
Nom___________________ -57150191770Dear Rising French 4 student -Dear Rising French 4 student -623483573031/35/35 Félicitations! You conquered French III! Here is your summer assignment – it is designed to be fun and to refresh your French skills before “la rentrée” this fall. It has 3 parts and you will need internet access. If a link doesn’t work, open this document from the NWHS website and click directly on the link; try changing browsers – Google Chrome works best. Give this completed sheet, the site printouts and word cloud to your French teacher on the first day of class. This will be your first grade in French 4 so you will want to give it your time and full attention. PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WELL! Partial submissions receive partial credit. ?NOTE: Before starting the summer assignment for French 4, you should have mastered the present and passé composé of regular & irregular verbs, articles (a, the, some, etc.), as well as noun/article/adjective agreement and basic sentence structures. IF you are continuing to French 4 but your grade in French 3 was a C or lower, it would REALLY help you get a jump on the year by reviewing the basics of French 1 and 2. You could work with a tutor or use sites like , or to help you firm up weaknesses. Let your teacher know if you need additional resources over the summer. You still have access to your Bien Dit textbook as well ( ). A. COMPR?HENSION – Ouvre ce site et lis les instructions avant de cliquer sur START MA FRANCE. Choisis 1 arrêt de métro qui t’intéresse. Visionne 1 de ses vidéos et fais 2 des activités. Complète les questions ci-dessous = 8 pts. Arrêt de métro: ____________________________________ La vidéo s’agit de quoi? Donnes-en un petit sommaire (1-2 phrases en fran?ais): __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Choisis-en 2 activités : Le nom de la première activité : ____________________________________ Qu’est-ce que tu y as fait ? (phrase complète, s.t.p.) ______________________________________________ Ton opinion de cette activité : amusante moyenne nulle parce qu(e)________________________________Le nom de la deuxième activité : ____________________________________ Qu’est-ce que tu y as fait ? (phrase complète, s.t.p.) ______________________________________________ Ton opinion de cette activité : amusante moyenne nulle parce qu(e)________________________________ B. STRUCTURES?: Maintenant, il faut réviser 3 formations?: Le présent, le passé composé, l’imparfait. Comme évidence de ton travail, IMPRIME les résultats ou écris à main tes réponses et tes résultats sur un papier ordinaire. (NOTE ?COLO: Shrink these and paste/print all on one piece of recycled paper...save paper and ink !!) 1) (5 pts.) ?coute et choisis?le temps que tu entends: (score?: /10) 2) (12 pts. – 5 pour l’activité, 7 pour les traductions) Ouvre ce site : et complète l’activité (score?: /20) ET traduis (??translate??) les 7 premières phrases ici?en ANGLAIS?:Nous sommes allés au Musée d'Orsay.Nous remerciions toujours nos grands-parents pour les cadeaux.Je vais au cinéma quand je m'ennuie.Qu'est-ce que tu lui as dit?Il a vu une manifestation devant le Palais de Justice.Tu ne savais pas nager?Quel temps fait-il?-95885199027C. SOYONS CR?ATIFS?! Summer is FULL of excellent adventures?! Create a word cloud (yes, in French, yes with correct spelling/accents!) using this site or another you like better. Follow the instructions below. You can also do this by hand if you prefer. Print out your creation (in color is preferred) and attach it here or add it to your other printouts. (10 pts. – 5 points requirements, 3 points – accuracy, 2 points appearance/creativity) is a good source of vocabulary. Choose a shape that reflects something about your summer. I don’t want to see 90 suns, ok? This is just a simple example on the left; yours will be much better! Choose AT LEAST: 5 verb infinitives that tell about what you did5 adjectives that describe this wonderful free time and/or you on vacation10 nouns that represent your summer activities and destinations ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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