Unit 1: Leaders Set Worship Example: Lessons 1 - 5 Lesson 3September 15, 2024Subject: Hezekiah’s Prayer Devotional Reading: Romans 8:29-39 Background Scripture: 2 Kings 19:1-34 Lesson Scripture: 2 Kings 19:14-20, 29-31Memory Verse: LORD our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone, LORD, are God. 2 Kings 19:19 NIVLesson Aim: To show why and how Hezekiah immediately prayed to God in the face of a crisis.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEBACKGROUND Locate Judah, Israel, and the Assyrian Empire on an Old Testament map. See page 3.Who was Hezekiah? 2 Kings 18:1How old was Hezekiah when he became king? What was the length of his reign? 2 Kings 18:2What type of king was Hezekiah? 2 Kings 18:3, 5-6v. 3v. 5av. 6av. 6bv. 6cWhat allowed Hezekiah to have a successful and prosperous reign? 2 Kings 18:7abHow did Hezekiah respond to Judah’s enemies? 2 Kings 18:7c-8What was Hezekiah’s gravest military crisis? 2 Kings 18:13What was the gist of the threating message Hezekiah received from the commander of the Assyrian army on behalf of the king of Assyria? 2 Kings 18:27-37How did Hezekiah react when he received the message from the Assyrian army commander? 2 Kings 19:1From whom did Hezekiah seek advice? Who were sent? How did they approach this person? 2 Kings 19:2What assuring words did the prophet Isaiah give those sent by Hezekiah? 2 Kings 19:6abcHow did God consider the words from Assyria? 2 Kings 19:6dWhat prophecy about the king of Assyria did the Isaiah give from God? 2 Kings 19:7What was the gist of the second letter to Hezekiah from the king of Assyria? 2 Kings 19:10-13I. HEZEKIAH’S PRAYER (2 KINGS 19:14-19)What did Hezekiah do after he read the letter from the king of Assyria? 2 Kings 19:14-15aHow does Hezekiah address God in his prayer? 2 Kings 19:15bHow was the king of Assyria described? 2 Kings 18:19Why did Hezekiah put his trust in God and pray to Him? How does this delegitimize the king of Assyria description?Psalm 95:31 Timothy 6:15Why did Hezekiah go to the temple to pray? Isaiah 56:7; 2 Chronicles 6:34What did Hezekiah say in his prayer to indicate God’s presence in the temple? 2 Kings 19:15cWhat were cherubim? Where were they located in the temple? (The Ark of the Covenant represented God’s presence. 1 Samuel 6:19-20) 1 Kings 8:6-7; Exodus 26:22 How does Hezekiah praise God’s greatness in his prayer? 2 Kings 19:15dev. 15dv. 15eWhat does Hezekiah specifically petition God to do? 2 Kings 19:16ab, 19av. 16av. 16bv. 19aWhat would be proved to the world when God answered Hezekiah’s prayer? 2 Kings 19:19bWhat did Hezekiah acknowledge about Assyria’s conquest? 2 Kings 19:17-18II. ISAIAH’S PROPHECIES (2 KINGS 19:29-34)What prophecy does Isaiah give about a plentiful harvest? 2 Kings 19:29What prophecies are given about a remnant? 2 Kings 19:30-31v. 30v. 31av. 31bWhat was the certainty of the prophecies based on? 2 Kings 19:31cWhat prophecies did God give Isaiah about the king of Assyria? 2 Kings 19:32-33v. 32bcv. 32cdv. 33av. 33bv. 34aWhy did God promise to defend Judah against Assyria? 2 Kings 19:34bcWhat happened to the king of Assyria and his troops? 2 Kings 19:35-37Maps of Judah, Israel, and the Assyrian Empire ................

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