TRAINING TRANSCRIPT #2 The Only 2 Ways to Play the ...



The Only 2 Ways to Play the Marijuana Bull Market of 2018


Welcome back. John Wieland, here with Pot Stock Millionaire training module #2: The Only 2 Ways to Play the Marijuana Bull Market of 2018. I'll be taking you through these trainings to help you get the most out of the Summit on Thursday, April 26th at 8pm Eastern. If you haven't watched the first Pot Stock Millionaire Training module, Why 2018 Will Be the Best Time Ever to Make a Fortune From Marijuana Stocks, I suggest you do so now. You can click on the link to watch it. In it, you'll learn: ? 3 reasons why the marijuana market is going to explode in 2018 ? How some of the largest corporations (including Fortune 500 companies and hedge funds) are

plowing money into the marijuana industry (and how you can profit from it) ? And a "hidden" reason why the legal marijuana market is going to grow much bigger and faster

than anyone predicts. Even alleged "experts" miss this point. In addition to watching the videos, I encourage you to download the transcripts of all the trainings onto your computer and even print them out so you can read them anytime you want. Today, we start training number two where you'll discover the only two ways to invest in marijuana stocks. Yes, it really is that simple. You don't need to know anything about how marijuana is grown. Or the difference between medical marijuana and recreational. You don't even need to know much about investing. In fact, there are only two things you need to know about pot stocks for the chance to become a marijuana millionaire: Thing to know #1: We're at the start of the biggest marijuana boom of our lifetime. I showed you why in the first training, which you'll find a link to at the top of this page. To sum up... Colorado and Washington started the pot stock boom back in 2012 when they were the first states to legalize recreational marijuana. California nearly doubled the marijuana market when it started selling recreational pot in January. But with Canada set to go fully recreational on June 7th, the marijuana bull market will reach new heights. Making right now the best time to buy little-known pot stocks.



Today's tiny Canadian marijuana companies are the future blue chips of weed. Thing to know #2: There are only two ways to play the market. Two types of pot stocks you want to buy. And that's what I'm going to show you right now. Once you know the difference between these two stocks, you'll be prepared for the chance to make a fortune in marijuana. And this is what we're going to focus on in today's training. Before you can become a pot stock millionaire, you need to know what a pot stock is. Do you know what a pot stock is? Can you define it? Most folks can't. And that's why most will miss out on the marijuana boom. But when you grasp the simple concept I'm about to show you, you'll have a second chance to become a pot stock millionaire in 2018. Here's one of the most important things to know about legal cannabis... There are only two types of marijuana stocks: Marijuana Stock #1: "Touch the Plant." These are marijuana growers and producers. They grow pot on farms and in warehouses. Some of these growers are billion-dollar companies. You'll find the world's biggest growers listed on the U.S. exchanges. In a moment, I'll show you who they are. Marijuana Stock #2: "Don't Touch the Plant." These are companies that supply the marijuana industry with products and key services needed to conduct business. Without these companies, there would be no legal marijuana market. They're the backbone of the marijuana industry. That's it. Those are the only two types of pot stocks. And it gets simpler... All pot stocks of growers and producers are Canadian companies. The best suppliers and service providers are American companies. Here's why... Even though some form of marijuana is legal in 29 states, it's still illegal at the federal level.



In the United States, marijuana is still a Schedule 1 drug, the DEA's most serious category of illegal substances. Because of this, traditional marijuana companies have trouble accessing capital. Banks don't accept "drug" money, even if it's legal on a state level. And American growers can't legally move pot across state lines. With all these restrictions, it's nearly impossible for an American grower to go public. But in Canada, medical marijuana has been legal on a federal level since 2001. Canadian growers have a huge head start on their American counterparts. And this is why the biggest and most successful marijuana growers are Canadian. And recreational marijuana is set to be federally legal on June 7th of this year. This will take the legal pot market to a whole new level of growth. Canadian farmers will grow more pot than at any other time in history. But here's the twist... Even though these are Canadian companies... they're all listed on the American stock exchanges. So, their stocks are as easy to buy as Amazon or Apple. If you have a brokerage account, you can buy these stocks. They're so safe, you can even buy them in your IRA. Think about this... These are some of the world's biggest and most successful marijuana growers... and until now, they've only grown medical pot. When recreational pot goes legal, we see these stocks hitting all-time highs... and fast. That's because when recreational pot goes legal in Canada, it's estimated that the size of the Canadian marijuana market will TRIPLE in 2018. This will cause a marijuana shortage. The Canadian government is worried about producing enough legal pot. Business Insider reports... There's [a] potentially crippling shortage of marijuana in Canada." And the Ottawa Citizen writes... Canada's legal pot market won't be able to meet the staggering demand..." To avoid a shortage, Canada will have to grow a lot of pot.



And fast. More than 1.3 MILLION POUNDS. That's over $1.5 BILLION DOLLARS' WORTH. And a small handful of marijuana growers are set to capture a large share of this market. They have a head start in growing recreational marijuana. And while nothing in the market is set in stone, research shows these tiny marijuana companies will lead the next great marijuana boom. Giving you the opportunity for 10-to-1 returns on your money. On the Pot Stock Millionaire Summit, we'll be reviewing the best Canadian marijuana companies we've found. And now is the perfect time to get into these companies, BEFORE Canada is set to legalize recreational pot for the whole country. But equally exciting are the American companies that supply and service the legal marijuana industry. There's one group of marijuana companies that history tells us will succeed. They will become the backbone of the marijuana industry. And they'll make millions the same way smart folks did during the California Gold Rush in the 1800s. In the 1840s and `50s, people from all over the U.S. flooded into California, hoping to find gold and strike it rich. A few did, but most were severely disappointed. Not many people know this, but very few gold miners actually made money during the Gold Rush. After all, it's extremely difficult to find gold. And it takes a lot of backbreaking labor. Meanwhile, a German immigrant living in New York saw a different sort of Gold Rush opportunity. Instead of searching for gold, he decided to sell basic goods to the gold miners. It was a much safer way to profit. Eventually, the immigrant's most profitable product was a new style of sturdy pants that he sold to the miners. They were a huge success and made him incredibly rich. It was the classic "picks and shovels" play. As you may have guessed, this immigrant's name was Levi Strauss. He was so successful that you may even be wearing his product right now.



Today, there's another gold rush happening. But this time, it's a "Green Rush" into the legal cannabis market. And once again, there's a fortune to be made selling "picks and shovels" to the prospectors. Because marijuana growers and producers will buy more soil, lights, hydroponic equipment, ventilation systems, and even packaging than ever before. Even better, with "pick and shovel" plays, you skip the volatility of betting on a bad crop, legal regulations, or the price of marijuana. During the Pot Stock Millionaire Summit, we'll review the top "pick and shovel" stocks we've found for 2018. But I must warn you... These are small companies. Highly volatile. It won't take much to move their stock. This is why it's critical you join us on the Summit on Thursday, April 26th at 8pm Eastern, sharp. And be prepared to act fast, after we review the 5 top pot stocks for 2018. You'll want to get into these companies now. During the first marijuana boom, the best pot stocks had average peak gains of 24,000%. And 42 cannabis companies went up 1,000% or more in the first marijuana boom. And 11 of them went up 10,000% or more! It seems like every pot stock on earth returns 1,000% or more. But that's far from the truth. In fact... Most pot stocks are junk Even though legal marijuana investing is relatively new, there are already over 200 publicly traded companies in the marijuana space. Most of them are junk. Some of them are outright frauds. Five years ago, Medbox, a marijuana vending machine company, wanted to put pot dispensers on every corner. Investors loved the story. So, they piled into the stock. Between 2012 and 2014, Medbox's share price surged an incredible 8,100%. It was the hottest marijuana stock on the planet. And then the Securities and Exchange Commission stepped in. The SEC is currently charging the company's founder of "falsely touting record revenue and using illegal stock sales to inflate revenue" as well as getting some of its earnings from "sham transactions with a secret affiliate."



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