THE PACER - Anderson Road Runners


Newsletter of the Anderson Road Runners Club

December 2005 – January 2006

Anderson Road Runners Celebrate the Holidays Together

The Annual Christmas Party was a great time for all. The attendance was the best since the split with the annual awards program and meeting. It was once again an occasion for awards – this time to recognize our youth cross country racing team. Many families attended to show support for the kids. It seemed we had twice as many tables set up and still less empty seats. It is great to see the club reaching the youth. Everyone had plenty to eat and a great time of fellowship. The following week many gathered at Rax to embark on a Christmas Lights Run.

New Year’s Day presented another opportunity for the club to celebrate a holiday together. Kevin and Debbie Harry’s absence left some of us wondering what to do to start the new year. A run on New Year’s to start the year right just seems so appropriate. Wesley Free Methodist Church opened its doors for a walk and run. Nearly 20 members completed the approximately 3.6 mile course through Edgewood. A few fellows thought the course not long enough and chose to take a detour (. Another half dozen adults and kids shot baskets and played in the gym while we ran. Following the run, everyone enjoyed a variety of food and drink including a tasty BBQ with coleslaw made by Phil Miller. Special thanks to my friends, Ann and Sherry, for coming over early to become acquainted with the course and help lead the pack during the run.



President’s Message

Holiday Greetings fellow ARRC members! I hope this holiday season finds all of you enjoying a cheerful season and that Santa brought you all some great new exercise gear. And while we’re breaking out the new gear we should probably at least jot down some of those New Years resolutions we all find so easy to break after a couple of weeks as well.

First off, congratulations to those brave souls who completed a lap or laps at the Huff. Bud Stiffler again proved he’s our version on the Energizer Bunny by completing all 3 laps in a little over 8 hours. Several other members turned in very respectable times on what was again a cold day with snowy and rough trail conditions. I had to work in a nice warm store with free food that day so I felt bad about missing out.

If memory serves me correctly we had about 55 brave souls show up for a rather chilly and windy Thanksgiving Day Run. I was really gratified by the number of runners who donated their pies and canned goods for us to deliver to the Christian Center. My thanks to Bob Kearns for picking up the turkeys and a load of pies. To Greg Smith for always being there to help with set-up, scoring and tear down. And finally to Robin Gerhart for making time to run our donated items to the Christian Center. None of these events, no matter how small, come off without a team effort.

Originally, we had planned to have two-lappers in December and January. Because of the timing of all the other events we substituted the City Lights run for one of the two-lappers. As we reported earlier we had a nice turn out of about 25 runners including many of our XC racing team members and we also enjoyed the hospitality of Perry Knox and Rax. Stay tuned to arrcnews and if things work out timing and weather wise we’ll attempt to have a two-lapper on a Sunday afternoon later in January. We’ll do our best to avoid any conflicts with potential Colts playoff games, too.

As the calendar year winds down we also find that the club year is also rapidly coming to a close. Our annual meeting is scheduled for Feb 4, 2006 and it will be time to gather to celebrate each others accomplishments, pass out awards from both the Thursday night and Road Race series races, and also attend to the election of officers.

While the board has already made some progress towards identifying candidates for our annual awards we’re still open to suggestions and nominations. Each category is open to both male and female runners and walkers. The categories are as follows:

Rookie of the Year

Most Improved in 2005

Comeback Runner of the Year

Dale Johnson Award – Marathoner of the Year

James West Award -  Outstanding Youth runners

Jeff Bailey Award – Awarded to the person(s) who provide outstanding service to the ARRC

As I noted above we’ll also be electing officers. As is always the case every office is open for election. We do have several current board members who have offered to serve yet another term. Those who have agreed to serve again, if duly elected, are:

Bob Kearns – VP

Carolyn McKinney – either Editor or Secretary

Greg Smith – At Large Member/Road Race Series Director

Mark Volk - At Large Member/XC Program Director

Frankie St. Phillips - At Large Member/Fun Run Program Director

Judy Baylor - At Large Member/Walking Program Director

At this time we are still in need of people to fill the following key positions: President, Treasurer, Secretary (or Editor) and Membership Chairperson. If you are interested in one of these positions please let myself or one of the other officers know.

If I don’t see you on the roads or trails I look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting February 4, 2006.


Steve Hagensieker

President - ARRC

Sponsor Spotlight – Rayl Surveying

We are a Civil Engineering and Land Surveying company that has been in business in Anderson for the last 25 years. My dad who is both a licensed civil engineer and land surveyor has been in the profession since the 1960's He started the company after working as city engineer and continues to oversee the daily operations. We have 13 full time employees and 3 part time. I started out working with my dad at about the age of 10 working on ditch projects and road construction projects. I started full time in 1989 and became licensed in 2001 I currently oversee all of the survey field crews and schedule the work. People will ask me what do you do exactly holding that stick. Our main focus of work is in the commercial and government sector. We have designed many of the road and sewer projects throughout the city included Main Street, 64th Street, and Enterprise drive. We also work with many developers on residential and commercial subdivisions. Including South Main West, Paramount Springs, Pendle Pointe Flagship Park, Lakes At Killbuck and Lake Clearwater. Other business we have worked as late include Skyline Chili, Culvers, Starbucks and the new WalMart Site. We continue to work with Anderson University on Student Housing completing the new location at 5th and Nursery earlier this summer. We work with many of the local churches on new site designs including Madison Park on the south side of town. We have worked with Habitat for Humanity on some sites in town for new residents. I have also enjoyed going to schools and Cub Scout meeting to show and explain what we do, It fascinates kids when I tell them that I can make my measurements from satellites orbiting the earth. I have seen quite a few changes in the profession since I started and continue to love what I do and be involved with new projects throughout the community.



Brian K. Rayl P.L.S.

Rayl Surveying & Engineering Inc.

1940 East 53rd Street

Anderson, IN. 46013

Brian Recently Completed his First Marathon!

Hey just a quick note on my recent completion of the Honolulu Marathon.  It was my first ever marathon and I was concerned about the 80 degree temp so I started slow and continued the pace, had a great time and the views running up Diamond Head were awesome. Also I included a link to the local paper,  where they took my picture the day before at the expo. I tried to give credit to Anderson but he was a little confused and just put Indianapolis. I finished in 4:26:10 a new PR and room to improve on my next Marathon.



Household Finance

GMAC Mortgage

Anderson Family YMCA

The Running Company

GNC at the Mall

Pay Less Cross Street

Blimpies Subs and Salads

Old National Bank

Robert Loose Funeral Home

Rax Restaurant downtown

1 2 One promotions

Gwinn’s Drug Store

Anderson Foot & Ankle Center

Anderson Center for Sight

Lutz Insurance

Jennifer Bridges Massage

Standt’s of Anderson

Copy Connection

Surbaugh and Son

The Herald Bulletin

Rayl Surveying & Engineering

Baylor and Associates, Inc.

Star China

Art’s Trim Shop

Madison Community Bank

Pizza King

Dr. Ron Harmening



Versus LP

Walk the Walk The HUFF

Greetings walkers, runners, and the insatiably curious!!!!! The year is winding down and the snow is deep. The Mounds glacier is still currently passable. I would like to thank Santa for leaving all of the other reindeer near the great Mound Tuesday at 5:30P. I had never seen ten deer that up-close and personal in my life. Apparently they were aware of my tremendous speed. They never moved an inch. I slowly crunched my way over to the goofy annex trail section before they decided to move on to their night quarters. At least there was no personal contact this time. I scared up another three going down the south hill. It was a deer extravaganza.

My thanks to the Kris Kringle race staff!! They worked extremely hard to conduct a race in spite of icy conditions before the race. My hats off to Tim Grant and all of the volunteers that make this race a Holiday Tradition. They continue to make Walkers feel especially welcome. Thank you for giving such deep awards to Walkers. It was a very competitive field with Russell, Dale, Greg, Robin and myself. My deepest thanks go to Bill Leveridge. I love your artwork and have several hanging on my walls. Maybe one of these days I’ll get drawn in time for a painted saw!

I survived the HUFF this year!! The Fun Loop in the six inch snow made me feel like I did the three loops. The best thing about this year’s race was that I could still walk without crutches after I finished. Thanks to everyone whom kindly asked how many loops I intended on doing. I just haven’t gotten the miles in to go farther. My cyborg knee just hasn’t kicked in with the kind of speed or durability I keep hoping for. Are you listening Santa?

There were a lot of fellow ARRC members attacking the course. My deepest congratulations to Bud Stiffler for another impressive ultra completed. Next year maybe I can get a Husky to pull me around, if I could keep up with one. The cold crisp morning provided a beautiful view of the lake. The boom of the canon never leaves one wondering when the race will start. The snow provided a beautiful scenic course if you had time to look up from the narrow trail. I enjoyed this race as a character builder. It is the farthest that I have gone in a race since my knee replacement. Though stiff and sore, I could still walk after the race this year. Thanks to everyone at the HUFF, Mitch and Judy, for a wonderful day of racing and great soups.

Walkers, there is a great race coming in February. The Polar Bear is a great five mile race put on by Ken Long in Indy. This race has as many as four hundred walkers. They have five year age groups Male and Female and cash awards for the top three overall Male and Female. If you want to test yourself with the best or just to do some Fazzoli’s spaghetti at the end, this is a great walk through downtown Indy.

Thanks to everyone in the Club for another fine year. I enjoy the races and the fellowship that everyone provides. Thanks for helping me more accurately keep track of the Road Series Points. I seem to need a little more help each year. Take care everyone and keep on getting out There.


Space Coast Marathon, Cocoa, Florida – lovely town, great beach, found a nice, large suite with an affordable price tag. The race might be able to boast the smallest expo – a chiropractor, running store, and the saving grace – Bill Rodgers. It had been advertised he would be speaking at the Pasta Dinner so not a complete surprise to see him. What was surprising was how personable and approachable he was. I purchased a book, got it signed, and a photo then I expected a quick good luck. Instead, 10 minutes later, I had to excuse myself as my family was waiting for me. When I returned later for the pasta dinner, I knew no one else so when I saw Bill and an empty seat at his table, guess where I sat? Now before you think me too bold, it wasn’t like a head table or anything, actually just the closest to the food. Any meal is even nicer with the company of a legend.

My race - the course was an out and back and the marathoners did it twice.  It allowed me to twice see my husband, Tom,

who was doing his first half. The course was beautiful, along the Indian River and mostly shaded with very little traffic so the repetition was not bad. That breaks my race into 4th's.

Nearly the first fourth I ran with another first timer, the time

and miles passed effortlessly. We talked and yelled encouragement to the faster runners returning from the turnaround. We maintained a 9 min pace through 4miles and only off by 10 seconds or so on number 5, number six we had dropped to a 9:30 pace.  I felt great; I think she was beginning to tire, told me to go ahead, nice to meet me, etc.  I was 1:00 and change at the south turnaround.

 Then I must have  jackrabbitted a bit - I made up the 41 seconds and was back on 9 min pace by mile 8, then I stabilized but continued 9 min pace or slightly better - I was about 30 seconds under 9 min pace at mile 12.  I was feeling great, yelling encouragement to other runners. One guy I came up on, greeted me with, "so you're the cheerleader"  I realized how much I was enjoying cheering for other runners. At the north turnaround (also finish area), I made a pitstop. I crossed the mat at half way 1:58 and change.

Third fourth - the wind had really picked up coming off the water.  During the third fourth, I passed a couple women right after the turnaround. And caught back up with some of the guys I had run with for a while earlier. I noticed my mile splits getting slower but was enjoying the experience and still felt good.  I could feel the extra effort needed for the wind but appreciated being cooled some too.  I noticed some achiness in my knees around 16 miles but nothing major.  I changed my stride a bit for a while - seems I shuffle more when running slower and think maybe tougher on the knees.  That helped some - said some prayers and recalled encouraging Bible verses.  I really felt uplifted.  A bit of fatigue around 19 - I was really ready for the turnaround, thinking it would be a mental boost to be heading in, also hoping the wind would help me heading in.

The final hot, slow but finishing and conquering leg

When I entered the neighborhood for the mini turnaround loop, a worker called me by name and said I was in the top ten women, keep it up. (our names were on our bibs - nice touch, great for encouraging each other) That boosted my spirits. I was the only one in the neighborhood block - started to worry about knowing the way but was just around a block, no real chance to get lost - just odd feeling to see no one ahead of me. I came out of the neighborhood and the clock said 3:03 - yes my time was slipping greatly, I just wanted to finish - my calves were in knots.  By this time, I was hot.  The wind did not seem to be blowing much at all by this time or not in the right direction.  After the race, I overhead someone say that last year the high was 70 on race day - this year it was 73 at the start and about 80. It must have been tough for many, I passed 2 women and seemed to be running alone, other than slower traffic on the other side of the road.  I still tried to cheer for others but know I sounded much less enthusiastic.  I lived for the next water stop - for the excuse to walk and take a few sips. Though the walking did not feel better than running actually.

Around mile 23, there was an ambulance pulling   over about quarter mile ahead of me, I thought - don't tempt me.  There was a man, apparently troubled greatly by the heat.  He was standing and apparently reluctant to give up but disoriented.  I jogged on and counted my blessings.  I said a prayer for the man, myself and all the runners.  I also decided finishing in 4 and a half hours would be better than being picked up by the ambulance while averaging a nine minute pace - at mile 25.  After all, I could always improve on my time in my next race. So, I took it pretty easy  from that point. Around 24.5 one of the women I had passed, passed me back, and we stayed close until the end.  I passed her and finished strong into the park - about the last 2 tenths - I felt so good then - maybe I should have tried running faster sooner. 


My dad had made it there to see me finish. That was cool - he saw me when I was coming in strong for my 4:10 overall time.  I did not know he was there until after I got my medal.  I knew there was a chance - if the woman was right about the top ten – that I could have placed in my age group.  Then after my massage, results had been posted - and there I was 2nd in my age group.  I later found I was 8th woman overall.  My dad was very impressed when he heard them announcing the younger age groups - and my time was better than most of them.  Yes, they even announced the times for age group 1,2,3 places. Bill Rodgers gave me my award and remembered me - said something like hey, you made the cut.  Then, in the midst of the awards, he is telling me to have a safe trip home to Indiana and get some rest and enjoy Christmas.  How awesome for Bill Rodgers to remember me!

So, I am hooked. My three days a week training program worked – 4:10 for a first-timer – not too shabby! Now if I could add the recommended 2 days a week of cross training or easy runs, I might just break four hours. Unfortunately, the cold and holidays have derailed me a bit. I also realize how much I need the structure of a plan and the motivation of an upcoming race.



  SUNDAY, 0CTOBER 16, 2005                

  JACK STEPP       3:54:53

  TONY MARTIN  3:54:54

  TERRY SPOO     3:54:56


  THOMAS CORDA   4:41:22

  BOB KEARNS     5:15:58

  ROB FREESTONE  5:15:59

DINO Series

Kathy Wehrley 1st in F 45-49

Tree City Run, Greensburg


Ann Morris 48:11 Overall Female

Carolyn McKinney 49:18 1st AG/2nd Overall


Sherry Robertson 22:38 1st AG/2nd Overall

Space Coast Marathon

Carolyn McKinney 4:10:08

Honolulu Marathon

Brian Rayl 4:26:10

Rocket City Marathon

WrayJean Cornwell 5:10


Bud Stiffler 50K 8:01:53

Jamie Banks Fun Loop 2:29:23

Gretchen Eaton Fun Loop 2:35:22

Tommy Goodson Fun Loop 1:44:03

Lori Goodson Fun Loop 2:16:23

Ron Harmening Fun Loop 1:52:43

Bob Hart Fun Loop 2:37:30

Kendra Hitchcock Fun Loop 2:05:57

Bill Miller Fun Loop 2:35:23

Pat Miller Fun Loop 2:35:22

Debbie Smith Fun Loop 2:16:23

Greg Smith Fun Loop 2:47:56

15th Annual Kris Kringle 4 Miler & 3 Mile Walk

PL. Name/City Time

001 - McAllister, Ronnie – Batesville, IN 25.21

002 - Ferguson, Ethan – New Castle, IN 25.56

003 - Pryor, Travis – New Castle, IN 26.15

004 - Chew, Richard – Straughn, IN 26.35

005 - Broadhead, Don – Indianapolis, IN 26.55

006 - Sheard, Mark – Richmond, IN 27.13

007 - Shelton, Mike – Anderson, IN 27.18

008 - Grant, Tim - Indianapolis, IN 27.47

009 - Summers, Brian – New Castle, IN 28.19

010 - Smith, Patrick – Fountain City, IN 28.25

011 - Stokes, Kelli – (F) - Connersville, IN 28.30

012 - Fink, Cris – Hagerstown, IN 29.49

013 - Black, Gene – Camden, OH 30.06

014 - Robertson, Sherry (F) – Pendleton, IN 30.50

015 - McCracken, Reuben – Hagerstown, IN 31.02

016 - Paul, Randy – Knightstown, IN 31.09

017 - Paul, Emily (F) – Knightstown, IN 31.11

018 - Richey, Dan – New Castle, IN 31.21

019 - Morris, Ann (F) – Muncie, IN 31.46

020 - Phipps, Michael – Anderson, IN 32.08

021 - Smith, Danny – Martinsville, IN 32.24

022 - Batt, Jr. – Albany, IN 32.34

023 - Denney, Craig – Noblesville, IN 32.46

024 - Evans, Walter – Mooreland, IN 33.06

025 - McKinney, Carolyn (F) – Anderson, IN 33.28

026 - Yorn, Mark – Batesville, IN 33.29

027 - Smith, Don – New Castle, IN 34.14

028 - Gable, Kip – Greenfield, IN 34.34

029 - McKinney, Paula (F) – Selma, IN 36.32

030 - Grimes, Stephenie (F) – Yorktown, IN 37.00

031 - Corda, Tom – Anderson, IN 37.09

032 - Russell, Robert – Pendleton, IN 37.09

033 - Sedam, Billy – Indianapolis, IN 37.39

034 - McKinley, Jaime (F) – Muncie, IN 37.44

035 - Summers, Mike – New Castle, IN 38.25

036 - Rose, Doug – Pendleton, IN 38.30

037 - Miller, Pat (F) – Alexandria, IN 38.35

038 - Eaton, Gretchen (F) – Indianapolis, IN 39.40

039 - Gable, Chad – Greenfield, IN 39.59

040 - Miller, William – Alexandria, IN 40.14

041 - Smith, Karen – (F) - Martinsville, IN 41.05

042 - McKay, Beth (F) – Selma, IN 42.43

043 - Merritt, Elaine (F) – Middletown, IN 42.45

044 - Bagley, Chuck –Anderson, IN 42.48

045 - Hartley, Jenelle (F) – Middletown, IN 44.42

046 - West, Edna (F) – Middletown, IN 47.44

047 - Sheard, Michelle – Richmond, IN 49.18

101 - Fox, Russell (W) – Greenwood, IN 28.51

102 –Fisher, Dale (W) – Farmland, IN 30.20

103 - Michael, Robin (W) – Muncie, IN 34.20

104 - Smith, Gregory (W) – Anderson, IN 35.08

105 - Myers, Sally (W) – Muncie, IN 37.16

106 - Callahan, Greg (W) – Daleville, IN 37.17

107 - Russell, Cheryl (W) – Pendleton, IN 42.02

108 - Chew, Joyce (W) – Straughn, IN 42.03

000 Numbers are Kris Kringle 4 Miler Runners

100 Numbers are Kris Kringle 3 Mile Walk Participants


|Jan 21 |Fun Run Awards Dinner |

|4 –6 pm |North Anderson Church of God |

|Jan 21 & 22 |Chili Hilly Stage Race |

| |Martinsville, In |

|Feb 4 |Anderson Road Runners Club Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner |

|Sat. |At Wesley Free Methodist Church 3017 W 8th St Anderson |

|Feb 5 - 1 pm |Groundhog 7 miler – FREE |

|Sun. |Zionsville High School more information at |

|Feb 11 |Cupid’s Fling 5 K Run and Walk, Carmel, Indiana |

| |Runners Forum |

|Feb 18 |Get on the Stick 5 k Run and Walk, Carmel High School |

| |Tuxedo Brothers |

|Feb 18 |Polar Bear Run and Walk 5 mile, Indianapolis |

| |Ken Long & Associates |

|March 11 |DINO Trail Run 5k & 15k Eagle Creek Park, Indianapolis |

|March 17 |Annual Shamrock 5 mile Run and 5 k Walk, downtown Indy |

|Friday |Tuxedo Brothers |

|March 19 |Sam Costa Half Marathon |

|Sunday | |

|April 2 |Athens Marathon and Half Marathon, Athens, OH |

|Sunday | ($27 for either race through 3/24) |



Fun Run Awards Dinner

Date:  January 21, 2006

Time:  4:00 to 6:00

Where:  North Anderson Church of God on North Scatterfield Road.

What to Bring:  A covered dish (preferably pasta or dessert or both)

RSVP to Frankie St. Philllips

765-683-9294 Home, 765-635-5696 Cell


In the pages of the December/January Pacer:

President’s Message - Hagensieker 2

Sponsor Spotlight Rayl Surveying 3

Sponsor List 3

Walk the Walk – Greg Smith 4

My First Marathon – Carolyn M. 4-5

Results 6

Race Calendar 7

The Running Company is opening a new store in Carmel. Other exciting news from the Running Company LLC is the announcement of new Assistant Apparel Buyer, Kathy Wehrley. Kathy recently traveled to Chicago to check out the fall 2006 line from Nike. Congratulations, Kathy!

My First Marathon and my new Friend, Bill Rodgers

Carolyn McKinney


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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