

(Voted by the church meeting, January 26,1997)

We are an American Baptist church, founded in 1895, tracing our roots back to the seventeenth century European Baptists such as Roger Williams, who came to America to escape persecution. The Church has adopted a Statement of Identity, which features ten characteristics about who we are:

1. We are Biblically based. Our worship and Sunday School are grounded in scripture.

2. We believe in the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are mission-minded, including concern for our own community and for our American Baptist mission program worldwide.

3. We practice believer’s baptism, emphasizing the importance of our own personal response of faith and love towards God.

4. We are ecumenical, respecting and working with other churches through the Attleboro Area Council of Churches.

5. We seek to include all kinds of people. We see the diversity of age, gender, race, social class, and theology to be a gift from God.

6. We advocate religious freedom for all faiths in our society. Our historic Baptist claim to “soul freedom” for ourselves means that we claim it for others also.

7. We try to be open-minded and willing to learn from others. Respect for different points of view within the religious community is part of our tradition.

8. We invite people to a deeper personal walk with God and one another, as expressed in our Church Covenant.

9. We encourage all generations to learn and worship together. Passing on the faith to children is central to our mission.

10. We seek to balance an active Christian life with prayer, meditation and quiet.

|Accepted: |September 24, 1978 |

|Amended: |October 14, 1978 |

|Amended: |January 24, 1980 |

|Amended: |January 22, 1981 |

|Amended: |June 28, 1981 |

|Amended: |January 26, 1984 |

|Amended: |May 6, 2001 |

|Amended: December| |

|2016 | |



Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the First Baptist Church in Attleboro, corporation, hereinafter called the Church.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of our church, as a congregation that professes Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, is to provide for the public worship of God; to lead persons to a knowledge of God through Christ; to ensure the continuance of a ministry that will be relevant and meaningful to persons of all ages, colors, and nationalities; to further Christian education; to practice Christian benevolence; and to spread Christian influence in the community.

Article III – Affiliations

This Church shall cooperate with the Old Colony Baptist Association, the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts, the American Baptist Churches in the United States of America, the Baptist World Alliance, the Attleboro Area Council of Churches, the Massachusetts Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America, and the World Council of Churches.

Article IV – Declaration of Doctrine and Principles

The Church receives the New Testament as an all-sufficient rule of doctrine and practice. As a summary of principles of Christian conduct among its members, it adopts the Church Covenant:


Having been led by the Spirit of God to profess our faith in Jesus Christ and having been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we do now solemnly and joyfully affirm our Covenant with God and with each other.

We pledge to serve Christ in the fellowship of this congregation. We shall endeavor to love one another, to remember one another in prayer, to share in each other’s joy, and to sustain each other in times of distress. We aspire to be a fellowship of the concerned, where the lost may find Jesus Christ, sinners may find pardon, seekers may find meaning for their lives, and where all who come may find welcome. We shall strive to be responsible church members through faithful attendance, study and giving.

We shall seek to be obedient to Christ in our daily living. Within our homes, in our labor, and while at leisure we shall strive for attitudes and actions which will reflect God’s Spirit working through us. Believing that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, we shall endeavor to avoid experiences and habits, which defile the body and hinder our witness.

Bound together in a fellowship of faith with all who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we shall pray and labor for a spirit of unity among all Christians.

Believing that our call to be a church is a call to witness in the world, we dedicate ourselves anew as servants of the Lord of all life. Whenever people are in bondage to ignorance, poverty, fear, or prejudice, we shall strive for justice, freedom, dignity, and peace. Whenever people are separated by barriers of hostility and distrust, we shall be ministers of God’s reconciling love. As we pledge our support to the work of our missionaries throughout the world, we commit ourselves to the mission to which God calls us all.

Acknowledging our human frailties and ever-seeking forgiveness, we profess our need of the Holy Spirit, and commit our lives to Jesus Christ, and through him to the care, the judgment, the deliverance, and the mercy of Almighty God.

Article V – Constituency

This Church consists of members who have been received in accordance with Article I of the By-Laws.

Article VI – Government

The policy of this Church shall be congregational in form. All policy decisions shall reside with the congregation except as delegated by the By-Laws.

Article VII – Governing Rules

Section 1

(1) This Church shall be governed by its Constitution, By-Laws and standing resolutions

Section 2

(1) An effective parliamentary process shall govern the business proceedings of the Church, except as otherwise provided in the By-Laws.

Section 3

(1) In all matters put to vote, a simple majority will prevail, with the exception of pastoral changes and disposition of and/or encumbrance of Church real estate in which a two-thirds vote of the active members present and voting will be required.

Article VIII – Amendments to the Constitution Bylaws

Section 1

(1) Amendments may be presented to the Church Council. The Council shall reply within thirty days to the presenting party. Unless the Council’s action is unfavorable, the proposed amendment shall be presented at the next business meeting of the Church. At least a one-week written notice of date, time, and place of meeting and copy of the proposed amendment must be given to the membership. At that meeting the proposed amendment shall be presented for discussion. Following a period of at least sixty (60) days, a special business meeting of the Church will be called for final consideration and vote.

Section 2

(1) If the Council’s action is unfavorable, the party originating the proposed amendment may present it directly to the Church after securing written signatures of at least twenty (20) active members. Subsequent procedures must be followed as per Section 1.

Article IX –

Section 1

(1) A quorum of twenty-five (25) active members will be required for all routine business.

Section 2

(1) A quorum of at least twenty-five (25) active members shall be required for:

(a) Any pastoral change

(b) Disposition and/or encumbrance of Church real estate.

Article X – Voter Eligibility

Section 1

1) Active members shall be entitled to vote.


Article I – Membership

Section 1

(1) Any person who finds himself/herself in sympathy with the Baptist tradition and who confesses Christ to be his/her Savior and Lord, may become a member or an associate member of the Church upon the vote of the Diaconate in accordance with any of the following procedures:

(a) Baptism

Any professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ may be received into membership upon baptism by immersion.

(b) Letter

Members of other Christian churches may be received into membership upon receipt of letters of transfer, or other appropriate documentation

(c) By Experience

Any person who has been or is presently a member of any Christian church and who cannot obtain a letter of transfer from that church, may be received into membership on the basis of Christian experience.

(d) By Confession of Faith

Any person unable to be immersed and who cannot be accepted by experience may be received into membership upon a public confession of faith.

Section 2

(1) Membership in any of these categories shall be effective with the receiving of the right hand of fellowship.

Section 3

(1) Only active members of the Church shall be entitled to vote on the business of the Church.

Section 4

(1) A list of active and inactive members shall be kept by the Diaconate. The inactive are those members who have failed to participate in the life of the Church or to give financial support to the Church, for a period of two years.

Section 5

(1) Membership of any person shall cease when any of the following is applicable:

(a) Membership shall cease when dismissed to the fellowship of another church by letter of transfer.

(b) Membership shall cease when the date of death is reported.

(c) Membership shall cease upon written request of that member.

(d) Membership shall cease after a period of five (5) years inactivity, but any former member who resumes participation in the life of the church may be reinstated at the discretion of the Diaconate.

Article II – Elections

Section 1

(1) Regular elections shall take place a the Church business meeting by November 30 of each year.

Section 2- Nominating Committee

(1) General

(a) This committee shall consist of six members: The Church Clerk, one from each of the four Boards, and one to be elected from the Church at large. The Nominating Committee shall be formed sixteen weeks before the Annual Meeting. The Church Clerk shall convene the first meeting of the committee at least eight weeks in advance of the Annual Meeting.

(2) Responsibilities

(a) This committee shall place in nomination at a business meeting the names of qualified candidates for the offices, boards, and committees of the Church and representatives to Church affiliations.

(3) Relationship

(a) This committee shall be responsible to the Church body.

Section 3

(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Church Council to fill vacancies as they occur.

Article III – Officers

Section 1 – Election

(1) Officers shall be elected annually from the membership and shall become members of and responsible to the Church Council

Section 2 – Moderator

(1) The Moderator shall be chairperson of the Church Council and shall preside at all Church business meetings and at the meetings of the Council. The Moderator shall assist the Senior Pastor in promoting the program of the Church through the various boards and appointed committees. In the absence of the Moderator, the chairperson of the Trustees shall serve as Moderator. Should the chairperson of the Trustees not be available, the chairperson of the Deacons shall serve as Moderator.

Section 3 – Church Clerk

(1) The Church Clerk shall:

(a) Keep an accurate record of all business meetings of the Church and all transactions.

(b) Keep an accurate list of all officers and committees of the Church.

(c) Keep a correct listing of membership.

(d) Keep and have ready for use a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Church

(e) Write all letters of the Church as a legal corporation.

(f) Submit the Annual Report to the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts.

(g) Post all notices of regular and special business meetings of the Church at least seven (7) days previous to such meetings.

(h) Serve as secretary of the Church Council, Membership committee, and Nominating Committee.

Section 5 – Treasurer

(1) The Treasurer shall:

(a) Be custodian of all money, (other than special funds of boards and organizations), and valuable financial documents belonging to the Church.

(b) Have power to pay all bills of the Church and the Sunday School as authorized by the Church in the annual budget or by vote of the Board of Trustees.

(c) Keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures.

(d) Keep accounts always open to inspection by the Board of Trustees.

(e) Submit written monthly financial reports to the Board of Trustees and financial officers of the Church.

(f) Serve as ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees.

(g) At the annual business meeting present a full and detailed report for the year, certified by the Auditing Committee.

Section 6 – Assistant Treasurer

(1) It shall be the duty of the Assistant Treasurer to assist the treasurer in the performance of duties. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall serve temporarily or until a new treasurer is elected.

Section 7 – Collectors

(1) It shall be the duty of the Collectors to:

(a) Take, count, and properly record all money received for the Church from envelopes, plate collections, missionary offerings, or from any other source.

(b) Deposit the above in a bank designated by the Board of Trustees.

(c) Give the deposit slip to the Treasurer.

(d) Serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees.

(e) Submit a written report to the Church at each Annual Meeting showing the amount of money received and the sources.

(f) Submit monthly reports to the Trustees.

(g) Submit the books for examination to the Auditing committee annually or at any time when requested by the Board of Trustees.

Section 7a – Assistant Collectors

(1) If needed, the Board of Trustees may appoint assistants to help the Collectors in the performance of their duties.

Section 8 – Sunday School Officers

(1) A Sunday School Coordinator shall be elected to have general supervision of the Sunday School, serving under the guidance of policies as approved by the Board of Christian education. He/she shall report annually to the Church.

Article IV – Church Council

Section 1 – Membership

(1) The Church Council shall be composed of the Pastors and Church officers, chairpersons of major boards of the Church

Section 2 – Responsibilities

(1) Shall be responsible for the over-all Church planning strategy. This includes the authority to make decisions that determine Church policy with the exception of matters requiring approval of the Church membership or as otherwise designated in these By-Laws.

(2) Shall seek to correlate the entire Church program into a coordinated whole. Study the needs of the Church and community – spiritual, educational, financial – and determine ways and means by which the programs and policies of the Church shall be carried forward.

(3) Shall advise on all matters that relate to the welfare and harmony of the Church that may be referred to it.

(4) Shall review recommendations to the Church before presentation to the membership.

(5) Shall fill vacancies in offices or in board or committee memberships. Appointees shall complete the terms of vacated offices.

(6) The Church Council, in an emergency, shall have the power to appoint temporary help to any officer.

(7) The Church Council shall have the power to appoint a temporary task force to meet a particular need.

Section 3 – Meetings

(1) Meetings shall be held at least twice a year. Special meetings if necessary may be called by the Moderator, Senior Pastor, Clerk or one third (1/3) of the Church Council. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4 – Participation

1) All meetings of the Church Council shall be open to all Church members. Any members may present proposals to the Church Council.

2) Section 6 – Memorial Funds Committee (moved from Section 5- Board of Christian Missions)

3) (1) General

4) (a) This committee shall consist of the Senior Pastor, Moderator, Treasurer, and chairpersons of the Boards of Trustees and Deacons.

5) (2) Purpose

6) (a) The purpose of this committee is to decide on the appropriate use of memorial funds and to consult with families about the proposed use, whenever feasible.

7) Section 4– Pastoral Relations Committee (moved from Article 6 section 4)

8) (1) General

9) (a) This committee shall consist of members of the Church Council minus the Clerk. The Moderator shall serve as an ex-officio member and will chair the meetings.

10) (2) Responsibilities

11) (a) Shall be responsible for nurturing the relationship between the congregation and the pastors.

12) (b) Shall meet at least annually with the Pastors to discuss the ministry of the Church, to review the performance of pastoral duties, to hear the Pastor’s concerns and assessment of the life of the Church, to review the future of the ministry of the Church, to discuss and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning pastoral compensation.

13) (c) Shall meet at other times as necessary. The pastors, Moderator, or any member of the committee may call such a meeting.

Article V – Boards

Section 1 – General

(1) Task

(a) It shall be the task of each board to set policy and to coordinate the program in its field.

(2) Election and Term of Office

(a) Board Members shall be elected from the membership for a minimum of one year.

(b) Membership is voluntarily resigned upon absence from three consecutive meetings without reason.

(3) Organization

(a) Each board shall elect from its membership a chairperson, secretary and such other officers, as it deems necessary.

(b) Each board shall develop its own operating procedures.

(c) Boards may, at their own choosing, work through task forces, which shall be responsible to the appointing board. Membership on these task forces need not be limited to board members.

(4) Budget and Finances

(a) When requested, boards shall be responsible for submitting to the Board of Trustees, estimates of expenditures and for staying within the budget adopted by the Church except as otherwise directed or allowed by the trustees to meet emergency situations.

(5) Vacancies

(a) Vacancies in board membership shall be filled in accordance with Article IV, Section 2, Paragraph 5 of these By-Law.

(6) Participation

(a) All meeting of all boards shall be open to all Church members.

Section 2 – Diaconate

(1) General

(a) This board shall consist of no fewer than four and no more than six members, as nearly equal as possible between men and women; four of whom shall be elected each year at the Business Meeting of the Church for a maximum term of three years.

(b) The Pastors, ex-officio and the Moderator, ex-officio.

(c) Shall meet monthly, unless otherwise decided.

(2) Responsibilities

(a) Assist the Pastors in promoting the spiritual welfare of the church.

(b) Shall serve as Membership Committee (with the Church Clerk) and resolve all questions concerning membership in the church.

(c) Examine applicants for membership.

(d) Vote on the reception and dismissal of members in accordance with the By-Laws.

(e) Arrange the time and have charge of the baptismal services.

(f) Examine the Church roll biennially for the purpose of keeping them current.

(g) Shall be responsible with the Pastors for Sunday morning worship services, including:

(1) ushering

(2) preparation of the sanctuary

(3) ministry of music

(h) Collaborate with music Committee to assure appropriate worship music during services.

(i) Prepare and administer communion.

(j) Arrange the supply of the pulpit in the absence of the Senior Pastor.

(k) Shall have custody and distribution of the Deacon’s Fund for the relief and assistance of those in special need. The Treasurer of the Deacon’s Fund, in consultation with the Pastor, shall be authorized to distribute amounts not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars. Sums larger than this shall be brought to the attention of the board. An accounting shall be given to the board at it regular meeting and to the Church at the Annual Meeting.

(l) Assist the Pastors as they may request, especially in calling on the sick and shut-ins, in establishing active contact with new members with a view to facilitating their assimilation into the Church life and activities.

(m) Report to the Annual Meeting of the Church

Section 3 – Trustees

(1) General

(a) This board shall consist of no fewer than 6 and nor more than nine members. In addition, the financial officers of the Church shall be ex-officio members.

(b) Shall meet monthly, unless otherwise decided.

(2) Responsibilities

(a) This board is responsible for all properties and financial interests of the Church, and shall have authority to provide and keep in repair suitable buildings for all Church programs.

(b) Shall prepare, after consultation with responsible people an annual budget for Church expenses, and recommend it to the Church at least one week before the Annual Meeting.

(c) Shall have management of the investment funds of the Church, in accordance with the Endowment Policy voted by the church.

(d) Shall provide the leadership for raising the funds necessary for the operation of the Church.

(e) Shall provide custodial, secretarial and other service as may be required and shall determine for recommendation at the Annual Meeting the compensation to be paid and the working arrangements.

(f) Shall make recommendations in regard to the salary to be paid the Senior Pastor and other professional assistance as required.

(g) Shall appoint one member to serve on the Auditing Committee, with two to be elected by the Church, and to be the convener of that committee.

(h) Shall bring unanticipated items of expense outside the approved budget to the Church for approval.

Section 4 – Christian Education

(1) General

(a) This board shall consist of no fewer than 5 and more than seven members. In addition, the Sunday School Coordinator shall serve as an ex-officio member.

(2) Responsibilities

(a) Shall be responsible for the organization, administration, and supervision of the entire educational program of the Church. This shall include, but not be limited to, such programs as the Sunday school, youth ministry, Vacation Bible school, leadership development, Scouting, athletic activities, camp and conference programs, adult and family education, drama, audio visual aids, and library.

(b) Shall be responsible for the selection of the material to be used in the educational program of the Church.

(c) Shall be responsible for hiring and supervising staff employed for Christian Education purposes.

(d) Shall screen volunteers and workers in Christian Education in accordance with the policy on Sexual Abuse Prevention voted by the Church.

(e) Shall meet at least quarterly.

Section 5 – Board of Christian Missions

(1) General

(a) This board shall consist of no fewer than 3 and no more than six members.

(2) Responsibilities

(a) Shall be responsible for leading the Church in the following areas: Mission Education, Christian social action, community witness, ecumenical and interfaith relations.

(b) Shall prepare the mission budget for presentation to the Trustees.

Article VI – Pastor

Section 1 – Call of Senior Pastor

(1) Pulpit Committee

(a) General

(1) Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the pastorate, a Pulpit Committee of at least five (5) members shall be elected by the Church from nominees submitted by the Church Council or by open nomination from the floor.

(b) Responsibilities

(1) Shall seek names of candidates from the Area Minister and other American Baptist sources.

(2) Shall conduct all preliminary correspondence and negotiations

(3) Shall report on progress from time to time to the Church Council.

(4) Shall submit a Pastor/Church Agreement.

(c) Procedures

(1) Shall select a candidate, giving due consideration to the personality, character, education, ordination to ministry, ministerial record, preaching ability, and willingness to cooperate with the American Baptist Churches in the United States of America.

(2) A candidate for Senior Pastor shall be presented to the Church for election only upon the recommendation of the Pulpit Committee.

(3) Only one candidate shall be presented to and acted upon by the Church at one time. After the committee has agreed upon a candidate, it shall arrange for him/her to be heard by the congregation.

(4) After the candidate has been presented by the Pulpit Committee, and the congregation has had an opportunity to meet and hear the candidate preach, the Pulpit Committee shall arrange for a special meeting for the purpose of calling the candidate as Senior Pastor of the Church.

(5) Notice of such a meeting shall be read from the pulpit, and a written notice shall be mailed to members at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the specially called meeting.

(6) Vote shall be secret ballot.

Section 2 – Pastoral Duties

(1) The Senior Pastor shall be the spiritual leader of the Church. He/she shall preach the Gospel, administer the ordinances, give general oversight to the spiritual and other needs of the congregation, be the chief administrative officer, represent the Church in the larger fellowships, and be an ex-officio member of all boards and committee.

(2) The Senior Pastor shall be responsible to the Church membership.

Section 3 - Associate Pastor

(1) An Associate Pastor may be appointed by the Church, giving due consideration to personality, character, education, ordination and willingness to cooperate with the American Baptist Church/USA. The duties of the Associate Pastor are to be determined by agreement with the Senior Pastor and the Diaconate. Unless funds become available, this will be a volunteer position. The Associate will be responsible to the Senior Pastor and the Church membership.

Section 5– Disability

(1) In the event of the disability of the Senior Pastor due to accident or illness, the Church shall continue the full cash salary, retirement and disability premiums, medical insurance, housing and utility allowance, less any amount paid by Workman’s Compensation or other insurance for the period of the disability, but not to exceed three (3) months.

(2) During this period the Board of Deacons shall arrange to fill the pulpit. Near the end of this period, the Pastoral Relations Committee shall review the situation with the Board of Deacons, including consultation with the Regional Minister as seems desirable, and shall attempt to determine:

(a) If the Senior Pastor will be able to continue in office.

(b) If an interim pastor shall be called.

(c) If any other actions seen called for.

(3) If disability continues longer than three (3) months, the Senior Pastor and his/her family may be granted housing and utility allowance for three (3) additional months, at full cash salary less any disability income received from M & M, Social Security, Workman’s Compensation, or other insurance. By mutual agreement this arrangement may be extended up to an additional three (3) months.

(4) This policy shall be subject to periodic review by the Church Council and may be changed at any time on the recommendation of the Church Council and a majority vote of the Church.

Section 6-Termination

(1) The Senior Pastor shall be called for an indefinite period.

(2) The Senior Pastor may terminate the pastoral relationship by giving ninety days notice. The Church may terminate the pastoral relationship by giving ninety days notice.

(3) For the membership to initiate a pastoral change, a petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) of the active members shall be presented to the Moderator for the express purpose of calling a special business meeting to take action.

Article VII – Other Staff

(1) All other staff such as secretarial, music, educational, custodial, and financial shall be hired by the appropriate board.

(2) All staff shall be responsible to the board hiring them through the Senior Pastor.

Article VIII – Organizations

Section 1 - General

(1) Organizations may be formed within the Church to promote fellowship, missions, or other activities.

Section 2 - Structure

(1) Each organization shall select officers as it deems necessary.

(2) Shall establish its own operating procedures.

Section 3 – Relationships

(1) All organizations will be related to the Church through the Church Council.

Article IX – Annual Business Meetings

Section 1 – Fiscal Year

(1) The Fiscal year of the Church shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31 of each year.

Section 2 – Annual Business Meetings

(1) The annual business meeting shall be held no later than the second Sunday in February each year. At this Annual Meeting the reports of all phases of the Church work shall be in writing. and business pertaining to the work of the Church may be transacted.

Section 3 – Special Meetings

(1) Special meetings may be called by the Pastor, the Moderator, the Clerk, Chairman of the Diaconate, Chairman of the Trustees, or upon written request of seven members, provided proper notice has been given seven days prior to the date of such a meeting, stating the purpose of the meeting.

Section 4 – Quorum

(1) 25 members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5 – The Lord’s Supper

(1) The Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated on the first Sunday of the month, unless otherwise arranged by the Diaconate.

Article X – Amendments to the Standing Rules

Section 1

(1) Amendments can be made to standing rules without previous notice by a majority vote at any business meeting.

Section 2

(1) If the Council’s action is unfavorable, the party originating the proposed amendment may present it directly to the Church after securing written signatures of at least twenty-five active members.

Resolution to Implement An Endowment Fund

Whereas, Christian stewardship involves the faithful management of all God's gifts - time, talents, the created world and money, including accumulated assets; and,

Whereas, Christians can give to the work of the church through bequests in wills, charitable remainder and other trusts, charitable gift annuities, assignment of life insurance, transfers of property (cash, stocks, bonds, real estate), and through undesignated memorial gifts; and

Whereas, it is the desire of the congregation to encourage, receive and administer these gifts in a manner consistent with the loyalty and devotion to their Lord expressed by the grantors and in accord with the policies of this congregation:

Therefore be it resolved, that this congregation, in meeting assembled on January 29, 1995 approve and establish on the records of the church a new and separate fund to be known as THE ENDOWMENT FUND (hereinafter called "the Fund") of the First Baptist Church in Attleboro. Existing assets to be transferred to the Endowment Fund are as follows:

Alice Hirons Fund #1

Alice Hirons Fund #2

Endowment Fund (MABIT)

Everett Perry Fund (MABIT)

Alice Hirons/ Parsonage Fund

Walter Moon Fund

Ray Marshall Fund (income designated for scholarships)

Margaret Cameron Fund (income designated for upkeep of Parlor)

Be it further resolved, that the purpose of this fund is to enhance the ministry and mission of the congregation; the investment objective is to generate funds to serve the ministry and mission of the church, while preserving the principal value of the fund, after adjusting for inflation; and that the Trustees of the congregation shall be the custodian of the Fund.

Be it further resolved, that the following plan of operation set forth the administration of the Fund:

1. All assets are to be held in the name of First Baptist Church in Attleboro Endowment Fund.

2. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer of the Church will also be Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer of the Fund. They will report regularly to the Trustees and the Church Council, and submit an audited report to the Annual Meeting of the Church. They will be bonded at the expense of the Church.

3. The Trustees will be responsible for the administration and management of the Fund. They shall have authority to invest and re-invest funds, and to sell any property, real or personal, at any time held under the Fund. They will seek the guidance of the Church Council and the Church in matters of investment policy. They may engage the services of a professional investment advisor or manager.

4. Income from the Fund shall be distributed to accomplish the following purposes:

A. 39% for renovations and maintenance of the church buildings, and for purchase of equipment and furnishings.

B. 46% towards the operating expenses of the Church.

C. 5% for scholarships to members of First Baptist Church for the purpose of attending college, technical or professional school; for church-related camping, leadership conferences, and training events. Such scholarships will be awarded by the Board of Education of First Baptist Church.

D. 10% for community outreach in the Attleboro area and the wider mission of the American Baptist Churches at home and overseas. Such grants will be awarded by the Board of Missions of the Church.

Any amendment to this resolution shall be adopted by a vote of the members present at a church meeting called specifically for the purpose of amending this resolution.

In the event that First Baptist Church in Attleboro ceases to exist either through merger or dissolution, disposition or transfer of the Fund shall be at the discretion of the Church in consultation with appropriate staff of the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts.

This resolution, recommended by the Church Council and accepted by the Church at a legally called congregational meeting, is hereby adopted.

First Baptist Church in Attleboro by:

Louis Beggs, Joyce Jenks,

Moderator Assistant Clerk

Dated this 29th day of January, 1995

Amended January 27, 2002



118 South Main Street, Attleboro, MA 02703

(Voted by the Church on June 13, 1999 and amended on January 27, 2002)


First Baptist Church wants to provide a safe environment for the children and youth who are entrusted to our care to participate in our programs and use our facilities. To help reach this goal, we have adopted the following program to reduce the possibility of child sexual or physical abuse from occurring in our church.


1. Screening Volunteers and Staff

First Baptist Church welcomes members and friends who have been regular attendees for at least six months to become involved with the Sunday School and youth programs at various levels of commitment. The Sunday School Coordinator and the Senior Pastor shall be primarily responsible for screening applicants for volunteer and staff positions with children and youth.

2. Screening Procedure

Those workers such as Sunday School teachers and youth group leaders who will have frequent contact with children and/or youth must undergo the screening procedure by reviewing this policy, completing the attached survey and authorizing a Criminal Records Background Check. The Senior Pastor will arrange for a Criminal Records Background Check, for all staff and volunteers. If the person has not previously worked with the pastoral staff, then he or she will have references checked and a personal interview. Once all the information is compiled, the Senior Pastor will confirm the applicant’s suitability to serve.

3. Education and Training

The Senior Pastor will be responsible for the implementation of procedures designed to educate volunteers, staff, the Advocacy Panel and church members regarding this policy. As part of each new church employee’s orientation to First Baptist Church, the Senior Pastor will educate the employee about this policy and the employee’s responsibility to abide by it.

B) Maintenance of Records

Records of all actions required by this policy and any material pertinent to it, including reports, workers’ surveys, and application and acknowledgement forms, shall be kept for a legally appropriate time in a secure and confidential place, the location and security measures to be determined by the Senior Pastor.

C) Advocacy Panel

In the event that a volunteer, church member or staff member is uncomfortable reporting an allegation of abuse to the Senior Pastor, that person may take the allegation or concern to the Advocacy Panel consisting of the Moderator, and the chairpersons of the Diaconate and the Board of Education.

D) Reporting and Responding to Allegations of Abuse

1. All allegations, both oral and written will be treated seriously, investigated thoroughly and acted upon in accordance with this policy.

2. Anyone who files a complaint in good faith should not be held responsible for the consequences of taking such action. However, everyone should realize that knowingly false accusations could have serious impacts upon the lives of the alleged perpetrators and the alleged victims, as well as the complainants.

3. Response to allegations will, as much as possible, be handled with due respect for everyone’s privacy and confidentiality.

4. Care and safety of alleged complainants (and family) are the first priority. Notify parent of alleged complainant if appropriate.

5. Document each step involved in handling the incident; note date, time, persons involved as well as the content of what was done.

a. All incidents involving children shall be reported to the Department of Social Services (508-685-8384). The American Baptist Churches Of Massachusetts Executive Minister shall be notified and the church may engage an attorney, if appropriate.

b. Should it become necessary, full cooperation will be given to appropriate authorities under guidance of the church’s attorney. The church’s attorney may be present while any investigative questions from the police or social service agencies are being answered by anyone.

c. The church must see to it that the insurance carrier is notified as soon as practicable of an occurrence or offense, which may result in a claim.

6. Treat the accused with dignity and respect and offer support. If the accused is a volunteer church worker, he or she will be relieved temporarily of his or her duties until the investigation is completed. If the accused is a paid employee, he or she will be suspended from his or her duties temporarily, and a decision will be made to maintain or suspend his or her income, as appropriate until the allegations are cleared or substantiated.

7. No statement by any church official should be issued until it has been approved by the church’s attorney. Be prepared to issue a public statement to inform the congregation and respond to press inquiries. This statement should communicate that the church regards these allegations seriously and offers responsible action, concern, and support for all involved. No details of the accusation should be released. Do not deny that the incident occurred; do not assign blame; do not minimize the situation (e.g. “it wasn’t that serious.”).

Child Abuse Prevention Policy

First Baptist Church, Attleboro, MA


1. The Visibility Rule

Classes will be held in rooms with a window in doors or open doors. A person designated by the Board of Education will visit classes to pick up the offering and see if any assistance is needed.

2. Reporting Responsibilities

Any inappropriate conduct or relationship between an adult worker and a child or youth shall be promptly reported to the Senior Pastor or to an Advocacy Panel Member and, if required, to appropriate authorities.

3. Overnight Rule

a. Any and all adult chaperones supervising overnight stays of church children or youth shall be cleared through the screening process.

b. At least one adult male will dorm with the boys and one adult female will dorm with the girls. The Fellowship Hall will serve as the dorm. A signed parental consent form listing the names of the chaperones to be present is required.

c. A signed parental consent form will be needed for chaperoned overnight programs away from the church.

4. Bathroom Supervision

a. Children up to preschool age may use the bathroom in the nursery. A teacher or assistant will take the child to the bathroom and wait outside the door for the child. If the child needs assistance, the teacher or helper may enter the bathroom but should leave the door open while assisting the child.

b. Children in kindergarten and older may go to the bathroom unescorted. If a child does not return to the class in approximately five (5) minutes, a teacher or assistant will find out where the child is.

c. The nursery worker will change diapers if requested to do so by the parent/guardian leaving the child. When a diaper needs to be changed, a volunteer will use disposable gloves and wipes. If a child needs to be changed and spare clothes are not available, the parent(s) must be notified immediately to come and care for the child.

d. If a child has needed assistance in the bathroom, which required the teacher/helper to enter the room, the parent should be told what happened when they pick up the child.

5. Youth Activities

a. High physical contact games are not appropriate recreational activities. No adult leader, staff or volunteer, should initiate or encourage intimate contact with children or youth. Setting boundaries of reasonableness is the responsibility of the supervising adults.

b. All youth group participants are expected to remain with the group until the program is finished, unless they have written parental permission to leave.

6. Leaving

In order to avoid situations where one adult and one youth or child is left at the church door waiting for the youth or child’s parents to pick them up at the end of an activity, parents are encouraged to respect concluding times and be prompt in meeting their children.

7. Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol

The use of any drugs, tobacco, or alcoholic products in church facilities or at any church sponsored events is not permitted, with the exception of prescription drugs noted on parental permission slips.


First Baptist Church, Attleboro, MA 02703

Staff and Leadership Survey

This survey is to be completed by all applicants for any leadership position involving the supervision of minors, including pastoral and lay staff, youth group leaders, church school teachers, children’s and youth choir leaders, and others in a position to have unsupervised contact with minors. This is not an employment application form. This form is used to help First Baptist Church provide a safe environment for the children and youth who participate in our programs and use our facilities.



Home phone #:

Do you have a valid driver’s license? yes no

Would you be willing to drive youth and children on church sponsored trips? yes no

Has your driver’s license ever been suspended or revoked? yes no If yes, please explain: ____________

Have you ever been found guilty, or plead guilty or no contest to a criminal charge? Yes no

If you have answered yes, please give a short explanation on the back of this form listing the charge, the date, nature and place of the incident leading to the charge, where it was filed and its disposition.

Have you ever had a lawsuit alleging actual or attempted sexual discrimination, harassment, exploitation or misconduct, physical abuse or child abuse filed against you which resulted in a judgment entered against you, which was settled out of court or which was dismissed because the statue of limitations had expired? Yes no

If you answered yes, please give a short explanation on the back of this form of the lawsuit noting the date, nature and place of the incident leading to the lawsuit, where it was filed and it’s disposition:

Have you ever terminated your employment or service in a volunteer position, or had your employment or authorization to hold a volunteer position terminated, for reasons relating to allegations of actual or attempted sexual discrimination, harassment, exploitation or misconduct, physical abuse or child abuse? Yes no

If you have answered yes, please give a short explanation of the situation on the back of this form, noting the date of termination, the name address and telephone number of the employer or volunteer supervisor, and the nature and place of the incidents in question:

Current or Most Recent Employer




Phone #:

Dates Employed: to

List Churches you have attended regularly in the last five years:

Church Address Type of Work Dates of Attendance

List all other volunteer work and employment involving children and youth:

Organization Address Type of Work Dates

Personal References (do not list relatives)

The information contained in this document is true to the best of my knowledge. I recognize my duty to update this form if I become aware that any answer I have given at this time becomes inaccurate in the future.

I authorize any references, employers or churches listed in this form to respond to any inquiries from First Baptist Church in Attleboro regarding my fitness to work with children and youth. I further authorize First Baptist Church in Attleboro to question the churches and references I have listed regarding my character. To encourage them to speak freely and in consideration of the receipt and evaluation of this survey, I hereby release any individual, church or reference including record librarians and pastors, from any and all liability and responsibility arising from their actions made in good faith and without malice.

I give my permission for a Criminal Records Background Check.

To allow First Baptist Church in Attleboro to attain its goal of providing a safe environment for all who frequent our church, I authorize the pastors, staff members of Advocacy Panel to share information from this application, my references and former churches on a “must know” basis.




|Statement of Identity |1 |

|Constitution |2-5 |

|Article I-Name |2 |

|Article II-Purpose |2 |

|Article III-Affiliations |2 |

|Article IV-Declaration of Doctrine and Principles |2 |

|Church Covenant |3 |

|Article V-Constituency |4 |

|Article VI-Government |4 |

|Article VII-Governing Rules |4 |

|Article VIII-Amendments to the Constitution |4 |

|Article IX-Quorum |5 |

|Article X-Voter Eligibility |5 |

|By-Laws |6-21 |

|Article I-Membership |6 |

|Article II-Elections. |7 |

|Section 1 |7 |

|Section 2-NominatingCommittee |7 |

|Article III-Officers |8 |

|Section 1-Election |8 |

|Section 2-Moderator |8 |

|Section 3-Church Clerk |8 |

|Section 4-Assistant Clerk |8 |

|Section 5-Treasurer |9 |

|Section 6-Assistant Treasurer |9 |

|Section 7-Collectors |9 |

|Section 7a-Assistant Collectors |10 |

|Section 8-Sunday School Officers |10 |

|Article IV-Church Council |10 |

|Section 1 – Membership |10 |

|Section 2 – Responsibilities |10 |

|Section 3 – Meetings |11 |

|Section 4 – Participation |11 |

|Article V-Boards |11 |

|Section 1-General |11 |

|Section 2-Diaconate |12 |

|Section 3-Trustees |14 |

|Section 4-Christian Education |14 |

|Section 5-Board of Christian Missions |15 |

|Section 6-Memorial Funds Committee |15 |

| | |

|Article VI-Pastor |16 |

|Section 1-Call of Senior Pastor |16 |

|Section 2-Pastoral Duties |17 |

|Section 3-Associate Pastor |17 |

|Section 4-Pastoral Relations Committee |17 |

|Section 5-Disability |18 |

|Section 6-Termination |19 |

|Article VII-Other Staff |19 |

|Article VIII-Organizations |19 |

|Article IX-Annual Business Meetings |20 |

|Section 1-Fiscal Year |20 |

|Section 2-Annual Business Meetings |20 |

|Section 3-Special Meetings |20 |

|Section 4-Quorum |20 |

|Section 5-The Lord’s Supper |20 |

|Article X-Amendments to the By-Laws |20 |

| | |

|Endowment Fund Policy |22-24 |

|Child Abuse Prevention Policy |25-34 |

| | |

First Baptist Church, Attleboro


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