

Title: ‘Small diameter helical vascular scaffolds support endothelial cell survival’.

Authors: Vijay Parikh,a, b Juned Kadiwala,c Araida Hidalgo Bastida,a Cathy Holt, d Mohammad Sanami, b Mohsen Miraftab,b, e Rameen Shakur,c* May Azzawi a*

a Cardiovascular Research Group, School of Healthcare Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, M1 5GD , United Kingdom

b Institute for Materials Research and Innovation (IMRI), University of Bolton, Manchester, BL3 5AB, United Kingdom

c Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

d Institute for Cardiovascular Science, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK.

e Medical Device Consultants Limited, Wilmslow, SK9 4JJ, U.K.

* Address for correspondence: Dr May Azzawi, Cardiovascular Research Group, School of Healthcare Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, M1 5GD, United Kingdom. Telephone +44(0) 161 247 3332. Email m.azzawi@mmu.ac.uk; Dr Rameen Shakur, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Email rs16@sanger.ac.uk

Word count for abstract: 150

Word count for manuscript: 4,998

Number of references: 47

Number of figures: 4

Number of tables: 2

Number of Supplementary online-only files, if any: 1

Conflict of interest: The scaffold design is detailed in a filed patent (Patent Application No: GB1616064).

Funding: This work was supported by a ‘Joint health accelerator grant’ from the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University (2015/16).

Abstract (=150 words)

There is an acute clinical need for small-diameter vascular grafts as a treatment option for cardiovascular disease. Here, we used an intelligent design system to recreate the natural structure and hemodynamics of small arteries. Nano-fibrous tubular scaffolds were fabricated from blends of polyvinyl alcohol and gelatin with inner helices to allow a near physiological spiral flow profile, using the electrospinning technique. Human coronary artery endothelial cells (ECs) were seeded on the inner surface and their viability, distribution, gene expression of mechanosensitive and adhesion molecules compared to that in conventional scaffolds, under static and flow conditions. We show significant improvement in cell distribution in helical vs conventional scaffolds (94% ± 9% vs 82% ± 7.2%; p ................

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