Engaging in conduct detrimental to the welfare and interest of the membership of the NRLCA or IDRLCA.3.Engaging in acts, which tend to hinder the due process of the grievance procedure in the protection of a Rural Carrier craft employee’s rights.4.Instigating or engaging in any acts on the side of Management that violate the principles of the National Agreement or the NRLCA and IDRLCA Constitutions.Section 7. Vacancy in OfficeA.President. In the case of vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall serve as President for the remainder of the term.B.Other Offices. In the case of vacancy in any other office, the President shall appoint a successor, subject to the approval of the State Board. In the event the vacancy occurs within sixty days preceding the State Convention, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the Convention.C.Separation. An officer who voluntarily separates from the rural craft shall be deemed to have resigned from office. An officer whose separation from the rural craft is determined by the State Board to be through no fault of the officer shall remain in office until the next State Convention. Should an officer retire to avoid detrimental effects to retirement benefits because of changes in the retirement system or tax laws, such officer shall remain in office until the next State Convention.Section 8. Association Property. Officers shall account for and deliver to their successors or to the State Board all monies, books, papers, securities or other property of the Association at the end of their term of office or when requested by the State Board.ARTICLE VMeetingsSection 1. State Convention. This Association shall meet annually in the month of June on a date and in a place previously designated by the Association in session. Provided that, if for any reason the date or place so prescribed shall be undesirable, or for reasons deemed advisable by a majority of State Officers, or if the Association fails to so designate date or place, the Executive Committee shall have authority to change said date and place by giving official notice of not less than thirty (30) days to all District Secretaries.Section 2. State Delegates.A.Each district shall be entitled to representation in this Association by one Delegate-at-Large, also by one delegate for each ten (10) members or major fraction thereof. The Delegate-at-Large shall be the chairperson of the District Delegation, but the votes to which the District Association is entitled shall be distributed among the delegates in attendance at the State Convention. Each District shall be allowed to vote its delegate strength as reported by the Credentials Committee provided that the delegate is present on the floor of the convention at the time the vote is taken.B.Notice for the annual meeting for the purpose of election shall be given in writing to each member in good standing not less than 15 calendar days prior to the meeting date. The annual meeting must be held at least 40 days prior to the State Convention. The meeting notice shall be mailed to each member at the last known address.C.Within each District, nominations for State Delegate may be submitted by U.S. Mail to the Secretary-Treasurer on a nominating ballot or copy. The nominating ballot shall be signed and show the name and address of the member making the nomination, and may include self-nomination. The nominating ballot shall be published in the February issue of The Pony Express. Additional nominations may take place at each annual meeting of the District. D.All delegates to the State Convention shall be elected by secret ballot among members in good standing eligible to vote. E.No delegate can be seated from any District Association when said District is in arrears for National and/or State per capita dues.F. The District Secretary shall prepare and send credentials to the State Secretary-Treasurer for the Delegate-at-Large, regular delegates and alternates immediately following their annual election meeting.G. Delegates-at-Large and regular elected delegates presenting identification to the Credentials Committee at the State Convention shall be certified and seated.Section 3. Compensation for State Delegates. This Association shall pay mileage at the rate set by State Board policy, via the shortest feasible route, to each District Delegate-at-Large to attend meetings and conventions as required to fulfill their duties. Distance in miles shall be calculated by using Google Maps.Section 4. State Officers. Each Executive Committee member shall be entitled to vote on all questions and elections coming before the State convention, if they are a delegate.Section 5. Quorum. Eight (8) members, representing not less than a majority of the districts, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the State Association; a lesser number must adjourn and reconvene at some future date.Section 6. Order of Business. The orders of business that will be addressed at each State Convention:1. Call to order.2. Patriotic presentation with song and/or music.3. Invocation4. Roll call of Officers: State Officers and Executive Committeemen.5. Appointment of committees.6. Report of the Credentials Committee.7. Report of State Officers.PresidentVice-PresidentSecretary/Treasurer8. Other Annual Reports a. Auto Representativeb. PAC chairmanc. Provident Guildd Auxiliary Presidente. Others9. Report of Standing Committees.ResolutionsConstitution NominatingAuditingMileage and Per DiemTellerElectionsCredentialsTime and PlaceOther10. Unfinished business.11. New Business.Recognize first timersNational DelegatesRecognize the Outstanding Carrier of the Year with presentation of Plaque12. Election of Officers13. Release Committees.14. Select next meeting place.15. Installation of Officers.16. Adjournment.Section 7. Special Meetings. Special sessions may be called by the State President upon written request of a majority of the District Associations in good standing. No business other than that for which a special meeting is called shall be transacted.ARTICLE VINational Convention DelegatesSection 1. Eligibility. A.Each state association shall be entitled to representation by one delegate for every 100 members or major fraction thereof and one Delegate-at-Large. Membership shall be based on the number of dues withholding and cash pay Bargaining Unit and Retired Members. In order for a state to receive credit for cash pay members, dues must be received no later than the close of business on the first day of the Convention.B.Only Bargaining Unit Members and Retired Members in good standing may be nominated, elected or seated as delegates. Such “good standing” status shall be the sole prerequisite for determining eligibility or entitlement to service as a delegate or to any payment or benefit, except that a state may establish reasonable rules to ensure attendance at the Convention.C.A member who accepts or acts at any time in any capacity normally performed by a manager from the end of one Convention to the end of the next Convention shall be ineligible to be nominated or serve as delegate.Section 2. Nomination. A.Within each state association, nominations for National Delegate shall be submitted by U.S. Mail to the Secretary-Treasurer on a nominating ballot or copy. The nominating ballot shall be signed and show the name and address of the member making the nomination, and may include self-nomination. The nominating ballot shall be published in the December - May issues of The National Rural Letter Carrier.B.Reference NRLCA Constitution: Article VI.2.B.2Section 3. Election. A.Reference NRLCA Constitution: Article VI.2.C.1B.The State Secretary shall prepare a ballot listing the candidates for National Delegate. The order in which nominees are placed on the ballot shall be determined by random drawing. Instructions on each ballot shall include the number of delegates to be elected, the deadline for return of the ballot and the mailing address of the designated post office box. The number of votes cast on each ballot shall not exceed the number of delegates to which the state association was entitled at the previous convention.C.Reference NRLCA Constitution: Article VI.2.C.3D.An envelope marked “Ballot” shall be provided in which to seal the ballot. To permit verification of membership and to maintain the integrity of the voting procedure, an outer envelope, also marked “Ballot” which clearly identifies the name and address of the member, shall also be provided. The sealed envelope containing the ballot shall be placed in the outer envelope by the member and mailed to the designated post office box.E.An Election Committee shall be appointed by the State President. No candidate for National Delegate may serve on the Election Committee. After the deadline for receipt of ballots, the Election Committee shall collect and tabulate the ballots at the state convention. The post office box designated for the return of ballots shall be accessible only to the Election Committee.F. In the event of a tie, the Elections Committee shall inform the tied candidates and a random name draw shall be conducted in their, or their designee’s, presence by the Elections Committee to determine the order of the tied Delegates.G.Any candidate or designee may observe the ballot tabulation. In reporting the results of the election, the candidates shall be placed on a roster in the order of votes received. The number of delegates to which the state is entitled shall be declared regular delegates; the remaining candidates shall be declared alternates.H.Each state association shall be entitled to one Delegate-at-Large from the roster of elected regular delegates. That position shall be filled by a state officer in ranking order, beginning with the State President. A state officer may not be automatically declared a delegate by virtue of office unless elected by direct vote of the membership. National-Paid Delegates shall be named in accordance with the plurality of votes received.I.The State Secretary shall prepare credentials in duplicate for the Delegate-at-Large, regular delegates and an appropriate number of alternates immediately following the state convention and send originals to the National Secretary-Treasurer. The state’s seal shall be embossed on the face of credentials.J.Delegates-at-Large and regular elected delegates presenting identification to the Credentials Committee at the National Convention shall be certified and seated.Section 4. Compensation of State-Paid National Delegates. A.This Association shall pay mileage and per diem at the rate set by State Board policy, via the shortest feasible route to Delegates and first Alternate to the National Convention to attend meetings and conventions as required to fulfill their duties. Distance in miles shall be calculated by using Google Maps.B.If any person other than an elected Delegate to the National Convention is to be given monies from the State Treasury for the purpose of attending the National Convention, it must be voted upon by the seated Delegates at the State Convention under New Business.Section 5. Duties of National DelegatesEach delegate to the National Convention shall write and submit a report on a segment of the Convention to The Pony Express as assigned by the state president.ARTICLE VIICommitteesSection 1. Convention Committees. A.On the first day of each annual State Convention, the President shall appoint, from the list of Delegates in attendance, a committee of credentials, a committee on Constitution, a committee on resolutions, a nominating committee, a mileage and per diem committee, a teller committee, an audit committee, an election committee, a Sergeant-at-arms committee, a media committee, and any other committees deemed advisable. A Delegate-at-Large from each district shall chair a committee, with the President designating a delegate to serve as chair on each of the remaining committees.B.The duties of all committees shall be those usual to such committees and they shall report when called upon. At least twenty (20) days prior to the opening of the State Convention, the President shall appoint from the list of delegates, a chairperson to head each of the committees needed for the State Convention. Section 2. Budget Committee. The President shall appoint a Budget Committee annually, consisting of the State Secretary and two other State Board members. The Budget committee shall submit a budget for the next fiscal year. This working budget must be given in writing to the State Board during the spring State Board meeting in order that the budget can be discussed and approved prior to the State Convention in June.ARTICLE VIIIAppealsSection 1. StateA.A member aggrieved by any action of a state association officer shall have the right to appeal to the State Board.1.Appeals must be in writing and be filed with the State President within 30 days of having knowledge of said action.2.Within 10 days of receipt of the appeal, the State President shall notify all members of the State Board and the assigned Executive Committeeman and shall request that the Charging Party provide a letter outlining the specific charges and any relief sought. This letter of specificity, along with complete documentation, must be returned within 20 days of receipt of the President’s request.3.Upon receipt of the letter of specificity, the State President shall forward a copy to the Charged Party for response. The Charged Party shall have 20 days to respond in writing and provide documentation to the State President.4.The State Board shall review the Charging Party’s letter of specificity, documentation, relief sought and the response of the Charged Party. The State Board is authorized, in consultation with the Executive Committeeman, to take the necessary action to resolve the issue within 30 days. Extension of this 30-day time limit, when necessary, shall not exceed 15 days. The Charging Party(s) and Charged Party(s) (hereafter referred to as the Party or Parties) shall be notified in writing of the decision of the State Board.B.A Party not satisfied with this decision, or any other action of the State Board on said appeal, shall have the right to appeal to the National Board.1.This appeal must be in writing and be filed with the President of the National Association within 30 days of receipt of the State Board’s decision.2.Within 15 days of receipt of an appeal, the National Board shall notify the National Appeals Commission. The President shall notify the State President and the Parties that the appeal has been received and forwarded to the National Appeals Commission. 3.Within 30 days, the National Appeals Commission shall investigate each appeal and report its findings and recommendations in writing to the National Board. Upon receipt of the findings and recommendations of the Appeals Commission, the National President shall notify the Parties that the findings and recommendations are before the National Board. The National Board shall render a decision and notify the Parties in writing within a reasonable period of time.C.A Party not satisfied with the decision of the National Board shall have the right to appeal to the next Convention of the National Association.1.This appeal must be in writing and be filed with the National President within 30 days of receipt of the National Board’s decision. The appeal, if received more than 45 days prior to the National Convention, will be scheduled for that Convention. If received within 45 days of the Convention the appeal may be held until the following National Convention.2.Within 15 days of receipt of said appeal, the President shall notify the Parties that the appeal has been received and shall be forwarded to a National Appeals Committee.3.The Appeals Committee shall complete an investigation and report its findings and recommendations in writing to the Parties and to the President of the state association at least 24 hours before the report is presented to the National Delegates.ARTICLE IXParliamentary AuthorityParliamentary authority of this Association shall be the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. Such rules shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the IDRLCA Constitution and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.ARTICLE XAmendment of ConstitutionSection 1. AmendmentThis Constitution shall take effect upon its adoption and can be amended only by submitting the amendment in writing to the Constitution Committee at the annual convention and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present to so amend.Any amendment to this Constitution necessary to bring this Constitution in compliance with the Constitution of the NRLCA and/or federal or state law may be enacted by the Executive Board of the IDRLCA. The amendment shall be published in the next issue of The Pony Express newsletter following the enactment of any amendment.Any provision of this Constitution which conflicts with any Federal or State Law, Regulation, is declared null and void as to those jurisdictions in which said Federal or State Law, Regulation, or Ordinance is in force and effect.Section 2. ComplianceThe IDRLCA Constitution shall be in compliance with the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association Constitution and with Federal Labor Laws.All District Association Constitutions shall be in compliance with the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association Constitution, the IDRLCA Constitution, and with Federal Labor Laws.District Associations are subordinate to the IDRLCA and the IDRLCA is subordinate to the NRLCA. ................

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