
New Tricks – Episode 1(The Chinese Job)The Metropolitan Police is the police force covering all of the 32 London boroughs. The force that appears in “New Tricks” is based on this. For instance, these ranks, from lowest to highest:constablesergeantinspectorchief inspectorsuperintendentchief superintendentdeputy assistant commissionerassistant commissionercommissionerThere can only be one commissioner, the person in charge of the whole force.The actual Met has a couple of other ranks too, but I don’t think they are mentioned in the TV series.Detective Superintendent Sandra Pullman: _____________! ________________________________!Officer: ___________________________! Now! Off: _____________________________________________! Now! Off: _____________!Off:What now?Chinese man: _______________________! _______________________!_______________________! _______________________!San:____________________!Off:Dear dear me! Get me jumping out next!San:Hi, Doug!Doug:Sandra! ________________________?San:Oh, __________________________________!Salesman: The yellow – increased productivity!Deputy Assistant Commissioner Donald Bevan: Come!Sale:____________________-Bev:Come!Sale:- _________________!Bev:Hello, Sandra – ___________________!Sale:_______________ – anywhere you don’t want staff to linger – ______________________, _______________________________, __________________ – and so on!Bev:Oh, sorry – Sandra Pullman, Matthew Tolman! Matthew’s a colour consultant with Watkins, Mayer, Rudd – ______________________________ on the personal productivity initiative! Well, ______________________________________________ for the pilot operation scheme!Sale:Well, I’ll liaise with finance and promotions, and get them to send you over an action plan!Bev:________________! Whoops! ____________________________!Sale:_____________________________!San:___________________!Bev:__________! Very very __________________________! Roderick Patrick Wringer!San:The Anna Dubrovski case!Bev:Truly appalling miscarriage of justice! ____________________! Wringer _______________ to Dubrovski’s flat – he frequented the nightclub where she worked – ______________________________________________ – _______________! __________________________ - detectives on the original investigation were last year found guilty of illicit association and manipulation of the Henderson trial!San:Jury nobbling!Bev:Hence Wringer’s conviction going to appeal – hah - no new evidence was presented! I bet if the Appeal Court say that the conviction’s unsafe, ___________________! Wringer’s _________________________________ – ________________________________________________ – I think police and public deserve better than to be sneered at by _______________________!San:________________!Bev:Anna Dubrovski’s murder’s to be reinvestigated – reconfirming that the case against Wringer still stands will clearly ease pressure on the Met – __________________________________________________!San:He intends to sue – __________________________?Bev:________________________________________________________!San:________?Bev:Everyone is aware what a distinctive and enviable career path you’ve carved out for yourself – but you screwed up! ______________________________________________________ as the basis for a new initiative – a team of dedicated personnel ______________________________________________ – that’s your brief!San:_______________________________________?Bev:Well, while we may not have the manpower in terms of serving officers, we can still call upon _______________________________________________, experienced in serious crime-San:Oh, no – no, no, no, no!Bev:They’re fully cognisant with service practice and procedure at the time the offences were committed!San:Don, ______________________________________!Bev:But think of the advances in forensics, offender profiling – we really have a wonderful opportunity to ____________________________________!San:_______________________________ – __________________________________________________?Jack Halford: ________________________?San:___________?Jack:_____________!San:UCOS - unsolved crime and open case initiative! [actually Unsolved Crime and Open case Squad]Jack:_________________________________? Don Bevan’s lovechild? The “__________________________________________________” initiative?San:No – that would be UCAWOTI! I know it’s tricky – ____________________________________ you used to boss, but if there’s one thing __________________________, it was to respect people’s abilities, ____________________________ – plus, ________________________________________, and _________________________________________________!Jack:Ian Derby!San:_________________________?Jack:Yeah – _____________!San:Alan Evans?Jack:_____________!San:Er – DI John Fowley – oh, I know John – he worked-Jack:_____________!San:__________________________________________________!Jack:Heart attack – swimming in the sea off Malaga! Serves him right – the place is full of villains! _____________________________ of CID officers are dead ________________________________________________________! Dead – dead – ______________ – _______________, but ____________________________________ – retired, but currently under investigation by the CPS – ditto the DTI – dead – alive, but _________________________________________________________ – retired sick – well, it’s the same really – dead – dead – ________________, __________________________ – No! I think _______________________________________________!Interviewee 1: Morning! Oh - _____________________________________ – ______________________ - _________________, __________________!San:Now, ________________________________________________, and yet - I can’t see any references to ___________________________ – ______________________?In2:Absolutely – no bloody idea at all!In3:Police and Criminal Evidence Act? __________________! I mean, being able to threaten, intimidate, and ________________________ to a suspect are the chief weapons in a copper’s armoury – right?In4:Oh, shite!In5:I mean, I don’t take no bloody crap from no one-San:_________________________________________ – it’s, it’s obviously very valuable to have such ________________________, _________________________________________________ applying for-Jack:Ex-DI Brian Lane, Chief Superintendent Sandra Pullman!Brian:Pullman? Sussex University – accelerated entry, 1987 – Bramshill, 92 [Police Staff College] – DI, _______________________, _____________ – ________, ................

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