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Business PlanExecutive Summary: NutritiousVows is a company designed and implemented by registered dietitians who have a passion for helping brides and grooms lose weight and create healthy lifestyles together before they say their marriage vows. At NutritiousVows, we want to help clients lose realistic amounts of weight, promote healthy lifestyle changes, furnish the tools necessary to apply and maintain these changes, and provide one-on-one and group counseling to prompt and aid in weight loss.The wedding industry continues to grow year after year and we want to be a part of that industry. Fad diets are so popular, especially among crowds that are looking to lose weight fast. NutritiousVows will work to provide evidence-based advice and tips to lose weight and create healthy lifestyles that will last a lifetime. We will not only offer these services to the bride and groom, but also to the entire wedding party. Because the staff will be made up of registered dietitians, we will be able to offer information regarding medical nutrition therapy, food allergies and intolerances, cooking skills, health counseling, education, meal planning, group facilitation, and motivational skills. Our staff will be small when the business first opens. Because we do not want this to affect clientele, we will be offering all of our services via technology. We will utilize mobile applications and video counseling sessions as well as the option to meet face-to-face if geographically able.This type of business is going to be very dependent on current trends. Right now, social media is continuing to grow in popularity. Brides and grooms are on display through the pictures they post on social media. This adds even more pressure to them to look their best. The main advantages NutritiousVows has over the competition are the registered dietitians that will help to inspire safe and healthy weight loss, online access and apps that can be accessed from anywhere in the United States, and the long-term lifestyle plan that is developed for the bride and groom versus a short-term solution. However, NutritiousVows will also have weaknesses such as the inability to meet client's unrealistic weight loss goals, a limited target audience, and we will not always be available in person. Research shows that a majority of brides are wanting to lose weight before their big day. The brides are also turning to dangerous alternatives to shed the excess pounds quickly. This proves that there is a need for a safe and effective weight loss program dedicated to brides, grooms, and their wedding parties.The pricing of the services provided by NutritiousVows will vary. The first year, each RD will be paid a salary. After that, their pay will be determined by the number of clients they assess. NutritiousVows will be seeking a $200,000 loan to cover licensing and permits, salaries, equipment, fees for operations, and flights for initial consults. By month 18, we will move into the black and by month 20 we will no longer need loans. 1 full online assessment will cost $180 and will include a diet analysis, meal plan, and 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 3 months. A full, at-home nutrition assessment will cost $585 and will include a diet analysis, meal plans, pantry clean out, and 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 4 months. A grocery store tour will cost $790 and will include a diet analysis, nutrition label reading, store layout, bargain hunting, special products, make a meal, and 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 4 months. A nutrition overhaul is $1800 and will include a diet analysis, meal plans, a grocery store tour, pantry clean out, and 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 6 months. Rates will vary depending on the number of participants.NutritiousVows will operate as an S corporation based out of Nevada. To begin the business, we will need computers and software, electronic communication platforms, an app, and office supplies. We will employ 5 RD's, a chief executive, a chief financial officer, and an IT manager. To advertise, NutritiousVows will employ several different platforms. We will have a company website, a mobile app, and social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We will also be using print media and advertising at local bridal shows and bridal stores and tuxedo rental shops.NutritiousVows is a much needed company to help brides, grooms, and their wedding parties lose the extra weight in a safe and sustainable way. We hope to revolutionize the wedding industry and the way wedding parties go about improving their appearance and health. Name of Business: Nutritious VowsBrief DescriptionA company of Registered Dietitians focused on helping brides and grooms lose weight and create healthy sustainable lifestyle modifications before they say their marriage vows.Goals/Objectives● ???Help clients lose realistic amounts of weight within a specified time frame prior to the wedding.● ???Promote healthy lifestyle changes that can last a lifetime● ???Provide the tools necessary to build and maintain these changes● ???Provide one on one or group counseling to motivate and support weight loss● ???Obtain 60 clients, or 12 clients per Registered Dietitian, within the first year of operation● ???Maintain a 90% success rate of clients meeting their weight loss goals before their wedding date.Mission StatementAt Nutritious Vows we believe that a lifelong commitment to nutrition and wellness is vital to the beginnings of a successful marriage. Our mission is not only to have our clients looking their best on their wedding day but also to prepare them for a healthy future together.PhilosophyWe will market our services to brides, grooms, and wedding parties. The popularity of the wedding industry combined with the current trends of health and fitness will provide us with a large clientele.We will promote weight loss in a safe and supervised manner while discouraging harmful fad diets. Social media usage is increasing, so looking and feeling your best on a day that you are sharing with the world is important. People have access to so much misinformation about rapid weight loss, and these fad diets are becoming more and more popular as time goes on. We keep up to date on the current fad diet trends and be able to educate clients on why that is not the ideal way to lose weight.Our strengths as Registered Dietitians include an extensive background in nutrition science and we are constantly familiarizing ourselves with current research. All of our nutrition advice is evidence based and is individualized to our clients personal goals.As Registered Dietitians we have experience in medical nutrition therapy, food allergies and intolerances, cooking skills, health counseling, education, meal planning, group facilitation, and motivational skills.We offer our services in a variety of media. This includes up-to-date technology with video counseling sessions, as well as the use of phone applications. The option to meet in person is also available.Target Customers Our target customers are adult men and women of at least 18 years of age who want to lose weight and and/or create healthy eating habits at least 3 months before their wedding day. We will attract clients who are looking to do this in a safe and effective way, and do not want to try risky crash diets or cleanses. Our ideal customer will not only want to lose weight for the wedding day, but adapt healthy lifestyle changes that will carry on into the first years of marriage. This includes couples who plan on starting a family together and would like to maintain optimal nutrition status in the childbearing years. Aside from brides and grooms, our business will attract members of the wedding party as well. We are an online business so our clients need unlimited internet access, and have some knowledge of technology. Our clients’ level of income needs to be enough that they have access to internet, the ability to buy groceries, and can afford payment for our services. This allows our target market to span across various income levels and social classes.LocationNutritious Vows consists of five Registered Dietitians who run an online based company from each of our homes. If a client is local to one of our dietitians’ home offices, then in-person counseling sessions may be arranged. Trends Affecting BusinessSocial media is becoming more popular than ever and brides and grooms want to share their wedding photos on the internet. This adds pressure to our clients look better than ever. People are also waiting until later in life to get married. The older a person is, the harder it is to lose weight. These brides and grooms need more help than a younger couple might need. Emphasis on physical appearance is constantly on the rise and brides and grooms are no exception. People are constantly wanting to improve their appearance and their health and we will help to do both. The use of mobile technology such as apps and fitness trackers is also rising, and we plan on using these tools to individualize our clients’ experience.SWOT AnalysisStrengths· ?Our expertise in weight loss as Registered Dietitians, we will design healthy, effective weight loss for brides, grooms, and their families· All online, credible, creative app-offers convenience for food tracking, personalized· ?Convenient location because we communicate mostly online· ?A healthy weight loss service versus a commercial, non-medically supervised program· ?Experience and knowledge of our Registered Dietitians on staff· ?We create lasting results and develop a lifestyle plan versus a quick weight loss regimen that probably won’t last after the wedding· ?Creative brand name: Nutritious VowsWeaknesses· ?Unknown, new business· ?Meeting clients expectations with the amount of weight they would like to lose, we assist with healthy weight loss and lifestyle modification only, customers may expect and prefer quicker results· ??Not always available in person· ??Cost· ??Advertisements will be realistic amounts of weight loss (we will not advertise “lost 50 pounds in 2 months” although that might attract more customers)· Target audience is limited · Marketing may be more difficult because we have a very specific audienceOpportunities· ??A very unique business so our direct competition will be limited · ??Technology and social media are becoming popular and preferred methods of communication· ?A medically supervised weight loss/lifestyle improvement service· ?Our convenient online nutrient database, allows customers to send us their diets and we do the analysis, tracking for them· ?Creative advertising using our brand name, and pictures from successful couples· ?Hire more RDs to join our business to attain more clients and offer the same quality, can expand the business nationwide by doing so· Our advertising market will most likely be different as well (i.e.-Bridal shops, maybe wedding expos) Threats· ?Prices may compete with other similar businesses· ?Other companies may provide quicker results· ?Sustainable services? Will customers stay with us after they’ve lost weight for their wedding?· ?Gyms· ?Other weight loss programs· ?Diet pills/supplements that advertise FAST weight lossMarket Research ResultsMost Americans want to get married, but research shows that people are getting married at a later age (late 20s to mid 30s) nowadays compared to about 10 years ago, where people were getting married in their early to mid 20s. So focusing our marketing on the optimal age range of when most Americans are getting married would be beneficial.A Cornell study found that weight loss is on the minds of more than 70% of brides-to-be. More than ? of them used drastic weight loss methods such as fasting and skipping meals to achieve their goal wedding day weight. Based on the research, there is definitely a need for our business in the market. We should be marketing our healthy weight loss regime and how it is enjoyable. More than half of the brides-to-be in an Australian research study intended to exercise and follow a “healthy eating plan” prior to their wedding. More than 35% planned to cut out fat and carbohydrates from their diets (more research showing how brides-to-be try to lose weight in an unhealthy way/without the right knowledge). The average amount of wanted weight loss was 18 lbs. before the big day. From this study, its obvious that weight loss/appearance is important to brides-to-be and that knowledge is needed in the area of healthy weight loss methods.Overall, the market research shows that our business is needed. The majority of people are still getting married. We should market to the appropriate age groups. The majority of brides-to-be are still greatly concerned with their weight and losing weight prior to their wedding. Therefore, we should focus more of our marketing on the brides-to-be. Marketing our philosophy and mission of healthy weight loss will set us apart.ReferencesCohn D. PewResearch. Love and Marriage. February 13, 2013. Available at . Accessed September 26, 2014.Newport F, Wilke J. Gallup Economy. Most in U.S. Want Marriage, but Its Importance Has Dropped. Available at . Accessed September 26, 2014.Lang S. Cornell University. The bride wore white and, maybe, less weight -- but study shows she may have gone to extremes for that svelte look. Available at . January 23, 2008. Accessed September 26, 2014.Prichard I, Tiggeman M. Pre-wedding Weight Concerns and Health and Beauty Plans of Australian Brides. Journal of Health Psychology. 2009;14(7):1027-parison with Potential CompetitorsWhile NutritiousVows is a unique business in regard to it’s combined components and vision, there are potential competitors within the industry. The first of which, while it isn’t a “business” per se, is the abundant amount of free information that our potential clients have access to on the internet. Bloggers who may or may not be qualified to be giving out nutrition advice are posting articles and “quick fixes” online. There are so many free diet plans, recipes, and fitness videos on the internet, clients may wonder why they should pay for professional nutrition counseling through NutritiousVows. The marketing for NutritiousVows will need to stress the importance of getting your nutrition and weight loss advice from qualified professionals, who can tailor your dietary needs to your lifestyle and goals. Another competitor is the website . It is an online “meal plan and exercise program”. The website states that their program is “based on the proper nutrition you need for glowing skin and shiny hair” as well plans to help clients lose 2-3 ? pounds per week. It involves a “100 day challenge” that includes weekly meal plans, 100 days of recipes, a 100 day fitness program, exercise demonstration videos, “a little black book of weight loss secrets”, and “access to a team of experts, trainers, and nutritionists”. They offer 3 packages: The Express package (at $47), the Gold Package (at $97), and the Platinum Package (at $147). There appear to be praises of the website in various magazines and in the forms of testimonials. The Company Founder studied nutrition through the New York School of Integrative Nutrition and is also a “qualified personal trainer”, but does not appear to be a Registered Dietitian. There is no other information on their website about the other experts or their credentials. The main differences between this company and NutritiousVows is that we only have registered and licensed dietitians on our staff, that our program is offered to the bride as well as other members of the wedding party, and that it is not a temporary, 100 day diet. Another competitor is online nutrition counseling services, such as . This company appears to have over 30 Registered Dietitians on staff, and they provide online weight loss counseling. This includes e-coaching sessions, a “balance assessment”, diet makeover, weight loss action plan, and unlimited use of tools like a goal tracker and food journals. The “Balance Program” has a 1 time membership fee of $225. The “Mini Diet Makeover” has a 1 time fee of $50. The “Healthy Living Program” has a fee of $40 for 2 sessions, 4 sessions for $80, and 6 sessions. The company was founded by a dietitian in 2002 and it’s mission is to “provide weight loss solutions to empower people to live healthier lives”. This is similar to NutritiousVows, but is missing the niche market of the wedding industry. The same can be said about other popular weight loss programs, such as WeightWatchers and Jenny Craig. NutritiousVows will aid with weight loss before the big day, as well as instilling healthy habits that will last a lifetime of marriage. There are also a variety of cell phone and tablet applications that provide weight loss services, such as ?“MyFitnessPal”, “Lose It!”, “HappyScale”, and many more. While these applications provide some of the services that NutritiousVows provides, none appear to be as comprehensive. They are also missing the personal touch that Nutritious Vows provides which can directly impact the motivation of the customer. PricingType of labor (professional): Management positions and RD position will require skilled labor with a relevant education and experience. All RD positions are held to a professional level of standards. ?Management Team of Nutritious Vows is managed only by individuals with experience and expertise in the nutrition field. The five starting nutrition professionals have acquired their RD licensure, and continue to engage in professional development opportunities. ?They are hired based on necessary qualifications to ensure Nutritious Vows quality is maintained, regulations are followed, and all decisions are made based on the businesses and customers best interest. ?Upon obtaining funding, NutritiousVows will hire the five full time staff to fully implement the business as outlined in this plan. Executive staff and operations will meet at the least two times per year, in a rotating location, based on where the executives live. For the first couple of years that our business is operating, meetings will include only staff from our company. All executives will be responsible for marketing, recruiting, and selecting the best candidates to help NutritiousVows become successful. ?Ads will be placed in local papers as well as online. All potential clients will be screened using our customer assessment form to determine their individual needs. Pay structure: Executives are paid a starting salary, and then after 12 months paid based on the number of clients the RD assesses. ???Training methods and requirements: Training will be provided for all staff and are required to attend executive meetings. ?Executive meetings are mandatory unless otherwise specified and discussed with the entire executive board. Meetings are designed to familiarize NutritiousVows RDs with our services as well as company specific guidelines. All new staff will be required to be familiar with company policies and guidelines and will sign-off on receiving these documents. ?Financials: We are seeking a $200,000 loan to cover: licensing and permits, salaries, equipment, fees for operations, and flights for initial consultations. ?For the first 12 months we plan to be in the red and by the 18th month we will be in the black based on our revenue Our Revenue Yr 1: $______ ?Fixed Cost: $______ Variable Cost: $_______Total Cost: $_______in the red $_____In month 18 we are in the black. ?We will be marketing heavily throughout the first year including online, radio, television, and receiving referrals through word of mouth. ?We expect a higher growth during our second year. Once we hit month 20 we will no longer require loans and will be able to start paying back debt owed. ?If our projections continue year 2, we will be profitable by the end of year 2. Payment: We use Squarereader, a credit card and debit swipe machine that is run through an app on our smart phones, tablet, and computers. ?Card information is encrypted the second you swipe. Square doesn’t store data on any device after a payment has been processed. ?We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Money orders are accepted and to be made out to NutritiousVows. No personal checks are accepted.Each executive receives a free squarereader from the company. ?Every time a purchase is made only 2.75% is given to the squarereader per swipe (Swipe $100, see $97.25 in your bank account in one to two business days). This is the total credit card fee associated with squarereader. Executive will receive payment for each client they assess and are in charge of collecting payments. ?They will also be in charge of the paperwork to complete for tax purposes. ?Executives are paid based on each client they assess. ?Each Client must pay 50% of their bill when selecting and starting their nutrition plan. ?The remainder of the bill must be paid in full one month (30 days) after the plan has been booked. A client must book a program at least 4 weeks in advance. This is to make sure there is an RD available for the dates the client desires, and for enough time to prepare for their nutrition plan. ?There will be no refunds once a client has started the program. ?If a client wants to stop the program at any time they can, but no refund will be given. ?If a client has a large wedding party and two RDs are needed, the rates will be discussed and split between RDs. Clients must have Skype, FaceTime, or a phone for online/phone assessments (there is a fee of $50 for phone calls assessments because business is more successful with face to face interaction). If you are within a comfortable driving distance with an RD, and would like a face to face assessment, a discussion with an RD prior to selecting a plan is needed. The RD must be willing to meet you, and the RD selects the desired location. As a client, you must drive to the specific place to conduct the assessment. Once a client has booked a program a client can receive up to: 60% of their bill refunded Week 1 after the plan is booked50% of their bill refunded Week 2 after the plan is booked30% of their bill refunded Week 3 after the plan is booked0% of their bill refunded Week 4 after the plan is bookedAgain, once an assessment has started, no refund will be received. Rates for Nutrition PlansBride and Groom Only Rates1 Full Online Nutrition Assessment: $180Includes: Diet Analysis, Nutritional Meal Plan (Must provide an adequate 3 day food journal and nutrition history form prior to online meeting), (Includes 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 3 months)1 Full At Home Nutrition Assessment: $585Includes: Diet Analysis, Nutritional Meal Plan, Pantry Clean Out (Must provide an adequate 3 day food journal and nutrition history form prior to online meeting), (Includes 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 4 months)Grocery Store Tour (You Pick the Store): $790Includes: Diet Analysis (Must provide an adequate 3 day food journal and nutrition history form prior to online meeting), Nutrition Label Reading, Store Layout, Bargain hunting, Special products, Make a Meal (Help you choose/make a meal for that day)(Includes 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 4 months)Nutrition Overhaul: $1,800Includes: Initial Consult Diet Analysis (Must provide an adequate 3 day food journal and nutrition history form prior to online meeting), Meal Plan, Grocery Store Tour (including nutrition label reading/store layout/bargain hunting/special products)Pantry Clean Out (Includes 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 6 months)(Pantry clean out and Grocery store tour must be consecutive days in a row or completed during the same day.) Wedding Party Rates (Bride/Groom/3 bridesmaids/3 groomsmen) Any wedding party members after this number will have an additional cost added to the bill. ?The additional cost will be based off of location, number of people, and type of plan. ??Standard rates for Bride/Groom/3 bridesmaids/3 groomsmen are as follows:1 Full Online Nutrition Assessment: $900.00Includes: Diet Analysis, Nutritional Meal Plan (Must provide an adequate 3 day food journal and nutrition history form prior to online meeting), (Includes 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 3 months)1 Full At Home Nutrition Assessment: $2,300.00Includes: Diet Analysis, Nutritional Meal Plan, Pantry Clean Out, (Must provide an adequate 3 day food journal and nutrition history form prior to online meeting)(Includes 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 4 months)Grocery Store Tour (You Pick the Store): $3,000.00Includes: Diet Analysis (Must provide an adequate 3 day food journal and nutrition history form prior to online meeting), Nutrition Label Reading, Store Layout, Bargain hunting, Special products, Make a Meal (Help you choose/make a meal for that day), Must be completed as a group (Includes 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 4 months)Nutrition Overhaul: $5,000.00Includes: Initial Consult Diet Analysis (Must provide an adequate 3 day food journal and nutrition history form prior to online meeting), Meal Plan, Grocery Store Tour (including nutrition label reading/store layout/bargain hunting/special products)(Store tour must be completed as a group), Pantry Clean Out (One-two full days of visiting each members home) (Includes 1 meeting every 2 weeks for 6 months)Legal Issues (Licensing, Type of Business)NutritiousVows will operate as an S Corporation. This type of corporation separates business from those who own it. In other words, the financial liability is limited for the owners. Profits and losses for the business will pass through the tax returns of the employees and the business itself will not be taxed. All owners of NutritiousVows have agreed to elect the corporation to become an S Corporation. NutritiousVows will be incorporated in Nevada due to it's tax advantages. Luckily, NutritiousVows will not need to be based out of Nevada or have any offices with a Nevada address to take advantage of this benefit.The Dietitians and interventions used at NutritiousVows do not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical illness or disease. The goal of NutritiousVows is to provide safe and healthy nutritional advice to brides, grooms, and bridal parties with a focus on weight loss and adopting healthier lifestyles. The dietitians at NutritiousVows base their recommendations on evidence-based practice in compliance with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Dietitians will be required to participate in continuing education courses to keep their credentials up to date. Employees will also sign nondisclosure agreements when hired to conform to HIPPA requirements. ?Initial and Ongoing Inventory Needs and Potential SuppliersInitial Inventory NeedsOngoing Inventory NeedsPotential SuppliersComputersComputersBest Buy, Apple, or use personal computersComputer software programsComputer software programsSkype, FaceTime, GoToMeeting - electronic communication platformsSkype, FaceTime, GoToMeeting - electronic communication platformsSkype, Apple, GoToMeetingNutritious Vows AppNutritious Vows AppApp developer/designerOffice suppliesOffice suppliesOffice supply stores (i.e. Staples, Office Depot, Office Max)PersonnelManagement Team of Nutritious Vows is managed only by individuals with experience and expertise in the nutrition field. The five starting nutrition professionals have acquired their RDs, and continuously expanding their education. ?They are hired based on necessary qualifications to ensure Nutritious Vows quality is maintained, regulations are followed, and all decisions are made based on the businesses and customers best interest. ?Upon obtaining funding, Nutritious Vows will hire the five full time staff to fully implement the business as outlined in this plan. Executive staff and operations will meet at the least 2 times per year, in a rotating location, based on where the executives live. ?FinancialsWe are seeking a $200,000 loan to cover: licensing and permits, salaries, equipment, and flights for initial consultations. ??For the first 12 months we plan to be in the red and by the 18th month we will be in the black based on our revenue Our Revenue Yr 1: $______ ?Fixed Cost: $______ Variable Cost: $_______Total Cost: $_______in the red $_____In month 18 we are in the black. ?We will be marketing heavily throughout the first year including online, radio, television, and receiving referrals through word of mouth. ?We expect a higher growth during our second year. Once we hit month 20 we will no longer require loans and will be able to start paying back debt owed. ?If our projections continue year 2, we will be profitable by the end of year 2. 24-Month Profit/Loss ProjectionFor the first 18 months we plan to be in the red and use our initial investment in order to keep the business running.Fixed CostChief Executive $100,000.00$55,000.00Chief Financial Officer$100,000.00$55,000.00IT manager$78,000.00$55,000.00Senior Dititian$65,000.00$55,000.00RD$55,000.00$55,000.00Salary total$275,000.00Skypeyearly$167.88Phonesyearly$750.00GotoMeetingyearly$468.00Websiteyearly$109.00Office supplies/cardsyearly$2,450.00Phone Appyearly$108.00Paypalyearly$360.00$279,412.88Variable CostPaypal2.9% payment +$0.30$$$$$$Swipe Card2.75% per payment$$$$$$Marketing$7,000.00 est$7,000.00Total$7,000.00One Time CostLaptops1 per job$3,000.00Website$3,000.00$3,000.00Software$1,398.00$1398.00Airfare$1,000.00 x 10$10,000.00Mis. Travel$2,000.00 x 5$10,000.00Purple is one time cost because airfare and travel will be paid for by client$27,398.00LOAN$313,810.88Each RD (five RDs total) is responsible the first 12 months:Assessment x5(5 assessments x 5 RDs)$1,800.00Grocery Store Tour x4 (4 tours x 5RDs)$15,800.00Home Assessment x2 (2 home x 5 RDs)$5,850.00Overhaul x2 (2 overhaul x 5 RDs)$180,000.00Wedding Party Assessment$4,500.00Wedding Party Grocery Store Tour$11,500.00Wedding Party Home$15,000.00Wedding Party Overhaul$25,000.00 Total$259,450.00Paypal$$$$$$$$$Swipereader$$$$$$$$$-$6,000.00Profit 12 months$253,450.00Loan$313,810.88Loan amount that needs to be paid off$60,360.88Each RD (five RDs total) is responsible months 13-18:Assessment x20 (20 assessments x 5 RDs)$18,000.00Grocery Store Tour x8 (8 tours x 5RDs)$31,600.00Home Assessment x8 (8 Home x 5RDs)$23,400.00Overhaul x8 (8 overhaul x 5 RDs)$72,000.00Wedding Party Assessment x8 (8 ass x 5RDs)$36,000.00Wedding Party Grocery Store Tour x2 (2 store x 5RD)$30,000.00Wedding Party Home x2 (2 home x 5RDs)$23,000.00Wedding Party Overhaul x4 (4 overhaul x 5RD)$100,000.00 Total PROFIT 13-18 Months$334,000.00FIX COST-$279,412.88Paypal$$$$$$$$$Swipereader$$$$$$$$$Est -$8,000.00Total Profit after Fix cost/Fees paid$46,587.12Each RD (five RDs total) is responsible months 19-24:Assessment x10 (10 assessments x 5 RDs)$9,000.00Grocery Store Tour x5 (5 tours x 5RDs)$19,750.00Home Assessment x8 (8 Home x 5RDs)$23,400.00Overhaul x8 (8 overhaul x 5 RDs)$72,000.00Wedding Party Assessment x4(4 ass x 5RDs)$18,000.00Wedding Party Grocery Store Tour x2 (2 store x 5RD)$30,000.00Wedding Party Home x2 (2 home x 5RDs)$23,000.00Wedding Party Overhaul x2 (2 overhaul x5RD)$50,000.00PROFIT FROM 13-18 MONTHS+$46,567.12TOTAL PROFIT 19-24 MONTHS$245,150.00PROFIT FROM YEAR 2$291,717.12Paypal$$$$$$Swipereader$$$$$$-$9,000.00Loan-$60,360.88TOTAL PROFIT FROM YEAR TWO $222,356.24 OFFICIALLY IN THE BLACK AT MONTH 24, LOAN HAS BEEN PAID OFF. Break Even AnalysisBy month 24 we are in the black for the first time. Since we will be marketing heavily throughout the first year, and building a reputation we expect a higher growth during our second year. In addition we hope to build relationships through our clients to gain business. There is also not a large amount of fixed cost, which helps to keep our profit growing. The loan will hold the cost for our business to be running for 18 months, and then from the 19-24 months we will start to be in the black. We will no longer require loans and will be able to start paying back debt owed (debt we be assumed to be paid back at this time). If our projections continue we will become even more profitable at the end of the third year.NutritiousVows Organizational Chart:Job DescriptionsChief Executive Officer, MBA, RDPosition:As a key member of the Executive team, the Chief Executive Officer is the President of NutritiousVows. The CEO will be the point person in charge of any and all business issues, questions, and inquiries. Directs customers to appropriate employee on staff.Responsibilities:· ?????Oversees daily organization operations· ?????Successfully administers all human resources policies and procedures· ?????Ensures the business follows its mission, and all services and products meet ethical standards· ?????Directs all staff meetings· ?????Leads the executive team· Responsible for scheduling of all staff· ?????Excellent written and oral communication skills, team building, time and stress management skills, and decision making skillsQualifications and Requirements:MBA preferredKnowledge of nutrition, nutrition businessSkillful in Microsoft Office10+ years in a management roleChief Financial Officer, MBA, RDPosition:As a key member of the Executive team, the Chief Financial Officer will report to the Chief Executive Officer/President of NutritiousVows. The CFO will be the point person in charge of all financial responsibilities of the company. These responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, accounting, forecasting, strategic planning, and job costing.Responsibilities:· ?????Serves as a member of the executive team· ?????Manages annual company budget· ?????Supervises funding meetings· ?????Administers funding records· ?????Assesses business performance and long-term financial goals· ?????Completes routine financial reports including monthly profit gain/loss· ?????Develops and implements financial and accounting systems· ?????Works with external auditors· ?????Directs cash management including cash flow and maintaining sufficient funds· ?????Handles company insurance· ?????Reports to CEOQualifications and Requirements:BS in Accounting or Finance, MBA preferredKnowledge of nutrition, nutrition businessProficient in Excel, word, and finance computer programsRD required for this position. IT Manager, RDResponsibilities:· ?????Oversees information technology and computer systems· ?????Maintains nutrient database by keeping foods and diets up-to-date· ?????Answers any questions related to nutrient database and troubleshoots issues· ?????Trains and assists Senior Dietitian and Registered Dietitian in using nutrient database appropriately· ?????Reports to CEOQualifications and Requirements:BS in Computer Programming preferredKnowledge of nutrition, nutrition businessExcellent in all computer programsFamiliar with hardware and softwareSenior Dietitian, MS, RD, LDNPosition:As a key member of the Executive team, the Senior Dietitian is the point person for any and all nutrition and food related inquiries, issues, and decisions. The Senior Dietitian will report to the Chief Executive Officer/President of NutritiousVows. The Senior Dietitian responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, providing explanations for food and nutrition related questions, determining healthy diet quality for customers, educating all staff about food and nutrition, remaining up-to-date on current research.Responsibilities:· ?????Provides explanations of food and nutrition related questions· ?????Determines healthy diet quality for customers· ?????Educates all staff about food and nutrition· ?????Remains current on up-to-date research· ?????Trains staff bi-monthly about healthy dietitian· Reports to CEO Qualifications and Requirements:MS in Nutrition preferred, RD requiredKnowledge of nutrition, nutrition businessExceptional oral and written communications skills required2 years of management experience requiredRegistered DietitianResponsibilities:· ?????Determines appropriate meal plans for customers based on their individual health needs and keeps in mind financial means· ?????Communicates directly with customers to discuss dietary needs and provides diet analysis· ?????Evaluates the health and diet requirements of customers· ?????Computes and analyzes customer nutritional requirements and continues to analyze nutritional content of food throughout program· ?????Facilitates health promotion marketing events in community settings· ?????Reports to Senior DietitianQualifications and Requirements:BS in Nutrition, RD requiredKnowledge of nutrition, nutrition businessExcellent oral and written communication skillsPoliciesCancellationShould conditions warrant a cancellation, NutritiousVows must be given a written notification. If canceling a program, payments will be refunded as follows:60% of their bill refunded Week 1 after the plan is booked.50% of their bill refunded Week 2 after the plan is booked30% of their bill refunded Week 3 after the plan is booked0% of their bill refunded Week 4 after the plan is bookedOnce a client has begun participation in a program, refunds will not be given. Please allow one week to process cancellation letters. The only way a program will be refunded is if the wedding is called off. In this case, the wedding party will be responsible for the services received, but not for services scheduled for the future. Anti-Discrimination NutritiousVows is an equal opportunity employer. The employer will not discriminate in recruitment, employment, compensation, termination, promotions, or any other conditions of employment on the bases of age, race, sex. Equal opportunity laws support fair actions in the workplace. AttendanceSchedules are established by management and it is the responsibility of the Department supervisor to communicate work schedules. Since NutritiousVows is mostly online, employees are expected to calculate their hours honestly. The company reserves the right to require employees to provide an MD’s note in the case of medical leave. Unscheduled tardiness for an individual client session or team meeting, has a negative impact on clients satisfaction. After 5 unexcused tardies or 3 unexcused absences, the employee will be subject to termination.Employee records will be kept by the CEO. Time off from work that is approved paid time off, work related injury or paid bereavement counts as an absence. Three incidences of absenteeism in one month?with failure to notify management is considered a self-termination. New employees have a 90-day probation period. If unable to make a scheduled appointment with a client, it is the responsibility of the employee to find coverage for their shift or reschedule with the client. Employees must request time off using the “request for time off” form, which is located on the company’s intranet. Requests must be submitted to respective supervisors as soon as possible, but at least 2 weeks before the requested absence. Bereavement After a death occurs in the employee’s immediate family, full time employees are given up to three days off with pay. For part-time employees, paid time off will be prorated.Resignation PoliciesAny employee is allowed to terminate his or her employment at any time, but must verbally notify his or her supervisor and provide at least two (2) weeks notice.A written resignation letter must be provided to the employer by the employee at the start of the two weeks notice. Confidentiality _ All NutritiousVows employees are required to protect the confidentiality and privacy of clients. This includes protecting all client information gathered during counseling sessions, forms, any correspondance including both over the Internet and paper forms, such as client records. All client records must be kept in a locked file at all times. It is also illegal to discuss clients outside of work, unless medically necessary by the law. EthicsLegalities: NutritiousVows will comply with the laws, rules, and regulations of where the registered dietitians do business.Conflict of Interest: NutritiousVows will avoid any relationship that may impair our ability to make objective and fair decisions when providing our services.Gifts and Gratuities: NutritiousVows will decline any offers of gifts or gratuities that may be exchanged for favorable treatment.Accurate Public Disclosures: NutritiousVows will make sure that all disclosures made to the public are accurate and truthfulUse of Company Resources: Company resources, including time, material, equipment, and information will only be used for company purposes and not for personal use. Health and Safety: NutritiousVows will never put the health and safety of the clients or the employees at risk.Client ServicesThe registered dietitian will conduct an interview with the client to gather client information and needs.The registered dietitian will determine if Nutritious Vows is able to meet the needs of the client prior to providing personal services.The registered dietitian will develop a service plan for the client prior to providing personal services.The registered dietitian will assess the nutritional, lifestyle, and personal needs of the client prior to developing the client’s service plan.The registered dietitian will ensure the service plan meets the needs and expectations of the client.The registered dietitian will ensure that the client’s service plan is revised in a timely manner based on any service plan changes agreed upon by both client and registered dietitian.The registered dietitian is responsible for providing all of the services stated in the client’s service plan.The client is responsible for notifying Nutritious Vows personnel if he/she believes the registered dietitian is not fulfilling his/her responsibilities, as stated in the client’s service plan, to the client.The registered dietitian will respect a client’s decision to terminate his/her service plan with Nutritious Vows at any point of service.Financial PlanStart up budget*All calculations are based on one yearMembership Payment: Square and paypal accountReader for Square Chip Cards: 5 employees x $29.00 = $145PayPal Payments Pro: $30/month = $360(Pro includes: the ability to accept credit cards over the phone, fax, and mail)Office supplies (i.e. Staples, Office Depot, Office Max): $200/monthly order = $2,400Salaries of ($275,000):Chief Executive Officer, MBA, RD: $55,000Chief Financial Officer, MBA, RD: $55,000IT Manager, RD: $55,000Senior Dietitian, MS, RD, LDN: $55,000Registered Dietitian: $55,000*Gas reimbursement included in employee salariesSalary will increased based on position when financially stable. It will be based off of education, service, and job title. Nutritious Vows App: $9/ month billed annually =$108, Native iPhone and Android Apps, + HTML5 Mobile Website, ability to submit app to iTunes, Google Play, no ads, , ability to sell App and keep 100% of profit, publish under name of company. communication platformsSkype: Unlimited World (Includes USA, UK, China and over 60 other countries), Unlimited calls: $13.99/month =$167.88GoToMeeting Pro: Up to 25 attendees, 1 organizer, $468 annuallyComputer software programs:The Food Processor? SQL (includes one year of renewable Priority Support): Single User: $699.00 x 2 accounts = $1398Computers for all staff: Selected per job x5 = $3000.00Business cards for all staff:$9.99 x 5 employees = $49.95$3,000 for nice website $5,000 for advertising, marketing, and deals : facebook, Davids bridal deals (i.e.- if the Bride and bridal party buy their dresses from Davids, they get a discount on one of our packages and we give Davids 5% of the total). Total startup cost: $336,810.8812-month profit/loss projectionBreak even analysis-- is one tool you can use to determine your break even point.Marketing/Advertising Plan—include how and where you will advertise, and at least one page of a website (ask Barb if you want to use one of the student Weebly sites)Floor Plan of facility (if appropriate) is a free site that you can use to design your space.Executive Summary (place at the beginning of report)Marketing and Advertising Plan OVERVIEWNutritious Vows will have a company website, mobile app, and several social media accounts.o Website: Mobile App: will be available for iOS and Android devices.o Social Media Accounts: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Nutritious Vows plans to advertise using different media outlets (social media, print media, broadcast media, Internet). Nutritious Vows staff members will market the company’s services via word of mouth, by attending bridal shows/expos, and through personal media outlets (i.e. Pinterest and personal social media accounts). COMPANY LOGONutritious Vows will have a company logo. The logo will help to make the company recognizable. The logo will be used on our marketing and advertising products/materials (i.e. business cards, pamphlets, takeaways, etc.).ADVERTISING Social MediaNutritious Vows plans to pursue advertisement contracts with social media companies (i.e. YouTube and Facebook). The advertisements will help to attract potential clients. When clicked on, the advertisements will link potential clients to the Nutritious Vows website.MagazinesNutritious Vows plans to advertise in bridal/wedding magazines (i.e. Brides, Wedding Style, Town & Country Weddings, etc.). Television/RadioNutritious Vows plans to advertise on television via commercials. Specifically, the company seeks to advertise on channels that broadcast wedding related television shows (i.e. Say Yes to the Dress) such as TLC. Nutritious Vows also plans to employ radio advertisements. Wedding/Bridal BlogsNutritious Vows plans to advertise on wedding/bridal blogs (i.e. Style Me Pretty, Ruffled, Green Wedding Shoes, etc.).Bridal/Tuxedo StoresNutritious Vows plans to display the company’s brochures and posters in bridal and mens formal wear/tuxedo stores. The incentive for bridal and mens formal wear/tuxedo stores to display Nutritious Vows advertisements is that they would receive an agreed upon percent commission from each client who states they signed up for Nutritious Vows because they saw our brochure/poster in a bridal and/or mens formal wear/tuxedo store.MARKETINGBridal Shows and ExposNutritious Vows’ staff members will attend bridal shows and expos nationwide to promote the company and its services to gain potential clients. Social Media AccountsNutritious Vows will market its services through the company’s own social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Company StaffNutritious Vows staff members are encouraged to promote the company via personal outlets. For instance, company staff members can use their personal Pinterest account (if applicable) to post a “pin” onto Pinterest that links to our site and tag it under the “Weddings” and “Health & Fitness” categories. Word of MouthCompany staff and clientele are encouraged to spread the company’s mission and services by word of mouth or other outlets to family, friends, etc. Featured on TV show/Magazine/Bridal BlogNutritious Vows will aim to be featured on television shows (i.e. a morning show segment), in magazine articles, and on bridal blog posts to promote the company’s mission and services. Tangible Marketing Products/Materialso Business cardso Pamphlets/Brochureso Posterso Bannerso Takeaways (pens, food diaries, notepads, etc. with Nutritious Vows logo/name on it) ................

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