PDF Wade Petersen Presents Fun & Games: : Frosting Your Classroom ...

Wade Petersen Presents

Fun & Games: :

Frosting Your Classroom


I.W.L.A. Conference October 9-10, 2009 Des Moines Downtown Marriott

Contact Information: Wade Petersen

Valley Southwoods Freshman High School West Des Moines, Iowa wadecp@ petersenw@

Conecta cuatro

Teacher Background Information

Spanish Title: Conecta cuatro English Title: "Connect Four" (?Milton Bradley 1974) Target Level: Spanish I , II, III or IV Target Grammar/Vocabulary: various vocabulary topics Activity Duration: 5-15 minutes per round

Object of the Game: Students must be the first team/player to get four colored circles in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). Teacher Preparation: This is a very quick and simple activity to prepare. The teacher must make one transparency of the game board, if the game is to be played as half the class vs. the other half; in this case, the teacher will also need to prepare a list of review vocabulary (use the enclosed vocabulary grid to help make your list). I have many different lists for my different levels of Spanish, and they're ready at a moment's notice. I take most of the vocabulary from their current unit, but I usually throw in vocabulary from earlier units in the year. If you want the students to play in small groups of three (thus increasing student involvement), make paper photocopies of the game board for as many groups as you need (you'll need many copies ... they'll go through them quickly; you could also put them inside plastic page dividers and use dry-erase markers). Student Preparation: If students play in groups of three, the teacher may supply the vocabulary list and one student will act as the question master and judge. Students can also make their own vocabulary lists; have students spend 10 minutes, the day before, making vocab lists from a current unit (including some vocabulary from previous units). On game day, groups trade sets of vocabulary (otherwise they will know what to expect from their own set of questions). Playing the Game: There are two ways to play this fun game. The quick version is to have one player from each team come forward and give both one vocabulary item at the same time; the first one to ring in (use a signaling device or slap a desk) and give the correct Spanish word will get to make a mark on the grid; this speeds up the competition and teams get very competitive. That student will get to pick a column in which to "drop" a chip in the board. This is like tic-tactoe except that in this game, chips fall to the bottom of the grid (all column spaces must be filled from the bottom up). Another way to play is to alternate turns. Both teams send one player forward (to determine who goes first, have two dice - the high roll begins); the teacher will ask each student, one at a time, a word from the list. If their responses are correct, each gets to pick a column in which to "drop" a chip. Since you are working with a transparency, use two different color transparency markers (one color for each team) to color in the circle of the grid where the chip would "fall." Then call up the next two players (if students are playing in their own in groups, just have them color in the circles on a paper grid). Some players will want to use actual chips to play (available cheaply at teacher supply stores). Winning the Game: Play continues until one team (or player) gets four circles of their color in a row. The four in a row can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. Want to make the game last longer? Instead of just four in a row, change the game to connect five, and then six!

Conecta cuatro








Conecta cuatro Vocabulary List

1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________ 4. ________________________ 5. ________________________ 6. ________________________ 7. ________________________ 8. ________________________ 9. ________________________ 10. ________________________ 11. ________________________ 12. ________________________ 13. ________________________ 14. ________________________ 15. ________________________ 16. ________________________ 17. ________________________ 18. ________________________ 19. ________________________ 20. ________________________

21. ________________________ 22. ________________________ 23. ________________________ 24. ________________________ 25. ________________________ 26. ________________________ 27. ________________________ 28. ________________________ 29. ________________________ 30. ________________________ 31. ________________________ 32. ________________________ 33. ________________________ 34. ________________________ 35. ________________________ 36. ________________________ 37. ________________________ 38. ________________________ 39. ________________________ 40. ________________________

41. ________________________ 42. ________________________ 43. ________________________ 44. ________________________ 45. ________________________ 46. ________________________ 47. ________________________ 48. ________________________ 49. ________________________ 50. ________________________ 51. ________________________ 52. ________________________ 53. ________________________ 54. ________________________ 55. ________________________ 56. ________________________ 57. ________________________ 58. ________________________ 59. ________________________ 60. ________________________


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