
AAnnouncementsPeace Mission Project for April 2018Our mission project this month is collecting funds for a freezer for Jamaica. They needa place to store all those chickens!The Vision Team will meet with interior designer Thomas Wegner immediately following worship today to discuss the implications of making some changes in the worship space in the sanctuary.? Anyone who is interested is welcome to remain in the sanctuary after worship and “tag along”!Congratulations to Barbara West who was elected to become pastor of Spencer Memorial Presbyterian Church in Lemon, South Dakota.? There are plans for her service of ordination will be held here at Peace Church next month.? Stand by for details!Do you know any middle school, high school or college students who would like to join Pastor Heidi and some other young people with to Youth Day for Climate Justice at the Minnesota State Capitol on April 25, 8:30am-2:30pm? Sponsored by Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light. Contact Pastor Heidi directly at 612.296.7878.A memorial service to celebrate the life of Betty Kringlee will be held here at Peace on May 12 at 10:30am with a lunch to follow.New members will be received during worship on April 22.? Ashley Johnson will be baptized and confirmed.?Caleb Dayebna and Jinny Hilf will be received by letter of transfer.Leaders in worship are pastor Heidi Vardeman, music director Patrice Meschke and liturgist Bets Synder.Sound system technician is Terry Kubista and projectionist Eli Huebner.Welcome visitors! We welcome you to Peace Presbyterian Church. We are an open-minded, peace-loving and justice-seeking community. Please join us for our regular worship service on Sundays at 10:30 am. This week, Dec. 29, there will be adult education at 9:00 am and coffee and treats after worship. Currently we do not offer nursery care during worship, but if you would like to have nursery care, please let Pastor Heidi know. We would be happy to arrange it. Maxine Benson Memorial Service. A memorial service will be held here at Peace Church on Saturday, Dec. 28, at 12:00 noon with visitation with the family starting at 10:00 am. There will be a reception and light lunch following. Join the church. A group of new people will be joining the church in January. If you would like to be included, please speak with Pastor Heidi. Wednesday Night Suppers. There will be no Wednesday night supper on Jan. 1. The Wednesday night suppers will start up again with a potluck on Wednesday Jan. 8 at 6:00 pm. Get in touch. Rev. Vardeman can be contacted on her cell phone (612-296-7878) or by e-mail her at hvardeman@. If you would like to receive our weekly e-mail newsletter please send your e-mail information to peaceprezslp@ and indicate you would like to receive the Mid Week Update.Peace Presbyterian Church7624 Cedar Lake Rd. S.St. Louis Park MN 55426952.545.2586 peaceprezslp@ CHRISTMAS EVE Peace Presbyterian ChurchDecember 24, 2019 Rev. Dr. Heidi Vardeman, pastor Patrice Meschke, musicianPreludeChristmas Music Medley Steve HowardIntroit O Holy Night Sam SchmelingCall to WorshipTonight is a holy night. Do you perceive it? Let us sing to the Lord a new song. There’s a star in the sky. Will you follow it?Let us abandon our darkness and embrace the light.Theirs is a moment of peace on earth. Will you repeat it? Let us repent our faithlessness and remember that God so loved the world that God sent the only begotten son. The incarnation came with a baby’s cry. Will you adore him? Let us worship the Lord Jesus Christ. *Hymn #41 O Come, All Ye FaithfulLighting the Advent CandlesAfter counting the weeks of Advent we have come to this special night. The candle of hope is lit.The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined. The second candle, the candle of peace, is lit.The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. The third candle, the candle of joy, is lit.And he shall be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, and Prince of Peace.The fourth candle, the candle of love, is lit. This is the greatest commandment: love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself.Tonight the fifth candle, the candle which represents Christ himself, is lit.For tonight, in the city of David, Jesus will be born.Hymn #16The Angel Gabriel from Heaven CameKent HallKent will play the hymn as a solo on the clarinet. Then the congregation will sing the hymn with Kent playing along with the final verse.First LessonIsaiah 9:2-6The ProphecyHymn #38It Came Upon the Midnight Clear, stanza 1Second Lesson Luke 1:26-33 The AnnunciationSpecial Music Born in Bethlehem Val EngThird Lesson Luke 2:1-7 The Birth Hymn #43 O Little Town of Bethlehem, stanza 1Fourth Lesson Luke 2: 8-14 The Birth AnnouncementHymn #59 While Shepherds Watched their Flocks, stanza 1OffertoryAway in the MangerSam SchemlingPrayer and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.Lighting the Christmas CandleFinally, tonight we light the Christ candle as we rejoice that Jesus was born to be a human being among us.And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth. Spreading the Light *Hymn #60 Silent Night, Holy NightBefore the first verse, a solo will be sung in German. The congregation joins in after the solo.Bold texts are read and sung by the congregation. Asterisk (*) indicates you are to stand if you are able.Join us on the lower level for coffee fellowship after worship. There is an elevator on your right as you leave the sanctuary. ................

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