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PayPal has unveiled an in-store mobile payment system that does not require communication technology near the field (NFC) within smartphones. The system allows buyers to use smartphones and other mobile devices to scan product barcodes and to authorize payments via PayPal mobile accounts. Another option allows people to use standard credit card scanning terminals -- but instead of scrolling a credit or debit card, the user will start a payment by entering a phone number and PIN on the terminal keyboard. PayPal president Scott Thompson established the basics of the plan in a blog post on Wednesday. In the blog, he also took a strip to competitors, including Google, MasterCard, Visa and others, who are working on projects to set up the so-called mobile portfolio systems based on NFC-ready smartphones. "We're clear about something -- we're not just shoving a credit card on a phone," Thompson said in his blog. PayPal is already a great global force in online payments, with 100 million customers. Now the company hopes to manage in-store mobile payments with systems that do not require NFC technology. You also want to introduce systems that use GPS data to send special offers to customers, according to Thompson's blog. PayPal will also allow customers to set credit payments after checking. Thompson's blog post is accompanied by a video showing the various payment methods PayPal will support. Thompson promised to share more details at merceconference 12-13 October in San Francisco. in the video, a user pays for spending by entering a phone number and a pin on a terminal. in another segment, a shopper uses a smartphone to scan a product's barcode, so use the phone to pay the goods and exits the store, showing an employee who oated his phone to pay. dozens of traders got a peak of sneak technology Wednesday in a sponsored paypal event. the event was covered by the website all things d of the wall street journal, which was not allowed to take photographs, but published a story. Besides mentioning the payment methods indicated in the paypal video, this story said paypal will allow customers to continue using plastic cards, issued by paypal, for payment. in an interview published on all things d, thompson said that the paypal approach does not require traders to install new terminals, and does not require consumers to buy new smartphones. While thompson did not exclude the oo of nfc technology, he said "we are not embracing technology" and argued that a nfc-based payment option that is only available through some banks and only works with a specific phone on a specific network could only serve "50 people out of 350 million people in the United States. "Starbucks also expressed concerns about the fact that nfc technology may not be widely available shortly. instead of waiting for nfc, the coffee chain has implemented a system that allows customers to make in-store payments via scanning barwith their smartphones. PayPal said in February it would start pilot programs of mobile payment systems within a year, but did not offer further details on the timing. The eBay subsidiary faces a number of competitors in the mobile payment market. All major credit card companies and many major US banks have announced plans for mobile payment systems. Google said it would work with MasterCard and Sprint on the launches later this year, while Visa announced separate initiatives. Isis, a consortium of three major wireless carriers, has plans for two drivers in 2012. PayPal and eBay have also filed a lawsuit that charges Google with theft of commercial secrets related to mobile payment systems and top selling strategies. Matt Hamblen covers mobile and wireless, smartphones and other handhelds, and wireless network for Computerworld. Follow Matt on Twitter to @matthamblen, or subscribe to Matt's RSS feed. Your email address is mhamblen@. Copyright ? 2011 IDG Communications, Inc. 14 November 2019 4 min read Opinions expressed by entrepreneur contributors are their own. When we think about Black Friday, we often imagine people who wrap themselves out shops at the crack of dawn, trampling each other in search of a discounted television. For this season of shopping-holidays, anchored both from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, more buyers who will never stay at home and will turn to their phones. So let's take a look at why the traditional brick-and-mortar retail ison the street side, and which business owners and entrepreneurs can expect from this year's holiday shopping season, based on recent trends. The average person spends more than three hours a day on their phone, and that number is set to continue growing, considering between 2011 and 2019, mobile internet use fired at 504 percent. Fully aware of this habit, companies have taken the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon. But does it mean that offline stores will disappear in the next 20-30 years? Looking at Barney's recent and shameful acquisition, he could. Related: Online Holiday-Shopping Fraud Risks and what you can do to avoid them because of the emergence of online shopping and other competitive factors, old brick and mortar shops and shopping centers are in decline. This does not mean they will be pushed completely by the online movement. Many offline stores are still very successful and will continue to be. There are also a lot of buyers who still prefer the personal touch of in-store navigation, and some products just cannot be purchased with full online trust. But the decline came, independently. The main US and international brands should close 12,000 stores by the end of 2019. Similarly, the shopping centres, which were built twice the rate that the population grew from 1970 to 2015, are now similarly stopping. Clearly, those first developers did not predict the mobile age as a serious obstacle, not that they could necessarily have. To add insultthe emergence of ecommerce has made the journey of mall a useless drawback and offers buyers limited variety. Technology-oriented shipping solutions such as Ladingo have simplified the cross-border process for e-commerce vendors and could allow them to expand and eventually reach all corners of the world. Between 2010 and 2017, CBRE shows that total ecommerce sales increased by 166 percent, with companies like Amazon leading the way. And Statista estimates that by 2021, ecommerce will represent 13.7 percent of all U.S. trade sales, increasing from 5.8 percent in 2013. While these figures may appear relatively low, they are increasing at an accelerated rate, and as consumers require more convenience, companies move away from old stores and develop online platforms to meet these trends. But even in the short period that ecommerce has become the dominant medium, mobile commerce, or m-commerce, is expected to 54 percent of total e-commerce sales by 2021. "M-Commerce is not only a technological trend that will fade at some point, it is in our current life and state of mind, mobile, everywhere, at any time," says Omri Argaman, CMO and co-founder of mobile society at Zoomd. "M-commerce is a revolution that has already begun and will become the new way search buyers and compare the items, and pay for them. " Related: 5 Tips to Increase Ecommerce Sales on Cyber MondaySo, What Does All This Means For Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2019? Let's start by turningthe clock at 2018. For electronic commerce alone, between 2017 and 2018, Cyber Monday saw an increase of 19,6 percent in sales, and Black Friday sales increased by 23.6 percent in the same period. In addition, Salesforce shows that in 2018, 49 percent of e-commerce purchases were made on mobile and 67 percent of digital traffic was also on mobile. For the bottom line of the business, these purchases represented 2.1 billion dollars in sales during the holidays, according to Appsflyer. In preparation for the next season, companies would be wise to realize the potential in the m-commerce movement, and for brick shops and mortar to remain relevant, mobile platforms could integrate their existing operations to process orders. While traditional stores will probably not close in the coming years, the gradual decline we see with the big brand outlets that closes shops around the United States will not come to an end at any time, if ever. Expect this Black Friday and Cyber Monday to keep the trend ahead and show that the future is right in consumer pockets. Consumer pockets.

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