TROPHYWIFE BY Erica A. GeterPage 11ONE year had passed quickly. And, Nona was really getting tired of just taking care of the house. She was beginning to feel useless, although she was a beautiful 5’6 slender woman whose peachy golden skin never went unnoticed in a crowd. And, she wore her dark brown strands at shoulder length. And, to add to her good looks, she was a well-known actress who used to grace the Broadway Stage in many theater productions. However, instead of going through her daily house routines, she decided that today would be the day that she would drive to her husband’s office and surprise him with an invitation to lunch. The first person she saw was his Executive Secretary, Eva Smith. Nona started the conversation. “Well, Hello, Eva!” “It’s been months since I’ve seen you?” “How are you?” Eva was startled and taken by surprise that Jett’s new bride had the nerve to come to the office; however, she managed to mumble a few words. “Oh, hello, Mrs. Hunter!” I’m doing just fine, thank you!” Nona could tell that Eva didn’t have much enthusiasm, but, Nona decided that she would remain professional anyway, especially since she was visiting her husband’s place of business and quite un-expectantly, so she didn’t want to cause a hideous scene. “Well, I’m glad to see you Eva!” “And, likewise!” “Eva’s tone seemed as though it was getting a bit brighter. “My husband’s car is outside; I gather he’s in his office?” Nona arrogantly stated, while showing Eva who really had the upper hand. “Ah, yes, he is!” Actually, he’s in a meeting right now!” Page 2“Oh, really?” Nona was disappointed since she drove all the way to his office just to surprisingly take him out to lunch. “I’m afraid so! He’s been in there for at least, two hours!” Eva was so happy that she could get her digs in sense Nona reminded her of a stuck up no good for nothing, Gold Digging Hussy!” “Well, do you have any idea of how much longer the meeting will last?” Nona asked her in a very over the top aristocratic tone. “Eva was heated, but she knew not to cross the line with an arrogant response, so she tried to remain humble as best as she could, “Ah, no, I don’t. But, I do know that the meeting is about some property that Mr. Hunter is trying to purchase. He wants to start building again!” “Oh, my goodness, it’s one of those meetings?” “Well, have they ordered lunch yet?” Nona was still acting cute, while living up to her rich housewife status. “No, Mrs. Hunter! But, I’m pretty sure that if those guys are here any longer, your husband is going to have me order lunch for him and that entire group! Believe me, I’ve had to order for larger groups than this one, plenty of times!”“Gosh, I really wanted to take him to lunch! He needs to get out of this office every now and then! He’s always over extending himself!” “Yes, I do know what you mean!” Eva was trying to sound like she was on Nona’s side. But deep within, she knew what this chick was all about and Nona wasn’t buying it, although, she maintained her composure of “playing” her role as wife and co-owner of Hunter & Hunter Realty Corp. Continuing the conversation, Nona asked Eva,“Well, is there any way you can tell my husband that I’m here, at least?”Page 3Eva cleared her voice and then answered, “Hum,” “Hum,” “Hum,” I don’t mean to sound rude, but just a few minutes ago, prior to your arrival, your husband came out here to get himself a bottle of water. I mean, he looked like he was about to explode! Now, I respect that you are “THE MRS. JETT HUNTER,” but I’ve been working for your husband for a number of years, and I’ve learned when it’s a good time to interrupt him and when it’s not a good time to interrupt him! And, ah, right now, I just don’t think that it’s a good time!” Eva humbly stated, while she was jumping on the inside with joy, because she knew that she had just “stomped,” on Nona’s uppity, snobbish parade. And, she knew that Nona was boiling on the inside, but that she couldn’t do anything about her “raggedy,” feelings, because she couldn’t prove that this wasn’t just about business. “Got you!” Eva silently thought. Nona tried to cover her embarrassment and said, “Well, I wouldn’t want to be the reason why Jett lost out on this business deal! So, I’ll just have to reschedule! Thanks, see you later!” Feeling guilty and a bit nervous concerning her job’s welfare, Eva interrupted Nona before she could leave the building, “Ah, wait a minute, Mrs. Hunter, let me take a look at my calendar?” Startled, Nona calmly turned around and gave her full attention to Jett’s Secretary! “Yes?” She inquired. Eva continued, “Well, as I can see, Friday, Jett has no important business meetings, it looks like he’s free!”Smiling, Nona said, “Friday is perfect!” And, happy to have pleased the First Lady of Hunter & Hunter Realty Corp, Eva said, “Good, I’ll make a note to keep Friday clear of any business commitments for Jett!” Page 4“Great!” “I really want it to be a surprise!” Nona said. “I won’t breathe a word. Your secret is safe with me!” Eva was beginning to sound like the dedicated Executive Secretary that Jett hired a couple of years ago. “Thanks!” “It would be nice to see him get out of this office building during lunch hour, for once!” Nona was sounding like the doting housewife!Yes, getting out every now and then is a good thing! One needs balance between work and private time! You know, even I like to get out and take nice walks during my lunch hour!” Eva was trying to sound like a health guru, but Nona topped her, just to show her who was really in control of Jett’s business and private matters. She responded, “Yes, balance is very important. Every now and then, I take nice runs! And, afterwards, everything seems to be a lot better!” And, on this note, Eva decided to leave matters alone! She was a woman of intellect; and she knew when it was time to quit! Page 52NONA was relieved that Jett had arrived home a little after 7:00 P.M. his regular scheduled time. She was feeling a bit sexy as she was dressed in a flirtatious skimpy summer dress. “Nona, I’m home!” Jett echoed after he closed the front door behind him and gently placed his briefcase on an end table in the living room. And, although, he was overly tired from his work day, he still looked as handsome as ever, while standing at 5”11 and dressed in a very expensive designer suit. It was a known fact that Jett Hunter liked to dress; but what really drew the ladies towards him was his smooth brown-golden keen facial features. And, although he was very masculine, he was very meticulous, for a former NFL Quarterback! And, because Jett was so fine, Nona made sure that she was the perfect Trophy Wife, who always managed to get her weekly facials, manicures and pedicures. Being a Trophy Wife sounded glamorous, but it definitely continued to challenge her, and that’s the part that she enjoyed. And, now, that her hubby was finally home, Nona finally got another chance to fashionably entertain him in one of her many, skimpy summer dresses. Immediately, by hearing his voice, she hurried to him with his favorite cocktail in her right hand, a Dirty Martini. And, before she could give it to him, he gently grabbed her by the waist, and gave her the longest intimate French Kiss in history. “Well, hello, to you too, lover boy!” Nona reciprocated. “Hello, honey and thanks for the cocktail!” Jett stoically replied. “You’re welcome!” “Well, I can see you’re HOT today!” “What’s up?” “Baby, HOT’S not the word!” Jett then loosened his tie and a few buttons at the top of his shirt and sat down on the sofa. His beautiful wife sat down beside him and asked, Page 6“You want to talk about it?” “Talk about what?” “Your work!” “How was your day, honey?” Jett really didn’t want to comment, but he couldn’t resist his beautiful wife at this point, her lips were dripping with ecstasy with just enough color and gloss that he knew that he eventually wanted to touch her a bit more; although, he was MORE than ANGRY!“Work was IMPOSSIBLE today!” Jett confessed. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that?” “What happened today?” Nona tried her best to sound as if she hadn’t a clue to what Jett had faced that day. “Well, I had a few property owners at the office today, and they were asking for lots of money in exchange for a little bit of land, and I wasn’t having it! I can’t believe the trouble that they put me and my brother through today?” Jett was so angry that Nona could see the sweat almost falling from his brow. She casually moved in closer to him and wiped the sweat from his brow with a napkin; although, she enjoyed seeing him perspire during various times and activities that they enjoyed together. “I didn’t know that your brother Kyle was into Real Estate?” Nona was really surprised. Jett sighed, and said, “Yeah, well, I’m trying to break him into the business. He and Desiree really could use the money. His oldest son’s college tuition is breaking the bank!” “Yeah, I know how expensive college can get! My parents spent a fortune on my college education!” “Whew!” Nona sighed as she leaned back on the couch in a more relaxed position. Page 7“Well, I’m thankful that I earned a full Four-Year Football Scholarship form Howard University. My parents didn’t have to worry about paying for my college education! Jett proudly stated. “You’re so lucky!” “You just love telling that story, don’t you?” Nona looked into her husband’s eyes, and as he proudly stared back, and said, “Well, I really couldn’t help it since we were on the topic!” ‘Oh, you’re so full of yourself, aren’t’ you?” Nona asked, as she traced one of Jett’s legs with her perfect French Pedicure. Instantly, turned on by his wife’s flirtatiousness, he shot back, “No, you’re so full of me, aren’t you?” Intensely smiling, Nona answered, “Oh, in a few hours, I hope to be full of you!” He then leaned closer to his wife with his lips almost touching hers and said, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” She then answered, “Of course, I am!” And, before he addressed his wife again, he felt his “POWER” rise, he then responded, “Well, if you’re thinking what I’m thinking, I hope you’ve got something good to eat so that I can regain my strength. After all, my day was long and hard!” The words that fell from Jett’s lips is all that Nona needed to hear. She was ready to flirt more, by saying, “Oh, baby, you had a long hard day?” Her tone was soft and seductive. And, without hesitation, Jett responded, “VERY HARD!” Page 8Nona then came back at him and asked, “How hard?” And, Jett knew his wife very well, so she decided to play along; although, he was very serious and sincere in reference to the matter. “VERY, VERY HARD! ACTUALLY, MY DAY WAS VERY INTENSE!” He sounded very masculine and if Nona didn’t know her husband Jett, he sounded very infuriated. And, so she questioned him further. “Are you angry?” “Yes, I am!” “In fact, I’M VERY, VERY ANGRY!” She then adjusted her physical position a little and said in a stronger suggestive manner, “Well, then, you need my immediate attention!” “Say, ah, why wait until after dinner, when you can meet me upstairs in about 5 minutes?” After all, I believe in your STRENGTH!” Jett, then adjusted his physical position and placed his cocktail on the Coffee Table, he then looked into his wife’s eyes and said, “Well, in that case, I’ll meet you in two!” Then, they leaned closer to one another and started with a French Kiss. Page 93THE very same night at around 7:00 P.M., Eva was home and had just finished preparing dinner, and to finalize the menu, she decided to prepare hers and Wilbur’s regular tropical cocktail, Pineapple, Vodka and ice, she and her husband Wilbur loved it! “Evvvvvaaaaaa, I’m home!” Wilbur sluggishly sang. Eva almost could no longer stand her husband. She almost loathed him. Over the years, they had seemingly grown apart. Wilbur was getting set in his ways by the minute, but Eva was still pursuing the “Fountain of Youth!” “I’m going to make this thing work!” She softly whispered to herself. “Oh, hello honey!” “Dinner’s ready!” Eva smiled at Wilbur as he entered the kitchen. She then gave him a pretend kiss on the cheek. “I can smell the dinner and it smells scrumptious! After I wash my hands, I’ll help you set the table!” Wilbur was always very thoughtful even after a long hard day at work. “No, please, get washed up?” And, I’ll have everything on the table in no time!” Eva insisted. “Thanks, honey!” He then leaned towards her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, before he left her presence. After Wilbur exited the kitchen, Eva grabbed the pitcher that was filled with the tropical cocktail drink and walked to the dining area where the table was set for dinner. The table was set beautifully. And, within no time, Wilbur emerged from the bathroom looking and smelling fresh and absolutely ready to dig in!” After Eva and Wilbur bowed their heads and said, grace, the first question that he asked was, “So, where’s the kids?” Page 10Eva was relieved that he had started the conversation because she really didn’t know what to talk about anymore and with Wilbur starting the conversation, it lightened Eva’s burden of not seeming interested in her husband. And, although, her feelings were no longer lustful for him, she didn’t want to hurt him in any kind of way. Wilbur was a great provider and a great father. But, Eva always wanted more and she knew that some of it had nothing to do with Wilbur. “Well, Chase is at Basketball Practice, and Chasity just told me that she and her friend, Tameka are trying out for the Rockets in New York City!” And, about to fall off his chair, Wilbur shouted, “What?” “Yep!” Chasity called me at work and told me about the good news! So, let’s cross our fingers and pray that both girls make it?” I’m so proud of their bravery!” “Ah!” Eva sighed as she smiled with a deep expression of satisfaction! “Hmm!” “Hmm!” “Hmm!” Wilbur mumbled, then after it was safe for him to speak again, he questioned his wife. “Whatever happened to kids attending college and majoring in subjects like, Educationand Political Science?” He continued, “Nowadays, kids are majoring in all kinds of crazy stuff! Seems like everybody want to be on television! My goodness, who’s going to run the country in the years to come?” He looked as though he was fed up! Eva fired back and said, “Look, we’ve got plenty of people still interested in running for political office! But, the reason why so many people don’t want to run for political office is because their opponents often put their business in the streets!” Page 11“Yeah, well, more than politicians will put your business in the streets!” “So, no matter what, if a person wants to go out for something, he or she should never “BACK DOWN!” Because, there’s always going to be somebody who’s going to want to “Disturb Your Peace, So Don’t Let them!” Deciding to quiet down a bit, Eva said, “Look, both of us should be grateful that our children are still trying to do something constructive with their lives. You know, even though, Chase is trying to make Pro-Basketball, he is taking business courses at school; and Chasity wants to change her major to Zoology, just in case this “Dance,” thing, doesn’t work out!” Bewildered, Wilbur answered, “Oh, my goodness, she’s jumping all over the map here! What type of living is she going to have while majoring in Zoology?” “An honest one!” Eva confidently answered. Wilbur huffed and asked, “Well, where will she work?” “She could always work at a Veterinarian Hospital or even at a zoo or at a large theme park!” “I see, you’ve got it all figured out, don’t you?” Wilbur was beginning to sound confident and Eva liked it! But, before Eva could respond, the phone rang. “I wonder who could that be?” “Don’t worry, I’ll go and answer it!” Eva responded as she got up and rushed to answer the kitchen phone. And, within seconds, Eva reached for the phone that was located on the wall, that was placed next to a door that led to the pantry. “Hello!” Eva tried not to sound so out of breath!” “MOM!” “WE MADE IT!” “WE MADE IT!” Tameka and I are now, officially, Rockets!” Chasity shouted into her cell while making sure that her mother could hear her!Page 12Honey, that’s so wonderful!” “That’s great news!” “I’m so happy for you!” Eva was so excited until Wilbur could actually hear her from the Dining Room area. He chuckled a bit too, as his wife received the good news. “But, look, tell, Dad and Chase the good news and I’ll see you soon!” Chasity was elated as she spoke in a hurry. “Okay, I will!” “Be careful!” “And, tell Tameka that I said congratulations, too!” “I will Mom, love you!” Chasity commented, as she and Tameka were giving each other friendly, smiley faces. “Love you too!” “And, take care!” Eva graciously spoke to her daughter, while wishing her every great thought in the world. And, immediately, she rejoined her husband into the Dining Room area. “Wilbur, guess what?” Eva said, while her smiles said everything that she was thinking. “I heard!” “Believe me, I over-heard your shouts of joy, all the way in here!” “So, I gather that our daughter and her friend are Professional Rockets, now?” “Yes, honey, you’ve got it!” “I’m just so happy that everything turned out well for her! I just hope that new opportunities will come her way, now that our daughter is a Rocket!” “Well, you know, “anything is possible!” Wilbur said while smiling at his wife. “Now, I’ll drink to that!” Eva said, as she raised her glass and shared a toast with her husband. Page 134THE following day, everyone had left the building except for Jett and Eva. Eva casually walked into Jett’s office to make small talk. “Jett, Oh, ah, excuse me, Mr. Hunter, um have you heard anything about that recent business deal yet?” She was acting overly shy. “Oh, no Eva!” “I haven’t heard a thing!” “What are you going to do?” She inquired. “Oh, I don’t know!” I’m thinking about seeking other land owners, those other guys wanted way too much money for the property that I was seeking to purchase!” “Well, can you postpone buying new property for now, since your business is doing so well?” Eva was being sincere in her concern for Jett’s business dealings. “Well, Eva, actually, purchasing new land was actually for my brother, Kyle. He and his wife are having some financial trouble while paying for their eldest son’s education!” “Oh, I definitely understand, college can be very expensive!” I’m grateful that my son is attending college on a Four-Year Basketball Scholarship!” Eva proudly stated. “You’re kidding me?” “Your son’s going out for sports?” Jett seemed to light up when he realized that Eva’s son was heavily into sports as he was when he was Chase’s age and attending college. “Yes!” “He loves playing ball!” Eva smiled. “Wow!” “That’s amazing!” Eva please, have a seat?” Jett offered. “Well, thank you!” Jett’s timing couldn’t have been any better. Eva sat across from Jett, who was sitting behind his office desk. Page 14“So, is your son thinking about playing ball professionally?” “Well, if the offer comes up, I’m pretty sure that he’ll consider it!” “You know he’s looked up to you for years!” Eva nervously smiled since she was letting Jett in on a secret that she’s kept for quite a few years. “Really, Eva?” “And, you’re just now telling me?” Jett was really surprised. “Well, Jett, I didn’t want to bombard you with all that “star studded,” stuff. I didn’t want you to think that I was some kind of “Old Fogey” groupie or something!” “No, trust me?” “I wouldn’t have thought that! I think it’s quite cool that your son, Chase and I have a lot in common!” “Thank you, I’ll be sure to tell him!” Eva was smitten by the “minute!” She continued, “Anyway, what do you have planned for the property that you and your brother intend to purchase?” “Well, I’m thinking about reaching out to other investors. Just thinking about those “knuckle heads,” who’s trying to over-charge me and my brother for property is giving me the biggest head-ache! Ah, but I’ve got the perfect cure!” “You do?” “What is it?” Eva really wanted to know. “Scotch on the Rocks, or Scotch and Soda, take your pick?” He offered. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” Eva was flabbergasted! However, she thought that it was great that Jett had offered her a drink, but then again, she was surprised that he actually had a bottle of Scotch in his office. Then, she thought again, and had come to the conclusion, that he did own the place, and he was the BOSS!“Eva, I’m very serious!” Eva loved his masculine tone. Page 15“Okay, thanks!” “I’ll have Scotch and Soda!”After she answered, Jett got up from his chair and walked to his cabinet and retrieved a new bottle of unopened Scotch along with two Whiskey Glasses. After placing them on his desk, he then walked to his personal office refrigerator and retrieved a can of soda and ice, and a bottle of cold ice-water. Eva was definitely impressed as she watched Jett walk back to where she was sitting. He sat down and administered the drinks. “Thank you, again.” Eva practically whispered as if she and Jett were romantically involved. “You’re quite welcome!” Jett was smooth and direct. He continued his conversation with Eva but was determined not to talk about business. His office was closed, and he wanted to enjoy the time off, so he changed the subject. “Say, Eva, I haven’t seen your husband in a while, how’s he doing?” “Quite Chubby!” Eva blurted out before she could even stop herself. “OOOOOOOOOO, Eva!” “Come on now?” He couldn’t be that bad?” Jett wasn’t expecting this response. He was surprised that Eva would be so candid about the way she felt about her husband. “Well, he’s fat enough!” I mean, he eats fast food and drinks plenty of beers during his lunch hour with the guys on the job!” “Eva, give the man a break?” “You don’t want him to starve to death, do you?” “I mean, trying to provide for a family is pretty tuff stuff! Maybe he just needs a little motivation, that’s all!” Page 16“Oh, you’re trying to blame this weight on stress!” “Hmm, that’s pretty easy for you to say, your new bride couldn’t be no more than a size 6 or 8 and that’s on her “fat days!” “Wait a minute now?” “Wait a minute?” Jett was becoming a little defensive, because he knew where this conversation was going!” Everybody considered his wife to be a “Trophy Wife,” since she was physically beautiful and she was a Professional Actress and Dancer at one time. He continued, “I’ve dated some meaty gals in my days before I married Nona!” “Oh?” “Before, during or after your Pro-Football Days?” Eva sarcastically asked. Jett could tell that the Scotch had hit her brain pretty fast! “Oh, no, here we go again!” Jett thought, as he was beginning to sweat. Somehow, he always felt that if he wasn’t talking to a woman who was in the Entertainment Business, he always had to explain why he married a “Super Gorgeous Woman!” And, although, Eva was quite attractive, she was still somewhat of a different class. Eva reminded Jett of a fine aristocratic home-girl that he used to kick back with, prior to his Pro-Football Days!“You know, Eva, before I got married, my Pro Ball Friends and I used to frequent a lot of Gentlemen Clubs, and we’ve seen plenty of meaty beautiful sisters; and yes, we did date a variety of them; and some of them even married Pro-Athletes!” “Well, that’s good to hear!” Eva was feeling kind of awful that she put Jett through the ringer. “And, you know, I don’t know how you feel about your weight, but I don’t consider you to be over-weight! I think you’re gorgeous just the way you are, if you don’t mine me saying?” “Thank you!” “I don’t mind at all!” She softly answered. Page 17“Then, I would like to make a toast, to the finest Executive Secretary around!” He then lifted his glass and Eva lifted hers and they both toasted and had their drink before leaving to go home. Page 185FRIDAY finally arrived and Nona kept her plans to take her husband on a surprise lunch date. Upon her arrival, the first person that she saw was Eva, of course. Nona was stunningly beautiful in her Theory White Summer Pant Suit. Eva’s eyes had widened with both admiration and hostility. “Oh, I see you’ve made it?” Eva was sure to sound upbeat. “Yes!” “I was sure to keep my promise!” “I’ve got to get Jett out of this office! He needs a break! You guys have been working late this week almost every night!” Nona was sure that she could play the “Nice, Game” better than Eva. “Yes, we have been putting in more hours; there are just so many issues with this new development that your husband is working on! Plus, we’ve been re-balancing the Accounting Books; everything has to be just right during tax time for next year, because, this year was hectic! Eva was beginning to feel very important!“You know, I give you credit, I’m pretty sure that your job isn’t easy! And, if you’ve been with Jett for several years, then your work must be impeccable or else you wouldn’t be here! “Ouch!” Nona felt the coldness of that slur as she tried to cover her “cheap shot!” She continued, “Oh, no, I didn’t mean it in a degrading way, I meant that Jett’s very serious about his business and….”Immediately, Eva interrupted Nona and didn’t let her finish giving a reason for her rudeness, she said, “Oh, no, I definitely, know what you mean, and you’re right!” “I actually take Page 19what you said as a compliment, because, your husband is a PROFESSIONALIST! And, these days, these young interns who come here and help from time to time, wouldn’t be able to handle your husband’s demands, they would just crumble!” “Trust me?” Eva knew how to handle Nona’s threats well. She gave herself two stars. Almost apologetically, Nona said, “Well, I’m happy for my husband!” And, trying to turn this situation around she continued, “I gather that you and my husband work well together?” ‘Oh, yes, your husband, plays hard ball at times, but I must admit, we do work well together! Eva stated as she was loving her new-found power!“Well, that’s great!” “I can remember when I used to work at a famous Law Firm in New York City as a Legal Secretary. I mean, at times, it was tuff! So, I commend your professionalism and bravery!” Nona wasn’t about to spoil her day by having a “cat fight,” with a lowly secretary, in her opinion. Her happiness and marriage to Jett was very important and Eva wasn’t worth the sacrifice! “Well, thank you!” Eva felt a false sense of security while she indirectly battled her “Boss’s Wife!”Immediately, after the cat fight duo, Jett emerged from his office and was surprised to see his wife standing in front of Eva. “Nona, I thought I heard your voice!” “Is everything alright?” He asked. “Yes, everything is alright!” “But, I’ve come to take you to lunch!” She kindly demanded. In protest, Jett answered, “Oh, but honey, I’ve got so much work to do!” Page 20Defending her reasoning, she said, “Oh, but Jett, the weekend is here, it’s Friday and you should get out of this office! You need a different scenery!” Nona looked great and she knew it; and she was hoping that her beauty would have had some positive effects on her husband, and then surprisingly, Eva voiced her opinion, “Well, you heard her, she’s right!” You need to take a break from this office! Besides, the same work will be here waiting for you when you return on Monday Morning. So please, go out and have a great lunch with your wife, Jett!” Jett was startled and happy that he was being made to leave his office early by both his wife and his secretary. After looking back and forth between the two, he answered, “Okay, you two have convinced me!” “Okay, good!” Nona said as she couldn’t hold back her happy feelings. “Now, you’re talking!” Eva managed to say, although, she was feeling completely the opposite. “Okay, everything’s final!” “I’m going to have lunch with my wife!” He proudly stated, then, he turned towards, Eva and asked, “Eva, would you please lock up tonight?” While trying to act enthusiastically, she responded, “Sure thing!” “Don’t worry!” “Just enjoy!” She was still trying to believe that she was happy for both Jett and Nona. Jett then turned towards his wife and asked, “So, where are we going?” Then, Nona gave him a flirtatious wink and said, “Follow me?” Page 216NONA felt good being in New York City on a nice hot summer’s day! She and Jett decided to eat at one of New York’s famous South Western Restaurants. The atmosphere was euphoric as people from all walks of life filled the famous restaurant and tavern. After they were seated and ready to eat, Jett made a surprising comment, “Wow, you’re really making an impression in that outfit!” The waiter was practically flirting with you in my face!” “Well, that’s a nice compliment, but the only man that I’m interested in is you, my husband!” “You don’t have to impress me!” You’ve already got me!” Jett said in a sensuous tone. “Oh, really?” “You could’ve fooled me?” Nona said. Surprisingly, Jett asked,“What do you mean?” “Well, prior to our marriage, you used to spend a lot of time with me! And, we always had “Couple’s Night!” Now, we don’t get to go out alone or with other couples! What’s happening Jett?” “Nona, I’ve got to take care of some business first! Right now, I’m trying to help my brother find some good property at a good price so that he can build!” He and Desiree could really use the money, especially to help pay for my nephew’s tuition!” “You know Jett, I don’t know why Desiree won’t get off her butt and find a regular job?” Jett always knew that Nona and Desiree could never get along. But, he decided to defend Desiree anyway! Page 22“Baby, you know that my grandmother, nor my mother never worked outside their homes! And, my brothers and I vowed that our wives wouldn’t work outside the house as well, it’s been a Hunter Tradition! Desiree has always been a stay-at-home wife and mother!”“Well, you know Jett, the charade is over, Desiree needs to get off her butt and get a regular job, you know, one that she could perform according to her “ghetto education,” of course! Nona was sounding like a real arrogant, aristocratic, uncaring and selfish person! After she made the comment, Nona could hear the hostility growing in Jett’s tone. “Nona, do I have you working outside our home?” He asked. “No, you don’t!” “But, you know, the other day, while I was looking through an old photo album, I realized that I really do miss the theater! Actually, I’m thinking about going back to work!” Surprised and beginning to become agitated, he practically screamed, “Work?” “Why?” “You practically have everything a woman could want!” Feeling a bit guilty, Nona answered, “You know, it’s not about the money, it’s just about feeling complete. I miss feeling whole! Somewhere, I feel a void and I think that it may have to do with my career, Jett!” And, immediately, after she made this statement, the young handsome waiter came to their table with a second round of cocktails on the house and placed each drink before Nona and Jett. “Thank you!” Nona responded while still looking glamorous and sexy. Jett had mixed feelings towards the young waiter as he noticed that the young stud couldn’t take his eyes off his wife. The fact that the young gentleman found his wife to be attractive was both a very high compliment and a slight jab in the rib!” However, he was very grateful that the Page 23young stud liked his taste in women. So, he managed to say, “Thanks man,” for his professionalism and a job well done!” ‘You two are welcome!” “Enjoy!” The waiter replied. After the waiter left, Jett continued, “You said so yourself that we barely see each other! And, if you start performing again, things are going to become a little hectic!” Jett was beginning to speak through his teeth now. “So, you’re going to have to choose the life that you really want, is going to be me or Broadway?” Stunned at Jett’s forwardness, Nona said, “I can’t believe that you’re speaking to me this way?” “Like what?” Jett was becoming more macho and it wasn’t turning Nona on!” Nona decided to answer, “You just told me that I would have to choose between living a life with you or going back to my career; and I don’t think it’s fair, that’s all!” Why can’t I have both?” He decided to be truthful, “Baby, I don’t know if you can handle having both me and a solid Broadway Career?” “Oh, I see, now you’re trying to tell me that I’m not stable enough to run a household and work on Broadway?” Jett could see that Nona was insulted. “I didn’t say that, it’s just that when I first met you, you weren’t in the best of mental health! Satisfied with his argument, he took a sip of his cocktail that was placed before him. “No, I wasn’t!” “I was going through a bit of a depression!” However, that didn’t stop you from pursuing me, now did it?” Obviously, you had only, one thing on your mind! Am I correct?” She then took a sip of her cocktail.Page 24Fessing up, Jett said, “Okay, I had a moment of weakness! And, I have to admit, I was smitten by your beauty! And, after I chipped away the ice, I got to know you, and I fell in love with the person that you are, on the inside!” “Well, thank you for being so truthful! But, you know, Jett, you and so many other men are so full of yourselves! I just can’t stand it! I can’t believe that you’re so threatened by me having a career on Broadway, again!” Nona was beginning to feel confident and desired again! “Oh, come on Nona, you and I both know that you have a problem when you’re all dolled up and on stage performing!” Jett wasn’t smiling. “So, you still don’t trust me?” Nona was feeling agitated. “Do you trust yourself?” He asked as Nona ignored the question, he then continued, “Because, I don’t know if I trust you?”Nona wanted to say, “Seems like a personal problem!” But, she didn’t know how Jett was going to respond. She knew that Jett was well-mannered, but this was no time to test his manners. The last thing that she needed was for Jett to reach across the table and SLAP her in public. So, she definitely wasn’t going to TEST her husband’s patience just to be humiliated. Besides, she was still in love with him. However, she did ask again, “What do you mean by saying that?” “Nona, I don’t need to hurt some PUNK over you!” He began to casually chew some of his food that he had just placed in his mouth.“Jett, you won’t have to!” “I would never put myself or you in that position!” And, don’t forget that before we were married, I had to fight off lots of women who couldn’t stay out Page 25of your face!” Nona was beginning to feel justified as she reminisced about a few run-ins with other women who she had to battle for Jett!Blushing and smiling, Jett said, “Yeah, but after a while, I let those other women go and I proved that I could be faithful to you!” Jett’s tone was becoming louder than normal. Immediately, after, Nona scanned the room, she noticed that a lot of couples were focusing on them. She then said, “Jett, let’s change the subject, because we’re getting loud and people are beginning to stare at us!” “Fine!” “Let’s change the subject!” Afterwards, Jett took a sip of his cocktail, then decided to lean back in his chair, while watching his beautiful wife squirm. Page 267SEVERAL weeks had passed and Jett was still keeping late nights at the office, while leaving Nona home to fend for her own entertainment; and Nona still wasn’t used to being alone in the evenings after one year of marriage, so she decided to pay a surprise visit to Jett’s office and take him out to dinner. Upon Nona’s arrival at Hunter & Hunter Realty Corp that was solely owned and operated by her husband, Nona noticed that the street Hunter’s Way was filled with cars at approximately 8:00 P.M. and this was unusual, since most surrounding businesses were closed at 6:00 P.M. And, she could barely find a parking space. After a lengthy search, she decided to go around to the back of his building and she finally found one park that was vacant. “What on earth is going on?” She whispered. However, after parking, she walked around to the front, just to find that the lights were still on and the door was unlocked. “Good, I don’t have to make a phone call and ask to be let in.” She silently thought. Finally, she reached the 2nd floor after she discovered that neither Jett nor Eva was on the first floor. And, after she got off the elevator, she heard soft music and people walking around in the conference room. Clearly, there was something going on, and Nona wanted to find out! After she stepped off the elevator and walked to the 2nd floor’s conference room, Eva met her, while holding a cocktail. “Oh, Nona, I mean, Mrs. Hunter, how are you?” Eva was surprised to see Nona but glad that she, herself was looking and feeling good. Page 27Nona wasn’t looking too bad herself, she had on an elegant summer top and a pair of tight fitted brand-name jeans.“Hello, Eva!” “How are you?” “What’s going on?” Nona asked while trying not to show that she felt a bit slighted. “Oh, Jett is having an “Open House” tonight!” “An, Open House, for what?” Nona asked. Eva tried to explain, “Well, Jett and I decided to reach out to more property owners to see if he could get better deals on the land that he wants to purchase for his brother! So, we contacted every property owner that we could find and well, we came up with this group that’s here tonight!” “Oh, I see!” Well, I wish I would’ve known earlier, I could have assisted in the planning! And, from the looks of it, it seems like you guys spent a fortune!” Nona was letting Eva know that she was still in control over Jett’s and her finances. “Mrs. Hunter, most times, in order to gain a profit, you’ve got to put out a modest investment! Nothing is free! Besides, we didn’t want to trouble you with any “office business!” “Well, Eva, I would rather you trouble me from time to time with Jett’s Business; after all, Jett’s business is my business and vice versa, especially when events are taking place after office hours! NOTHING COMES BEFORE MY FAMILY!” Eva could tell that Nona was a bit jealous, it was very obvious, but she tried to pacify her a little. “I’m sorry, Nona!” “Please, have a drink and maybe a bit to eat, we have plenty! And, I’m pretty-sure that when Jett sees you, he’ll be glad that you’re here!” “No, thank you, I’m quite all right!” Nona’s tone was very jerky. Page 28“Fine!” “Anyway, I must be off to mingle with our guests! It was very nice to see you; and I’ll tell Jett that you were here!” Satisfied and confident, Eva excused herself from a terrible altercation. Page 298IT was almost midnight, and Nona had just heard Jett walk through the front door. She couldn’t believe that he stayed at the office so late. She knew that it wasn’t normal for “Open Houses,” to last past 11:00 P.M., so she decided that she was going to let Jett have it!Finally, he reached their bedroom door and quietly walked in. Angry, she was determined not to let him have the first word. “Don’t tell me that you just left the office?” “Oh, Nona, baby, I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you that we were having an” Open House,” tonight!” “I know, I stopped by the office to take you out to dinner, and lo and behold, you were having a cocktail party at your office that I wasn’t even invited to attend!” “Baby, this was solely about business!” Jett argued. “Business?” “You could’ve at least called to inform me?” Furthermore, I could have helped! Nona was furious and Jett knew it! He realized that he was wrong for not telling his wife that he wasn’t going to be home for dinner, so he tried to comfort her. “Baby, that’s why I hired Eva!” “I hired Eva to take care of all my Event Planning for the business! And, I’m really sorry for not informing you, but I really would like to keep the business kind of separate from my personal life!” “Including our marriage?” “Jett, what are you saying?” “Are you saying that you don’t need or want my input when it comes to our Real Estate Business?” Nona was beginning to use her intelligence. Page 30 “Honey, no, I’m not quite saying that! He insisted. “Well, that’s what I hear!” Jett, God forbid, but what if something happens to you?” “Would you rather “Eva,” to govern all of our business matters?” Exhausted from the entire night and all of Nona’s questions, Jett answered, “Honey, you’re thinking way too much ahead! But, you’ve raised some interesting points. And, no, if something happened to me, I would expect for you to handle all important decisions!” He warmly admitted. He then walked over to their bed, and gave his wife a kiss on the forehead. “Wait a minute?” “You’re not getting off so easy!” Nona insisted. “What wrong?” He asked. “Why did it take you almost midnight to get home?” “What were you doing?” She asked. Jett could tell that she demanded an answer. “Well, Eva and I let the cleaning crew go home early tonight, just to keep my payroll in check! And, I had her write down some important notes about some of the investors. I didn’t want to forget anyone or anything that was important!” “Oh, I see!” Nona sighed. “Look, Lady, don’t oh, I see me?” “Everything that took place tonight was geared towards business, and if you had stayed a little longer, you would’ve seen it for yourself! After all, you do own Hunter & Hunter Realty Corp too!” Nona was relieved to hear Jett say that she was part owner of Hunter & Hunter Realty Corp. Finally, she was beginning to feel like a true “Rich and Famous House Wife!” After he made this statement, all of her resentment towards him dissolved and they both spent the entire night making love!Eat your heart out, Eva!” Nona silently thought. Page 319A week had passed since the “Open House” had taken place at Jett’s office. Therefore, his brother Kyle decided to pay him a visit. Kyle happily approached Eva’s desk. “Hello, Eva, may I speak to my brother?” “I see Jett’s car parked out in front!” Kyle was smooth, kind and handsome; although his brother, Jett seemed more alluring. However, both men had beautiful brown undertones and both were “physically well built, and very well spoken! Although, Jett was MORE of EVERYTHING, he was more polished, more educated and most of all, he was FILTHY RICH! And, although, lots of women hated to admit it, being a rich and handsome man, was definitely, THE BIGGEST TURN ON! “Oh, yes, Kyle your brother is in; and it’s very nice to see you! Eva smiled. “Well, thank you Eva and likewise!” Kyle smiled back. “Thanks!” I’ll page him!” She responded. However, before Eva could pick up the phone Jett emerged from his office. He actually heard Kyle and Eva speaking since his office wasn’t too far from Eva’s. Jett emerged from his office and said, “Hey man, I thought I heard your voice!” “What’s up?” “Well, I just dropped by to check on a few things!” Kyle bashfully admitted. “Good!” “Let’s go to my office?” Jett suggested. He then turned around and walked into his office as his brother followed. Jett took a seat at his desk and Kyle sat across from him. “So, have we found an investor, yet?” Jett could tell that Kyle was very hopeful. “You know, Kyle, I’ve been meaning to call you! I’ve had a few things to think over, and well, I feel that it would be better if you went into business on your own!” Page 32“WHAT?” Kyle screamed while almost jumping out of his chair. “WHAT?” He asked again. He continued, “Jett, what are you talking about?” “Kyle, I’m thinking that these investors are going to want to charge me twice as much for the property, because they figure that I’ve got the money! And, well, with you being a new comer, they will be willing to negotiate the prices with you; because you’re not wealthy like I am, no offense! And, more than likely, you would be borrowing a loan to pay for your new property, am I correct?” “Borrowing a loan?” Kyle was flabbergasted. “Yeah, borrowing a loan!” “Look, Kyle, that’s nothing to worry about, you’ve got excellent credit! I wrote everything down for you; and, I’m giving you a guide! Jett handed Kyle a 9 X 12 Manilla envelope that was filled with business documents. “Jett, what’s all of this?” “I’ve outlined everything that you must do in order to get started in the Real Estate Business!” “Yeah, like what?” Kyle asked. “Well, first, I’m sending you to Real Estate Classes. And, second, I’ve listed a couple of great investors that you should contact after you’ve completed the courses that I’ve already signed you up for. Oh, and the classes are paid for in full, by yours truly, of course!” Retaliating, Kyle said, “You know Jett, this isn’t funny! I thought that “We” were going to go fifty, fifty?” Kyle was almost lost for words. Apologetically, Jett said, “Look Kyle, right now, I’ve got a lot on my plate, and I’ve been staying away from home and not paying attention to my wife or to my marriage. And, Page 33well, I’ve just got to make this work! Nona’s been complaining that I’m not spending enough time with her and it’s time for me to do something about it! So, please, understand that I’m not trying to toss you aside, I just need to invest some time into my personal life, because, things at home have been getting a little complicated! Kyle sighed, “Ah, okay, bro, I completely understand!” Kyle then stood to his feet and said, “Okay, I’m going to give this thing a try!” I’ll keep you posted. And, thanks for paying for the classes!”“Anytime! And, yes, please, keep me in the know?” Jett said, while feeling a bit relieved that his brother didn’t take the news too hard. “Okay, I’ll see you later!” Kyle said, before leaving his brother’s office. “See you later!” “Oh, and good luck!” Jett said, as he leaned back in his comfortable office chair!Page 3410AFTER meeting with Jett, Kyle decided to drive home to tell Desiree about the news. He didn’t know how she was going to respond, because her mood was always so unpredictable! However, he knew that being upfront with his wife was the right thing to do; and so, he decided that he would tell her about his and Jett’s new plans as he’d hoped that she would take it lightly since he was still going to invest, but just not with his wealthy brother’s money, but with their own, through a bank loan. Finally, he reached his modest suburban home! Kyle’s and Jett’s communities were worlds apart; Kyle earned “middle class,” earnings while is brother was very wealthy; however, Kyle was still grateful for the modest home that he, his wife and three sons shared. As soon as he entered their living room, Desiree was sitting in her pajamas, with her hair in rollers, while eating munchies, and watching her favorite “Soap Opera!” “Hi Desiree!” Kyle happily sang. “Shush!” “Shush!” “Shush!” She scolded him. Kyle’s feelings were scorned once again, but he was all too used to his wife’s uncaring ways at times. Therefore, he decided to take a seat in a chair that wasn’t too far from hers. Now, both of them were watching television. And, after a few seconds, his wife started talking to the characters through the television set. “Girl, I know you’re not going to take him back?” “Tell him to leave, and, that you don’t need him anymore!” “Girl, don’t beg him?” “Where’s your pride?” “Just, where’s your pride?” “Let him go!” “JUST LET HIM GO!” She yelled! And, after Desiree stopped Page 35screaming a commercial beak interrupted her favorite Soap Opera, The Rich and The Beautiful! She then turned to her husband, and said, “How many times have I told you not to interrupt me while I’m watching my Soap Operas?” Apologetically, Kyle said, “I’m sorry Desiree, I’ve just got some good news to share with you!” He sheepishly stated. “Well, what is it?” “She almost excitingly asked. Then, before Kyle could answer, she raised her voice with gladness, saying, “Oh, my God, don’t tell me, we finally got the property and you’re ready to start building?” “Uh, no, not yet!” “Every property owner in the district tried to over-charge my brother because he’s very wealthy; and well, my brother thinks that it’ll be better if we borrowed the money from a good credit union or a reputable bank, instead. He feels that various property owners would go easier on me, because, I’m borrowing the money to build and I’m not wearing the title, “Jett Hunter, Wealthy Tycoon, under my belt, so to speak!” “Wait a minute?” “Your brother thinks that “We Who,” should borrow the money to purchase property?” Desiree was getting angrier by the minute as her nostrils flared up! “We as in you and me or me and you!” Kyle tried to add some courage to his statement. Although, Desiree knew that he was as nervous as an Alley Cat! She took advantage of him a little bit more, while preying on his confrontational weaknesses. “Hold up, Kyle?” “I thought that your brother was going to primarily put the money up for us?” Then, once our business grew, we would start paying your brother back for at least half of the deal, wasn’t that the original agreement?” Page 36“Yes, it was!” “But, honey, investors are trying to milk my brother, and he’s been putting in a lot of time with this project and he’s been staying away from home and it’s taking a toll on his marriage! My brother is just going through a lot right now, but he’s promised to guide me every step of the way! Kyle was really trying to defend his brother and trying to believe that their present business plans were better than the previous. “But, Kyle, you don’t know anything about Real Estate!” “How are you going to do all of this on your own?” Desiree was looking at him as though he was real stupid!“Look, my brother signed me up to take Real Estate Classes and the classes are already paid for in full!” Kyle was really trying to sound confident and sure of himself, but his confidence was quickly deteriorating especially while speaking to his wife, Desiree, “You know what I think Kyle?” She mysteriously asked. “What?” “I think that your brother is trying to get rid of us!” “Now, why would you say a thing like that?” Kyle’s tone was becoming hostile. But, Desiree didn’t back down!“All of a sudden, he wants to send you to classes so that you can learn the trade! We don’t have enough time for that! We’ve got to get the ball rolling! Our son has just a couple of semesters to graduate from college! And, I just want to know, what are we going to do for the remaining balance of his tuition?” I want our son to graduate on time! Now, did you tell your BROTHER THAT?” Desiree was so angry until she was almost spitting fire, but Kyle didn’t back down this time either. He spoke protesting, by saying, Page 37“Look, we can’t keep relying on my brother and others to take care of us! We’ve got to stand on our own feet! Paying for our son’s college is solely our responsibility!” “Angry, she shouted, “You know what Kyle?” “You make me sick to my stomach!” “You’re such a loser; and I can’t stand you at times! You let your brother talk you out of a good deal! We were going to have it made! Your brother was going to pay for everything for us, until you let him talk you out of our original agreement, so that he could “SUCKER, YOU into THIS ONE! I’M VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU, VERY! Desiree shouted. Upset and becoming undone, Kyle said, “You know, Desiree, I just don’t want to talk about this anymore!” “Oh, just run away like you always do! And, while you’re at it, just think about how we’re going to pay for the balance of your son’s college tuition!” Desiree shouted. Then, immediately, Kyle stood up and said, “First, you’re going to get up off your fat a__ and get a job to help me pay for our eldest son’s college tuition!” Desiree couldn’t believe that her husband had just “stepped,” to her in a disrespectful manner. Almost not believing what she had just heard, she challenged him. “Oh, no you didn’t just go there!” She shouted! Continuing she said, “Look, Jodi didn’t throw Tim out for cheating on her, but I will throw you out for disrespecting me! You’re nothing but a low-down dirty loser!” I want you out of this house and right now!” Startled and in shock, Kyle retaliated and shouted, “You want me out of this house right now?” “Actually, this is my house; and I don’t remember you putting one dollar into these bricks, so if it’s anybody who needs to pack up and leave, then that person ought to be you!”Page 38The words just flew from Kyle’s mouth even before he could stop them! And, afterwards, Desiree picked up one of her shoes, and threw it in his direction, but she missed him! However, she yelled, I want you out of this house and now! Go ahead! Get out! And, stay out! And, before she could find another object to throw at Kyle, he fled the scene. Page 3911AFTER riding around town for a couple of hours, Kyle decided to visit his brother’s office. He figured that he needed someone to talk to before he headed back home to do something “dreadful,” to Desiree. He was just so fed up with her at the moment. And, he was really confused and didn’t know if he really loved her or not! And, just in the nick of time, as he parked his car in front of Hunter & Hunter Realty Corp, he saw Jett walking down the walk way and heading towards his new shiny sports car. So, Kyle hurried and got out of his car and called out to his brother, “Hey, Jett!” Surprised to see his brother for the second time that day, Jett answered, “Hey man, what’s up?”Exhausted from fighting with his wife and driving around town for hours, Kyle tiredly confessed, “Man, I went home all excited about my upcoming, Real Estate Classes and after I shared the news with Desiree, SHE WENT CRAZY! We started fussing, then she told me to get out! Man, I had to leave that place before I’d hurt somebody! I need a drink right about now! And, although, Jett could see that Kyle was serious, the way Kyle explained himself, seemed so hilarious to Jett, that both men started laughing. So, Jett agreed to have a drink with him since Jett was part of the blame for Kyle getting blasted from his wife. “Okay, man, I could use a drink or two myself!” “We’ll take my car!” “And, so, the two men got into Jett’s new shiny sports car and headed across the George Washington Bridge. After all, the night was still young. Page 4012THE next morning, Jett knew that he was in trouble. He and Kyle had gotten back from the city late, somewhere a little after midnight. After taking his shower and getting dressed, he heard his wife, Nona slamming pots, pans and the kitchen cabinets. He was almost afraid to walk downstairs, but found the nerves to do so! After a small prayer of “God, help me?” He finally came face to face with Nona. “Good Morning, sweetheart!” He echoed as he walked to one of the kitchen cabinets to retrieve a coffee cup. “Good Morning!” Nona bitterly reciprocated. “Hmm, it smells good in here, I can tell that you made my favorite muffins!” Jett was still trying to make good with his wife. But, Nona was determined not to give in, she remained quiet. Jett continued, “I bet those Chocolate Chip Muffins taste good as they look!” “I don’t know.” Nona mumbled as she didn’t hide her feelings while making sure that she was determined not to give any hints of a smile. Afterwards, Jett cleared his throat and began apologizing. Ah, um, look, honey, um, Nona, I’m sorry, but before he could get a word out, Nona blurted….“WHERE WERE YOU ALL EVENING, YESTERDAY AFTER WORK, AND ALL LAST NIGHT?” It was obvious that she was very angry, her tone revealed it all!“Babe, yesterday after work, my brother Kyle met me as I was leaving work and he told me that he really needed to talk to someone because, he and Desiree had gotten into a VERY BAD argument and that he couldn’t go home because he thought that he was going to do “Bodily Harm,” to her, and you and I both know how GHETTO, Desiree can be at times!” Page 41“Okay, fine, that’s not hard to believe, but what I’ve been asking you over and over again is to “INCLUDE ME” when your plans are going to CHANGE! I waited and waited for you to come home last night for dinner and when you didn’t, I called your cell and there was no answer, my call went straight to voice mail. I mean, what was I supposed to think?”“Baby, you’re right and I’m totally wrong!” “And, I feel awful and devastated by the choices that I’ve made, can you ever forgive me?” “Well, you should feel awful, because, I know I’ve felt awful for some time now!” Nona was regaining her confidence back. Startled, after pouring himself a cup of coffee, Jett took a seat at the kitchen table, but remained quiet after taking a couple of sips of his coffee. Feeling more confident, Nona continued to confront Jett about their marriage. “Jett, we’ve only been married a little over a year, and I feel like some kind of “Old Maid!” You don’t take me out anymore; and after you come home, I try to be the best wife that I can be, but at times, I think that you just take me for granted! I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong?” “Baby, you’re not doing anything wrong, it’s just that you don’t understand how much goes into running a business. Lots of times, I have to work, past six o’clock in order for my business to run in the way that it’s supposed to run according to my standards! Now, when I see that everything is running a bit more smoothly, we’ll be able to enjoy each other’s company more!” “Well, let’s try not to wait too much longer?” “Because before you know it, life will be passing us by, and we’ll be too old and unable to have the fun that we want and deserve!” “Okay BOSS!” Jett agreed. Page 42“Oh, and before I forget, Brenda and Dean called and they wanted to know if we could meet them for a dinner date, sometimes next week?” “And, I accepted their invitation and I want you to make a note that next Thursday evening at 7:00 P.M. we are to meet Brenda and Dean at the Paramount Inn for dinner. “Oh, okay, that’ll be nice, I haven’t seen Dean in a long time!” “Okay, I’m in!” He then moved in closer and gave his wife an impeccable kiss on the lips. “Now, that’s the man that I’m used to!” Nona smiled. Page 43 13 A week had already passed and the day had gone by quickly too! Jett couldn’t believe that it was already Thursday evening and he and Nona were scheduled to meet up with his former NFL Teammate and his wife, Dean and Brenda Solomon. He believed that he was more excited than his wife was about the entire evening. Jett was so excited that he made sure that he hadn’t scheduled any afternoon appointments. He didn’t want anything to get in the way of breaking his and Nona’s dinner appointment. He then decided that maybe he would leave work a little early just to ensure that he and Nona would be on time. As he was retrieving his blazer from his personal office, his Secretary, Eva Smith had paged him. “Jett, I mean, Mr. Hunter, you have a visitor.” Immediately, Jett called Eva on the phone and reiterated, “A visitor?” “Yes, Jett!” He says that his name is Gilead Wade!” “He was here during our Open House, just a few weeks ago! Eva said, as she remembered Mr. Wade’s name, because Jett had her write down some very important notes concerning his and Jett’s business negotiations.”Then, immediately, Jett remembered Mr. Wade! Mr. Wade had been one of the best property negotiators that he and Kyle had spoken to during the “Open House.” “Oh, yes, I do remember, Mr. Gilead Wade, please show him into my office?” ‘Okay, Jett!” Eva sounded so very important and although, it was at the end of the day, Eva was in no rush to go home. She didn’t mind staying late after work. The longer that she stayed at the office, meant that she would be closer to her secret love, and that was her boss, Mr. Jett Hunter. Page 44Gilead Wade was a young Real Estate Entrepreneur; and he had a distinct Mediterranean look. He was dressed in a classic black suit, and was dark and handsome; and although, he was young in age, Eva could tell that he was indeed a true man of business; because, he was very tactful and professional! “Mr. Wade, this way please?” Eva led Mr. Wade into Jett’s office. “Thank you!” He replied as he followed her. “Oh, you’re more than welcome!” Eva giggled as she led the young, handsome stud into Jett’s office. Upon their arrival, Jett didn’t hesitate in welcoming Mr. Wade. “Mr. Wade, it’s so nice to see you again!” Jett said in a friendly manner. He then extended his right hand for a handshake. “Likewise!” Mr. Wade reciprocated and extended his hand. “Please, have a seat, Mr. Wade?” Jett offered. “Thank you!” Mr. Wade reciprocated as he and Jett simultaneously sat down. Jett sat in a chair behind his desk. And, Mr. Wade sat down in front of his desk in the vacant guest chair. “Well, what’s going on these days?” Jett asked. Mr. Wade proceeded to explain, “Well, after a lot of thought, I’m very sure that I can make you and your brother an offer for a nice piece of land at a very negotiable price!” “Wow!” “That’s wonderful!” “I’m very glad to hear that!” “Perhaps sometimes next week, my brother and I will be able to come down and check it out?”“Jett, I’m sorry, but I can’t wait to negotiate on this property! We have to negotiate as soon as possible! Someone else wants to buy the property, but I wanted to consider you and your brother first. You and your brother are good people and you two are very close. Family is Page 45everything; but people are moving away from that! And, well, I’ve got siblings too and we’re very close, and well, you and your brother remind me of me and my brother who’s still back home, way across the seas! And, well, that’s why I’m here today! I really would like for you and your brother to come this evening to check out the land; because, another guy wants to buy the property as early as tomorrow morning! And, he’s ready to write a check!” Jett seemed a bit hesitant and asked, “Well, if this guy is ready to purchase, why won’t you accept the deal?” Although, Mr. Wade was very polite, he was very direct and to the point when he answered, “You know, there’s something very shady with this guy! He wants to use the property for illegal purposes; and I don’t want to make deals with people of that nature. I love doing business; but, I want my business deals to remain clean. Please, Mr. Hunter, call your brother so that we can start the negotiating process?” Puzzled, Jett asked, “Well, can we slow this thing down, just a little?” Being steadfast in his decision, Mr. Wade answered, “I’m afraid not!” He then continued, “The reason why I’m unable to wait is because, I’ve got my business partner to consider. And, the only thing that’s on his mind, is MONEY! However, I’m aiming for CLEAN MONEY! Please, you said so yourself that your brother needs this land to start building, just to help his son finish college, right?” Mr. Wade seemed like he was very sincere in his reasoning for wanting to sell the land, therefore, Jett soon gave in and said, “Yes, Mr. Wade, I did!” Tell you what, I’ll call my brother so that we can take a look at the property and we’ll go from there!” “Great!” “So, you’ll call him right now?”Page 46 “Yeah!” “I’ll call him immediately, he’s been waiting for a good deal, and I think that if we can come up with the right numbers, this evening is going to turn out just fine for him!” “Great!” “I’m glad to hear it!” Mr. Wade said, as he felt that he was doing the right thing for Jett and Kyle, but most of all, his conscious. Jett was excited for his brother and a little sad for his wife, while realizing that there was no way that he was going to make it to his and Nona’s dinner date on time, but some-how he felt that he would make it up to Nona and to the Solomon’s!” Page 4714It was late in the evening and approaching 6:00 P.M. and Mr. Wade had given Jett the precise instructions to where he and Kyle were to meet him at 7:00 P.M. which was the same time that he was scheduled to meet with his wife and the Solomon’s. After doing a little research, Jett knew that it was going to take him a good thirty to forty-five minutes to get to the site. So, he figured that he would spend a few minutes at the site then meet up with his wife and friends. He had already informed his brother, Kyle to meet him at Mr. Wade’s property site, therefore the only person who he had to call was his wife, Nona. As Jett was driving on the turnpike, he flipped his phone and dialed his wife, and Nona answered on the third ring. “Hello, honey, are you on your way home?” Nona cheerfully asked. He answered, Well, um, honey, there’s been some slight changes, but don’t worry, I promise you that I’ll meet you, Dean and Brenda as soon as I can this evening, it’s just that a new property deal just came through for Kyle and he’s been offered a phenomenal deal, and well, he really needs this deal. His wife has been hassling him to find a way to pay for their eldest son’s college-tuition!” “Oh, I see, and you really think that this deal is worth you being late tonight?” Nona stoically asked. He answered, “Baby, yes!” “Look, the better the price, the less my brother and his wife will have to depend on us financially. And, this will be a great opportunity for Kyle to become solely responsible for his family’s income! Look, no man wants to rely on another man for financial stability, kin, or no kin, trust me?” Jett defiantly stated. Page 48 Very upset, but trying not to have an attitude, because she didn’t want to make matters worse, she asked, “So, you did say that you were coming, right?” “Yes, I did!” I PR-OM-ISE to meet all of you tonight at the Paramount Inn! I PROMISE!” He whole heartily gave Nona his word. Smiling, she said, “Okay, honey!” “I’m glad you called; and I’ll see you when you get here! But, please, get here safely, please?” “Love you!” Smiling he said, “Okay!” “Love you too!” “Okay, by!” Nona said, while feeling a sense of accomplishment and a strong trust between her and Jett. “See you later!” Jett echoed, then afterwards, he pushed the end button to his cell, while knowing that he had done the right thing by calling his wife and letting her know that he was going to be late for the evening. Page 4915Nona arrived at the Paramount Inn just a few minutes past 7:00 P.M. A young hostess met her at the door and she told her that she was waiting for her party to arrive. The young lady asked her what were some of the names that consisted of her party and she told her, ““Dean and Brenda Solomon!” The young hostess smiled and said,“Your party is here, please follow me?” Glad that she didn’t have to wait, Nona happily followed the hostess where Dean and Brenda were sitting. And, as soon as their eyes met one another, Nona felt as though she was revisiting their past and that’s before either of them were married to their present-day spouses. Brenda was the first to respond, first with the prettiest smile that Nona ever saw and with the brightest “Hello!” that ever greeted her. Brenda was so pretty that she could’ve been a model. And, although, she wasn’t a model, she was indeed the best professional groupie that knew her stuff well enough to marry the finest, black wealthiest man of her dreams, and that was Dean Solomon. After being greeted by Brenda’s natural stardom, her handsome husband, Dean joined in and welcomed her with the nicest smile and the warmest, “Hello,” and the sincerest “How are you?” “Fine!” “I’m just fine!” “How are you guys?” Nona happily responded. “Oh, we’re fine!” They simultaneously answered. “Please, sit next to me?” Brenda offered. ‘Okay, thanks!” Nona answered, then she sat down next to her friend, Brenda. Before the hostess left, she asked Nona if she would like her waitress to get her something to drink before ordering, and Nona responded, “Yes!” “Red Wine, please?” Page 50“Coming right up!” “I’ll be sure to let your waitress know!” “Thank you, Miss!” Nona responded as she and the pretty, young hostess exchanged smiles. “You’re welcome!” The hostess responded before she walked away in her short fitted mini dress that fitted her so well. “So, where’s the man of the hour?” ‘Oh, he had to work late again tonight; but, he promised that he wouldn’t miss having dinner with us tonight. He said that he’s coming, but he’ll be a little late!” Nona was trying her best to be the “Good Wife,” who trusted her man’s word. “I tell you, THAT JETT never changes! He worked hard on the field during our Pro-Football Games and he’s a hard worker now; and, now he’s his own boss!” Dean had a way of saying things that weren’t offensive in any way. So, whenever he spoke, Nona was always at ease while knowing that he had hers and Jett’s interest at heart! “Yes, Dean, he’s a very hard worker! And, I hope that you tell him to slow down a little when you see him at dinner tonight?” Because, this guy is driving me crazy with his long hours at work!”“Oh, well, meet married life, it seems like as soon as you say I do, the honeymoon is over!” And, as soon as the words left Brenda’s mouth all of them started to laugh. “Excuse me, hello, Ms. did you order Red Wine?” The waitress was holding a cocktail glass that was filled with wine. “Yes, Miss, I did!” Nona responded. Page 51“Okay, here you go!” The waitress then eased the glass unto the table and placed it right in front of Nona. “Thank you!” Nona said and was careful not to spill the wine. “You’re welcome!” The waitress replied. She continued and asked, “Are you all ready to order?” “Yes, as a matter of fact, I’ll have the House Special!” Dean said. “You know, I think I’ll have it too, I haven’t had a good steak in years!” Brenda added. “Okay, two House Specials!” The waitress answered as she wrote on a small note pad. Afterwards, the waitress looked into Nona’s direction while waiting for her response. And, tired of playing it shy, since she was always on a diet, she responded, “Well, you know, I think I can go for a nice well done steak too! I’ll go with the House Special, but I’ll have the baked potato instead of the fries. “Okay, coming right up!” The waitress commented as she smiled, it was obvious that she was in a good mood. And, after she left the table, Brenda began the conversation. “So, what’s happening with you these days?” ‘Oh, I don’t know, I guess I’m still trying to get used to married life. I’m not used to sitting home 24/7. Before I got married, I was always on the go!” “Now, I don’t know what to do with myself?” But, enough about me, what’s going on with you?” Nona asked while trying to remain upbeat and trying not to think about Jett.“Well, I’ve decided to go back to school to get my Master’s Degree in Law!” Brenda casually commented. Page 52“Oh, Brenda, I think that’s wonderful!” “Are you going to school full-time or part-time?” Nona asked inquisitively. “Girl, I’m going to school only “part-time.” And, I’m only taking two classes per semester, and that seems to be too much these days!” “I know what you mean, but at least you’re keeping busy! I’m practically going “stir crazy,” while not having something to do other than being a “Rich Housewife!” They all laughed, especially Brenda and Nona. Nona didn’t mind throwing her rich attitude around Brenda and Dean, since Brenda was a “Rich Housewife” too! “Well, my choices were either I go back to school and earn my Master’s Degree or either I start decorating one of the guest rooms for a nursery; and well, Dean and I have decided to hold off from having children for at least three good years!” Brenda said. Then, Nona understandingly chimed in and said, “Oh, I definitely understand!” “Jett and I haven’t even talked about how many children we intend to have; although, I have brought up the fact that I may be interested in going back on Broadway!” Then, after making her statement, Nona casually took a sip of her Red Wine. “Really?” Brenda asked. “Well, that would be a nice and interesting venture!” Dean finally got a word in the conversation. “Well, how does Jett feel about your interest in returning back to the stage?” Brenda curiously, asked. “Not that good!” “Actually, a few weeks ago, we spent a nice day having lunch in the city and the topic came up and when it did, he almost went off the deep end!” Page 53“I’m sorry to say Nona, but that figures!” Brenda seemed like a “know-it-all!” Then, Dean, “jumped,” into the conversation and challenged her. ““Honey, why would you make such a comment?” “You rich guys have such egos at times!” Brenda said, as she looked at Nona as if to say, “You know it’s the truth!” And, Nona looked at her as if to say, “Yeah, you’re right, they do have such egos!” Then, Brenda continued…….“Okay, Dean, just think about it, “What if I told you that I wanted to get into the movie business?” He then said,“I would tell you that if you wanted to pursue an acting career it would be fine with me!” Dean sounded as if he were sincere. “Oh, really?” ‘You mean to tell me that you wouldn’t mind me spending endless weeks and months away from you while I’m on some type of island making some kind of movie that may perhaps take months to make?”“Well, Brenda, I don’t know, you might have a point, I may not like the fact that you would be spending endless hours, days, weeks and months elsewhere; besides, we don’t actually need the money!” “Correct, that’s what I mean, and since we don’t need the money, you may have a problem with me having an “Acting Career!” “Well, maybe you have a point!” “However, I do agree that it’s important for married couples to have “outside” interests at times. Besides, it keeps the marriage fresh!” Dean was so nice and witty with his responses which made Nona feel even more at ease with him. She then Page 54responded, you know Dean, that’s what I’ve been telling Jett! I feel that I need just a small outlet. Maybe I can find some “part-time” acting gigs!” She comically stated, while she, Dean and Brenda began to laugh. Finally, the waitress brought their orders, which looked scrumptious. However, she just didn’t know what was keeping Jett so long! Anyway, she decided that she was going to push all negative thoughts aside and just enjoy the evening with some good friends. Page 55 16WEEKS had passed and Nona was becoming more confused by the minute. She and Jett were barely speaking. They were still quietly feuding over the fact that Jett never made it to their dinner date with the Solomon’s. Nona felt completely abandoned, so she filled her days with gardening and house cleaning which helped the time to go by fast, since she wasn’t actively involved with her “Acting Career” that she had missed so much! However, today she wasn’t in the best of moods, and during the morning, she counted at least three times, that she broke down and cried. Usually, the situation never got to her “That Bad!” However, this day was different, it seemed as though everything was getting to her, she couldn’t even watch her “normal” television shows that came on television that kept her company. She was irritable all over and it seemed like nothing could get her back to feeling like her normal self again, until the phone rang at 2:15 P.M. Nona then picked up the phone on the fourth ring, and answered, “Hello?” “Hello, Nona, is this you?” Her best-friend Asa asked, who lived in the Los Angeles, California area. “Ye-ah, um, um, yes, it’s me!” Nona answered in a raspy, half-cracked tone. “Nona, are you alright?” Asa asked. “Ye-ah, ye-ah, I’m, a, alright.” Nona’s voice cracked again. “Nona, you don’t sound like your usual self! I know when there’s something going on with you, please tell me?” “What is it?” Asa was determined to find out what was going on with her friend, and she could tell by the sound of her voice that everything wasn’t alright! And, for a few seconds, Nona was quiet. Then, Asa questioned her again. Page 56“Nona, whatever is going on, you can tell me?” “Please, you don’t sound like your usual self, what’s going on?” Then, shortly afterwards, Nona gave in and said, “Asa, it’s Jett?” “What about Jett?” Asa carefully asked. “Well, a few weeks ago, both of us were supposed to meet Brenda and Dean Solomon for dinner at the Paramount Inn. And, well, Jett had called to tell me that he would be late, because, he was working out some deal for his brother Kyle, but Asa, Jett never made it to dinner. And, although, I had a good time, I was devastated the next morning!” “Devastated?” Asa asked. “Yes!” “I was devastated and embarrassed that Jett was a “NO SHOW!” “But, Nona, I’m pretty sure that he had a good explanation!” “Ta!” “Asa, you want to know his explanation?” “Yes!” “I’m listening!” Asa said. “He was helping his brother purchase property!” “I just can’t believe that he would put his brother’s needs before mine!” Asa could hear the anger in Nona’s tone. Her response was, “Well, maybe he couldn’t hold out on this deal! Look, Nona, you and I both know about business, it has its ups and downs and sometimes, you have to work late and over-time if you want to get things done, correctly!”“Yeah, Asa, but I’m tired of playing second fiddle to Jett and his “Dumb BusinessProjects!” Asa could tell that Nona was fed up and angry by her tone of voice. “Well, have you told him that you two need to spend more time together?” Asa was careful how she asked this question because she knew that Nona could be very sensitive at times. Page 57“Well, yes, I’ve voiced my opinion plenty of times and well, I feel that it’s just no use!” Jett is going to do what Jett wants to do! So, enough about me, how are you doing these days, Asa?” “Girl, I’ve got some good news!” Nona could sense the smile on Asa’s face. “Yeah, Asa, well, what is it?” “Girl, my Entertainment Show, Glamour in Hollywood won first place in the ratings for covering the “Stars” Top Fashion Wear. And, because of it, my staff and I received complimentary tickets to the Oscars! And, I called you to see if you could join me and a few of my staff members to celebrate in this wonderful occasion?”“Oh, my goodness, Asa, congratulations and yes, I would love to attend!” “Oh, good, I was hoping that you would say yes!” “So, when is the big event?” “Next weekend!” Asa blurted out. “Next weekend?” “Oh, yes, I’m so sorry about the short notice, it’s just that well, I just received the invitation and free tickets! But, don’t worry, I’ll pay for your plane ticket form Jersey to California!” “Oh, no Asa, that won’t be necessary! I’m pretty sure that Jett won’t give me any hassles about any finances that I may need for my flight and other expenses!” “We do have joint bank accounts, you now?” “Oh, I forgot, “MY BAD, MRS. JETT HUNTER!” Asa commented as she and Nona shared a hearty laugh about Nona’s still “Newly Married Status!” Page 58“I hope that he’ll let you come, do you think he will?” Asa asked. “Girl, he shouldn’t have a problem with me flying out to see you, since he’s never at home!” “He’s always working late with his Secretary, Eva. You know, I’m thinking that maybe if I come out there to see you, he just might miss me?” “Nona, I agree with you, I think that this time away from Jett, might do you and Jett some good!” Women have to keep men wondering! We have to be a little mysterious so that men won’t be able to just run all over us!” “It’s a done deal then, I’m going to order my ticket and start packing!” Nona was so excited that Asa heard the excitement in her tone of voice, unlike the first tone that she had heard when she and Nona had started their conversation. “Great!” “Don’t forget to call me with all of your traveling arrangements, I want to be able to pick you up from the airport!” “Will do!” Nona responded. “Good!” “Talk to you soon!” “Okay, bye!” Nona said while smiling. “Bye!” Asa giggled. Then, both ladies ended the call, together. Page 5917NOTHING was going to keep Nona from visiting her best-friend, Asa Stone in Los Angeles, California. She and Jett argued about the situation almost up until the time that she was ready to leave; however, later on, he’d given in to her request, after Nona presented her case of his late nights at the office and her boredom around the house, he then later gave in and agreed that she probably needed to have some fun! After Nona arrived at Lax’s Airport, she immediately located the luggage belt, and as she was trying to locate her expensive Tori Burch Luggage, she heard someone call her name. At first, she thought that she was still somewhat in a daze from the plane flight and the strong Rum and Coke drinks that she consumed during the flight. However, the echoes became louder and louder!“Nona!” “Nona!” “Nona! Simone yelled. And, as she turned around, it was none other than her best-friend, Asa Stone. “Asa!” She spoke as best as she could, but do to the plane flight and the difference in the climate weather, Nona’s voice had gotten a little hoarse. Afterwards the two ladies hugged each other. Asa still looked like her youthful self. Her cinnamon skin was flawless. And, her body was “Hollywood Toned.” But, just by her laid-back personality, no one would’ve thought that she was the owner of the hit Television Morning Show, Glamour in Hollywood, just by the way that she was dressed, while wearing a fashionable jogging suit, she still looked glamorous. After all, she and Nona were known for their glitz and glamour, both ladies always had this very thing, in common. “How was your flight?” Asa asked. Page 60“Oh, it was smooth, especially with a little help from a nice drink!” Nona comically stated, then she and Asa laughed. Then, immediately afterwards, Nona yelled, “Asa, there’s luggage, let me grab it?” “Yes, and let me help, because, I’m parked right in front, and I don’t want to get a ticket!” Asa said. So, the ladies, scrambled quickly to retrieve Nona’s belongings, then they quickly exited the front door!”Page 6118THE drive to Asa’s home only took thirty minutes. And as soon as Asa opened the door and turn the lights on, Nona complimented Asa on her home. “Asa, your home is beautiful!” Every time that I’m invited, it looks like you’ve added something new!” Nona commented. “Oh, no, trust me not this time, I promised myself that I was finished decorating for a while. Lately, I’ve been pretty-good about my spending, I’ve really scaled back!”“That’s good, I’ve been pretty-good about shopping, I know that you’ve got a huge wall to wall closet that’s filled with clothes, primarily shoes!” “Am I correct?” “Yeah, I have to admit, it’s pretty bad!” And, speaking of closets, clothes and shoes, let me show you to the “Main Guest Room?” “Okay!” Nona agreed as she happily followed Asa upstairs to the “Main Guest Room.” Both Asa and Nona carried a piece of luggage upstairs. Asa could’ve hired help, but she enjoyed doing the normal things that she did prior to her becoming rich! And, both ladies enjoyed their privacy. “Oh, Asa, I’ve been here before, and I know that you’ve had this room remodeled!” “Oh, yes, I’ve had it remodeled years ago, but you’ve been here since then, right?” “Wrong!” “No, I haven’t!” “I haven’t been to your home for a good five years and then some…” “Oh, I didn’t realize that it’s been that long!” Asa apologetically stated. “I just love the antiques that you’ve added!” Antique furniture was Nona’s favorite. Page 62 “Oh, thanks!” “You do realize that if I hadn’t pursued a career in Journalism and Film, I would’ve opted for becoming an Interior Designer, but I would’ve only worked for the rich of course!” “Why is that?” Nona asked. “Well, that’s the only way that I could make MY MONEY!” After jokingly saying the words, Asa and Nona had a hearty laugh. Changing the subject, Asa said, “Let’s go to the kitchen?” You must be starving by now after that long flight?” “Am I?” “Well, I prepared, steak, shrimp, lobster and our favorite drink, “Strawberry Margaritas!” Nona jumped with joy on the inside. “Oh, thanks Asa!” “I can’t wait to dig in!” “I owe you one!” She smiled. After both ladies sat down to dine, Asa started the conversation, “So, how’s everything in Jersey?” “Oh, everything is so, so!” Jett’s still keeping late hours at the office!” “He’s so into his work!” “Well, Nona, a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do!” “And, as long as he’d doing the right thing, it should be okay! I mean, at least you’re not hearing any wild stories, like he’s cheating on you!” “No, I’m not hearing any wild and crazy stories, at least not yet! However, one evening, I decided to go to his office to surprise him and take him out to dinner, and girl, don’t you know Page 63that he and that “No Good,” secretary of his, were having some kind of “Open House,” after hours?” “Girl, when I entered the second-floor Conference Room, there were people in business attire drinking all kinds of “cocktails!” “Girl, I was so…heated, I almost turned the place out, including that “No Good” Secretary, named Eva!” “WHAT?” Asa screamed! “Yeah, girl, I’m telling you, I was so mad, but being that it was his place of business, I decided to remain calm! And, that Eva B. knew not to challenge me, because, it wouldn’t have been good!” “Girl, I hear you!” “But, what is it about Eva that you don’t like?” Asa curiously asked. “Asa, Eva likes, Jett, it’s written all over her face, her clothing, and it’s in her tone of voice. You should see her expressions when she’s talking about my husband!” “Hmm, well, girl, I’m glad that you didn’t find Jett all alone in the office with Eva after hours! I could just imagine what you would’ve done if you found Eva on top of Jett or vice versa! So, since none of that happened, it’s no need to get all bent out of shape!” “Asa, I just can’t help it at times!” Nona frustratingly admitted. “But, Nona, you’ve just got to understand, the man’s got a business to run and you have to respect that he’s just taking care of business!” Asa always liked giving advice, and Nona usually accepted her wisdom; however, at this moment, Nona decided to “stick to her opinion!” “Asa, I do respect the fact that my husband has a business to run; however, he seems to have forgotten a very important part of his business and that’s “ME!” And, I’m upset about it!” Page 64“Yeah, I can understand it, but girl, running your own business if tuff! I mean, there’s little time for social life, I mean, we hardly ever get to speak on the phone anymore like we used to, I’ve been meaning to apologize, it’s just that my work consumes me sometimes and when I come home, most times, I just unwind with a glass of wine and a great “Classic Movie,” that’s the only two things that can calm me down!” “Got you!” It’s quite alright! I know that you’re really busy these days!” “Oh, thank you!” Asa said with appreciation, then she questioned her friend, “Oh, Nona, have you called Jett, to let him know that you landed safely and that you’re finally at my place?” “Oh, my God, no!” “No, I haven’t!” “Can I please use your phone?” Nona asked. “Sure, you can!” “Thanks,” Nona said, as she reached for Asa’s home phone that was placed not too far from her on the kitchen table. After picking up the receiver and dialing Jett’s cell, she waited until his phone forwarded to “voice mail,” she then left a message. “Hi, honey, this is your wife! I just wanted you to know that everything went well during the plane flight and that I’m at Asa’s house and we’re both fine. I hope that you’re safe and well! And, I’ll speak to you soon!” She then ended the call while feeling a bit uneasy. After ending the call, she asked, “Hmm, I wonder why he’s not answering his phone?” “Well, maybe he left the office early and is catching up on some rest?” Asa was doing her best to pacify her friend. But, she knew that Nona knew that she was just, “Bull…jiving!” Page 65“Oh, don’t try and take up for him, Asa?” He and his brother Kyle are probably hanging out in New York City at some upscale fancy “Gentleman’s Club!” “Well, I’m not trying to be funny, Nona, but since you’re away, he’s probably going to keep himself busy, but as long as he keeps it clean, you’ll have nothing to worry about, trust me!” And, knowing Jett, he’s going to keep his FUN, clean!” “Well, thank you for having confidence in my husband!” Nona arrogantly stated. “Oh, girl, you ain’t got nothing to worry about!” Asa felt good about giving her friend sound advice. “Anyway, enough about me?” “What’s been going on with you?” Nona asked. Shyly hesitating, Asa answered, “Girl, I’ve been privately dating and Independent Film Contractor, and his name is Bryce Trent!” Nona almost jumped out of her seat with excitement and said, “Oh, my goodness, Asa, that’s wonderful news!” “Thanks!” “Girl, we’ve been seeing each other for almost a year now!” “Really?” “How did you two meet?” Nona was really curious! “Well, I needed some special, “Camera Effects,” for a project that my crew and I were developing. And, I did some research on Bryce’s company and I hired him and some of his crew members to work for me!” “Really?” Nona asked as she’d given Asa her undivided attention. “Yes!” Asa answered as she was loving the spotlight, once again. “What’s the name of this company?” Nona curiously asked. Page 66“He owns “Digital Film Industries!” And, when we met, it was instant chemistry between us!” Asa felt so good talking about Bryce that she felt as though she were falling in love all over again with him. “Asa, that’s awesome!” “Does everyone on your staff know about him?” Nona asked.“Oh, no, our relationship is a secret!” Although, everyone knows that we’re very friendly with one another, but that’s it!” Asa confessed. “Asa, why are you and Bryce keeping your relationship a secret?” “Girl, in this business, you’ve got to be careful about putting your business out so fast! I mean, he does work for me every now and then, but, I’m just careful about mixing business with pleasure, right now! Both of us still want to keep everything professional when he comes to the office. I don’t want any scandals; and I want to make sure that I really and truly have him before those “hussy’s” at my office “Find Out,” that “He’s Mine!” So, for now, I’m loving the mystique in all of this! Besides, I don’t need any extra headaches! I’ve got a show to run! Nona could hear the authoritative tone in Asa’s voice, but that was okay, her friend has always been strongly opinionated, so Asa was just being herself, which made Nona comfortable! “I know what you mean! It’s a shame that we’ve got to constantly “Fight,” over men! A woman’s work is never done!” Nona said. “I know that’s right!” “But, look, we better get a jump on things because, we’ve got to get up early tomorrow morning, I’ve just got to get a few things at the mall for tomorrow night’s gala!” Page 67“Oh, good! I was hoping that you would say that, I’ve brought a “cocktail dress,” for the gala, but if I see something prettier, I’m going to purchase it! Okay, one more Margarita for the road, and then, I’m saying “Good night!” “Coming right up!” Asa said as she got up from the table to pour herself and Nona some more Strawberry Margaritas before bed. After a long day of shopping in Beverly Hills, California, Asa and Nona hurried back to Asa’s home to shower and prepare for the evening. And, at 5:00 P.M., approaching evening, the “ladies” were dressed in short fitted glitzy cocktail dresses along with jewelry and shoes to match. Both women looked stunning! Asa and Nona were chauffeured to the Oscars and arrived in a black limousine. After the two ladies were escorted out of the “limo,” Asa gave the driver a very generous tip. “Thank you, Ma’am! I’ll be sure to keep my phone available, so please, call me when you’re ready to go home or just to be chauffeured on the town! He was a very young and handsome man, almost too young for Asa to flirt with. “Well, thank you, I’ll just do that!” Asa said as she gave him a wink and a smile. “Oh, yes thank you, Sir!” Nona added. “You’re quite welcome!” You two ladies have a nice evening!” The gentleman smiled again. “Thank you, and you do the same!” “And, trust me, I’ll call you when we’re ready!” “I’ll be on point!” The young man said as he flirtatiously smiled. He then immediately got into his fancy polished limo and casually drove away. Page 68The scene was unbelievable! Nona almost couldn’t believe how beautiful everything was. Stars were everywhere, from actors, actresses, musicians, comedians, famous journalist, you name it, famous people were everywhere! And, although Nona had been with Jett on different occasions where she saw many stars, this affair was a little different. Everyone who was there, was there for a definite purpose, and that was for the sake of the Television and Film Industries. As Asa and Nona walked around amongst the crowd, both, ladies noticed that people were casually staring at each other or trying to determine who was who, whether they were new up and coming stars or whether they were well known stars who may have changed a little. People were always looking to see what was going on around them in Hollywood.Asa and Nona looked so good that they were receiving stares and glances from everywhere! The guests as well as “The Stars,” were checking the ladies out! Even the men who were with their wives and girlfriends noticed Nona and Asa. And, although, they barely said a word to each other while walking through the excited crowd, each lady was on the highest roller coaster of their lives; and neither lady wanted the night to end! Page 6920THE Oscar’s Award Show lasted for about four hours. However, everything was just so magnificently planned so well that the time passed quickly. The evening consisted of Comedic Acts and Live Band Entertainers. But, the best part of the show was when, Asa received her Oscar for her outstanding Achievements in Day Time Television. She was so overwhelmed that she could barely walk to the podium. She needed both hosts to assist her to the podium. Everyone thought that she was going to faint from the magnitude of the event. And when she returned to her seat in the audience, both she and Nona hugged and cried. The two ladies were both overwhelmingly happy for Asa’s success! Finally, slightly before twelve midnight the “after parties,” began. Both Asa and Nona couldn’t wait to find a table and have a drink in hopes to calm their happy, fluttering nerves! After walking a distance from the auditorium where the Oscars were held, Asa and Nona finally walked into one of the main ballroom where there were various colored lights that were shining and glistening from the ceiling. The tables were set with the finest china and the finest silverware. A variety of favors and “goody bags,” were set at each invited guest’s place setting. And, there were cocktail waitresses and waiters passing out exotic cocktails. And, the Live Band was performing popular hits from R&B, Country and Rock Music! The place was just so dynamic and stunning, that Asa and Nona didn’t know which way to begin, until they heard a mysterious voice behind them. “Well, I must say that you look mighty fine tonight!” A handsome light-brown skinned man whispered into Asa’s ear. Startled, Asa turned around and said, “Oh, Hello, Guy!” How are you?” Page 70“Oh, I’m just fine, and I can see that you are too! My, you’re working that dress!” “Oh, thank you Guy!” “Thank you very much!” She smiled while knowing that she could always count on Guy to be nice. She’d met him a few years ago at one of his groups, dance performances. He was one of the best Professional Choreographers in Hollywood. He continued to speak…“And, I see you’ve got company!” “So, who’s the gorgeous lady?” He asked. “Oh, this is my best-friend, Nona Hunter!” “Nice to meet you, Ms. Nona Hunter!” Guy extended his hand for a first-time handshake with Nona. He enjoyed being able to touch Nona. He was smitten by her beauty! “Oh, oh, hello nice to meet you!” Nona couldn’t help from blushing as she noticed that Guy was staring at her toned body. Her short cocktail dress fit her to a tee! “Don’t tell me that she’s shy?” Guy directed his question towards Asa. ‘Hmm, she’s not hardly shy!” Asa gave off a slight “Home Girl,” kind of expression. She then continued, “Oh, and Mrs. Shy is very, very married, I might add!” Busted, Guy said, “Darn, something told me that you were married!” He gazed right into Nona’s eyes. “Oh, it’s okay!” “You had no way of knowing.” Nona softly stated. Then, Guy looked down at her left ring finger and said, “Bamb!” “If I had only looked at your ring finger, I would’ve known to “Lay Off!” “My Bad!” “Well, Guy, I’ll just take that as a compliment, thanks!” Nona replied. “You’re quite welcome!” Guy said in a very deep monotone voice. Page 71Asa then stated in a slight authoritative, but friendly manner, “Well, since we all now know each other, let’s find somewhere to sit?” “These heels are getting the best of me!” “Girl, mine too!” We should’ve broken these heels in long before tonight!” Nona said in a truthful, but jokingly manner. “I know that’s right!” Asa said while trying to search for the perfect table for their social party! Oh, I see a nice comfy spot right here, over in the corner, it’s private, and although it’s open enough for us to get a good view of everything!” Asa mentioned. “Okay, bet!” Guy agreed. “Yes, that’s perfect!” Nona said. So, they all walked to a corner table where they still had a good view of the dance floor. And, as soon as they reached their destiny, a waitress approached them with another round of cocktails. While Asa, Nona and Guy were observing the scene and making small talk, Bryce Trent walked up to the table and greeted everyone! “Well, hello good people!” His voice was just right, not too loud and not too soft. He was a man who definitely knew how to carry himself both socially and professionally! Nona noticed those good qualities in the man who her friend romantically loved, and immediately, she approved. “Everyone looked up, and saw this tall, dark handsome man. He had a strong masculine build; although, he wasn’t heavy, his weight was just right! And, after being taken by surprise, every said, “Hi,” in unison. And, by the look on Asa’s face, she was astonished, surprised and happy! Then she immediately introduced Bryce to Nona who was the only one at the table who’d never seen him in person. Page 72“Oh, Hello, Bryce, I would like for you to meet my best-friend, Nona Hunter!” He smiled, extended his hand for a handshake and said, “Hello!” “Nice to meet you!” “Thank you and likewise!” She said while they were shaking hands. And, after all the handshaking, Guy stood up and said, “Hey man, I haven’t seen you in a minute!” “How you’ve been?” “Actually, I’ve been doing quite well!” Bryce had a way of speaking that spelled,“Kool!”Before the group could get a conversation going, another waitress came to the table to offer more drinks, everyone took one extra, but Bryce took his first cocktail before the sexy waitress walked away in her skimpy bunny outfit! Asa and Nona quickly exchanged catty looks as if to suggest that the waitresses who was coming to give them cocktails were just coming to “check.” their men, because both Guy and Bryce were “Super Fine!” “Anyway man, what’s been going on with you?” Guy asked, as if he and Bryce were long time buddies before meeting each other at a small gathering that Asa had hosted at her home for a few “selected” staff members and business partners. “Well, I’ve been working on a film called, “Men of Thunder!” “I’m filming in Scotland. But, I felt that the crew needed a break after working diligently for six weeks straight! And, well, I happened to get an invitation to the Oscars Ceremony and to the “After Parties!” “And, well, you know, I just couldn’t turn that down! Everyone started to laugh in reference to Bryce’s exaggerations, but true explanation. Page 73“I see!” “I see!” Guy was still laughing at Bryce’s sense of humor. As the ladies continued to look cute while still sipping their cocktails, Guy continued to make conversation with Bryce. “So, what’s your most favorable part of the film that you’re enjoying right now?” Answering, Bryce said, “Well, I’m getting a chance to work with some of the best actors in Hollywood!” “As in…” Guy was waiting for his response. “Well, as in Raymond Jackson, Xavier Gonzales and Blane Johannesburg. I mean, all these actors are phenomenal! They have taught me some things in the business that would have taken me years to learn on my own, so for that, I’m very grateful to have an excellent cast!” I mean, all of these actors are phenomenal!” They have taught me some things in the business that would have taken me years to learn on my own, so for that, I’m very grateful to have an excellent cast!” “Wow!” “That’s wonderful, just by you having that kind of cast is half the battle of producing an excellent film!” Guy said. “Yeah, man, I feel very strong about this film, I really do believe that it’s going to be a good one!” Bryce agreed. Then, Asa joined the conversation and flirtatiously said, “Well, I see that you fellas are getting along very well! You two are just leaving me and Nona by the way side!” “No, please, you two could’ve jumped in at any given time!” Guy said, while looking at the “ladies” then immediately his focus shifted back to Bryce for support, Bryce got the hint and Page 74agreed, saying “Yes, the floor has always been opened for your advice, input, criticism, you name it, you ladies could have “Cut-In” at any time!” Bryce teasingly stated as he smiled. “Okay, Mr. Director Bryce Trent!” Asa teased him about using his film techniques and his sense of humor to address her and Nona. She then continued,“Well, guys, since you two are handling things out here pretty well, will you excuse me and Nona while we go to the “Ladies Room?” “Yes, sure?” “Sure thing!” Both men commented together!” Then, both men stood to their feet to show respect as the ladies got up from the table to walk to the “Ladies Room.” After reaching the “Ladies Room,” Nona turned to Asa and said, “Why didn’t you tell me that Bryce was not only handsome, but kind too?” “Oh, I don’t know!” She giggled like a little school girl. “Well, girl, you’ve got it going on and so does he!” “He is something fine!” Nona wanted Asa to know that she had chosen well! Although, she felt that Guy was better looking! Then, Asa confronted her on what she had already known, “Hmm, Guy has been checking you out all night!” “And, don’t tell me that you hadn’t noticed?” Nona giggled again. “Ha!” Ha!” Girl, he’s very fine! But, I’m afraid!” “I know that I should get on a plane right now and head back east! I’m sitting there telling myself that I’m still a married woman and that playing the field is over for me! But, girl, he’s so fine!” “I mean, he’s really fine!” “Girl, I know, and a lot of women want him! I just want to warn you that he’s a player! So, be careful! Just keep reminding yourself of what you’ve got at home! And, just have a good time with him, that’s all!”Page 75Nona turned towards the bathroom mirror and wiped the smudge from her lips and said, “Yeah, okay!” “Good!” Asa responded, then the ladies returned to their table. Upon their arrival, the men stood up to greet them. And, before either party could sit down, a fast-popular song came on and Asa yelled…“Oh, this is my song!” And, Afterwards, Bryce took her hand and they hurried to the dance floor. And, seeing that her friend was heading to the dance floor, Guy politely extended his hand and asked Nona, “Would you like to dance?” And, not being able to resist his charm, she accepted, “Yes!” “Thank you!” After dancing to four straight songs, Nona leaned in closer to Guy and whispered, “I’m a little thirsty!” Actually, she wasn’t thirsty, but she was becoming tired and didn’t want to lose her upbeat momentum since Guy was an excellent dancer; and she knew that there was no way of keeping up with him, since she hadn’t danced on Broadway in a while!” And, so, he said, “Sure, let’s get you something to drink!” And, on the way back to the table, Nona and Guy met another waitress who offered them their choice of drink! Both Guy and Nona chose a fruity cocktail, which are known to be very strong drinks at times. And, after walking and talking a bit, they finally made it back to their table. Nona began the conversation. “Where did you learn to dance like that?” She boldly asked, then she flirtatiously took a sip of her drink while keeping her eyes focused solely upon Guy. I used to dance ever since I was a teen on the streets of New York City. I participated in all kinds of Break Dance Competitions. Then, after winning numerous street dance battles, the Page 76lead singer of the group “In-Famous” asked me and a couple of other guys if we would tour with them, and that started the beginning of my Professional Dance Career.” “Wow!” “That’s wonderful, you really got lucky!” Nona smiled while still wearing that “Rich Housewife Chip on Her Shoulder!” “Lucky?” “Baby, that wasn’t luck! I worked hard on the streets of New York City! It wasn’t like I wasn’t trying to get discovered. Back then, I was trying to make a name for myself! And, good things followed!” “Oh, I apologize!” “I mean, I’m glad!” “I’m amazed and happy that you made it!” “Look at you?” “You’re at the Oscars!” She said, as they both laughed. “And, so are you!” He added. Changing the subject, Guy asked Nona, “So, tell me something about yourself?” Then, before she could answer, he interrupted and said, “Oh, I forgot, you’re married, right?” “Right!” Nona smiled. She continued……“Well, before I got married, I worked on Broadway as a Professional Dancer and Singer! Guy could tell that Nona was proud of herself just by the tone in her voice and the sexy smile that she sported. Guy was both shocked and impressed and asked her, “Well, why did you stop?” And, answering him she replied, “Well, while I was working on Broadway, I had met my husband, who was playing for the New York Giants and when we got engaged, we agreed that our schedules conflicted with one another’s, so I stopped working, because, he agreed to take care of me!” Guy was surprised and asked, “You’re married to a NEW YORK GIANT?” Page 77“Well, yes!” He used to play! Nona continued, “Have you ever heard of someone by the name of Jett Hunter?” She tried her best not to seem arrogant. Although, she was extremely proud of her husband’s status and success!“Jett Hunter?” Do you mean, THE - JETT- HUNTER who played Quarterback for the New York Giants?” “Yes!” “That’s him!” She smiled then took a flirtatious sip of her cocktail. “Oh, I get it!” “You’re one of those Rich Hollywood Wives?” Guy teased her along with some laughter. “More like Jersey and New York, but on second thought, I’ll take Hollywood, too!” Nona was really beginning to feel more relaxed around Guy since she could tell that he was smitten by her beauty and her marital status. “So, what brings you to California?” “Do you and Jett still live back East?” Although, Guy was a Professional Dancer and Choreographer, he kept up with his sports news, because, Guy was very masculine and he loved masculine entertainment! He didn’t look like your average male choreographer! He looked more like an Olympic Athlete! “Oh, yes, we still live on the East Coast, it’s just that I came here to help Asa celebrate her honors and achievements in television!” Nona was proud that she could support her friend. “Oh, so, your husband is here too?” “Um, no, not this time, I came alone!” “Oh, I see! I’m surprised that your husband didn’t travel with you?” “He probably didn’t want to steal the spotlight from Asa, huh?” Page 78“No, it’s nothing like that!” “It’s kind of a long story and I’m going to stay away from that topic for now! I’m just going to sit here and enjoy!” Nona said as she and Guy shared some laughter from her statement. “Oh, okay!” He answered!” “Uh, oh, trouble in paradise!” Guy thought to himself, but dared not to reveal his thoughts to a woman who he didn’t want to offend! And, before either of them could continue their conversation, Asa and Bryce returned from the dance floor. “Whew!” “I haven’t danced like that in years?” “And, at that point, Asa didn’t care who had heard her, she had just surprisingly won an Oscar for her outstanding show! And right now, she was a woman who was on top of her game! She had her man and her close friends by her side, her night couldn’t have been any more than PERFECT! Everyone shared in her LAUGHTER and her lavish CELEBRATION! Page 7921IT was 3:00 A.M. in the morning, and Asa had invited Bryce and Guy to her home. The guys were getting along well and didn’t want their good time to end, neither did Asa or Nona. After Asa treated her friends to drinks and light snacks, she and Bryce retreated to the East Wing of her mansion while Nona and Guy mingled in the West Wing, it was Nona’s favorite part of the mansion. The rooms were very cozy. “So, what does all of this mean?” Asa asked Bryce as they snuggled on Asa’s bed that was located in her Master Bedroom. And, although, the expression on Bryce’s face looked as though he was puzzled, he really knew what she meant, although, he acted as if he hadn’t a clue.“What do you mean?” “I’m having fun, aren’t you?” Bryce asked while trying to act as though he didn’t have a clue to what Asa was insinuating. “Yes, I’m having a whole lot of fun, especially tonight!” “Good, I’m glad!” “Me too!” Bryce admitted. “It’s just that, you were very bold and very upfront about us being seen together tonight! Don’t get me wrong, I like the fact that you were publicly romantic with me! I’m just wondering is this ting going to last between you and me?” Asa asked while hoping that Bryce was going to tell her that he wanted it to last. He then moved in closer to her and said, “I think it’s time for us to be seen together!” “Are you sure?” Asa asked while feeling that he was being sincere. “Yes, I’m sure!” “I enjoy being with you!” “We’re great together!” “Can I have you tonight?” He asked as he romantically gazed into her eyes. Page 80“Yes.” Asa whispered softly. He then gave Asa a long intimate kiss until the lower part of her body became moist. After trailing her body with his masculine fingers, he gently laid her unto her backside and lifted her skin-tight dress, then he pulled her string bikini panties off, as she excitingly unbuckled his belt, then she gently but sternly messaged his well-built organ. She wanted him insider her! He then gently pulled Asa underneath him, then forced his private into her vagina while making her cry with both pain and excitement! She enjoyed every bit of the agony and pleasure! And, after she reached ecstasy, she took her womanly position and climbed on top of Bryce and gave him the “ultimate,” until he reached an orgasm. And, after hours of vigorous sex, Asa and Bryce knew that they weren’t going to see the doors of a gym for months, but neither would confess this reality to the other. Page 8122DURING the Oscar’s Gala, Nona drank so many cocktails until she wasn’t too sure of her sobriety. She was feeling every bit horny for Guy. He was confident, just like her husband. In fact, Guy kind of reminded her of Jett. Although, Nona could tell that Guy was younger than her husband. And, Guy’s athletic build was such a turn on for her! And, although, she thought about her husband from time to time, she couldn’t help being attracted to the man who sat beside her. And, although, they shared a few intimate details about each other, Nona had forgotten to ask Guy this one question that had been on her mind for quite some time now. “Are you married?” She finally asked him as they were laying together on the bed in the Guest Room where Nona was staying for the entire duration for her visit with Asa. “No!” “I’m not married nor I’ve ever been!” He answered her without hesitating. “Are you dating?” Nona asked in a “by the way manner!” “Every now and then, but since my work schedule is kind of hectic, I’ve had to put serious relationships on hold!” “I see!” Nona replied. Then she asked, “Is it true what they say about Hollywood Directors and Producers?” “In terms of what?” Guy asked inquisitively. “Is it true that most of them manipulate actresses to having sex with them for acting roles?” Surprised, Guy answered “Well, everybody’s different!” “I mean, some people in any kind of business will try and manipulate people to do any and everything that he or she wants them to do!” Page 82“Have you ever enticed a woman to having sex with you for a dance role in your line of business?” Apparently, Nona wasn’t too embarrassed to ask Guy the question. However, he was still surprised and replied, “Are you kidding me?” He continued, “In this day and age,” I would have law suits coming at me from everywhere! But I’ll you this, every relationship or encounter that I’ve had in this line of business, the women were willing to be with me, our feelings were quite mutual! I’ve never had to coerce a woman into having sexual relations with me!” Guy felt proud of himself and Nona could hear the conceit in his tone. “Oh, you’re such a show off!” Nona acted a little more “Under the Influence,” than she actually was! She wanted to appear vulnerable towards Guy. She didn’t want Guy to think that she was being easy, she needed his sympathy! And, she wanted him to play into her hands! She noticed that one shoulder strap was loose, it was practically falling off of her left shoulder. She then consciously kicked off her sandals that showed her beautiful “French Pedicure!” Then, she started to fumble at her tight fitted short cocktail dress while trying to pretend that she was trying to pull it down passed her thighs, when in reality, she wanted to raise it above her waist and take it off so that Guy could ravish her toned body!“No, I’m just being truthful!” Guy said. Afterwards, she challenged him again, “Oh, come on now, there must have been a few younger women in the business who were really vulnerable and gave into you easily?” Nona was just kidding with him, she really did believe that the women easily gave into him, because he had such an immense, “sex appeal!” He answered her and said, “Giving in easily is not the same as being manipulated!” His words became softer as he sensed that she wanted him, too. Then, after a few minutes of silence Page 83between the two, he then pulled Nona’s body closer to his and laid her on top of him so that she could feel his cock sensually pressing against her vagina. Then, after he lifted her short dress, he was careful not to rip the expensive piece. Nona then stimulated him with her toned body, then she gave him the “unimaginable” to some, until he was ready to further please her. The pleasure became so intense that Nona pleaded for him to stop and when he halted, she “begged,” for more! It had been a long time since she had made love without having unsettling issues to deal with. And, being with Guy was something new and so spontaneously delicious that she didn’t want that “night” to end, although, it was already morning!Page 8423IT was 10:00 A.M. the next morning after the Oscar Awards Show and Gala, Bryce and Guy were still asleep while Asa and Nona were in the kitchen having coffee. Asa was still dancing on the inside from having a wonderful night with Bryce and although she was somewhat “afraid,” of asking Nona about her night with Guy, she just couldn’t hold back my longer. She just had to ask….“So, how did things go with you and Guy last night or shall I say this morning?” Asa was sure to stabilize her tone, she didn’t want to sound judgmental in her questioning. “Girl, too good!” “Too good Asa, I just don’t know what I’m going to do?” Nona sounded worried. “So, something did happen?” Asa carefully asked, while her assumptions were 100 percent right! “Yes, it did!” “But, I was hoping that you weren’t going to ask me that question!” “But, then, what can I say?” “Yes, something did happen between me and Guy,” she repeated. “Well, how do you feel about everything that took place?” Asa asked. “Asa, I really do like Guy!” “But, I’m scared!” “I’m so scared that I don’t know what to do or say!” “I don’t know what’s happening to me?” Asa was always there to pacify Nona, regardless of Nona’s wrong doings! She always tried to be understanding and supportive, so she gently said, “Nothing’s happening to you! You just side stepped a little. But, things can be fixed! You’re going to sit down and talk to Guy and Page 85remind him that you are grateful that the two of you shared a lovely evening together but that you are a married woman and that you’re going back home to be with your husband and that things are going back to normal and you hope that the same will happen for him!” “Oh, please, Asa, don’t say that things are going to go back to normal. I was miserable back home! You don ‘t realize it, but Jett barely touches me anymore! He’s always working at that business of his!” “Don’t worry about that Nona, he’s just trying to maintain his business, that’s all! You know, we’ve talked about this before, it’s just business!” Asa was confident that this was the case, after all, she was a business owner, herself. “Yes, I know Asa, but I’ve only been married for one year; although, I feel like I’ve been married for 20 years, already!” Nona practically shouted. Then, she and Asa burst into laughter. Afterwards, Nona continued, “He’ll give me any excuse to work late so that he can be with that “sneaky, evil” secretary of his, that mean old, Eva Smith!” The ladies laughed again, and then, all of a sudden, the phone rang. The caller id read, Jett Hunter!” “Oh, Nona, it’s Jett!” Asa said, excitingly. And feeling nervous, guilty and in disarray, Nona shrugged and said, “Oh, no, Asa, I just can’t take that call right now!” “I just can’t!” “Please, let it ring?”And, I’ll give him a call later!” Quickly nodding and agreeing with her friend, Asa promised, “Alright!” “I’ll let it go to voice mail!” Page 86“Ah!” “Thank you!” Nona said with relief. After the call ended, Nona nervously made her way to the kitchen counter and poured herself another cup of coffee, then nervously sat back down. “Are you okay?” Asa asked. “Yeah!” “Well, as much as possible!” “But, enough about me!” “How was your evening with Bryce?” Asa leaned back a little and said, “Girl, it was “Wonderful!” “But, things are happening so fast!” Asa blushed, then took a sip of her coffee. “I think he’s wonderful too Asa! I mean, he’s handsome, well-mannered, and most of all, you two look good together!” “Thank you!” “But, most of all, I like the fact that he makes his own living!” Asa wasn’t laughing, she was serious. She and her circle of friends, noticed that lots of good looking men in Hollywood expected for “Rich Girls,” to foot their bills, and Asa wasn’t having it! “You know, you’re right!” “But, anyway, I’m happy for both of you, either way!” “Thank you!” Asa smiled as she accepted Nona’s compliment. Then, all of a sudden, Bryce walked into the kitchen followed by Guy and he said in a loud jovial tone, “Who’s happy for who?” Then, the two ladies started laughing. “Oh, I was just congratulating Asa on running a successful Morning Show!” Nona was proud that she covered up their real conversation smoothly. “Yeah, my girl knows what she’s doing!” I’m very proud of her too!” Bryce said. Then, he reached for Asa’s hand and kissed it. “Thank you!” Asa reciprocated. Page 87“Well, Good Morning, ladies!” Guy’s voice sounded warm and soothing. He really wanted to hug Nona, but knew that his physical gesture would’ve been inappropriate being that Nona was still a married woman. “Good Morning!” The two ladies said in unison. “Well, I hope you guys slept well?” Asa said in a very hospitable tone. “Well, I know I did!” Bryce’s tone was both cocky and jovial. “And, yes, I had no disturbances!” Guy said in a calm and friendly tone. “Well, that’s good, I’m glad to hear it!” Asa said while she was happy that her guests felt completely welcomed. “Um, man, I smell eggs, home fries, sausages and biscuits, don’t you?” Bryce directed his question towards Guy. And, at first, Guy was lost for words, but then he decided to join in on the fun and said, “No man, it smells more like pancakes, grits and bacon!” Then, everyone laughed at Bryce’s and Guy’s humor. Then, Asa confessed, “Oh, well, I’m sorry guys, but what we all smell is some good old fashioned “Ground Coffee!” Then, Bryce turned towards Asa and said, “Baby, we’ve been through this before, “YOU AIN’T COOKED NO BREAKFAST?” Then, immediately, everyone started laughing, again. Then, Asa jokingly retaliated and said, “What?” “Cooked breakfast?” “Hmm, you mean, you guys ought to be taking me and my girl out to brunch!” “I mean, that’s the proper way that it should be, especially for two ladies who’ve completed their services “VERY WELL” during the prior evening!” “Yeah, girl, I agree!” Nona added. Then, they all laughed, again! Page 88Bryce gave in and said, “Okay, ladies, you win! Guy and I were just busting your chops a little! He then continued, “Okay, ladies, you win!” Get dressed and we’ll take you out to breakfast!” “How does that sound?” He directed his question towards Asa and Nona. Asa answered and said, “Actually, I was just kidding! I believe that Nona and I can scramble something up for you two and ourselves, of course!” “And, don’t worry, we’ll make it real fast!” “Wait a minute baby?” “Nobody said that you had to cook the breakfast REAL FAST! After all, me and Guy would rather have you cook it “REAL GOOD!” “So please, take your time?” “We can wait a little!” Everyone started laughing! “Bryce, you’re too much,” Nona said, while still laughing in between her words. Then, Guy chimed in and said, “Man, you’re going to get us in so much trouble, that we won’t get to eat anything, for breakfast!” Then finally, Asa spoke up and said, “You know, Guy, I knew that there was a reason why I liked you so much!” “And, although, Asa had just payed Guy a nice tribute, Bryce decided to make another joke and asked, “Well, dear, can Guy and I at least have a cup of coffee, before breakfast?” And, becoming embarrassed for her lack of hospitality, Asa excused herself by saying, “Oh, I’m sorry, where’s my manners?” Then, Bryce joked and said, “You either left them at the OSCARS LAST NIGHT or either UPSTAIRS in your BEDROOM! Then, everyone started LAUGHING until they all HOLLARED! And, finally, one hour later, breakfast was served!Page 8924IT was Sunday in the afternoon and Kyle knew that Jett’s wife, Nona was visiting with her friend, Asa Alexandria Stone in Los Angeles, California. So, just to get out of the house and away from Desiree for a while, Kyle made it his business to help himself and his brother, Jett, keep their minds occupied while Nona was probably “Living It Up,” and Desiree was still whaling in her own misery! Kyle and Jett decided to dine at their most favorable Gentlemen’s Club in New York City. Anyhow, two hours had quickly passed, and Kyle was still ranting on about how miserable he was with Desiree, at times. “Hmm, sometimes, I feel like I just want to get up and walk out!” Kyle slurred his words after consuming his fifth beer. “Man, you’ve got your children to think about! And, I know that you’re not going to just get up and walk out!” Jett was really trying to convince his brother that he didn’t mean what he had just said. “Man, I know I’ve got responsibilities, but every now and then, I would like a partner who’s going to help me and not “break me!” If you give Desiree an inch, she’ll take five more!” Kyle and Jett couldn’t help from laughing, because Kyle liked exaggerating his stories, which made his conversations more interesting. He was always known to be the comical “Hunter Brother!” He continued….“But, enough about me Jett, how’s Nona doing in California?” “I don’t know, it seems like we keep missing each other’s calls!” Jett said while he took another sip of his Heineken Beer!” Page 90“OH REALLY?” Kyle growled. “Yeah, well, I’m not too worried!” “I know how she and Asa can be whenever they’re together. Believe me, when those two are together, nothing or no one exists but the two of them!” “OH REALLY?” Kyle growled again. “What do you mean by this, “OH REALLY, STUFF?” Jett sarcastically asked his brother, as he took another swag of his Heineken Beer. “MAAAANNNN!” I wouldn’t let Desiree go all the way to California without me! Now, he paused to burp, “BUUUUURP!” He then continued, “Oh, excuse me?” “The only way that I would let Desiree take a trip like that without me, is if I knew that we were definitely calling it quits!” “Oh, man, you’ve got to be a little more open minded!” “Maybe if one of you take a trip away from each other, it’ll probably do you some good?” “Man, like I’ve said, she ain’t going! I’m the one who needs to get away because, I tell you man, that woman drives me crazy at times!” They started to laugh again and immediately, after Kyle made this statement, a beautiful brown complexioned woman gently tapped Jett on his shoulder and said, “Excuse me, Sir?” Then, Jett turned around with ease and asked, “Yes?” The woman continued, “Are you Jett Hunter?” “Yes, I am.” He calmly answered as he noticed her intense beauty. “Well, it’s so nice to see you again. My name is Simone, Simone Powell!” “We attended the same high school in South Brunswick, New Jersey!” Page 91“Really?” Jett had a surprised, but welcoming look on his face, while trying to remember Simone but he just couldn’t remember ever having a personal encounter with her. She detected his confusion, then she began to explain. “I know you don’t remember me! Because, I was just a “freshman” when you were a “Senior” at South Brunswick High! However, I do remember that you were the Captain of the Football Team and you were dating the “Home Coming Queen!” “I believe her name was Debra Mennings!” “Wow!” “You do have some memory, don’t you?” Jett smiled, and blushed a little while his brother was taking it all in, while watching his brother, the Undeniable Casanova flirt! And, Kyle could already tell that Simone was smitten with Jett, just by her facial and body expressions. Her entire appearance was fierce and luminous! She was definitely one of those “High End Women,” that Jett was so used to having on his arm. “Oh, yes I do!” “I’ve watched you play through-out your professional football years! You played for the New York Giants. And, you’ve already been inducted into the Hall of Fame, am I correct?” “Yes!” “Yes, you are!” He proudly stated, and, at that point, he knew that he wanted to get to know this beautiful young woman a little more. “Please, allow me to buy you a drink?” “Thanks!” “I’ll have a Club Soda,” she said, as she smiled and took the seat next to Jett’s. Jett then said, “Oh, Simone, please meet by brother, Kyle?” “HELLOOOOO, Ms. Simone!” “HOW YA DOIN?” Kyle’s greeting was so welcoming until it reminded Simone of a time when men commonly “yelled,” out to women in the streets Page 92just to pay them a compliment, and it wasn’t labeled “to the extreme,” as “Sexual Harassment,” back in the day! And, “back in the day,” a lot of women “pretended,” not to like this kind of male attention; but in most cases, women secretly enjoyed the extra attention. And, at some point, it heightened some women’s self-esteem! Kyle’s approach to Simone made her feel appreciated and “somewhat,” safe, with his very expressive welcome! Afterwards, they all shared in on the laughter, because, at that point, everyone knew that Kyle could be “somewhat,” of a clown, although his actions were very acceptable! After the greeting, Jett called the bar-tender to their end of the bar. “Hey Joe, would you please get Ms. Simone a Club Soda?” “Coming Right up!” The calm older gentleman, smiled and gave Simone a wink as he brought her the Club Soda, and gently placed it before her. “Thank you!” She said, as she gave Joe a warm and friendly smile. “You’re welcome!” He stated, then turned towards Jett and said, “Jett, let me know if I can get you all anything else, the night is still young, and all of you, should enjoy it!” Jett, Simone and Kyle laughed, while knowing that Joe’s statement was all too true and all too daring!” “You’re married now, right?” Simone asked. “Um, yes!” “Yes, I am!” “I’M, MA’ definitely married man now!” Jett and Simone started laughing just by the way he expressed himself. He was beginning to sound like his brother, Kyle. “Man, that didn’t even come out right!” Kyle said, as he joined in on the laughter. “Ha!” “Ha!” “Ha!” Page 93“Well, I don’t mean it like that, but, yes, I’M, MA’ married now!” “Hmm!” “If I were married to someone who was well known like yourself, I wouldn’t let you come to a place like this one, especially with all of these waitresses around here, wearing skimpy clothes!” she teased. And, although the statement was a bit risky, Simone felt good about herself. She was beautiful, confident and she knew it, therefore making that statement was a toss in the bucket!“My wife is used to me coming to places like this! Now a days, my only obligation is to tell her where I am, at all times!” Jett sarcastically stated. “Well, that’s good, after all, she has the right to know where you are, at all times, that comes with the marriage contract!” Simone was trying to show, “Sister Support!” “Yeah, Jett, she’s got a point!” Kyle said, while it was obvious that he was almost at his drinking limit. “Oh, yeah, if that’s true, then, why don’t I know where she is right now, while she’s in California somewhere having a good time with her friend, Asa?” Jett was really beginning to wonder?” After all, she’s the one who stressed that they should keep the communication line open when they’re apart, and now, Jett couldn’t even get in touch with her since the day that she had taken a flight to California. They’d just been leaving voice mails to one another and Jett wasn’t used to this kind of treatment!” “He didn’t know what to think?!” “ASA?” Simone surprisingly asked. “Yes, Asa!” “ASA ALEXANDRIA STONE!” She the owner of Stonewell Productions! Her business is located in Hollywood, California!”Excited, Simone said, “That’s wonderful!” She has a morning show called, Page 94Glamour in Hollywood, right?” “Yes, that’s the same Asa Stone all right!” “Oh, my goodness, I’m so impressed!” “I never knew that, I mean, I read that your wife used to perform on Broadway, because, when you two got married, you two were all over the internet and on every News Entertainment Show, there was such great coverage on the two of you!” “Yeah, I knew that our wedding would make great East Coast Headlines, but then with Asa being my wife’s Maid of Honor, well, Asa brought her entire West Coast Camera Crew to the East and the word got out everywhere in the U.S. and abroad, that Nona and I got married!” After the statement, they all laughed. “So, how long will your wife be staying in California?” Simone wasn’t shy with her questioning; however, Kyle kind of knew where this conversation was going, and so he excused himself from their conversation. “Excuse me Jett and Ms. Simone, but I’m going to step outside for a while so that I can get some air, I think I might have crossed my drinking limit a little, and boy it’s getting hot in here!” They all started laughing, including Kyle, himself!“Okay, little brother!” Jett jokingly replied. “Be careful out there, Kyle?” Simone always had a caring nature! And, for some reason, she instantly “took” to Kyle, because, he reminded her of someone in her past, she just had forgotten who that someone was, for the moment. Page 95After the two were alone, Jett answered Simone’s question, “You know, I really don’t know how long my wife is visiting Asa, all I know is that she said, that she was invited to the Oscars Award Show and Gala’s by Asa!” “Oh, my goodness, I had a chance to watch the show, and don’t you know that Asa received an Oscar for her outstanding contributions in the Film Industry?” Simone still sounded excited. “Yes, I heard it through the Entertainment News Show today! And, I’m surprised that my wife didn’t call me right away to tell me?” “Oh, I’m sorry!” “Maybe she thought that you were watching the Oscars and had already received the news?” “Hmm!” “Whatever!” Jett stoically commented. “Well, you know, it’s Hollywood! And, she and Asa are probably trying to catch up on some, “Old Times,” together?” “Yeah, you’re probably right!” Jett tried to sound upbeat, even though, he had his doubts!” “Anyway, who’s cooking dinner while she’s away, your maid?” Simone curiously asked. “Um, no, I cook!” “Although, we do have someone who comes to our home, at least three times a week! However, I will be in charge of all of my meals while my wife is away visiting her friend, even if I have to call “Take Out!” “Just kidding,” she said! Although, she and Jett really knew that she wasn’t, but seeing that Jett was nice and easy to talk to, she questioned him more. “So, how are you handling being retired from the NFL?” Page 96“Oh, pretty well!” “Now, of course, there’s times that I miss the game, but I know that there’s no way that I could continue to play for the rest of my “career days!” “So, after the NFL, I went into the Real Estate Business, and I just love it!” “Do you?” Simone asked with admiration. “Yes!” “Actually, that takes up most of my time!” Jett proudly admitted. “That’s funny, I’m a business owner too!” Simone smiled. “Really?” “What’s your line of business, he asked. “I own five HIGH END FASHION JEWELRY STORES!” Simone beamed with pride. “Really?” “What locations?” Jett asked with sincere curiosity. “Well, one of my fashion jewelry stores is located on 5th Avenue, I’ve got one in Staten Island, one in Jersey, one is Philadelphia and last but not least, one in Atlanta!” “That’s wonderful!” “Congratulations on your accomplishments!” “Thank you!” “But, it’s such hard work!” “I mean, I breathe, eat and sleep, “High End Fashion Jewelry!” Simone exhaustingly admitted. “That’s the name of the game, “HARD WORK!” “But, I wouldn’t trade it in for the world, I enjoy working for myself!” Jett confidently stated. “Yes, Jett, I know what you mean, and so do I!” Simone took another sip of her drink. Then, immediately, she looked at her watch and said, “Oh, my goodness, it’s getting late, and I’ve got an early meeting tomorrow morning, I really should be going! Anyway, it was so nice bumping into you!” “Like-wise!” Jett returned the compliment. Page 97 “Oh, and Jett, I’m thinking in terms of probably opening up a store in Miami; however, I’m trying to get a good deal on some property! Would you mind if I consulted you about a few business decisions that I may have in the near future?” “Oh, no not at all!” “Please do call me with any questions that you may have about purchasing, buying, leasing or even renting property?” “I’m pretty sure that I’ll have some sound advice for you!” “Well, thank you Jett!” “You’re welcome!” “Here!” Jett reached into his back pocket and retrieved his wallet, he then reached inside, and gave Simone a business card that read, “Hunter & Hunter Realty Corp.” And, she noticed that it had both his business number and cell number on the card. However, she realized that calling him would have to remain strictly business, since he was a married man!“Thank you!” “You’re welcome!” Jett said as he politely stood to his feet while giving Simone the utmost attention and respect that a woman of her caliber so well deserved. “It was so nice to see you again!” Simone said. “Thank you for making yourself known. It was such a pleasure to meet you again!” “I’m glad you know me now!” “Take care!” Simone smiled. “You too!” Jett watched and admired her as she walked out of the Gentlemen’s Club. Page 9825Hours later in California, Asa, Bryce Nona and Guy were having so much fun that the day had gone by so quickly! It was already 8:00 P.M., and they had already departed into their individual groups again. Asa and Bryce were on the “East Side” of Asa’s mansion; and Nona and Guy were on the “West Side,” and in their world, the night was still young!” “I had so much fun today!” Guy said as he wrapped his arms around Nona’s waist. Nona avoided looking into his eyes and said, “Yeah, I know, but I can’t…..” “You can’t what?” Guy asked. “I can’t be with you!” Nona somehow forced the words to fall from her lips. “You’ve already been with me!” Guy tried looking at her as if what she had just said, really wasn’t that serious!“Yes, I know, but I can’t continue!” Guy then raised Nona’s chin with his firm, but gentle hand, so that she could look into his eyes. His intentions were to convince her that she wanted him, just as much as he wanted her. He then asked, her, “Did you enjoy it?” Guy was referring to their previous intimate night of ongoing “lustful sex,” together!“Yes!” “Yes, I did!” She spoke in a whisper, while shamefully confessing. “Feeling guilty only makes it worst!” Guy stated as if, what they did was something that was fine and ordinary when both of them knew, that what they had done was totally wrong! Page 99“Look, Guy, I’m still married and well, you must have a girlfriend, right?” The thought of Guy having someone whom he had sexual relations with, sickened Nona. She had only been with him for almost forty-eight hours and she felt possessive of him. She couldn’t help it, he was beautifully well-built in every aspect! His smooth skin tone was light to medium brown, and he had big beautiful eyes. Finally, he spoke up, “I have a friend, or two who I manage to see every now and then, but neither of us are claiming anything serious!” “Is she or they in business?” Nona was hoping that he was going to say, “No!” Because, she felt if his women were in the business, they were going to be “tuff” competition! Then, again, Nona felt that she was beautiful enough to compete, so she braced herself for his answer. “Yes.” He softly replied. He then continued, “But enough about me, have you spoken to your husband lately?” Nona nearly jumped off the couch, and said, “Oh, my goodness, I forgot to call him back! He called early this morning! But, I’m too afraid to speak to him! I’m so scared that he might hear something in my voice!” He gently took hold of her face and moved it closer to his and gave her a light kiss on the lips then, he gently suggested that she relax. “Please, calm down,” he said. And, after a short pause, he continued to speak…..“Listen, why don’t you practice what you’re going to say before you call him?” “If you call him knowing what you’re going to say, then, you’ll be less intimidated by the conversation and more in control!” Page 100Nona couldn’t believe that Guy came up with that idea instead of her since she was the former, “Broadway Star!” “Okay, I’ll, I’ll, try!” Nona voice was shaking with fear. Then, she slowly retrieved her phone from her purse and as she was beginning to walk out of the living room, Guy interrupted her and asked, “Wait?” “Where are you going?” “I need more privacy!” She confessed. “No, please, don’t go anywhere?” “I’ll go to another room while you make the call to your husband.” “Okay!” “Thank you!” She replied. After Guy left the room, Nona waited a few minutes then she walked into the hallway, just to see if he was eves-dropping! After she discovered that he wasn’t anywhere in the proximity, she thought carefully about what she was going to say to Jett and then she dialed him! He then answered on the third ring!“Well, hello stranger!” Jett sounded upbeat and happy!” “Hello, Jett!” Nona tried controlling her tone and was hoping that he didn’t hear any nervousness!“Hi honey!” I’ve tried getting in touch with you earlier, but there was no answer! So, I left a message on your cell and on Asa’s home phone! Did you get my message?” “Oh!” “Oh yeah, honey, I did!” “Thanks for calling!” “We’re so……… exhausted form The Oscar’s Show and Galas, it was so.…wonderful! And, oh, before I forget, Asa won an Oscar! Nona tried sounding just as excited as Jett seemed to be! She was really glad that he wasn’t acting suspicious!Page 101“Yeah, I heard!” “Congratulate Asa for me! And, um, well, I kind of figured that you two were living it up!” “I’m glad you’re having fun out there! Oh, and I almost forgot, when will you be coming home?” Jett asked Nona, as he was playing with the remote control to their fancy living room television set, while dressed in his pajama bottoms, and nothing else. “Oh, Jett, um, I wanted to ask you if I could stay out here a little longer?” Asa is on vacation form the show and she wanted to show me around a little?” Nona was hoping that he couldn’t detect any deceit in her story, it’s just that she wasn’t ready to say “good bye” to Guy!She was really falling for him! Although, she didn’t realize just how “deep” the situation was getting. “Oh, that’s fine!” “Okay, look, just make sure that you call me when you’re ready to come home?” “I want to be able to pick you up at the airport?” “Okay?” “Okay!” Nona accepted his thoughtfulness. “Love you!” “I’ll call you soon!” Jett whispered. “Okay, love you too!” “Take care!” She whispered back as she began to feel a bit faint from her husband’s sudden emotional reconnection. Everything seemed to be happening so fast, her love affair with Guy and now her husband reclaiming his love for her just by the way he confessed that he “Loved Her, First,” which was the first in a very long time. Nona didn’t know what to think as she and Jett ended their call, simultaneously! And, as soon as Nona and Jett ended their call, Guy entered the room again, and said, “See how easy that was?” Nona remained quiet and continued to listen, he continued….“If you make it a habit to call your husband regularly, he won’t get suspicious. You never want him to wonder why you haven’t called him!” Page 102“Yes, you’re right!” Nona felt uncomfortable talking about Jett to Guy! She wanted to keep her marriage private from her extra-marital affair! And, although, she was very attracted to Guy, she still felt that hers and Jett’s private business was none of his concern! Although, she didn’t tell him, she didn’t want to spoil the mood! But, she knew that there was going to come a time when she was going to have to draw the line! And, after hearing Jett’s voice, a part of her wanted to go upstairs, pack and catch a flight back to the East Coast. But, before she could think about her plans any further, Guy moved closer to Nona and started to nibble on her earlobe, then, he placed his right hand on one of her breast and started to caress her until her flesh was moist. And, before she realized it, she was under his “spell,” and she could barely move an inch, and with all honesty, she really didn’t want to. She was where she wanted to be at the present moment! Page 10326FOUR weeks had almost passed, and Nona was still visiting Asa in Los Angeles. At first, Nona’s absence from home hadn’t bothered Jett too much because he was so heavily involved with helping his brother, Kyle get set up with his Real Estate Project. But, last night when he got home from work, he wanted to have sex with his wife, and she was thousands of miles away from home and this made him furious! Then, when he called to have phone sex, she kind of threw him off and told him that Asa had company and if she didn’t mingle, it was going to be considered rude, since Asa was having “Ladies Night” at her home! And, when he asked her was she ready to return home, she rambled on and on about how much fun she was having in California with Asa! She actually sounded like she had no marital responsibilities. But, then he thought, “What could he say?” After all, she was right, he was really never home for her, because of his business. Jett was beginning to feel that something odd was happening, but he just didn’t know what?” “However, he really wanted to find out!” And, so, he decided to call his friend and Private Detective, Vince Thornton!Detective Thornton answered on the third ring. “Detective Thornton, can I help you?” Vince definitely sounded like a true New Yorker. He was born in Brooklyn, New York! And, while growing up, he’d met Jett and his brothers at a “Summer Camp” located in Connecticut.“Oh, hello, Vince!” “Yeah?” Vince asked inquisitively. “Hi, hello man!” “This is Jett!” “Hey man, how are you doing?” Detective Vince nearly fell off his chair while he was eating his lunch. He was really caught off guard. He just loved the fact that he could tell his Page 104friends and acquaintances that Jett Hunter was his friend and that they had a close friendship history, “back in the day!” “Oh, oh, I’m fine!” “How about you?” Jett said as he tried to conceal the concern in his own voice. “Oh, man, what can I say?” ‘I’m still Vince!” “It’s been the same-o, same-o!” “Oh, and I’ve watched you play during the years’ man! You tore the football field up! Great going!” Vince said, while smiling and thinking about some of Jett’s successes, as Jett was admiring his Brooklyn-Italian-Irish accent. Jett loved his edge and like-wise!“So, man, what’s been going on?” “Are you in the City, right now?” Because if you are, I could meet you at one of the sport’s bars just so that we can have a couple of beers and kick back a little!” Vince was all smiles while he was talking with his famous friend! “No man, I’m not in the city, I’m still in Jersey!” Jett’s voice cracked for the first time.And, Vince detected it! He was hard to fool! After all, he’d been working with the public for years, and not only was he a Cop, but he was a Police Officer, Private Detective, Social Worker and a Public Psychiatrist! You name it, Vince had seen it all! Working in New York City was no joke! There was something new every day, his job was never boring! He was not only “Good” at what he did for a living, but he was excellent! “Man, what’s going on?” “Is everything alright?” Although Vince was known to be a tuff street fighter, he knew how and when to go easy on people. It took him a while, but, he learned to shift his work personality from his personal character while dealing with his family and friends. “Man, I don’t know where to start?” Jett was feeling undone. Page 105“Try from the beginning?” “It’s okay, it’s just me, “Brazen Vince” or Brazen Thornton,’ pick your choice?” No one could mock Vince’s accent, which made Jett feel extremely protected which made him chuckle on the inside. He was a huge fan of Action and Adventure Movies; and every time he came into contact with Vince, he felt as though he was speaking to some kind of “Heroic Tuff Guy!” “Okay!” “I’ll Man Up!” “My wife of one year has been in Los Angeles, California for at least one month while visiting her friend, Asa Alexandria Stone, you now, the Television Producer and Director of the Hit Morning Show called, “Glamour in Hollywood!” “No kidding?” “Your wife knows Asa Stone?” “They’ve been best-friends since their college days!” Jett said. “Oh, okay, I wasn’t thinking, I mean, there’s no surprise that your wife could be friends with a woman like Asa Stone! I remember that your wife used to perform on Broadway!” “Right?” Vince helped Jett feel more at ease since Vince was so down to earth! However, Jett felt that Vince didn’t have a clue of how well he thought of him. “Yes, that’s correct!” Jett said. “Okay?” Vince questioned while somehow knowing where Jett was beginning to go with this; however, he wanted Jett to tell him what he wanted him to do. “Man, I would like to know, what’s so intriguing in California that she’s not ready to come home yet?” “I mean, I want to play it cool, but I would really like to know?” Vince wanted his friend to look on the flip side, so he said, “Well, maybe she and her friend are just catching up with some “old” gossip or something! You know how women can be? They can spend a whole entire day at the shopping mall; and trust me, if most had the Page 106money, they would buy everything up in sight!” Both men laughed because they knew that it was a lot of truth for most women!” “I don’t know man, I don’t like the way things are looking or feeling right now, between me and my wife!” “So, Jett, what are you asking?” “Or shall I say, what are your saying?” Vince was trying to help his friend get to the point!“Man, if you’re not on a private assignment, I would like to hire you to investigate my wife?” Jett couldn’t believe what he had just asked, but the words just fell from his lips. He felt a whole lot better, already!“Woe!” “Woe!” “Woe!” “Wait a minute?” “Are you sure?” Vince asked. “Yeah, man!” “I’m pretty sure!” “I don’t know what she’s doing down there, and my pride won’t let me show up on Asa’s door step to find out, and since this is your line of business, I’m asking you to do it for me?” Jett was becoming more sure about his decision. “You know, Jett, this job that you’re talking about is going to get quite expensive, you know, with me working out of town and everything!” “Yeah, man, I know!” “I got you!” All expenses are paid in full as we speak! Trust me, you won’t have to worry about a thing!” “What’s your asking price?” “Are you available tomorrow morning for a person to person meeting?” Vince asked in his Brooklyn Italian-Irish Accent. “I am!” Vince’s tone spelled confidence!” “Is your business still located at the same address?” Jett asked. “Yes, it is!” Detective Thornton answered. Page 107“Well, what do you say I come to your office at around 10:00 A.M.?” Jett inquired. “That sounds perfect!” Vince said, as he could actually sense Jett smiling just by the way he spoke. “Okay!” “I’ll see you then!” Vince said, as he smiled too, with a tinge of excitement. “Thanks!” “See you tomorrow!” Jett said, and afterwards, he and Vince ended the call. Page 10827VINCE promised that he would never fly “coach again!” He couldn’t believe all the racket that he had to endure while sitting in close proximity with a bunch of rowdy high school kids, who were taking a class trip somewhere out of the country. He was so mad that he didn ‘t hear where they were going, all he knew is that they had to land at Lax’s Airport to change over to an International Flight. And, the only reason why Vince didn’t get all the information is because, “The Leader of the Pack” was over talking everybody while getting into trouble! “Unbelievable,” he thought! Vince just knew that he was going to get a chance to catch up on his “Sports News!” He just couldn’t over-look the beautiful Babe who graced the “Sports Illustrated, Cover!” And, to make matters worse, he’d never got a chance to read the magazine, because it was so darn noisy! He couldn’t believe that these kids were practically getting away with “MURDER!” During Vince’s high school days, if he made one wise comment, he was instantly sent to detention! Let alone, taking a class trip out of the country?” He wanted to stand up and verbally blast,” those kids, especially “The Leader of the Pack!” But, he thought, with today’s Smart Phone Technology, those kids were sure to call for help, and he was sure that at least one of them, would catch everything on “VIDEO TAPE!” Anyway, Vince had a very creative and logic thought process; although, he wanted to do a lot of things that were prohibited by the LAW, but he made sure that he didn’t! Vince was sometimes full of “Hot Air!” He made sure that he “Never” crossed the line! He always had a lot of “Wishful” thinking, and at this particular point, he knew that he was at a loss, until a pretty, young, sexy brunette, stood to her feet and addressed the class. Page 109“Class, I’m very disappointed in you!” “I know that this isn’t the class who achieved the highest scores in History in the North-eastern part of the country?” “I’m so surprised and embarrassed at your behavior! And, I know that if your parents could see all of you, they would be highly embarrassed as well! Now, I want everybody to calm down; and stay calm though-out our destination! We have plenty of miles to travel still and I need your cooperation! Now, can I count on you to behave like you’re going to be high school seniors next year?” “Yes, Mrs. Norton!” The Leader of the Pack, answered. Then, some of his fellow students chimed in and said, “Yeah!” “Yes!” “And, sure thing!” “Got-cha!” “Good!” Mrs. Norton responded. She then continued by saying, “Thank you, let’s have respect for our fellow passengers?” After she gave her speech, her class clapped and some of the guys whistled. She then took her seat while Vince could sense that Mrs. Norton was proud of her own speech!Things had really changed since he attended his former Catholic High School! His teachers were all nuns and the dressed as nuns too! He also noticed that these days, the teachers were really fine! And, he couldn’t believe that they could wear tight designer jeans to class while hosting or teaching a class! Anyway, after the environment calmed down a little, he managed to get one hour of sleep before landing! Page 11028LAX’S Airport was moderately packed. Vince Thornton was glad that he decided to travel before the weekend. He knew that it was going to be extremely busy and he didn’t want to have a problem finding his luggage or renting an automobile. He wanted this trip to go smoothly. After retrieving his luggage, he decided to rent a sports car instead of renting an SUV. During his investigation experiences, he noticed that people were a lot more relaxed around “Sport Cars.” He felt that if he was driving a “Sports Car,” no one would discover that he was actually, a “Detective.” After all, he came to Los Angeles, to be “Invisible!” Besides, he wanted to treat himself with a grown man’s toy! And, well, renting a fancy “Sport’s Car” was the best vehicle that he could think of, during the moment! Although, feeling a little jet lagged from the flight; overall, Vince felt good while driving around in his rented 2014 Black Corvette Coupe, it was just right for enjoying the California Sun. After a thirty-minute drive, he finally reached the Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel. It was beautiful and very luxurious. The hotel was located by the water and boating dock. And, Vince loved the water. He’d hoped to get a chance to visit a beach while he was there on assignment. However, he knew that first things were first. After checking-in at the Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel, Vince arrived to his suite that happened to be on the 5th floor. Although, Jett paid him enough money to stay in the penthouse; he would never hear of it! After all, he was brought up in a very budgeted Italian-Irish Family; and he wasn’t into squandering his money. Besides, with this investigation, he didn’t know how long it was going to last, and how much money he needed for the entire process. Jett described Page 111his wife as being very beautiful, vivacious and flamboyant. And, he didn’t know what type of money he was going to need, just to keep up with her. However, Jett informed him that if he needed more money, just to call him. However, Vince knew that money wasn’t going to be an issue in this case, so he could just relax and enjoy the moment. After opening the door to his suite, he couldn’t believe how elegant and new everything looked. Although, the down stairs lobby told it all! After he tipped the bell hop worker with a twenty-dollar bill, he closed the door and walked around just to check everything out, especially the bathroom and the bed. Everything was very upscale. And, on one of the tables, in the sitting room, there was a bottle of wine chilling on ice in a basket of edible treats that consisted of various cheeses and fruits. “Now, this is first class!” He mumbled to himself! He took another look around the room and smiled. Afterwards, he walked over to the mirror and undressed. He studied his abs that were still in shape but not as firm as they’d used to be when he was in his twenties; although, he looked and felt pretty-good for a man who was in his mid-thirties! He then ran his fingers through his thick dark hair that he’d inherited from his full born Italian Father and his chiseled facial features from his, Irish Born Mother, who used to performing in commercials when she was young, although she was still beautiful! Finally, he knew that he was very lucky to have looked as good as he did! However, he knew that he had to get back into the dating game, again! Anyway, immediately, after studying himself and being proud of himself, he took a nice long hot shower, then he slept for two hours before he decided to get back up and take a nice long tour of Los Angeles and the surrounding cities in the area. Page 11229THE next morning, Vince made sure that he’d gotten up nice and early. He was in front of Asa Stone’s home at 7:00 A.M. sharp. He didn’t want to miss Nona Hunter or her upcoming whereabouts. And, the best thing to do was to be in her proximity as early as possible. He noticed by the address, that was given to him by her husband was slightly incorrect, Jett had the street address right, but he had the city wrong. However, with a little research, Vince found out where she lived in Huntington, California which wasn’t too far from L.A. Asa’s neighborhood was upscale and elegant. After scoping the houses, Vince was sure that every mansion on the block cost over one million!After waiting outside of Asa’s home for at least four hours, Jett could have kicked himself for not stopping at the local coffee shop. He needed coffee badly! And, soon, it would be lunch time and he hadn’t packed a thing! Then, he thought about driving away for a while just to get some coffee and perhaps lunch, but then again, he thought, as soon as he would leave, he might miss seeing Asa or Nona and he really didn’t want to miss either of them, especially Nona! After thinking how he “could have,” and “should have,” and wishing and hoping, he saw a young man drive into Asa’s drive way in a brand- new Champaign Audi! Immediately, he got out of the car and walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. He was dressed in Bermuda Shorts, a tank top and he wore sun glasses. He appeared to be a light skinned African-American Male. However, within minutes, a young woman answered the door and they kissed. Then, she walked out to the porch while holding a “picnic basket,” while dressed in a pair of skimpy shorts and a top that looked like it was part of a bathing suit. The woman was beautiful! Her hair was Page 113long and wavy; and she appeared to be a bi-racial African-American Woman. Jett had described his beautiful wife to a tee. Vince retrieved a picture that Jett had given him earlier and it was definitely, her! Vince noticed that she was just as beautiful in person, as she was in the picture. After a few minutes, the seemingly couple walked to the gentleman’s Audi. And, by that time, Detective Thornton, had jotted down his License Plate, so that he could discover who the mystery two-timer was. Afterwards, the mystery guy, opened the car door, and Jett’s wife got in. Following, the gentleman walked around to the back of the car and placed the picnic basket into the trunk, he then closed the trunk, walked around to the driver’s side of the car, got in and sped away. And, instead of immediately following them, Vince waited a few minutes, then decided to trace their every move!Page 11430DETECTIVE Vince Thornton followed the couple to Griffith Park that’s located inLos Angeles, California. The park reminded Vince of New York City’s Central Park. Everywhere he turned, he saw people walking, jogging or biking and just having fun! Street Vendors were everywhere selling, hot dogs, bagels, ice-cream, roasted peanuts, you name it, the list was endless. Life was full and present, and Vince was really enjoying the scenery, which made him feel as though he were back in New York City! Although, he knew and appreciated that he was very well in Los Angeles, California. Out of all the things to do, Guy Goodings and Nona Hunter opted to go hiking. And, although, Vince wore sneakers, he didn’t have on the best pair during the hike. Anyway, it had been centuries since, Vince hiked; although, he was fortunate that in New York City, most people liked to walk. And, although, he lived in the suburban neighborhood in Brooklyn, he always made sure that he would visit the good old city every now and then, just to walk and enjoy the scenery. After all, it was the greatest “free” of charge activity that he absolutely enjoyed the most. During Guy Gooding’s and Nona Hunter’s hiking experience, the couple would stop, kiss and hug very often. And, Vince made sure that he captured most of this on his high priced digital camera. And, although, Vince felt a bit uncomfortable during the hike because of his“worn,” sneakers. He really enjoyed the scenery and hadn’t been to the mountains since he was a child of approximately, aged 10. After the hike, Vince followed Nona and Guy to the picnic grounds where he witnessed Guy and Nona feeding each other snacks and making out on the ground with only a large table Page 115cloth to protect them underneath. As he figured, Nona was “indeed,” cheating on Jett. However, he needed a little more evidence just to make sure that he wasn’t mistaken. After lunch, Guy and Nona decided to go Horseback Riding before sunset. This was a real treat, after all, it had been ages since Vince had gotten on a horse, and he had to admit to himself, that he was more than terrified! However, the pretty blonde woman who was very shapely and upbeat, promised him that she would guide him and his horse through-out the entire training process, so he went for it! And, he loved it! Then, afterwards, he promised the pretty lady that he would absolutely be back again to train more! She then gave him her card, and this made his entire day, more than anything that he had experienced that day!Finally, around 8:00 P.M., Guy and Nona checked in at the Four Seasons Hotel. The place was extremely ritzy! The suites were starting at a whopping $400.00 per night! After Guy and Nona checked in, Vince Followed and pretended that he was with Guy and Nona. ‘Um, excuse me Miss, but I’m from out of town, and well, anyway, I’d forgotten which room my friends were staying in, the gentleman’s name is Guy Goodings!” During Guy’s and Nona’s lunch break, Vince googled Guy and found information on him, plus he verified the information with the local DMV. Vince definitely was serious about his “Detective Work!” He found out everything that he needed to know about Guy, just so that he could positively move forward with his “Detective Work.” He then continued……“You see, we want to be on the same floor!” He then smiled and winked at theFront-Desk Attendant, who seemed a bit shy and a little unsure of herself. He figured that a handsome smile would make her evening. “Oh, yes, the Goodings!” She smiled while trying to sound confident. Page 116“Oh, well, they’re staying on the 12th floor. Yes, as a matter of fact, their room number is 1242!” She smiled and blushed, again. “Well, do you have an available single room that’s in close-proximity of 1242?” He asked. The young front desk attended eagerly looked through her book and then at her computer and hastily said, “Oh, yes!” “Sure!” “Room, 1252 is available!” “You’re approximately ten doors down from the Gooding’s!” “I hope that, that isn’t too bad?” The young “slightly” self-conscious attendant said. “Oh, no, that’s perfect!” “You know, we all need our privacy, especially me! But, who knows, you might just see me with a beautiful blonde on my arm, while I’m here!” Vince was talking about the young Horse Trainer who’d he met earlier that day. “Whew!” “She was some kind of beauty!” He thought to himself. However, the Front Desk Attendant caught the joke and they both began to laugh. “Okay!” “The suite for Room 1252 will be $437.00, per night, the young lady concluded as she couldn’t help from blushing as she spoke to the handsome gentleman! She just knew that he was Italian! And, without further or do, Vince gently gave her his credit card to the attendant without a care in the world, all expenses were paid for, and for the first time, he felt as though, he was one of the richest men in the world!After Vince arrived to his suite, which was just as elegant as the Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel, he checked the rooms, towels and bed linens just to make sure that everything was clean and up to par. Afterwards, he showered, got dressed and put on some clean clothes. The first Page 117thing that he wanted to do was to order service and watch a good movie. But, since he was on a case, he decided to hang out in the lobby, at least until twelve o’clock midnight! He had to hurry to complete this assignment and although he knew that Jett was a wealthy man, he didn’t want to take advantage of his kindness. Although, he had to admit, he was loving every minute of the upgraded amenities that came with the job!After an hour of waiting, he finally saw Guy and Nona dressed in evening attire while walking out of the front door lobby. After a few seconds, he casually followed their trail out of the building. He then hid behind one of the large columns that was in front of the building, he then casually lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, then, within a five-minute wait, he saw Guy and Nona drive off in Guy’s Luxurious Champaign Audi. Immediately, he hurried back inside and took the elevator up to the 9th Floor. After arriving to their suite, he checked his surroundings just to make sure that no one was looking. Afterwards, he put a device into the lock and quietly opened the door. While inside, he saw that the bed was definitely unmade. And, the room lingered with the smell of both male and female cologne and perfume. Then, he noticed that a woman’s lingerie set was on the floor and so were a pair of male briefs on one side of the bed that was thrown onto the floor. “What a dirty little mess?” He thought to himself, but then again, they were on vacation and just having a little “unlawful” fun he realized. After scoping the room a little, he hurried to the bathroom and placed a tiny, little camera in close proximity near the shower wall. “That should do it!” He thought to himself as he was beginning to become more secure in his work. He knew that he was good, but tonight for some reason, what he did for a living felt extra special! Page 118After placing the cameras in place, he made sure that he wasn’t leaving anything behind. He checked his back pocket to make sure that he was still wearing his wallet, he then wiped off a few knobs and left Suite 1242. After Vince’s work was completed for the evening, he hurried to the nearest elevator and pushed the down button that took him into the garage. After reaching the garage, he located his rented “Black Chevy Corvette,” got into it and immediately drove off to meet the beautiful City of Los Angeles. After sharing a delicious light meal and an exciting evening on the Sunset Strip, Guy and Nona headed back to the Four Seasons Hotel. Their suite was beautiful! The Queen-Sized Bed was decorated with silk and cranberry white linens with matching drapes. The wooden floors were well buffed; and the living room was filled with Contemporary Modern English Furniture that was complimented by a variety of antiques that gave the environment a since of historical richness. And, soon as Guy and Nona entered their lodging quarters, Nona said, “Guy, I’m going to the powder room to freshen up a bit!” “Okay!” He answered in a cool sensual tone. While Nona was still preparing herself for the evening, Guy had gotten two Champagne Glasses from the bar that was located between the living room and the petite kitchen area. He opened the bottle like a professional, then he poured Pink Champagne into each glass. Afterwards, Nona emerged from the powder room in a red and black lace camisole and garter belt duo. He was stunned! Guy took in every crease and crevice of Nona’s toned body. He knew that she was physically fit because, he had been with her before and her clothes fit like a glove. However, he Page 119 had never really taken the time to really look at how she was actually, designed and built, at least not naked anyway! In awe, Guy placed the two Champagne Glasses on the bar table, then he slowly walked to where she was standing and seductively traced her body with his strong masculine build. She then, gently, fell under Guy’s spell as she pressed against his strong masculine build. He then gently fell unto the bed while firmly holding her, making sure not to let her go. She remained on top of him, while she allowed her body to unite with his, as they sexually danced to each other’s rhythm as they danced the night away!And, as Guy and Nona were dancing to one another’s rhythm, Vince’s portable cameras caught every detail to their intense love making, nothing was left to one’s imagination. Finally, they were “caught!” Their love affair was the beginning of something beautiful, yet to the end of something, so very wrong! Page 120 33The next morning, Vince was having breakfast in the dining hall at 7:00 A.M. sharp. He didn’t want to miss a thing about solving this case. His main mission was to retrieve the micro-cameras from Guy’s and Nona’s Suite. He needed solid proof about the two having an intimate sexual affair. And, his tuition told him that he had the information that his friend, Jett Hunter was seeking. He knew that Check-Out Time was at noon. But, he didn’t realize how long Guy and Nona was going to stay at the hotel. Nor did he know if they were coming down to have breakfast, which would have given him the ample time to retrieve the micro-cameras from their suite. Anyway, the more evidence that he had that they were having an affair, the sooner he could solve the case and go home. And, although, he was intrigued with California, he was beginning to have second thoughts concerning visiting the state a little longer. Plus, the women were gorgeous! He liked the fact that they wore skimpy clothes and most were so into their “health kicks!” He really felt like he needed to get back into the game of dating. Driving through Los Angeles and Beverly Hills had awakened something extra-ordinary within him. He saw young and beautiful women, and it was a turn on! All Vince’s thoughts about beautiful women were making him take “stock in himself!” He knew that he looked good, but joining a gym couldn’t have hurt a thing!After purchasing a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper, Vince decided to take a seat in the main lobby to watch a little television and to keep an eye on his subjects. He took his work very seriously and didn’t want to miss a thing!Finally, after a three hour wait, Vince saw Guy and Nona walk to one of the main cafeterias at the hotel to have breakfast. He kept watch on the two up until the two were served Page 121with their breakfast. Then, afterwards, he went to their suite, opened the door with a device, went inside, and made sure that he had retrieved all the cameras from Guy’s and Nona’s Suite. And, making sure not to get caught, he hurried and left the room. And, just as he turned the corner to get back unto the elevator, he almost collided into one of the hotel maids. “Oh, sorry Ma’am!” Vince showed that he was super sorry with a deep concern look on his face. “Oh, no problem!” “It’s just fine!” The plump cute “International Housekeeper” assured him. Afterwards, Jett immediately opened the door to his suite, closed the blinds and curtains, then placed the cameras into his high priced advanced technological laptop and watched what he’d captured on camera. There was no doubt that Guy and Nona were having sex. After discovering this episode, he didn’t know if he really wanted his friend, Jett to find out! He was really contemplating on not telling him at all! He liked Jett and really wanted all of this to go away! After all, he considered Jett Hunter to be a true friend. Page 12234After Guy and Nona checked out of the Four Season’s Hotel, Guy drove Nona back to her best friend’s home, it was almost noon. The house was quiet and there were no signs of Asa, although, her Lexus SUV was parked outside of her home. And as soon as Nona could catch her breath from a whirl wind of a weekend, she decided to make her some hot tea in the kitchen. After her tea was ready, she carefully poured it in one of Asa’s delicate China Cups and slowly walked to the kitchen table and was very careful not to spill her tea. Then all of a sudden, Asa snuck out of nowhere and yelled,“Boo!” “Got you!” She screamed as if she were back at college on campus without a care in the world, including not having any homework assignments or either not having done them! She was really getting on Nona’s nerves that day! “Oh, my goodness!” “Are you crazy?” “I almost spilled my tea!” “What’s the matter with you?” Nona hostilely asked. Then, Asa took two steps back and returned the question, “No, what’s the matter with you?” I was just having a little fun!” Asa exclaimed. “Well, I almost dropped your good China!” Nona wanted to shout at her but remembered to lower her tone; after all, she wasn’t in her own home, she was in Asa’s. “It’s okay, I can always buy more!” “But, tell me Nona, what’s really on your mind?” Asa asked sympathetically. Nona then took a seat at the table and asked Asa to join her. She tried to explain, “I don’t know what’s happening to me?” Nona was lost for words, and Asa continued the conversation, “Nona, how did your weekend go with Guy?” Page 123“Oh, Asa, it went too well! I mean, my weekend with Guy was just great! And, I’m scared! I wish you would’ve stopped me from seeing him! I’m a married woman, and I just don’t know what to do?” “Nona, I thought you had everything under control?” “I didn’t know that you were going to carry things that far with Guy? I mean, you blame me for everything! And, I’m tired of being blamed for “Your Mistakes!” Feeling guilty, Nona said, “I’m sorry, Asa!” “It’s just that I’m facing so much pressure and sometimes, I get mad at the wrong people, I apologize again!” “Good!” “Because, I’m tired of taking care of everybody else! I really didn’t mean for things to get out of control between the two of you! I just wanted you to come here to help me celebrate me being “Honored!” I mean, I’ve had it hard! It wasn’t easy reaching the glass ceiling, but I reached it!” And, I just…….”“I know, Asa!” “I know!” And again, I’m sorry!” “I just don’t know what I’m going to do about Guy?” “You’re just going to have to break the news to him gently. He knows that you’re a married woman; and I’m sure he’ll understand!” Asa assured her. “You know, I never thought about having to break anything off with Guy; I mean, we just met. I didn’t realize that I had to come up with an explanation of, why we can never see each other again after I return to Jersey!” “Nona, please, level with him as soon as possible?” “You’ve just got to let him know that it’s over between the two of you! In fact, tell him that “Nothing” ever happened between the Page 124two of you! In fact, tell him that he “Never” met you!” After Asa gave her instructions, they both shared some laughter as Nona actually-agreed with her!“Asa, you’re right!” “I’ve got to speak to him soon!” “That’s right!” “I mean, Guy is nice and everything, but you don’t know if he’s “Psycho!” “I mean, some men get crazy, after they’ve cultivated and hosed your garden!” Asa said jokingly. Nona laughed a little with her too! But then, said, “Please, Asa, I just can’t take the horror stories right now?” Asa apologized, “Well, I’m sorry, it’s just that sometimes, people can lose their minds and go crazy after they’ve been with you, we both know that it’s true! However, if he tries to get stupid, you’re going to have to convince him that Jett is crazier and more dangerous than he is! I’m just hoping for the best outcome, for you and Jett!” “Thanks, Asa!” “You’re welcome!” Page 12535TWO days had passed since Vince’s return to Brooklyn, New York. He was still feeling a bit jet lagged. Anyway, it was 10:00 A.M. and he was still squirming under the covers while trying to get that last good stretch, as his alarm clock had gone off for the fifth time that morning. He told himself that today was the day that he had to get up and get out of bed. He had to get that information to Jett! Although, he had mixed feelings about the whole ordeal. However, he felt that since Jett was such a nice guy, he owed Jett the truth! Therefore, he pushed his feelings aside and decided that he would take care of business! After drinking two cups of coffee, eating a nice healthy breakfast and reading the morning paper, Vince got up from his breakfast table, took a shower and got dressed in one of his Sean John’s Suits that he’d purchased in the Macy’s Manhattan Store. And, since he was meeting with his very influential long-time friend, Jett Hunter, he wanted to look the part of being a very Prominent Private Investigator, which he was. At 12:00 P.M., Vince was on his way to Nutley, New Jersey where Jett Hunter’s Realty Office was located. He didn’t mind the drive, since the morning rush hour was over. Vince was really beginning to enjoy driving again, opposed to taking the subways. Being in California really spoiled him. He really enjoyed the rented 2014 Black Chevrolet Corvette that he sported around town, and if Jett wasn’t a friend, he would’ve absolutely taken a whole month, just to solve the case! But, in-reality, he would’ve enjoyed himself in the sun, and on the beaches while trying to romance some of the hot babes! Anyway, with all the hoopla and driving the California Freeway, Vince got to thinking that relocating to that part of the world, wouldn’t be such a bad idea, after all!Page 12636FINALLY, Vince Thornton reached the front office desk where Eva, Jett’s Executive Secretary sat for most of the day; although, she had a private office adjacent to Jett’s. “Hello, Sir, may I help you?” Eva spoke and looked like a top notch professional. “Ah, yes!” “I’m looking for Mr. Jett Hunter?” He respectfully requested. “And, your name is?” Eva inquired. “Oh, my name is Vince, Vince Thornton!” He didn’t want to mention the fact that he was a detective, because he didn’t know if Jett had confided in his Secretary, and he didn’t want to give any unnecessary information away. He continued, “I’m a friend of Jett’s!” “He’s probably expecting me?” Vince gave Eva a friendly wink. He was still young and attractive and very sure of himself! “Okay!” “I’ll page him! Eva smiled, while thinking “What a hunk?” After trying to page Jett numerous times from the switchboard that wasn’t working too well, Eva decided to get up from her desk and walk to her Assistant’s desk, to use her phone, since she was out of the office, taking a lunch break. Vince watched Eva’s sexy stride as she acted as though she was performing in a Broadway Play. “Yeah?” Jett answered on the third ring. “Jett, oh, um, Mr. Hunter, there’s a gentleman here to see you by the name of Mr. Vince Thornton!” He says that you’re probably expecting him!” “Oh, ye, yes!” “I’m-ma, ac, actually ex, expecting to s, see hi, him!” Pa, please, sh show him the w, way!” Jett realized that he was beginning to stammer again, a problem that he had as a child that he had eventually conquered with speech therapy during junior high school. He Page 127realized that he was having a slight “Anxiety Attack!” Immediately, he knew that he had to pull himself together, Eva nor any of his business associates realized that he had previous stammering problems. “Sure thing!” Eva answered with concern while noticing that Jett had difficulty pronouncing his words. She was hoping that he was okay. She hoped that Jett wasn’t involved with any illegal business practices. After Eva ended the call, she walked towards Mr. Thornton and said, “Follow me?” Eva then led Mr. Thornton down the hall to Jett’s 2nd business office. After they arrived, Jett stood to accept his long-time friend. “Well, hello Vince?” Jett seemed like his old self again. He didn’t appear worried and this made Eva feel a whole lot better; after all, she cared for Jett’s well-being. “Hi man!” “How are you doing?” Vince asked him. “Oh, just fine!” “Just fine!” He assured him. Then, Jett proudly introduced Vince to Eva. “Eva, please, meet my long-time friend and acquaintance, Vince Thornton, we go wayback since child-hood. I met him at a Summer Camp in Connecticut!” “Well, it’s so nice to meet you!” Eva smiled, while trying not to flirt with the good looking young gentleman!” “Well, it’s a pleasure meeting you too!” Vince said as he gave her another wink and a smile. “Can I get you two any coffee?” Eva asked. “Yeah, man, can we get you anything?” Jett sincerely asked. Page 128“Um, no, thanks!” “I just had two cups, a little while ago!” “Thanks, but I’m fine!” Vince reassured him. “Okay, Eva, I’m good too!” “Okay!” Eva then turned about face and left the office. “Please, sit down?” Jett offered his friend a seat. “Thanks!” Vince sat down opposite Jett’s seat. “Thanks!” Jett then remained standing, then walked to his office door and closed it. Afterwards, he then took a seat behind his desk and said, “Well how was California?” “Man, the scenery is beautiful!” “And, the weather, well, THAT was beautiful too!” “I just wish that I could’ve stayed longer!” “Yeah man, I was about to say that your trip was very quick!” “Did you find anything?” “Well…” Vince said, as he was about to verbally tell everything, but he hesitated and stopped talking; however, instead, Vince picked up his briefcase off the floor, opened it and handed Jett a 9X12 Manilla Envelope. Then, he said, “Jett, everything that you need to know is in this envelope; but first, I want to make sure that what you’re about to see is very explicit!” Vince noticed that Jett looked as though he was becoming numb. Although, he wanted to comment and ask him, “Was he alright?” But, he didn’t because, he knew that in a few seconds, Jett wasn’t going to be “alright” especially if he loved his wife. And, without saying another word, Vince continued speaking, he said,“Now, if you want, we can forget about this whole ordeal! And, I promise you that I’ll never bring the topic up again! In fact, we can say that none of this “ever” happened! Page 129Slowly, Jett began to speak as if he was “already” in a trance. “So, what you’re telling me is that my wife was unfaithful to me?” “Am I correct?” “Is that what you’re saying?” Jett pitifully asked. But, Vince answered him indirectly, “Jett, everything you need to know is before you in the envelope!” And, without saying anything further, Jett slowly reached for the package, then opened it up and took the DVD and placed it inside of his computer. And, for a few seconds, there was pure silence, then all of a sudden, Jett almost jumped out of his seat and with a “loud holler” he yelled, “AAAAAAAH!” “OH, NO!” “OH, MY GOD, I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!” “OH, MY GOD!” “OH, NO, I’M GONNA, I’M GONNA KILL HER!” “Man, calm down, calm down, man!” “Everything’s going to be alright!” Vince kept repeating those words, then all of a sudden, Jett ran for the bathroom that was right next to his office and continuously vomited in the toilet for a least twenty minutes. Vince knew that Jett was going to take it hard. But, he had no idea that the news would result in Jett vomiting all over his nice plush office bathroom. However, working as a Professional Detective in NYC prepared Vince for almost everything! Therefore, after Jett’s vomiting had subsided, Vince walked to the bathroom door and asked him, “Are you okay?” And, Jett hoarsely answered. “Yeah man, I’m alright!” Jett began to whimper a little. Vince could tell that he’d been crying while vomiting. He really felt bad and wanted to do something to help his friend. Vince then, said, “Man, I’ll be in the other room while you’re getting cleaned up!” “Okay?” “Okay!” Jett answered. Page 130After Jett collected himself, he came back to his 2nd office where Vince sat patiently waiting for him. “Man, I should take a flight to California and pound on her a….?” Immediately, Vince interrupted Jett’s wrath and said, “Man, don’t do it!” “It’s not worth it, you’ve worked far too hard! And, you don’t need anything or anybody dragging you down! I suggest you speak to your wife after you’ve cooled off a lot! Because, if you don’t and you fly off the handle, everything that you’ve worked so hard for, could disappear right before your eyes!” “So, man, don’t blow your steam?” “I know what you’re saying, but the heck with all of this, I’m concerned about my pride right now!” Jett yelled. “Your pride will get you nowhere!” It’s just not worth LOSING YOURSELF over ANYONE, even if she happens to be your wife!” Jett heard the words of his friend, as his eyes were very heavy with sadness and tears. Although, he fought very hard to hold his tears back! Vince clearly understood! He was heavily in love a couple of times, but his BAD BOY BEHAVIOR had caught up to him and he had to slow things down, but he promised that one day, he would eventually marry the right woman. Jett finally, agreed, “Okay, man, I hear you!” “And, I promise to be careful, for“My Own Sake!” “Cool!” “Say man, let me take you to lunch?” “You need to get out of this stuffy office!” Vince was sincere and really concerned about Jett’s well-being. “No man!” “I’m alright!” “I just need some time alone to sort things out!” He said, while wiping his face a little. Page 131“Okay, but you be sure to call me if you need anything?” “Jett, I don’t mind talking, you can call me “Anytime!” “Thanks man!” “I’ll do that!” “Good!” Vince said as he stood to his feet! He continued, “I know the way out!” “Take care and REMEMBER, don’t do anything foolish, it’s just not worth it!” “Okay man!” “Oh, um, how much more do I owe you?” Jett asked. “GET BETTER!” “That’s what you owe me, but better yet, that’s what you owe to YOURSELF!” “GET BETTER, JETT!” “Okay!” “Thanks man!” Page 13237JETT hadn’t been to work for almost an entire week! He had been in bed and depressed while barely answering his phone. It had been a long time since he was depressed over a woman. But, this time, it was different, this wasn’t any type of woman, this was his wife, Nona, who he promised to take care of, love and cherish forever! He kept hearing her words of, “Jett, you’re never home!” “And, I’m lonely!” He knew that part of her cheating was his fault, but he was angry at the fact that she would actually cheat on him. He kept contemplating on taking a flight to California to let loose on her! But, he thought about Vince’s advice and how Vince said that “she” wasn’t worth it! And, how he may lose everything if his vengeance was too strong! Right now, he felt that since she had been in California with all of her play mates, she could just stay out there for as long as she wanted to! But, he no longer wanted her in his house nor in his bed! “That’s it!” “I’m getting out of here!” Jett decided, therefore, hurried to the bathroom and took a long sudsy shower. He then got dressed in a pair of nice tight fitted jeans, and a nice t-shirt that revealed his muscular build and he put on a pair of funky Cowboy Boots. Then, he splashed some nice smelling John Varvatos Cologne on! He messaged it all over his muscular toned biceps. He then loaded his wallet with a couple of hundred dollar bills, and a Black Platinum American Express Card and he was ready to go out and enjoy the evening!As Jett drove around, he figured that his best bet was to go to New York City, so that he could let off some steam! Although, Nona had already cheated on him, he still realized that he was still a married man, and that he didn’t want his business in the streets! He had a lot at stake, plus, he hadn’t confronted Nona with divorce papers; however, he knew that it would come Page 133somewhere in the future, but first, he wanted to clear his head, and most of all, He wanted to get even with the woman who hurt him, and that was his wife, Mrs. Nona Hunter! He couldn’t stand her anymore! Page 13438SIMONE POWELL and her friend, Portia always liked dining at the Gentlemen’s Club that was located in Uptown Manhattan. The bar and grill was an elegant place to dine and to socialize. Also, they offered live entertainment! In addition, various jazz groups came to perform on different occasions. And, even though, Simone and her friend, Portia hated to admit it, but, both women were on the prowl. Both women were successful in their line of business, but both of them were now searching for true love and companionship. “You know Simone, I’m thinking about being on that show, “Coming Together!” Portia comically stated, while both women laughed. “Are you really serious?” “Yes, girl, I am!” She confessed. “Well, you know, I can definitely understand it!” Simone agreed. “Yeah, girl, I’m tired of being alone!” Portia said in a matter of fact way!“You know, Portia, me too!” “But, you know, I just think that you and I are just too picky!” “You’re right!” “I am picky!” “I mean after all, I’m gorgeous, young and a little wealthy and you and I have a right to be “PICKY!” “I’ve worked too hard, just to take anything!” “I definitely agree, Portia!” I Definitely Agree!” Anyway, we promised that we were not going to talk about anything too depressing! We’re here to celebrate, so please let’s go for it?” “Okay!” “I’ll drink to that!” Both women raised their cocktail glasses and toasted. Then, each lady took a small bite of her food. Then Portia continued……..Page 135“Oh, Simone, I’ve been meaning to ask you, how’s your 5th Avenue Store progressing?” Immediately, Portia could see the fed up look on Simone’s face as she began to explain, “You know, Portia, when I first opened my store on 5th Avenue, I used to gross at least$80,000 per week. And, now, I’m grossing only 50,000 per week. And, believe me, I can hardly pay the store’s lease, meet my weekly payroll and have money left over, on that skimpy profit. I really think that, that prissy college student is “milking me!” “You know Simone, I’ve been meaning to tell you that you need to get cameras in your place of business. I mean, you’re going to need to prove that she’s stealing from you! I mean, you can’t fire her unless you have heavy proof that she’d doing something illegal against you or to your business!” “I know!” “I’ve got an appointment, next Monday morning for camera installations. Anyway, I’m definitely getting them installed, and I’m not telling a soul. You’re the only person who will know about the hidden cameras in my store. I mean, I hate to do it, but, I’m tired of getting “ripped off!” “Are you certain that Ms. College Prep is ripping you off?” “No, I’m not certain at all, but there’s something about her that is very unsettling! I’m just not that sure about her. And, you know, it would be my luck that the “thief” would end up being someone who I hold in high regards. I mean, I’ve got a few trustworthy “women” who work for me, and well, I could never imagine it being one of them!” Page 136“I know what you mean!” “Life can be tricky! The thief just might be the one you least expect!” “Girl, don’t I know it!” Simone exclaimed, then she casually took another sip of her drink. Then, she looked up and saw, Jett Hunter. Suddenly, shaken by surprise, Simone immediately said, “Oh, no Portia!” Startled and almost lost for words, Portia answered, “What?” “What is it?” “I see Jett Hunter!” “He’s sitting one flight above us. He’s in the corner at the table having dinner; and he looks like he’s dining alone!” “Jett Hunter?” Portia almost had a blank look on her face. “Yes, Jett Hunter!” “He used to play for the New York Giants! He was the Star Quarterback! He just retired a couple of years ago! And, I used to go to school with him in Jersey; although, he was a senior while I was just a freshman in high school!” “Wow!” “So, do you know, know him?” “Well, a few weeks ago, he was at the bar having drinks with his brother, and I introduced myself and he bought me a drink!” “Wow!” “That was nice!” “Is he married?” Portia asked. “Um, yes, he is!” Simone reluctantly answered. “Leave him alone!” “It’ll never work, believe me, I’ve been there and done that; and, it was a total nightmare, messing with a married man!” “Are you kidding me?” “I would never do that, besides, his wife used to be an actress and dancer on Broadway! And, as far as I know, he’s totally happy! Oh, my goodness, don’t turn around?” “He’s walking in our direction!” Page 137“Are you going to speak?” Portia asked. “Ah, yes, of course!” “I guess so!” “Yeah, sure!” Simone frantically answered. And, as soon as Jett made eye contact with Simone, she reached for his hand and lightly took hold of it and said, “Hello Jett!” Surprised, he turned to the left of him and there she was, sitting at a table, while looking just as beautiful, sexy and cool since the day he’d met her. “Simone?” He inquired. “Yes, it’s me!” She giggled. “Oh, it’s so good to see you!” He couldn’t believe how fortunate he was to have run into her. “Are you with your brother tonight?” She asked. “Um, actually, I’m not!” “I’m dining alone tonight!” He told her. “Well, we’ve got room at our table!” “Would you like to join us?” Simone asked while she couldn’t believe how bold and upfront she was behaving. She was usually a little conservative. “Well, sure thanks!” Jett reached for the empty chair behind him and placed it at the table, then sat down. Simone smiled and said, “Jett, I would like for you to meet my friend, Portia!” Jett smiled and said, “Nice to meet you!” “Like-wise!” Portia reciprocated. Page 138“So, you ladies are out on the town tonight, I see?” Jett was trying to make small conversation. “Yes, we try and get together for at least one night during the weekend!” Simone admitted. “Yes, I like dining with Simone, she’s good people!” Portia said. Jett looked at Simone and gave her a flirtatious smile and wink, then said, “Yeah, she is, isn’t she?” “Wow!” “Maybe I should go home early tonight and let you two enjoy the evening together?” Portia said jokingly. “No!” “No!” “I wouldn’t dare ask you to leave. There’s plenty of fun going around here for everyone to enjoy tonight! And, just to prove it, I’m buying both of you drinks!” “What are you two ladies having?” “Well, although, Alabama Slammers are one of my favorite drinks!” “I’m having a Strawberry Daiquiri, right now!” Simone answered.“And, although, Screwdrivers are one of my favorite drinks, I’m having aTequila Sunset!” “Portia answered. “My goodness, you ladies are something else, with all of these off the wall drinks, like, Alabama Slammers and Screwdrivers?” “Say, can I get you ladies a Wrench and Hammer Drink Too?” “Oh, no, we’re not going there tonight!” “We promised each other that it was going to be a good and positive night!” “So, we’re not going to be needing any “Wrenches or Hammers,” Page 139unless you’ve got something else in mind! And, in that case, me and my girl, Simone, just might have a hammer and a wrench somewhere, nearby!” Portia humorously stated. After Portia made her statement, they all laughed! Jett definitely got the message!” After the laughter subsided, Jett said,“Okay, you ladies win! After all, it’s two against one and I’m not starting a fight! I’m here to have fun like everyone else, so on that note, I think I’m going to order you ladies another round of drinks!” “Thank you!” “Thanks!” The ladies responded. Then, Jett called the waiter on duty, “Excuse me, waiter?” “Jett motioned for the waiter to come over to the table and within seconds, the waiter arrived. “Yes?” He responded. “Yes sir, I would like to order another round of drinks for the ladies and I’ll have a Budweiser for now, thanks!” “Sure thing!” “Are you ladies having the same thing or will you like something different?” The handsome waiter asked. “Oh, I’m having the same thing, Simone reassured the waiter!” And, Portia said, “And, so, will I!” “Okay, the drinks will be coming right up!” The waiter said, as he gave everyone a friendly smile. “Thank you!” “Thanks!” Both ladies responded. Afterwards, the waiter left the table to fill Jett’s and both ladies’ orders. Page 14039JETT, Simone and Portia enjoyed each other’s conversations for hours so much until they didn’t want to leave The Gentleman’s Club too early! And, so, they all suggested that they go upstairs to the 2nd floor’s dance hall. Beautiful men and women where everywhere to be seen, especially, the women in Jett’s opinion. There was also live entertainment taken place, but Jett noticed that Simone looked and kept herself as beautiful as the women who worked at the club. And, her friend, Portia met and danced with a younger man at least ten years her junior; and they looked like they were having a good time!Jett, Simone, Portia and her new friend left the club a little after 3:00 A.M., After Jett and Simone felt confident that Portia was in good hands, they said their “Good bye’s!” Jett then took hold of Simone’s left hand and held it tight and said, “I wish that I knew where I could buy us some breakfast right now! Do you know of any diners that might be opened in this area, right now?” “Well, I’m not hungry right now!” “But, I make a mean cup of coffee brew!” “And, my 5th Avenue Apartment is not too far from here; and well, you’re welcomed to my coffee brew, and as much as you want, too!” Simone and Jett smiled at each other while thinking the same “naughty” thoughts. “Okay, I’ll drive!” Jett offered. “Actually, you can follow me?” Simone suggested. “Okay!” “I’ll be right behind you!” “But, first let’s go to the next block where I’ve parked my car?” “The Parking Garage is not too far from here!” Page 141“Okay!” Simone agreed, as they both hugged one another as if they were already a couple. After a thirty-minute drive, Jett and Simone arrived at Simone’s 5th Avenue Apartment that was located just above her Diamonds & Pearls, High End Fashion Jewelry Store. After opening the front door, to her 5th Avenue Flat, Simone sensually echoed, “Well, we’re here!” “Please do come in?” She then elegantly unraveled her wrap that she barely draped across her shoulders. “Great!” “Thanks!” Jett replied. He then followed her lead, after she turned on the lights. Then, he thought to himself, “Wow!” “This is lovely!” Then, after a few seconds, he said the words aloud, so that Simone could hear how he felt. “Well, thank you!” She said as she slightly turned towards him to make eye contact. “You’re certainly welcome!” “You know, I enjoy meeting accomplished women! I find them so…intriguingly beautiful!” Jett admitted. “And, I find men who are accomplished to be very intriguing as well!” She also admitted. “Well, that’s quite a compliment!” Jett said, as he studied her apartment a bit more, as Simone showed him the entire layout of her New York City Flat. The apartment was petite and elegant. Jett noticed that Simone’s apartment was filled with Modern Day Contemporary English Grand Oak Furniture, while accented with a few delicate antiques, especially the living room. He noticed an “out dated,” cash register that was placed on a table and almost hidden in the corner of the hallway, which was a great metaphor that described her line of business. He was truly impressed with her apartment’s décor. And, as she reached the bedroom, she said,Page 142“And, this is my bedroom!” Simone’s bedroom looked like a French Mini-Parlor. It was decorated in various browns, beige’s and cocoa colors. Her bed linens were trimmed with very skimpy black lace. “How elegant?” Jett whispered in her ear. “Oh, thank you!” “But, I’ve got to make you some breakfast and coffee and…”She tried rattling on, but he stopped her, and quickly gave her the longest and most intimate tongue kiss that she hadn’t had in a long time. And, although, she was slightly still nervous, she enjoyed every bit of his attentiveness. She tried her best to pull away, because she didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. While trying to gently pull away she murmured, “No, please?” “Not now?” “We’ve got to wait a little while longer?” But as the words fell from her lips, she knew that he didn’t believe a word of what she was saying, because, she really didn’t believe the words herself. And, although, her thoughts were telling her to “Stop!” Her body was telling her to give in to his passionate, wet, lustful kisses. Jett was pressing up against her so firmly as she enjoyed the strength of his manhood pressing against her private. She didn’t want to let go of the moment and so she let him into her bedroom, her opened arms and into her world, until they were both full of each other! Page 14340JETT finally could “safely” face Nona, at least through a long-distance telephone call. He felt that it was time for her to at least hear from him. And, so, he decided to give her a call the following evening, after leaving his new mistress, Simone Powell. Nona answered the call on the fourth ring. She wanted to make sure that she knew which man she was answering to, because she didn’t want to get Jett mixed up with Guy and vice versa, and so to make sure that she was seeing and thinking clearly, she carefully studied, the call before answering and saying, “Hello, Jett, honey!” “How are you?” He played right along, “Hey!” “How’s my lady?” He sounded like he was back on the football team and WINNING!“So, are you ready for me to come home, honey?” Nona asked in a perky tone. “Oh, No-na, I wan-ted to-tell-you…” He purposefully spoke in a monotone. Immediately, she got nervous and began to anxiously question him!“Jett, what’s wrong?” She asked. “Oh, it’s my brother, Kyle again!” “What’s going on with Kyle, NOW?” “Didn’t you two buy the property for him weeks or a month or two ago?”’ Jett could hear the anger and jealousy rising in Nona’s tone. “Yes, we purchased the property, but he wants to go over-seas to see if he can get some of the material shipped to us at a lower price, because, the guys who we’re dealing with now are asking for outrages prices and Kyle won’t listen to me much…he wants to venture out on hisPage 144his own! So, you know, I told him that I would take the trip to England with him just to make sure that he won’t lose all of his money! Because, you and I know how careless my brother Kyle can be at times?” “Yes, I do, but, honey, what does that have to do with me coming back home right now?” Nona tried acting like the faithful, doting housewife!” He continued to play right along, by saying, “Well, babe, I don’t really think that it’s a good idea for you to be in this big house all alone, by yourself! I mean, I heard you when you said that you get lonely whenever I’m not around, and so, I thought that since you’re in California with Asa, it’ll be a good idea for you to stay out there until I return home from my trip, okay?” “Jett, are you sure?” Nona couldn’t believe her “luck!” She just couldn’t believe that she was being given another chance to stay in California a little bit longer to help celebrate her friend’s success and her life of freedom, just for a little bit longer!” “Oh, what a life?” She thought. “Okay, Jett, I’ll stay out here a little while longer, but promise me that as soon as you return home, you’ll be sure to call me?” “Okay?” Jett paused for a minute, as he almost considered blowing his cover, but then, again, he thought, “Why make it easy for her?” And, so, he decided to continue to play it cool, and he said, “Okay!” “I’ll call you!” “Bye!” And, quickly before he decided to hang up, she quickly stated, “Take care!” “And, I love you!” And, without, any hesitation, Jett ended the call. And after realizing that her husband had Page 145just ended their conversation, Nona ended the “singing” dial tone by pushing the end button to her Black Berry! Page 14641AFTER calling Kyle and explaining to him what partially went down between him and Nona, Kyle promised that he would play along in misleading Nona concerning Jett’s upcoming whereabouts. Kyle reassured Jett that he had his support; although, he was still a little confused about the entire situation. Afterwards, Jett didn’t have to heavily persuade Simone to join him on his adventurous European Trip to Paris. Because, she was too head over heels for him to say no! Besides, she felt that she needed to break from work and felt that Jett’s companionship was good for her “personal and professional” morale. Jett and Simone arrived in Paris at noon that following Tuesday, after the very first weekend that they’d spent together. They were two adults who knew what they wanted and they felt very strong for one another, it was so very obvious. Jett had rented an updated classy vehicle with a built-in Navigation System. Therefore, finding the W Paris Opera-Hotel wasn’t a problem. The outside décor of the hotel looked ancient but was eloquently designed. Simone couldn’t ask for anything more! She couldn’t believe that she was really in Paris, France!Jett and Simone’s suite was located on the 8th Floor. The suite was furnished with a mini-bar and a petite kitchen area that held a dishwasher and a refrigerator. Simone knew that she and Jett would be on the move exploring Paris and would never have time to cook. They would either eat out or order Room Service. Ah! But, one could store beverages and French small delicacies in the refrigerator and both loved their choices of wine and beer. Plus, Simone decided that she would keep a bottle of Laurent-Perrier Champagne in the refrigerator that was provided on the House! Page 147Adjacent to the suite was a large balcony that held an oak round table with two matching chairs that was surrounded by a garden of indoor and outdoor flowers and plants. And, they could see the Eiffel Tower as clear as day from their balcony. The suite was located right in the center of Paris. Boutiques and department stores were in walking distance. Simone felt at home, away from home!“This is beautiful!” “I’m so happy!” Simone said while Jett placed both of their suitcases in the enormous walk-in closet. Immediately, she hugged, squeezed and kissed him on his lips just to let him know how pleased she was with him. She didn’t want him to ever think that she was there to take advantage of him; and she was definitely going to prove to him that she was totally grateful and worth every dollar! “Well, I’m glad that you’re happy!” Jett said. He then returned her warm embrace just to let her know that he was going to take every opportunity to let her pay for her debt in full! But, deep down inside, they both knew that they wanted each other and that this trip really wasn’t about the money or any other material gain! But, this was about a thing called love, or lust, neither of the two were sure! Jett and Simone just knew that they made each other happy. Now, one would think that on a hot sunny day of 80 degrees in Paris, one would want to hurry and view the city, but as soon as Jett and Simone arrived to their Penthouse Suite, they couldn’t wait to ravish the other. Instantly, they could feel the other’s turn on! They knew that it was time! Jett gently let Simone go as he swiftly walked to the balcony and closed the blinds and drapes. As Jett was getting ready, Simone quickly undressed down to her exotic peach and black lingerie set. She looked “Hot!” She looked like a “Professional!” And, actually, she was a professional in her own line of legal business, and in Jett’s mind, he already knew that she was a Page 148“Keeper!” After she glanced at herself in the full-length mirror to make sure that her game was on, she quickly walked to the bed and turned to her right, Jett was standing undressed, fully erect and ready to make love! He then gently placed her on the bed, and let her feel his strength as he traced her body with his strong masculine organ. His organ practically “ripped” her panties off; and he made love to Simone so much until she was both excited and enticed with both pleasure and pain. She could tell that he was angry at something or someone, just by the way that he made love to her; although, she knew that he didn’t mean to hurt her; however, she was both in fear and in awe, by his strong approach. Although, he was harsh at times, during his love making, she knew that she’d never wanted to let him go, she enjoyed every inch of him! Page 149JETT and Simone stayed in bed until the evening, while being delightfully exhausted from their activities. Afterwards, they decided to have dinner downstairs in the dining hall at the hotel where they were staying. The dining hall was extravagantly beautiful. It was built on an early 1800’s Architectural Design. They were served on the finest China. Oddly, the dining hall was quite full. Jett and Simone thought that it would be quite empty with it being Friday evening, but to their surprise, most of the hotel guests had the same idea to dine indoors for the evening at the hotel. All the round tables seemed to be quite full. However, Jett located a table for four, next to a window so that the two could watch the outdoor scenery from the location of where they were sitting. And, as soon as they sat down with their food from the buffet, another young couple asked if they could join them. “Um, excuse us, but may we share this table with you?” A young man inquired. “Sure man!” Jett was very polite. “Thank you!” The young man replied. So, the young man and the pretty lady who was with him sat down across from Jett and Simone. “I’m Apollo and this is my wife, Constance! The young gentleman stated to both Jett and Simone, as he demonstrated a warm and friendly smile. “Nice to meet you!” Jett said, then he introduced himself by giving his full real name; although, he wanted to lie because he didn’t want any type of scandal getting to the press, then he introduced Simone by giving her real name, but changing her identity from his mistress to his “business-partner!” Page 150“Hello!” Simone replied after Jett introduced her. And, although, she was a little upset that he had introduced her as his business partner, she understood why and decided that she would go along with the story since both were kind of in the “wrong!” “Are you two from Paris?” Apollo asked. “Um, no!” “Not at all!” “Actually, we’re from Silver Springs, Colorado! Jett said as he noticed that he was becoming a professional liar, thanks to his soon to be ex-wife Nona Hunter!“Oh, man, that’s cool!” “We’re from Chicago, Illinois!” “Man, I thought that we were champs dealing with the cold weather, but you and Ms. Simone have us beat, I hear that it gets freezing cold there!” Apollo stated then, his wife Constance immediately asked, “Oh, yeah, and the snow that you guys get is unbelievable! You guys get hit with the snow all the time!” “Yeah, you’re both right!” “But, after you’ve lived there for so long, you just learn to deal with it!” Jett answered, then Apollo agreed and said, “I guess you’re right!” And, being happy that they finally met a couple from the states, Constance chimed in again and said, “This is great!” “I love meeting people from the states when Apollo and I travel out of the country!” “Oh, do you guys travel often?” Simone questioned. “As a matter of fact, we do!” Constance answered without feeling any guild of what-so-ever! She felt that she was entitled and was very grateful concerning her business opportunities. “Wow!” “That’s wonderful!” “What line of work do you do if you don’t mind me asking?” Simone was very inquisitive. Page 151“Well, I don’t mind the question at all!” “My husband and I are Traveling Writers and Photojournalists. And, we work for CBC Television Networks back in Chicago, Illinois, and they send us to different places in and out of the country to cover various News Stories!” Jett and Simone could tell that Constance was very proud of her profession. And, it seemed, as though, she was the type of Reporter that would stop at nothing to get “Breaking News!” “That’s great!” Simone quickly responded. Then, she thought, “Oh, my goodness, we’re in big trouble now!” “Outstanding!” “Congratulations!” Jett responded with a friendly wink. Then, he quietly thought, “Oh, no, they’re News Reporters, the last people on earth who I want to see and talk to! I don’t need nosey News Reporters in my business!” “Dag, if Nona ever finds out, she’s going to try and turn things around on me!” “So, what is it that you do professionally, if I may ask?” Constance questioned Simone as if she had a Doctorate Degree from and Ivy League School! “Well, I own a modest fashion jewelry business in the states?” Simone shyly mentioned. “Oh, great, where is it located?” Constance asked, like a bubbly teenager. “Have you ever heard of Summersville, New Jersey?” “Oh, yes!” “Yes, I have, actually!” Constance said, as she acted like she was so innocent. However, Simone was quickly beginning to like her, but kept in mind that her profession was in relations to the “News,” and in her opinion, it was practically, “Gossip Entertainment!” And, here she was, sleeping with a famous, rich, married man! “We need to leave and leave now!” Simone quietly thought to herself. Page 152“How nice?” Constance complimented her as everyone could tell that she highly approved of Simone’s profession. One could hear her approval in her proper tone of voice! Next, her big beautiful brown eyes directed the question towards Jett, “And, you?” Jett let out a tired sigh, but he managed to slightly smile when he said, that he had a modest Landscaping Business. Both Constance and Apollo nodded their heads with approval, “Wonderful!” Constance replied. “Man, that’s great!” “It’s so nice to be in business for yourself!” Apollo mentioned. “Thanks man, the business manages to pay the bills, it’s hard, but, it’s worth it!” Jett was secretly proud of himself. “I’m pretty sure!” Apollo answered. “So, did your work bring you two together?” Simone asked.“As a matter of fact, it did!” Constance answered. “That’s awesome!” “It’s nice when two consenting adults are able to find true love in the workplace at times. I mean, if you think about it, when do most working people really get the chance to go out and meet other people?” Simone asked, while knowing very well, that most of her career life and personal life were heavily tied together while owning and operating “Five High End Fashion Jewelry Stores. “Hardly ever!” Constance bluntly stated. “Correct!” Simone stated. She continued, “I mean, most times, I work a full twelve- hour day!” Page 153Agreeing, Constance said, “I know, it was the same way when Apollo and I first started our jobs at CBC News. We were working around the clock, and well, that’s how one thing led to another, and before either of us knew it…well…” “Okay, honey, okay…I think they’ve got the massage!” Apollo quickly interrupted Constance before she told everything! Then, everyone at the table started laughing because they understood where Apollo was coming from. “Please, I’ve got one more question for Constance, Simone apologetically confessed to Apollo. She asked, “How did you two successfully pull your courtship off without “breaking up” and keeping others on the job out of your business?” “Well, it certainly wasn’t easy!” Constance said, while looking at her husband and giving him the okay to speak, instead. So, he answered, “Well, I decided to leave the network for a while. I got hired at another local news station in the area, just so that Constance and I could have more privacy courting. We didn’t want our relationship to stop our career growth and well, when the Executives a CBC heard why I left, they rehired me after Constance and I got married!” “That’s wonderful!” Simone said. “Yeah man, they must have really loved your work in order to have rehired you?” Jobs in your profession don’t come easy!” Jett complimented him. “Thanks, man!” Apollo said. Then, everyone laughed while realizing that Jett’s statement was very true!“So, what are you two doing for the next few days?” Constance asked, who wasn’t the least bit shy. And, of course, she directed her question towards Simone, first!Page 154“Well, we really haven’t planned anything just yet. However, I love to shop! And, I was thinking about scouting some of the department and boutique stores!” “That sounds like a great idea, and you’re in the perfect location to do so!” Constance was so over joyed; and she just kept rambling on, then she asked, “Are you two thinking about going to the Moulin Rouge Show that’s being held at the Eiffel Tower tomorrow at 9:00 P.M. I hear that the show’s phenomenal!” Constance said. Then, Apollo added to his wife’s persuasion, “Yeah, I hear that the show is worth every penny! Believe me, if it weren’t worth going to this show, I certainly wouldn’t be spending the money!” Then, his wife interrupted, and said, “Wait a minute, honey?” “You’re not paying for it!” “Corporate is paying for it!” So, being embarrassed, Apollo corrected his statement, “Well, I wouldn’t be wasting Corporate’s money on, something so foolish!” Apollo replied. Constance continued, “Well, they wouldn’t have any way of knowing what we spend certain monies on, I mean, there are only certain things that we have to give an account for…it’s not like they make us give them receipts on EVERYTHING! We just have to be careful on how we budget, that’s all!” “Well, right!” Apollo embarrassingly stated, while Jett and Simone could tell that he wished that his wife didn’t “Talk so much!” “Well, it doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Tell you what, Simone and I will purchase our tickets for tomorrow night’s show. And, we’ll meet you two there!” “Is that a deal?” Jett finally spoke up!Page 155“That sounds wonderful!” Constance blushed. “Yeah man, that sounds great! And, look man, I heard that the show lasts about three hours!” “Oh, and um, dinner is served!” “So, come a little hungry!” Apollo joked. “Will do!” “Will do!” Jett said. “Now, may I ask you something else?” Constance directed this question, primarily towards Jett. “Sure?” Jett agreed, but wasn’t too sure of what this News Journalist was going to ask next!“Are you guys up for cycling?” Constance smiled. “Cycling?” He surprisingly asked while he knew that this sport was really up his alley. Just like all kinds of sports; although, his current profession kept him from working out regularly. Actually, just the thought of cycling, excited him. And, before he could answer, Simone answered for both of them. “Sure!” “We’d love to cycle!” “The exercise will be good for both of us!” Simone was thrilled and knew that she’d made the right decision travelling abroad. “Good!” Constance answered. “Well, what day would you like to ride?” Jett asked. “How about tomorrow morning?” “You two can meet us at 9:00 A.M. Sharp!” Apollo jokingly answered Simone! “Okay!” “That’s a deal!” Jett answered. Page 15642SIMONE hadn’t realized how much work it took just to ride a bike. Ah, but this was a little different. Riding a bike along the side of the streets in Paris was a lot different than riding a bike at the gym. She enjoyed riding through the suburbs and urban areas. As they road their bikes, and visited various villages that were privately owned, she felt at home and felt that she definitely connected with the store owners in the villages with her being a store owner as well. Simone felt like she was in her teens again as she and Constance had small conversations while they cycled side by side. At lunch time, the instructor gave the participants one hour and a half for lunch. The couples located a small French Bona Petite Restaurant and Grill. The ladies ordered a House Salad, Grilled Salmon and the guys ordered Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and Garden Salads. As they were eating, Constance started the conversation because of course, she had the most outgoing personality amongst them, all! “Wow!” “The girls are sticking together for lunch and the guys are sticking with each other too! “Hmm, I wonder what does all of this mean?” Constance asked as she slightly threw her hands into the air. “Honey, it means that we like each other and that we’re getting along just fine!” “Everything’s cool!” Apollo assured her. Then, Jett decided to agree, “Yeah, he’s right!” Everything’s cool!” “And, I have to admit, the food is scrumptious!” Jett smiled the looked at Simone for feedback. “Yes, the Salmon is delicious!” “I’m definitely enjoying myself!” Page 157“Me too!” “I really do feel sorry for those who don’t travel! I mean, since I’ve become a News Reporter, I’ve gotten the chance of meeting lots of people who live in different places, including the United States and abroad!” “Yeah, we are definitely fortunate!” Apollo agreed. Then, focusing on Jett, he asked,“So, man, are you a well-seasoned traveler?” Jett not being ready for the question, cleared his throat and said,“Hmm!” “Hmm!” “Well, you know, I have traveled quite a bit in the United States, but I never had the chance to travel much to Europe. Actually, this is my first visit to France!” “Whew!” Jett thought to himself, while he was quite pleased that he pulled that question off well. Actually, he had traveled abroad when he was drafted into the NFL. However, he didn’t want to reveal too much about himself because he didn’t want Constance and Apollo to know who he really was, since they hadn’t recognized him. Immediately, he knew that they weren’t huge football fans and at this particular time, he was glad!“How about you?” “Have you traveled much?” Constance directed this question towards Simone. “Actually, I haven’t had the time!” “Sometimes, I work at the store so much, especially when an employee is sick, I have to be the one to cover the shift. Also, I don’t have a personal accountant. I’m responsible for all the bookkeeping, and it can be hectic!” Simone stated. “I’m pretty sure!” Constance said in a very by the way manner. Then, she asked, “So, how many employees do you have working for you?” Constance wasn’t ashamed at all at being nosey or overly concerned with other people’s information. That’s the reason why going Page 158into Journalism was definitely the right fit for her. She didn’t mind asking questions and getting people to answer. Simone answered very carefully while trying to remind herself that she had to keep Constance out of her business as much as possible. She didn’t want Constance to know just how rich and powerful she really was, so she answered, “I have two employees at the moment; however, when business picks up, I’m looking forward to adding one more employee!” “I see!” “Very good!” “I’m definitely impressed!” Constance commented in an uppity snobbish, although slightly friendly manner. “Well, thank you!” Simone answered while feeling a sense of gratitude and personal achievement; although, she was well aware that she had to “watch” Constance nosey ways and to be ready to be in control over her answers. And, being well aware of his wife’s forwardness, and being conscious of wanting to build a possible “friendship” with Jett and Simone, Apollo intervened, as he looked at his watch and said, “You know guys, we are to meet up with the other cyclist in about twenty minutes, we’d better hurry, pay the bills and get going!” “Yeah, you’re right!” Jett agreed, then he thought, if only he didn’t have to hide his identity, he would very well offer to pay the tab; however, he knew that playing the situation low-keyed was the right thing to do for now!After cycling, Jett and Simone decided to join Constance and Apollo for a little shopping spree. They traveled to the Avenue of Montaigne where they sold the finest clothing and accessories for both men and women. However, trying on clothes was a no, no, for both the men Page 159and the women, because most men had short tension spans for clothes shopping! Plus, this was a time for everyone, and the ladies didn’t want to leave the men out! Therefore, they decided to visit the best souvenir shops, so that both parties could take part in observing and purchasing some of the finest pieces of exotic and priceless jewels. “Later that evening, after Jett and Simone departed from Constance and Apollo, they were completely exhausted from all the cycling and shopping. While laying across the luxurious Queen Sized Bed, they lay side by side, without having to sexually touch each other. And, at that moment, their time spent together reinforced their deep love for one another. Page 16043JETT and Simone were right on time. The couples located a table in close proximity to the stage. Everyone was dressed in his and her best evening attire. The women wore glitzy cocktail dresses and the men wore casual business suits. The main course dinner was chicken, potatoes and green beans. The beverages consisted of ice-tea and coffee. Strawberry Crepes were served for dessert; and everything looked and tasted delicious. “I love your dress Simone!” “Who’s the designer?” Constance enthusiastically asked. “Versace!” Simone confessed, while trying not to sound too uppity; although, if she wanted to, she knew that she could “out-do” Constance; however, she decided that playing it “easy” was the best way to go, especially when she was dining with another woman’s husband. “My goodness, you can afford Versace?” Constance asked in her snooty, school girl, dialect. “It’s called purchasing a designer dress after it’s been marked down at least three times, and to add, I use lots of “In-Store Coupons!” “Oh, I bet you shop at a lot of thrift stores in the City ha?” Constance asked, while trying not to sound too offensive. “Here and there!” Simone agreed with her statement; however, it was so far from the truth. Simone couldn’t stand thrift shops. She loved shopping at Bergdorf Goodman’s and other fancy department stores in the City! However, she always made sure that she shopped mostly on Big Sale Days!“Oh, well, I’m pretty sure that you already know that in Chicago, we have plenty of stores, and thrift shops like you guys do in New York City and Jersey. However, most times, Page 161when I do shop, I try to shop conservatively but chic! I have to watch what I wear on the set; however, I must say, that today’s Anchor Women are able to wear a lot of fashionable and questionable clothing; unlike when I was a child and watching the Anchor Women on television!” Constance admitted. “You know, you’re right!” “I’ve noticed the same thing!” “Even in my era, the Anchor Women had to dress much more conservative! I know that there’s probably a huge age gap in our ages, and I’m not ashamed to admit it!” Simone said. Coming to her aid, Constance said, “Oh, don’t worry, you look good regardless of your age!” “Well, thank you!” Simone said as she graciously accepted her compliment. And, suddenly out of nowhere, a live band began to play loud music. The lights were dimmed and the curtains opened. Sophisticated half dressed women approached the stage while throwing her legs up into mid-air, and at one point, Simone and Constance realized that there was little to nothing that they could do to distract their men from the highly flirtatious scenery. Therefore, they decided to join in on the fun and enjoy the show! Page 16244IT was 2:00 A.M. in the morning when Constance and Apollo returned to their hotel suite that was located only a couple of blocks away from the hotel were Jett and Simone were staying while in Paris, France. Constance had just slipped into a nice lingerie set, while Apollo had just removed his t-shirt, while wearing a pair of black hipster boxer shorts designed by JOCKEY! His body was toned and his muscles were “RIPPED!” As they sat down on the bed, next to each other, instead of tearing into her husband, as Apollo had hoped, Constance opted for a conversation instead, she began, “You know Apollo, there’s something that I’ve been “wanting” to tell you all evening!” Constance was looking desperately eager to tell her secret. And, immediately, Apollo took the defense and demanded her statements. “Like what?” He asked vehemently. Actually, he wanted to know his wife’s secret, but at the same time, he was too afraid to find out about what his wife was keeping from him! After all, he didn’t want to have to hurt anyone, including her, because, he loved her so dearly. “Well, yesterday evening, prior to our meeting Jett and Simone for the Moulin Rouge Show, well, while you were in the shower, I decided to look up some information on Jett Hunteron the internet. And, guess what?” Constance said, as she sounded so mysteriously intrigued.“What?” Apollo asked in a half dazed and innocent manner. She continued, “Well, Jett our new “acquaintance and friend,” is a former NEW YORK GIANTS! He was the Falcon’s Quarterback, at least three years ago!” Apollo braced himself from almost falling off the bed and said, Page 163“You know, I thought he looked familiar! I just couldn’t think! But, you know, he really does look like he’s a Sport’s Professional! I mean, it’s obvious that he definitely has the stature!” “Hmm, Hmm! “Yes, I could tell that he’s a well-seasoned man!” Constance proudly stated. “Okay!” “Okay!” “Now, you’re getting a little carried away!” Apollo was beginning to become jealous by his wife’s description of Jett!“No need to worry!” She promised him, then she continued, “But, I just want you to know this one thing?” She had a devious look on her face. “What’s that?” Apollo curiously asked, while knowing that his wife was going to dig a little deeper. He was so used to her personality. He knew his wife like he knew himself. She proceeded, “I wonder why he’s traveling with his so called, business partner instead of his wife?” “I don’t mean to judge, but I would like to know what kind of business does he have in Paris with Simone?” “I don’t know, but Constance, you know that I don’t like you meddling into other people’s business!” “Well, I didn’t mean to meddle, it’s just that there was something about him that I could tell that he wasn’t really being upfront with us, and obviously, I was right!” Constance felt a sense of accomplishment. “Look, Constance, he’s a grown man, let’s try and stay out of his personal business?” “Let’s just lay it cool around him and Simone?” Page 164“You know, I don’t understand why these athletes and other men start losing their minds just because they’ve got a whole lot of money!” “Why do they think that they can cheat on their wives and get away with it?” “Wait a minute baby?” “You’re jumping to conclusion!” “Maybe Simone is really Jett’s wife and he told us that she was his business partner just to throw us off track, maybe they just want some privacy, that’s all?” “Apollo, Jett told us that Simone was his business partner when we first met them!” And, believe me, although Simone is just as pretty as his wife, Nona, they are two different people. Simone is not the same woman who Jett is hugging in the photo as his wife!” “Believe me, she’s not?” “I can actually show you a photo of his wife, and you’ll realize that Simone and Nona Hunter are two different people!” Constance had a bit of an attitude, although she had just enjoyed a lovely evening at the Moulin Rouge Show in Paris with Simone. She sounded as if she could’ve had some kind of vendetta against Simone, all of a sudden!Feeling a little annoyed, but not too much, because, he was so used to his wife finding flaws wherever she could, he politely asked her, “Promise me that right now, while we’re in Paris, you will not act like you’re the Reporter, when we’re with Jett and Simone?” “Now, we’ve just met them and they seem like nice people. We’ve all had a good time together since we’ve met them; and, all I’m asking is that you give Jett and his lady friend, some privacy?” And, if they want us to acknowledge them as just business-partners, well, then, so be it, until they tell us differently, okay?” “Okay.” Constance reluctantly agreed. Page 165Then, Apollo continued, “Although, usually two people of the opposite sex usually don’t share a room, unless there is something going on between them!” “That’s my point!” “And, when I called their suite yesterday evening, they were both in the same room, getting ready for bed! I know it, because, I heard Jett in the background talking. “Okay!” “Well, obviously, they are lovers!” “But, let’s put them aside for now?” “Now give me a kiss!” Apollo demanded. Constance then leaned towards her husband and kissed him! And, after the kiss, the conversation between the two ceased, the lights were turned off and the familiar took precedence! Page 16645ASA was livid! She couldn’t believe that Vivid Luscomb had just missed another taping at her studio! Vivid was missing tapings all over Hollywood! Something dreadful and awful was taking place in the young woman’s life, but the news hadn’t gone mainstream yet! Anyway, Asa had almost sworn that she would never invite her to be a guest on her show again, until Vivid Luscomb’s Manager paid her an office visit to plead for Asa’s forgiveness! “No!” “I don’t see your point in anything right now! I had to reschedule guests today and all because of Vivid not showing up at this morning’s live taping. It’s a good thing that I had other invited guests to be on the show today as well!” Asa was almost shouting!“Oh, I do understand your anger and I apologize on behalf of Ms. Luscomb. Vivid’s been dealing with a lot of personal issues lately and well, the incident that occurred this morning was out of her control. However, I came here today, to ask for your pardon on behalf of the “Star!” “Right now, Vivid is a hot commodity to young teens and believe me, she’s “Big Business!” “And, I know that it would do her a lot of good if only you would give her another chance to appear on your show, so that she can get the publicity that she and her co-stars need for her new and upcoming film! Her Talent and Publicity Manager, Tamira Stockman really sounded convincing, but Asa still wasn’t hearing it! “You know, Vivid is so lucky to have you, but I will state this again, my reputation and show will be on the line if I even “Think” about having Vivid Luscomb as a guest, so my answer is still “No!” “Oh, Ms. Stone, Vivid really needs the publicity. Her film will be in theaters, next weekend, and well, you have one of the biggest Entertainment Shows on the air, if not the Page 167biggest! And, actually, I do believe that since Vivid still has a name in Hollywood, your rating scores will increase! And, as you know, when your ratings increase, so does your paychecks and sponsors!” The agent became more confident as she spoke to the well-known television Writer and Producer, Ms. Asa Alexandria Stone. However, Asa felt as though she was getting a little ahead of herself and warned her, “I’m very well aware of knowing how to generate ratings and sponsors, young lady! And, look, I don’t need you telling me how to run my show in order to stay the best in this business! I’ve got my job covered! But, what I can suggest is that you do some heavy talking and counseling to Vivid!” “Okay, Ms. Stone, and if I do, will you be willing to reschedule Vivid for another taping?” Tamira Stockman asked. “You know, if I weren’t in favor for Vivid’s Co-Star’s, I would definitely say “NO,” but since there are other actors involved, I will say “YES!” Asa was good at governing authority. “Oh, great Ms. Stone, you won’t be sorry!” Tamira exclaimed. However, Asa quickly intervened, and repeated herself, by saying “Yes,” my staff and I will reschedule Vivid to come on the show, but only if her main co-stars accompany her during the interview! I wouldn’t dare reschedule Vivid Luscomb to appear alone! After all, she’s demonstrated that she can’t be solely relied upon!”“That’s a deal!” “That’s more than fair, Ms. Stone!” “Thank you!” “I graciously thank you!” The young pretty Talent Manager said. And, before anyone could get another word in, they heard a knock on the door. Page 168“Come in!” Asa said, as she squinted while wondering “What on earth could someone want when everyone in the office knew that she was in a very important business meeting with Vivid Luscomb’s Manager. However, Nina a thirty-five-year-old, single and devoted employee of Stonewall Productions let herself into Asa’s office and said, “Um, Asa, excuse me, but there’s a bit of important “Breaking News” that you may want to hear, first hand?” “OH?” “REALLY?” Asa was beginning to sound a little anxious, because this was the first time that Nina had ever interrupted her about any type of “Breaking News Story” while she was in a private meeting. “Thank you, Nina, I’ll be right with you!” “You’re welcome!” Nina said, while sporting a friendly smile, as she stepped into the hall way, while waiting for Asa to call her back into her office. And, to end their meeting, Asa gave her full attention towards, Tamira, saying, “Well, Ms. Stockman, before you leave, please see my Scheduler, Serita, and tell her that she will need to reschedule you before next Friday prior to the Movie, “The World Beyond Earth is released!” “Oh, thank you!” “Thank you, again and again!” Ms. Tamira Stockman said as she stood to her feet while extending her hand to give Asa one more hand shake before she left the office. Asa reciprocated and extended her hand to receive Tamira’s hand, then both ladies said, their “Good bye’s!” And, as soon as Tamira left Asa’s office, Nina hurried up and walked right into her boss’s office, again!“Are you ready?” Nina asked while holding a bundle of seemingly important papers. Page 169“Am I ready?” “Ready for what?” Asa asked. Then, stoically, Nina just stood there and didn’t mumble a word. And, when Asa realized that Nina was acting out of character, by not acting or reacting at all, Asa questioned her again. “Nina, you’re acting strange!” “What’s going on?” Asa asked again. “Well, ah, uh, Asa um, Ms. Stone, I don’t know how to tell you this?” Nina was almost lost for words. “NINA, WHAT’S GOING ON?” “SPIT IT OUT?” Asa demanded. “Okay!” “Nina said, then she walked over to Asa’s desk where Asa was sitting and handed Asa a 9X12 Manila Envelope. Asa slowly opened the envelope and retrieved pictures of Jett Hunter and an unknown beautiful woman holding hands and kissing one another on the lips. “Oh, my goodness, Nina, Nona’s going to flip!” Jett’s seeing another woman! Asa yelled. “Yeah, I know!” “And, I just wanted you to know that tomorrow morning, all of the News Stations and Entertainment Shows will be airing this “Dirty Laundry” on their television networks!” “Oh, my goodness, these pictures are very suggestive!” “Are they in Paris?” Asa questioned. “Yes, they’ve been seen everywhere in Paris, France. And, it looks like they’ve been traveling with another couple!” Nina finally sat down. “These pictures are going to just crush Nona!” Asa stated sympathetically. Page 170“Yeah, I know, and since you’ve previously introduced her to me as your best-friend, why, I just thought that you would want to see the pictures and read the story first-hand about her husband’s seemingly unfaithfulness, before we decided to move forward with the story!”“Yes, yes of course!” “You did the right thing by coming to me, first!” “I’m going to have to make a tuff judgement call!” Asa said. “Certainly!” “Are you thinking about telling Nona?” Nina carefully asked. “Well, I absolutely have no choice! Especially, when our television show is going to have to air this garbage at some point and time!” Asa said. “Well, should we go forward and air this new information about Jett Hunter’s “seemingly” extra-marital affair?” “I don’t know!” “How much time do we have?” “Well newsletter and emails have been sent to almost every News Station around the country; and some are airing this sorted story as early as tomorrow morning! And, since Jett is a very well-known sports figure, people are going to be “tuning” into the news, everywhere! And, well, as far as ratings are concerned, well, we just can’t afford to fall behind! You’ve just received an Oscar for your “Outstanding Achievements,” in Television and Film!” “Yes, I know!” “And, thank you Nina, you make a very good argument! However, we have to be very delicate with this subject and how we handle it!” “Well, what do you suggest?” Nina faithfully asked. “Well, I’m going to let the other News Stations run with the information first, and in the meantime, I would like for our staff to do more research on the topic before we air this subject Page 171the following day. So, that gives us a couple of hours to let the other stations do their “rantings” about this “horrible” subject!” “Okay!” “I just wish Nona all the best!” Nina said in a low-keyed tone. “Yeah, me too!” “And, thank you, Nina!” Asa said. “You’re welcome!” “Can, I get you anything?” Nina asked. ‘Um, no!” “I think I’m going to be alright! But, I’m going to have to leave a little early today! I’ve just got to get the news to Nona before she hears it from anyone else!” Asa spoke in a desperate tone. “Yeah, you’re right!” “I’ll keep you posted on any other findings concerning, Jett Hunter and his mistress! Oh, and by the way, her name is Simone Powell! She owns 5 High-End Fashion Jewelry Boutiques. Her boutiques are called, Diamond and Pearls! She’s worth a cool 50 Million Dollars! Nina added. And, after a long period of silence, Asa stood to her feet, gathered her things, then looked up at Nina and said, “I’ll call you later!” “I’ve got a lot of work to do!” “Okay!” “But, take it easy!” Nina suggested. Page 17246AFTER Asa reached her home in Huntington, California, she noticed that Nona was home alone. And, this was really unusual, because, most times, she would be “visiting” Guy in the heart of Los Angeles of where Guy lived most of the time. Keeping a secret like this one bothered Asa; and although, she didn’t want to be the one to tell Nona about her husband’s “seemingly” unfaithful ways, she really had no choice. She didn’t want Nona to hear it first, on the Day Time News Channel or on any other Entertainment News Channel, especially her own! She wanted to try and break the news to Nona, gently. After reaching the kitchen area, where Nona was seemingly in a good mood, while humming along to the music that was playing on the radio while cooking, Asa inquisitively asked,“What are you doing?” And, being surprised that she was already home at 5:00 P.M, she responded, “Oh, hello! “I see you’re home early?” “And, for your information, since I was in such a good mood today, I decided to fry some us some FISH! You know how we like our “WHITINGS, GIRL?” “OH, YEAH!” “I know how we like ‘em, on some WHITE BREAD, with TARTER SAUCE and HOT SAUCE!” Asa chimed in, while trying to keep her friend in a good mood!“YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!” Nona, snapped her fingers into mid air, while curving her hips to the music that was still playing on the radio. She continued, “Oh, and I stopped by the store and got us some PEPSI to drink!” “Girl, we’re going to have it, just like we like it!” Page 173“Sounds good!” “Thanks for making dinner!” Asa was beginning to feel guilty for feeling so good about the Fried Fish that Nona was preparing, while still having to level with her about the latest news about her husband, Jett!“You’re welcome!” “So, how was your day?” Nona asked in a carefree tone, while looking cute in a pair of jean shorts and a cute sleeveless t-shirt! “Oh, my day wasn’t so bad, considering all the hoopla surrounding “That Vivid Luscomb Character!” Do you know that we have to reschedule her taping?” She was a “No Show” this morning and it’s a good thing that other guests were at the station to fill her place! I mean, I felt totally humiliated!” “Oh, my goodness!” “But, hasn’t Vivid always been a problem with not showing up to the tapings, amongst other things?” “Oh, yes, I see you remember this number, Vivid Luscomb?” “Sure!” How can I forget such a character?” Nona said, in a very comical way. Afterwards, both women laughed. Asa continued, “Anyway, she has a very nice Talent Manager, and well, all because of her, I’ve rescheduled Vivid and her Co-Stars for Vivid’s upcoming new film that will debut next weekend!” “That’s nice!” “You really do have a way about you Asa, and that makes you so, special! Nona was sincere. “Thanks!” Asa said as she walked to one of the refrigerator and poured herself a nice cool soft drink. Afterwards, she took a seat at the counter, while watching Nona complete the dinner menu. Page 174“And, what else happened at the office today?” Nona asked in a playful and carefree tone. And, this is when Asa decided to level with her friend. “Nona, can I have your undivided attention for a moment?” Asa asked without joking. “Sure!” “I’m listening!” Nona responded. “Nona, please, turn off the stove for a minute?” Asa asked in a very serious, but non-threatening demeanor. Then, Nona quickly turned towards Asa and said, “Oh, my God, Asa is everything alright?” “What’s happened?” She asked in a panic. And, without any hesitation, Asa proceeded with the news, “Nona, I wanted to be the first one to tell you instead of you learning something that may not be true from outside sources, like other News Stations other than mine!” “Asa, you’re scaring me!” “Tell me?” “What is it?” “Is Jett alright?” “Has he gotten into an accident?” She began to tremble with fear. “It Looks Like He’s Having An Affair!” Asa blurted. “AN AFFAIR?” “WITH WHO?” Nona’s tone rose three octaves higher. “Well, from what my staff could come up with, her name is Simone Powell! They were spotted in Paris, France last weekend. And, it looked like they may have been traveling with another couple. “I KNEW IT!” I KNEW IT!” “I just knew that he was cheating on me all along!” “And, he was traveling with another couple?” “What are their names?” “Well, I don’t know as of yet!” My staff is doing more research on the story!” Asa commented. Page 175“More research?” “You mean to tell me that you’re going to go “LIVE” on the air with MY LIFE and MY MARRIAGE?” Nona was very angry!Defending herself and her line of business, Asa said, “No, Nona it’s not like I want to; however, the story is going “On the Air” tomorrow morning,” it will air on every Entertainment News Show that exists. However, I told my staff members that we will be the last Entertainment News Show to comment on this subject, because, “You are my friend!” But, news is news! I promise that we will be very delicate with the subject matter; and don’t forget, this could all be a rumor, the story might even be false! However, I want to show you these……” Asa then, handed Nona a 9X12 Manila Envelope. And, being embarrassed, hurt, angry and mad, Nona practically jerked the envelope from Asa’s hands. She then tore the envelope open, and with disgust she said, “So, it is true!” He’s seeing this low-down, dirty, B_______!” “So, what type of work does she do?” Nona asked while practically breaking down, because she could no longer hold back the tears. Asa was quiet and gave her a moment to gather herself. Then, afterwards, Nona continued,“Oh, don’t tell me, she’s probably a model, or better yet, she’s probably performs on Broadway, like I used to before I met this “Arrogant, Ingrate, that I call a Husband!”After Asa saw that she was trying to gather herself, Asa answered, “She’s a self-made millionaire!” “And, she owns 5 High-End Fashion Jewelry Boutiques, along the East Coast! And, she’s a graduate from Harvard University; and she has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business!” Page 176“Oh, Hell No!” “I will sue him for everything that he owns! Half of everything that he owns is mine! I can’t believe that I quit my lucrative Acting Career, just so that I could be a 24 hour Married, Housewife!” “He stole my life, Asa!” “He st…stole, my, my Life!” “Ah!” “Ah!” “Ah!” “Ah!” “Where’s the phone?” Nona sobbed, “Calm down, Nona?” “Please, calm down?” Asa pleaded. Then, she noticed that her tone had risen to meet Nona’s, so she began speaking softly again, “Nona, I don’t think that you’re ready to speak to Jett, not while you’re in this state of mind?” “NO, I WANT TO SPEAK TO HIM NOW!” “I’M FURIOUS!” “AND, I WANT HIM TO KNOW JUST HOW FURIOUS I AM!” Nona then located the phone that was hidden under the newspaper and began dialing Jett. Jett didn’t answer his cell, so she called the office and she had already decided that she was going to tell Eva that her call was an emergency and that he could interrupt any type of meeting that he was having, because today, her call was taking precedence over any and all of his private and or personal business meetings. Eva answered on the third ring, ”Hello, Hunter & Hunter Realty Corp, may I help you?” “HELLO EVA!” “IS MR. HUNTER IN?” “THIS IS HIS WIFE, NONA!” “Oh, I’m sorry Mrs. Hunter, but Jett, I mean, Mr. Hunter has taken the day off!” Eva carefully stated while noticing that Nona’s attitude sounded very hostile!“WELL, DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS?” Nona asked with a bit of jealousy and envy in her tone. And, as soon as she realized that she was giving herself away, she quickly decided to calm down. Page 177“No, Mrs. Hunter.” “I don’t know where Jett is?” “But, I believe that he’s home!” Are you still in California?” Eva asked with precaution, however without thinking. “Yes!” “I’m still visiting friends!” Nona answered while trying to calm her tone, however, Eva could tell that she was still on the defense! And, trying to be compassionate for some odd reason, Eva spoke in a mellow tone. “Oh, oh, um, well, anyway, I would definitely try calling him at home! You know he had that Big Business Meeting in Europe; and I’m pretty sure that he’s trying to catch up on some rest, from the flight and all. “Oh, yes, sure!” “I’m pretty sure you’re right!” Nona played along, she didn’t want to give herself away again, especially not to Eva, when she knew that she was also attracted to her husband, Jett! But, Eva was the least of her concerns at the present, her main concern wasSimone Powell! Nona then continued…“Well, Eva, thank you for your help! And, have a nice day!” “Thank you, Mrs. Hunter!” Eva politely stated. And, after Eva ended the call with her secret rival, Mrs. Jett Hunter, she wondered, “What was really going on in paradise?” Page 17847JETT had been asleep for at least four hours when the phone rang. Earlier he had decided that he still needed some rest from the long flight that he had traveled from Europe. At first, he decided that he wouldn’t answer the telephone call, but then, he thought, that maybe it was Simone checking in on him and he didn’t want to miss her call. And, before Jett could look at the phone to actually see who it was, he immediately answered the phone, before it went to voice mail. “Hello?” Jett was half dazed and barely noticed that he’d actually greeted the caller. “JETT?” Nona yelled into the phone, while hoping to burst Jett’s ear drums! She continued to scold him! “What the hell is going on?” “How could you do this to me?” “How could you betray me like this?” “You’re dating some millionaire hussy?” “People have seen the two of you all over PARIS, RIDING BIKES!” And, before NONA could say another word, JETT had immediately come to his full senses. He realized that it wasn’t SIMONE on the other end of the receiver, but it was his, filthy, faithless, cheating wife, NONA!“Wait?” “Wait?” “Wait?” “Wait?” He tried defending himself, but Nona kept rattling on saying, “I WILL SUE YOU FOR ALL YOU’VE GOT!” “YOU’LL BE PENNILESS!” “YOU NO GOOD BA……!” She was really getting out of control, until, Jett, readjusted himself and sat up on the edge of the bed, he then feebly stood to his feet! He was so tired from the flight, the excitement from the trip, and the on-going great SEX that he had with Simone!“WAIT A MINUTE, NONA?” “I’VE BEEN MUCH TOO KIND TO YOU!” “AND, YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT SUING ME? LADY, YOU DON’T HAVE GROUNDS TO SUE Page 179ME! I’VE GOT NUDE, NAKED DISGUSTING PICTURES OF YOU, AND THAT HOLLYWOOD BUM, GUY GOODINGS!” “THAT’S RIGHT! YOU’RE BUSTED AND CAUGHT! AND, THE ONLY REASON WHY I DIDN’T COME TO HOLLYWODD AND BEAT YOUR A____, IS BECAUSE I’VE GOT TOO MUCH TO LOSE, AND YOU’RE JUST NOT WORTH IT!” And, after Jett had finally confronted Nona about his findings, he felt more free to let her go! And, finally he was 100 % sure that he no longer wanted her! However, appalled, lost for words, and angry that she finally got caught, she tried to speak her peace. “How?” “How?” “What?” “How?” “You’ve been spying on me?” ‘OH, BUT, DON’T WORRY, I’LL GET THE BEST LAWYERS AND SUE YOU’RE A____ FOR STALKING ME AND HAVING ME FOLLOWED!” “YOU B______!” “YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE GIVEN ME A REASON!” Jett shouted in her ear!Nona had just realized that she told on herself! However, quickly having thought about what she had just admitted, she tried defending herself, saying, “JETT, I don’t appreciate you calling me out of my name! And, I don’t believe a word you’re saying! You’re just lying because you’re a disgusting liar and a cheat, and you’re trying to blame me for something that you’ve already done!” “WOMAN, you’re so twisted that you don’t make any sense!” I no longer want you in my house, in my bed or in my life!” And, as far as I’m concerned, you can stay out there in California and let Asa take care of you, BECAUSE, I’M DONE!” Jett didn’t feel any remorse or shame!Page 180“You BAS………!” Nona yelled loudly into Jett’s ear, then she threw the phone against the wall, while crying and yelling uncontrollably! Asa had to call for help! Page 18148ASA and Nona were having breakfast at Asa’s Huntington, California Mansion. Nona had just taken a sip of her coffee then looked up at Asa with a puzzling look on her face. “What is it?” Asa asked. “I think I’m ready!” Nona sounded real sure of herself. “Ready for what?” Asa asked. “Asa, I’m ready to go home and face Jett!” “But, Nona, you couldn’t be serious about this?” “It’s way too soon, I don’t think that it’s a good idea!” “Look, Asa, I have to nip this thing in the bud! I can’t afford to have THAT WOMAN, Simone Powell, take my place, I’ve got to go home and fight for MY HUSBAND!” “Nona, you were nearly hospitalized! You practically had a nervous breakdown, just two days ago, right here in this very kitchen! I just can’t believe that you’ve seemed to have forgotten, just that quick?” Asa was furious with Nona and all because she didn’t want to see her friend get hurt any further. “Asa, you don’t understand, there’s a real live woman after my husband! And, I’ve got to do everything in my power to stop her from ruining my marriage!” “Okay, Nona, I hear you, but didn’t you tell me that Jett said that he had pictures of you and Guy in the buff while having sex?” Asa asked. “Yes, I did say that!” “But, for some reason, I don’t believe him! I really think that he’s trying to pick my brain. I believe that maybe someone saw me and Guy at the hotel and the Page 182news got back to Jett and Jett is trying to insinuate that Guy and I had a sexual relationship. But, you know, if I keep denying it, Jett will believe that Guy and I’ve never slept together!” “Nona, that’s a very nice scenario, however, men just don’t go around saying that their wives have been cheating, unless they’ve got solid proof of their wives’ unfaithfulness! Now, what if Jett really has pictures of you and Guy having intercourse?” “You know, it’s something that I’m willing to find out for myself! Asa, I’ve already made up my mind! I’m taking a flight home tonight! And, as a matter of fact, I’m already packed! I’ve just got to get through to Jett!”Deep within, Asa knew that Nona was headed for trouble! However, from Nona’s tone of voice, she knew that there was nothing that she could do in her power to stop her friend from further ruining her marriage!Page 18349NONA didn’t sleep through-out the entire flight from Los Angeles, California to Newark, New Jersey’s Airport. She couldn’t get her marriage troubles off her mind. Throughout the entire flight, she kept thinking what she was going to say to Jett! And, she continued to mentally beat herself up for her poor judgement in having an affair with Guy Goodings. Then, she kept thinking about the woman who Jett was having an affair with. She thought about the possibilities of Jett really being in love with Simone Powell. She kept comparing herself to this rich business woman. But, then, again, she kept telling herself that she was “No Slouch,” and that she had, had a former occupation in theater, singing and dancing! But, no matter how much pep talk she gave herself, she felt like she was becoming “weaker and weaker” as she got closer to her destination! And as soon as she retrieved her luggage, she waited outside for a limousine. And, only after a 5-minute wait, she flagged down a limo driver. The gentleman, got out of the car and placed her luggage into the trunk of his limo. After they got into the limo, he asked, “So, where are you going?” “I’m going to 1200 Hudson Boulevard in Hoboken, New Jersey!” “Okay, Ma’am!” “We’re off to 1200 Hudson Boulevard!” He repeated the address in his Jersey Accent. And, instead of going straight home to hers’ and Jett’s residence, located, in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Nona thought that it was best for her to stay at their’ Hoboken Pent House Suite, since they weren’t on the best of terms. Plus, she wanted to freshen up and put on some clean clothes before she came face to face with her husband, again!Page 184She knew that she had to do everything in her power to win him back into her arms, into his bed and back into his entire world, again!” Page 18550AS soon as she reached the building, Lance, the Superintendent of the building, immediately recognized her. And, as usual she recognized him! She couldn’t help but to notice. Lance was tall, dark and handsome; and he spoke with a slight accent, which turned Nona on! Actually, Lance was a Professional Body Builder when he wasn’t working at the Hudson Heights, the lavish Penthouse Building that he supervised. He and Nona always had a thing for one another, but with her being married to Jett and all, Lance and Nona never took their acquaintance to the next level. Both men, Jett and Lance were professionals in their “own right,” and they were cut from the same make. Both men were fine, independent and wealthy! And, since Lance was of mixed cultures, he had a different upbringing about letting “society” know just how wealthy he was. And, there were always rumors that Lance only “pretended” to be, just the “Landlord” of the building, but actually, the tenants believed that he was the actual “owner” or the son of the owner of the Hudson Heights Penthouse Luxury Apartment Building! Either way, Nona always joked that if she had ever parted ways with Jett, Lance would definitely be her next love quest! And, although, he was MORE THAN HOT, Nona couldn’t bring herself to playfully “flirt” with him, like she’d always had. And, being the gentleman that Lance was, he was very careful on how he interacted with her. “Oh, Mrs. Hunter, those bags are much too heavy for you to be carrying! Here, let me help you?” He said, as he had already retrieved one of Nona’s bags from her tired arms. Nona was tired and moist from perspiration. She couldn’t believe that traveling was such hard work, especially when one was returning home from a trip, she silently thought! Page 186“Oh, Lance, thank you very much, I deeply appreciate it!” Nona tiredly spoke while it was obvious that she was almost completely out of breath. “You going up to your penthouse, huh?” Lance asked her with care. “Yes, Lance!” Nona commented. “Okay!” Lance said, as he began loading the elevator with all of Nona’s luggage that was a combination of what she originally packed and more things that she actually, purchased while she lived in California. She practically needed a new suit case, but some-how she managed to fit everything into two large suit cases that she had originally taken to California. As they were riding the elevator, Lance started the conversation, “So, I haven’t seen you or your famous husband in a while, so, how have you two been?” “Oh, both of us have been doing just fine!” “I suppose you’ve read the papers, magazines and watched all of the Entertainment News about Jett having some affair?” “Oh, that?” “Oh, yes, Mrs. Hunter!” “I’m so sorry to hear that!” “But, listen, you can’t go by what hear on the news all the time, it just might not be true!” “Well, true or not, I came back from a long trip, just to find out the TRUTH! And, please, call me Nona?” “Okay Nona!” “And, I’m sorry!” “Sometimes, you know, us guys can be so stupid!” “Sorry if I’m talking too much?” “Oh, no!” “No offense taken!” “And, thank you!” Nona smiled at him. He continued, “Plus, don’t forget, your husband, is rich and famous, and you know the ladies go crazy, for men like your husband! Lance was really doing his best to take up for Jett, and Nona appreciated it! But, the more he spoke, the more she began to hurt inside, because, she was Page 187struggling with her own guilt! She was so miserable that she didn’t know what to do or say! Actually, she really wanted to ask Lance to join her for a “cocktail” because, she wanted to confess everything to another male other than to her husband, Jett. She needed to know that there could be at least one man on earth who would take her side! She needed to know that a male would be able to understand and forgive her for her past wrongful deeds! Besides, she already felt that Jett had already condemned her! And, now, she had to deal with his “unfaithfulness” in their marriage! Nona was almost too threw with everything!“Yeah, I know, but you know Lance, there is still no excuse for my husband traveling abroad just to be with some woman in France. I just don’t understand how he could’ve done this to me?” “Yeah, well, I know, sometimes, things just happen!” “But, you know, you just have to weigh in on everything! Don’t throw away a good marriage, if it can be mended?” Page 188“Oh, I don’t know, I’ve got so much to think about!” “And, finally, they reached the top penthouse where Jett and Nona resided, which was one of their several residences. Nona stepped off the elevator first, then, Lance began to gather her suit cases and follow Nona to her suite. And, upon her arrival, Nona reached him a crispy $50.00 Bill just to say, “Thanks,” for assisting her with her luggage, however, he politely refused her offer. “Oh, no, please, put that away?” “I’m good, really, I’m fine!” “I don’t expect any money from you, ever!” “And, it’s always a pleasure to assist you, Nona!” “Please, don’t insult me like that, ever?” “Okay, I won’t!” “And, thank you!” Nona said, while almost at the brink of tears. “Are you okay?” Lance asked with all sincerity. “Yes.” Nona robotically replied, although, she really wanted to break down and sob into his arms. She needed someone, because she felt as though her world was falling apart. “You know, if you need anything, please call the front desk and leave a message?” “I mean it!” “Don’t be shy?” Lance said as he stared into Nona’s eyes. He looked so handsome while he stood in Nona’s presence while wanting her to invite him in, but he knew that this was not the perfect timing! He knew that if he wanted her at some point, and time, he would have to wait until everything was settled amongst her and Jett! He vowed that he would never play upon her in a time of vulnerability or weakness!‘Okay, thank you!” Nona smiled, then she opened the door to hers and Jett’s Penthouse. She quickly turned on the light and slid her luggage into the corridor. Afterwards, she closed and locked the door behind her. Then, immediately, she looked at the phone that was on the wall in the kitchen, just to see if there were any calls. And, no one had called at that address! So, she Page 189looked around in every room and everything seemed to be intact, then, afterwards, she came back to the living room, threw herself on the living room couch and began to sob! Nona knew that her life was in a mess and she didn’t know where, how and when she was going to fix it; but she knew that she had to try and repair her relationship and marriage to Jett! Page 19051THE following day, Jett was going to meet Simone at her 5th Avenue Apartment in New York City, so that they could discuss his and Nona’s situation in more depth. Actually, he wanted to prepare Simone for the upcoming emotional rollercoaster that was heading their way, and that emotional rollercoaster’s name was Nona Hunter, his soon to be ex-wife. However, when she called, she was already in close proximity to his home, since she had worked in her Jersey Store that day. And, as they were trying to figure out the best place to meet, he just got bold enough and asked her to come to his main home that was located in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Although, it wasn’t quite fall, it had gotten a little chilly outdoors, so Jett decided to make a fire. The two of them were seated in front of a warm fire place while sipping hot tea. “So, she called you all the way from California just to discuss all of this?” Simone asked. “Whew!” “Yeah!” Jett wiped his brow. Although, he wasn’t all that worried for Nona, he was really more concerned for Simone!“Well, what are we going to do with all the news swarming the newspaper and media, I mean, I can’t even work in my 5ht Avenue Store “right now” because of all the “nasty” publicity! And, I barely could work in my Jersey Store, but because, I was in my office for most of the day, it wasn’t too bad! But, I..” “Simone, I’m sorry about the press hounding you…and,” “However, she quickly interrupted Jett and said, “No, don’t blame yourself for all of this, I knew very well what I was doing when I got involved with you! I mean, please, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t just set out to be with you but….” Page 191Jett hurried to intervene and at this point, he really didn’t care if Simone set out to be with him, because in reality, she saved him for a lot of H.E.L.L. on earth! He didn’t know what he was going to do when he found out that Nona had been sleeping with another man; therefore, by Simone being there when he needed her, he was very grateful! He was very glad that she was in his life. And, he didn’t want an apology. He said, “Nothing is your fault!” “And, I don’t want you to go blaming yourself!” “You know, Jett, maybe I shouldn’t even be here?” “Maybe I should just leave and let you work things out between…” Immediately, Jett leaned forward and kissed her so that she couldn’t make another sound. The kiss came right on time, because Simone knew that she was just blowing “hot air,” she didn’t want to end things with Jett, not when they were just beginning to really enjoy one another’s company. Everything felt so right, and before either of them knew it, one kiss led to another, and another, and another, until something extra ordinary happened! And, before they knew it, they were both naked and entwined with one another while making passionate love in one of Jett’s and Nona’s Guest Rooms on the Hunter Estate!Page 19252THE following morning, Nona got up at 4:00 A.M., she planned to shower, get dressed and drive to Englewood Cliffs to hers and Jett’s Estate. However, she had mixed feelings of fear, confidence and doubt. Although, she kept telling herself that maybe if she could see Jett face to face, he would realize just how beautiful, sexy and witty she really was and that he could never be able to refuse his love for her again. Regardless of the unfaithfulness that took place, she was just hoping that they could get back together again. Finally, Nona left hers and Jett’s Jersey Penthouse at 6:00 A.M., she figured that she could make it to their Jersey Estate within a twenty to thirty-minute time frame, since traffic wasn’t too bad that time of morning. As Nona was driving, she noticed that the sun was taking a longer time than usual to rise. And, she noticed that it was quite chilly than normal for early September, but then, again, she thought, that she had been really spoiled by the California weather. And, as she drove unto the highway, she knew that although, California was beautiful, she really belonged on the East Coast with her husband, Jett Hunter! Upon reaching “their” Jersey Estate, Nona noticed that an unknown car was parked in the driveway. And, Jett hadn’t told her that he had purchased a new car. Therefore, Nona couldn’t imagine that the car was his, he was more into Sport Cars, and this particular car looked too much, like a “Classic Signature Car,” which was definitely not to Jett’s personal taste, in her opinion.“Don’t tell me that that B________, is in my house?” She screamed! And, as she circled around her home to look for more clues, every light seemed to be still turned off! She was Page 193becoming more furious! She thought that if the lights in her home were still off, then maybe, they could be in her home and still asleep. She had a key and wondered if Jett was smart enough to change the locks, before he decided to “bed” another woman in their home, while he was still married to her! “How stupid can he be?” She thought. She could actually let herself in and turn the whole place out, but thought that she was too much of a Lady to do so! Then, again, she thought, “To H___ With Class?” “That Woman,” was trespassing on her property!” Nona was mixed up, confused and almost half-crazy at this point! She didn’t know “how to feel?” “What to think?” or “What to do?” Then, a thought came to mind, and it told her to just, “Wait!” “Wait until he comes out of the house to go to work! And, surely, he was going to work, after all, nothing could keep him from the office, she remembered, well, at least when they were “together!” “He made sure that he never stayed home from work! And, as far as Nona was concerned, he had better not miss work on behalf of this “Other Woman,” named Simone Powell!Usually, Jett was out of the house at 7:00 A.M. Therefore, when she looked at her watch, she only had a fifteen-minute wait. So, she decided just to sit there patiently and wait some more. Then, after waiting a few minutes, she noticed that one of her neighbor’s teenage daughters had grown so much as she walked to the bus stop while looking every bit sophisticated like her mother! At 7:30 A.M., Nona watched Mrs. Hutchinson walk her pre-kindergarten daughter to the Bus Stop in a cropped pair of Khaki Slacks and a nice long sleeved light pink t-shirt since the Fall Weather was setting in quickly! Her hair looked pretty, while pulled back and tied in a Pony-tail while looking like she didn’t have a care in the world! Page 194However, before Nona realized it, 8:00 A.M. had come quickly, and Jett hadn’t come out of the house for work. Her assumption was that he and Simone were still inside of their home. She was beginning to feel like an “Outsider” and she was, while she spied on her husband in a rented 2014 Black Mercedes Benz. Nona was beginning to feel real, “cheap!” The time was getting later, and later, and around 9:00 A.M., Nona began to doze off, until the 2nd School Buss arrived and Mrs. Jacobson and her grandson, Craig, began to yell for the Bus Driver to “Stop the bus!” The scene was so………funny, that it made Nona laugh! Mrs. Jacobson was known for her “outrageous outbursts,” and her often “extremely demanding ways!” The neighbors on the block was so used to her sense of humor, and often times, her temper tantrums! Whenever she acted out, people took it with a “grain of salt,” and still highly “Respected,” her!Finally, the bus driver stopped the bus, and Craig was able to get on the bus, whileMrs. Jacobson grumbled and said, “I hope he gets my grandson to school safely!” She didn’t care who heard her, including the Bus Driver, himself, and that’s why people liked her, she spoke her mind! However, most times, she spoke the truth! The entire scene with Mrs. Jacobson and her grandson, Craig made Nona’s morning, until she saw Jett and a woman who looked like Simone Powell emerge from their front door. Both of them were kissing each other “Good bye!” Then, as she put on her glasses, and noticed that the woman was, Simone Powell! Immediately, Nona felt that the car was spinning, and all of a sudden, she felt like she was in some kind of whirl wind! Then, after she saw Simone Powell and Jett Kiss again, she wanted to run towards them and beat the mess out of Simone! But, she didn’t know which side Jett was going to take, especially if he had proof of sexual allegations Page 195against her. And, she didn’t want the neighbors to witness her begging and pleading for her own husband on their front lawn! She didn’t want to appear foolish! Therefore, she wanted the neighbors to think that Jett was the only, true “Adulterer,” in their marriage! It was important for her to go unnoticed, practically invisible! She wanted the neighbors and the public’s sympathy! Seemingly, after a good ten minutes of hugging and kissing on the front porch, Simone had finally got into her car and drove away! Then, Nona watched Jett walk back into the house while wearing his “Expensive Designer Black Bath Robe!” “How could he do this to me?” “How could he betray me?” “How could he do this to me?” She mumbled to herself. And, then she realized, that she had done the very same thing to him! Afterwards, reality set in, then she broke down and cried. Then, after a ten-minute cry, she wiped her tears, checked her make-up and hair. And, then, she quickly checked her hosiery and straightened out her tight little short mini dress. She knew that she looked great, which was totally the opposite of how she felt. However, she was still determined to WIN her husband back into her arms, again! “Well, here goes!” She silently thought, as she turned off the car’s heater and finally, the car’s ignition. Then, she got out of the car, and carefully checked her gold shimmer high heels, just to make sure that there wasn’t any dirt on them! Because, she wanted to look every bit of a Real Jersey/Hollywood Housewife! She was determined to be and to do anything that she had to do and to be in order to regain her husband’s trust again! She was definitely, on for the “Hunt!”After making sure that there wasn’t a person in sight, she got out of her rented Mercedes Benz, crossed the street and walked around to the back of their mansion. She then retrieved her keys to the gate and let herself inside. Afterwards, she managed to reach their back Page 196 door, and luckily unlocked it! “Walla!” She realized that Jett hadn’t changed the locks! And, after she was inside of their home, she carefully removed her shoes, and tip toed up the staircase that led to the kitchen door, and to her satisfaction, that door was unlocked also! And, quietly she stepped into her kitchen, only to find Jett inside of the refrigerator while seemingly drinking out of the bottle of milk, which was one of his usual patterns. “Hello Jett!” And, immediately when Jett heard the familiar voice, He almost jumped out of his body, while being caught off guard. He quickly turned about face, and screamed, “WHAT IN THE WORLD?” “NONA?” “YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE AND NOW! LEAVE NOW! I WANT YOU OUT OF HERE!” He screamed in disgust! “Wait?” Please, Jett?” “Listen?” “Hear me out?” “Please, Baby, here me out?” She whispered and in a very sweet sophisticated and desperate manner, Nona was stricken with fear, but she knew that she had to continue to fight for her husband! And, she stood in his presence while realizing that she had been “past stupid,” and not believing how good he still looked! He looked like he’d been working out, obviously on Simone, she reluctantly assumed? She was jealous that he looked very buffed and toned. And, as she reached out to touch him by the arm, he pulled back as if to say, “Don’t touch me!” “Your dirty!” Nona was subconsciously expecting this very reaction from him; although, she was still hurt and embarrassed! However, she came prepared and she wasn’t backing down, especially, not so that another woman could claim him! “Jett, please, hear me out?” “You left me and I was so lonely! And…” Page 197However, immediately, he interrupted her, by saying, “Oh, so, you’re admitting to your guilt?” He asked in a very tyrannical demeanor. She looked at him as if she no longer knew him. She couldn’t believe how she was being treated. “What had Simone done to her husband?” “Where was Jett?” She badly wanted to ask him? However, she continued to plead, “Jett, look, I didn’t mean to hurt you or..” She paused and thought for a few seconds, then she began to speak again, “Wait a minute?” ‘You said that you had pictures of me and someone else, well if you do, then, show me?” “Prove to me that you have pictures of me and someone else?” “Oh!” “Oh!” “Oh!” “Ha!” “Ha!” “Ha!” He began to laugh as if he were in a horror film! And, Nona was beginning to fear him even more! Jett then spoke again, and said, “Oh, I do have pictures of you and your lover, and when I show you the disgusting….” He paused for a few seconds, then he resumed speaking again, “Look, just get out and leave!” “Leave me alone!” He demanded. He then began to walk into the next room, as Nona earnestly followed him. Finally, he reached his study, then, Nona grabbed hold of him and began to beg and plead for his forgiveness! “Oh, please, Jett, please, let’s start over?” “I know we can work it out!” I just know we can!” “Oh, I love you, you’re just so beautiful!” She started to kiss him and grab hold of him again, until he ferociously threw her off of him…She was beside herself! He then, walked to his office and raced to his desk, opened the top drawer and retrieved a 9X12 Manila Envelope and opened it! He then practically threw the pictures at her! Page 198Nona was surprised and filled with fear! She was filled with disbelief, while wondering, “Who would do such a thing?” And, finally she grabbed hold of the envelope, opened it, then looked at the pictures, one by one, while terror and horror were written across her face! Afterwards, she looked at Jett and saw the sarcastic smirk and grin on his face that eventually, turned to sour laughter and then, to disgust! And, then, he began to speak, ‘And, you told me that you were going to California just to help your friend celebrate her good fortune?” “And, now, look at you, you’ve gained, bad misfortune!” “How stupid of you?” “How dumb could you be?” “Now, get out, he shouted!” Horrified and embarrassed, Nona was sorry and mortified for herself, but she felt disgusting, dirty and used by a man that promised to be by her side through thick and thin, and, all along he was absent from their marriage and now, he was blaming her for everything! “How dare he?” She thought. And, before she knew it, she had lunged at Jett and started swinging and hitting him! She was totally mortified; her dress was becoming unhinged! And, in an odd, erotic kind of way, Jett was becoming more excited and more turned on by the fact that she was totally losing her sanity and her dignity! As he tried to calm her down, he was becoming more aroused! He felt his bulge in his pants, and then, he ferociously began to kiss her, spank her, throw her and toss her on the bed! She was so upset she didn’t know what to do! But, all she knew is that she wanted the pain to go away! She didn’t want to be treated like some kind of whore or slut, and that’s the way Jett was treating her! He planned to use her all the way up, but she had no idea! And, as he began to kiss her, she reciprocated, and as she opened herself up to him, and allowed him to divulge her, she was wide open for any and everything! She needed and wanted her husband to want her again, and again, but in the right manner! And, as soon as he Page 199entered her, she finally thought that everything was going to go her way! They made love, over and over again! And, after the super energetic and unhinged sex that they shared, they both fell asleep on Jett’s couch in his study! And, although, she never made it to their bedroom, Nona began to feel safe again, all the way up until the phone rang. It was 3 O’clock in the afternoon! However, being tired, it was Jett’s first instinct to ignore the call, and he did for a moment. However, the unknown caller, called back! And, as he tiredly looked at his caller id, he had noticed that the caller was Simone! And, immediately, he began to get excited, while fumbling with the phone, dropping it and picking it up again, the dropping it and finally, picking it up again until he finally responded, “Oh!” “Oh!” “Um,” “Um,” “Hello?” “Hello?” “Simone?” “Simone?” He practically yelled into the phone. He continued to probe, “Is everything alright?” “Simone?” “Simone?” “Just calm down?” “And, don’t do anything?” He stopped speaking for a few minutes and Nona reluctantly whispered, “Is there anything that I can do?” And, quite appalled, he sternly warned her to be quiet, “Shush!” “No!” Afterwards, Nona looked on helplessly with her smudged make-up that still upheld her natural beauty. And, as he continued to hold a conversation with Simone, Nona began to get dressed against her wishes, while trying to hold on to some of her pride, while Simone had Jett’s undivided attention. He continued to pacify his mistress. “Okay!” “Okay!” “I’ll be right there!” “Don’t worry, Simone?” “I love you!” He confessed, while not meaning for Nona to overhear his true feelings for Simone. However, afterwards, he quickly ended the call. Page 200“I’m sorry!” “I’ve got to get dressed!” And, not knowing where, when or how she developed the nerve, she asked him, “Do you love her?” while she still had tears in her eyes, while feeling as though, someone had just beaten her up very badly! “I’d rather not answer that question!” Jett stoically answered. He finally managed to wrap himself up as he began to jog upstairs to their Master Bedroom. And, while still being under his spell, Nona followed him. And, in doing so, she began to feel more like the mistress instead of the wife! She felt powerless with no marriage rights whatsoever! And, as soon as they reached the 2nd floor, Jett hurried to the bathroom that was adjacent to the Master Bedroom, and showered. However, Nona waited anxiously for him. Finally, after ten to fifteen minutes, he emerged from the showers, all dried off and ready to get dressed. And, Nona followed him from his Walk-In Closet to his dresser drawer, as he gathered his wardrobe to get dressed. “Jett, I think we need to talk a little more?” “Please, hear me out?” However, Jett ignored her and continued to get dress, however, she was persistent. “Jett, I’m begging you, please don’t go to her?” “I’m sorry for the trouble that I’ve caused you?” “Please, don’t leave me?” “Jett, I love you!” “Please give me another chance?” She begged and cried. However, Jett stood his ground, saying, “Nona, please, I can’t right now!” I need more time to think things through! A lot has happened, and I just can’t! Simone was here when you weren’t!” “So, please, don’t put yourself or me through any more trouble, right now?” She got the courage to confront him, while make-up ran down her face and her dignity almost ripped and torn from within! “Are you kidding me?” “Didn’t we just make love?” Page 201“Or better, yet,” “Didn’t you just take advantage of me?” “I won’t even call what you did to me anything else, but if I weren’t married to you Jett, I really could press charges against you!” “Stop your lying and your games!” “Look, Nona, you came here today looking for one thing!” “And, you got it!” “So, don’t go blaming me, saying that I took advantage of you! Because, you and I know, that I gave you just what you wanted! I know you better than you know yourself!” “Jett, please, please, don’t go to her?” Nona began to tear. “Come on?” “Let’s get out of here!” “I’m ready to lock up!” He insisted. And, half dazed and almost disoriented, Nona followed Jett downstairs, as she collected her purse and coat and followed him out of the front door. “How did you get here from the airport?” He asked. “That’s my rented car!” She stated. “C’mon!” He said as he firmly grabbed Nona by the arm and walked her to her rented 2014 Black Mercedes Benz. After she got in, he sternly spoke….“Good bye, Nona!” Nona felt as though he wasn’t saying “Good bye” for now, but that he was saying Good bye, forever! And, Nona wanted to stand up for herself and for their marriage again; however, she was lost for words. And, she didn’t know what to do or say next! So, she just watched her husband get into his new shiny sports car and drive off to his next destination. However, she Page 202vowed, that the next time that she had a chance to be close to him again, it would be FOREVER!The End. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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