
SECRETS STUDY QUESTIONS SPIRITUAL WARFARE1. We all have an innate sense there is more in the world than the eye can see. In fact, Colossians 1:16 states God “created all things including things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities” which helps to explain how we know there is more. However, since we cannot see, we often fail to believe.Before reading this book, were you aware of the unseen spiritual battle taking place? How has reading this book changed your perspective on spiritual warfare?2. There are two primary errors when it comes to spiritual warfare—over-emphasis and under-emphasis.?The key to successful spiritual warfare is finding the biblical balance. The Bible tells us we battle three things: 1. Our own desires and temptations (flesh). 2. The world around us. 3. The enemy (Satan and demonic forces). Look up James 1:14-16; Ephesians 2:1-3; Ephesians 6:10-12.3. As they do with Krystal, Mackenzie, Tammi, and Sadie, the enemy will tempt us and take advantage of our weaknesses (1 Peter 8:9). Read Matthew 4:1-11. How did Jesus handle direct attacks from Satan when He was tempted in the wilderness? What does this tell you about how you should handle spiritual warfare?4. What are the keys to success in spiritual warfare? Read each Scripture reference. We rely on God’s power, not our own (Ephesians 6:10). We put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11). Like Jesus, we draw on the power of Scripture—the Word of God is the Spirit’s sword (Ephesians 17). We submit to God; we resist the devil’s work (James 4:7) BODY IMAGE1. Although Krystal is an athlete on the track team, she struggles with a negative image of her body. What reasons do you think she might have for becoming bulimic?2. Have you ever struggled with you own body image? Write some of your thoughts about your body. 3. Have you ever dieted? Describe your experience (the type of diet, how you felt, results).4. Read: Psalm 139:14; Ephesians 2:10; Romans 12:6; Genesis 1:27. Write out the verse that speaks to you the most. Try writing the verse on an index card and placing the card somewhere you will see it (like the bathroom mirror).5. After reading the above Scriptures, what does God say about your body? Compare what God says to your answer to number two. Is there a difference?BULLYING6. Why do you think Krystal pushes Mackenzie in the bathroom when they first meet? Do you think of Krystal as a bully? 7. Have you ever been bullied? If so, what happened and what did you do about it? Have you ever been the bully? If so, why?9. Read 1 John 3:17. What should you do if you know someone is being bullied?ADDICTION10. Has your life been directly impacted by someone who struggled with addiction (such as alcohol, drugs, or something else)? What effect did addiction have on their life? On yours?14. Addiction is often a difficult cycle to break without help. The Bible says that God is a “very present help in our time of need” (Psalm 46:1). Krystal’s mom seeks help for her problem with drinking by doing the following: 1. Admitting she has a problem and actively receiving counseling. 2. Praying, reading the Bible, and seeking accountability by attending meetings with a pastor. 4. Staying away from alcohol and whatever and whomever could cause her to backslide.Read and memorize the following Scriptures to help you combat addiction: 1 Corinthians 10:13-14; 15:33; James 4:7; Titus 2:12; Hebrew 4:15-16; Philippians 4:13; Matthew 6:13. DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE1. When Krystal and Mackenzie first meet, Mackenzie is crying in the bathroom. Describe a time in your life that resembles what Mackenzie might have been feeling. What did you do about it? What helped and what didn’t?2. Have you, or someone close to you, ever suffered with depression? What did you do about it?3. Mackenzie’s mother attempted to end her own life, which affected many people—family and even strangers. Have you been directly impacted by someone who attempted to end (or did end) their own life? Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?4. Most of us experience the occasional “blues” at some point in our lives. And let’s face it, being a teen isn’t easy. But when emotions such as hopelessness and despair take hold and just won't go away, you may have depression. Talking to someone who will listen helps.First, start by talking to God. He loves you and knows you better than anyone—even better than you know yourself. He will never leave you and wants to help you. Read Joshua 1:5;9; Ephesians 19:22; Jerimiah 29:11. Secondly, like the four girls in Secrets, God places people in our lives to help us. Please talk to a parent or another trusted adult. Read the following Scriptures and write down the ones that bring you the most comfort. Psalm 40:1-3; Psalm 3:3; Psalm 42:11; John 16:33; Romans 8:38-39; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.SEXUAL ABUSE1. Tammi and Sadie discover they share the same secret of sexual abuse. Sadie decides to finally talk about her abuse with Lauren. Tammi refuses to talk to anyone. Does talking seem to help Sadie? How does not talking affect Tammi?2. +Statistics report 1 in 10 children will be abused before their 18th birthday. Like Sadie and Tammi, about 90% of children who are victims of sexual abuse know their abuser. Have you or anyone you know ever been sexually abused? If you (or someone you know) has been sexually abused, talking with a trusted adult is very important, like Sadie did with Lauren. Help and healing begin by bringing the darkness to light.4. The Bible tells us that God does not condone abuse and will bring justice in His time. Read: Psalm 11: 5; 103:6; 146:7; Jeramiah 17:10.+ ................

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