
Sunday Connection: 11.12.2018Lighthouse (P1-P6)Aim: To Tell the Christmas story together through Jesus birth and arrival of the shepherds. Bible Passages: In their Sunday school time, the children are colouring and making themselves a set of nativity characters as they learn the story of the birth of Jesus. So far they have made a baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. To Chat: Who did God tell first about Jesus being born? Does that surprise you? Who would you tell first? (Shepherds were not well regarded at the time and what they had to say was not necessarily believed). When the angels came to tell the shepherds, how did they respond? (They went to Bethlehem to look for themselves) How did they respond to baby Jesus? (went away telling everyone and singing and praising God). How do you think you would have responded? To Make: The authors of Baking Through the Bible for Christmas have listed twelve baking items and their related stories here. If you have a keen baker at home, you may wish to look up the recipies and munch through the Nativity together over the Christmas holidays! Youth (P7-S4)Aim: To look at the minor prophets and see how they give us a glimpse of the coming of Jesus. To look at the themes of God’s judgement and hope as they connect to the Christmas Story. This was a variation of a lesson from the Barnabas in Churches Advent Resources.Bible Passages: Review of last week (See Sunday Connection 10.12.2018). Micah 4:1-5.To Chat: Israel was a nation caught between warring nations at the time, with being conquered an imminent threat. People generally disobeyed God and their sacrifices were just for keeping ritual, not sincere. What might these words from Micah be telling the people? What hope do they bring? Have we reached the time Micah has spoken of yet?We had lots of good questions, not all directly related to the passage that filled most of our discussion. In light of this, we will be spending some time in the new year, as we have in the past, intentionally pondering individual’s questions as part of our time together.To Look and Pray: There have been examples of these verses from Micah being thought of deeply today, particularly 3b ‘they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks’ as a symbol of a commitment to peace. An example of this was created by the Simple Way in Philadelphia, led by Shane Claiborne— A video of Shane explaining this is here. Is there any situation in the world or even Edinburgh you would like to pray for God’s peace in this Christmas time? Can you think of a way that you can play an active role in this? ................

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