. [pic] MONKEY BUSINESS [pic]


In Language Arts, our letters/ sounds of the week were “Oo” and “Ll” – and our High Frequency word was: “we”. In Science, we explored Properties of Objects, with a focus on: How Heat/Cold can change an object. In Math, we revisited simple addition and subtraction, practiced counting forward and backward 0-10 and Rote Counted to 30. Both counting to 30 and forward and backwards to 10 will be on our first report card, so please practice at home to reinforce the skills we do in class. Please note change on upcoming report card of rote counting to 30, as per district rubric change. Mrs. Miller served us lunch on Tuesday – and the finale of the week was our Character Parade! Thanks to all that were able to join us for the fun.


Our letters/ sounds of the week will be “Mm” and “Nn” and our High Frequency word will be: “like”. In Science we will be Exploring Energy - with a focus on Heat and Light. In math, we will be exploring Data Analysis (Graphing) and rote counting to 30. Friday will be our Pumpkin Patch. You can send in pumpkins – if you haven’t yet. And thanks to all that have – we appreciate the support in making these things possible. The class schedules for the patch visit are listed below.


I have now had the opportunity to meet with almost all the Monkey Families! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with me. I really appreciate your time – and it was my pleasure to have a chance to visit with each of you, and discuss you children. As always, if you have questions or concerns, let me know. And I will do the same! (

Dates To Remember

21 October 2 small pumpkins due (for upcoming patch and pumpkin activities)

21 October PTC Night (DREAM BOARD NIGHT) The fun begins at 6p.m.

24 October Report Cards go home

25 October Kinder Pumpkin Patch (see below for class times)

28 October - Nov 1 Red Ribbon Week (Details on Paschal and Monkey Daily Calendar)

Have a great weekend! Mrs. England [pic]

[pic][pic][pic]Monkeys Dream Big, Work Hard, and always Do Their Best![pic][pic][pic]

Don’t forget to send a nut free snack with your child everyday – as lunch is not until 12:55.


You are more than welcome to join us on Friday (please note class times and make sure to arrive promptly so you don’t miss your child’s visit to the patch). ( Due to the high volume of Kindergarten children, it is best not to bring siblings. We appreciate your understanding.

The Zebra and All Star Classes will be at the Pumpkin Patch at 8:30-9:00.

The Bee and Dalmatian Classes will be at the Pumpkin Patch at 9:05-9:35.

The Monkey and Hedgehog Classes will be at the Pumpkin Patch at 9:40-10:10.

PRE-K a.m. France Fries and Owls 10:15-10:45

PRE-K p.m France Fries and Owls 1:45-2:15

Our “Seuss On The Loose” Fun Run & Reading fundraiser has a few days left – and we want to finish STRONG!! The Monkeys won a weekend challenge and had fun silly stringing Mrs. Fila – and they have won a snow cone party for meeting our class goal. Children can still sign up - and No donation is too small!!! You have until October 22nd to register and or donate. Thank you Monkey Families for supporting our fundraiser and Paschal! (


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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