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|Pray |Observe |Interpret |Apply |


1. What is your goal for studying the Book of James?

2. Though we don’t know for certain who authored the Book of James, most scholars believe it was James, the brother of Jesus. What does scripture say about this James?

Mark 6:3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________

John 7:1-5 _________________________________________________________________________________________

1 Corinthians 15:1-7 _________________________________________________________________________________

Acts 1:12-14 _______________________________________________________________________________________

Galatians 1:18-19, 2:9-10 _____________________________________________________________________________

3. How does James refer to himself in verse 1?

(Opinion) Why do you think James did not introduce himself as the brother of Jesus?

4. To whom was this letter written? Verse 1

What are the twelve tribes? See Genesis 49:1-28, Exodus 1:1-5 and Revelation 21:12.

Read Acts 1:8, 2:5-11, 7:59-8:4, 11:19-21 and 1 Peter 1:1. Describe “scattered” (KJV, NIV) or “the Dispersion” (ESV, HCSB).

5. (Application) What is a trial (as referred to in James)? List some trials you have experienced or are experiencing.

According to James 1:2, God does not allow us to avoid pain. With this in mind, how should we respond to trials? Verse 2

(Application) What is your normal response to trials? How do you try to endure painful circumstances?

(Opinion) How do unbelievers attempt to endure painful circumstances?

List several ways painful circumstances can strengthen your faith in God.

6. What is the result of trials, this “testing”? Verses 3-4

7. What are the similarities and differences between our approach to suffering in James 1:2-4 and the following passages?

Matthew 5:10-12

Romans 5:3-5

1 Peter 1:6-7, 2:18-21, 4:1-2

8. Use a Bible dictionary to define the word wisdom. __________________________________________________________


What does God’s Word say about wisdom?

Job 28:12-28 with Proverbs 9:10

1 Corinthians 1:17-21

1 Corinthians 2:6-13

What happens when you receive wisdom?

Proverbs 3:13-18

If you need wisdom, what can you do? James 1:5 ___________________________________________________________

When should you have faith and not doubt? James 1:6 _______________________________________________________

How is a wave of the sea an appropriate illustration of someone hindered by doubting or unbelief? James 1:6-8

9. Summarize verses 9-11. What point is James trying to make?

10. What is the result of perseverance during a trial? Verse 12 (see also Revelation 2:10) ______________________________


Try to memorize James 1:2-4. Write it down and post it where you can see it and practice it daily.

How does James 1:1-12 change the way you think, speak, act, and pray?

• How can you think about the pandemic and the accompanying restrictions to your previously normal rhythm?

• How can you talk about how God is helping you grow, how God is making you “mature and complete”?

• During this pandemic, this trial, this test, how can you behave in a way that points people to Jesus?

• What are some ways you pray through this pandemic? List any scripture that comes to mind.

Write the following verses on index cards. During what specific trials might you call upon these verses to redirect your focus and attention from your circumstances to your savior (or when can you share them with a friend)?

Psalm 20:6-7

Psalm 56:4

Psalm 73:26

Complete this statement: This lesson causes me to ________________________________________________________



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