First Abyssinia Baptist Church2500 Arunah Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21216Bishop Anthony R. Williams, Senior Pastor & Dr. Kathie T. Williams, PastorChristian Education(Bi-weekly/Next Lesson Oct. 2)LESSON 1:September 18, 2019JOHN 1:1-13 BIBLE STUDY John 1:1-3 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him not even one thing was made that has been made.What is John 1:1 saying about “WORD”?In John 1:2 & 3, the Word can be referred to as “He/Him”.In John 1:1, He was “in the beginning, with God and was God.”In John 1:3, “All Things” everything was “made through Him.” John 1:1-3 speaks of “In the beginning.” We find this phrase at the beginning in Genesis.Read Genesis 1 verses 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, and 26.Eight verses starting with the “Word.”In those verses what are the second and third words? “God said…”Now return to John 1:1. See the correlation between “God said” and “the Word.”Everything He created He spoke into existence through “Word.”All creation was done “in the beginning” as found in Genesis which is consistent with what we have learned in John 1:1-3 To get a better understanding of the term “the Word” read John 1:14 “The Word became flesh, and lived among us. We saw his glory, his glory as the one and only Son who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”The Word became flesh. “The Word,” God, came into history. He identified Himself with those He created in His own image.The Word became flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ. God lived among us in human form. Answer the following questions:What is “the Word” referred to three times in John 1:1? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Depending on your answer to question 1, how do you know? Sight chapter and verse(s) to explain. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Where else do we read “in the beginning”? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is John 1:1 referring to the same “beginning”? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What does verse 14 tell us about the nature of Jesus? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Extra Credit:What is the Greek word for Word?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Discuss in your own words what you received from this lesson on John 1:1-3 along with John 1:14________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please submit your answers to the FABC email: fabc2500@ and receive at the end of this course a certificate. ................

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