Yes, Joe Biden Can 'Forgive' $50,000

Of Student Loans: But should he?

No matter which side you're on,... you're WRONG, as I will quickly

show below, so pay close attention: The stakes are high... very high.

By Gordon Wayne Watts / Editor-in-Chief and Political editor, The Register – a Conservative publication

Posted Saturday, 27 February 2021, at 04:18:22 A.M. (EST)

One of the most cited grievances to come out of Occupy Wall Street is soaring tuition—and the resultant crushing burden of student debt, which, unlike most other debt, can almost never be discharged in bankruptcy. One excellent piece addressing the causes of soaring (and quite illegal) price-gouging in Higher Education is by Alan Collinge[[1]] of “Student Loan Justice” fame. Here, now, is a piece by Conservative Christian writer and blogger, Gordon Wayne Watts, which is a response to a recent FORBES article by talented Higher Education writer, Zack Friedman[[2]]—and addresses the new controversy: Can President Biden 'forgive' student debt with the stroke of a pen via Executive Order? Addressed also are related issues, such as what are the various “competing” solutions.

An initial word of warning: No matter your view (whether Conservative like myself or a Liberal who seeks “cancellation” and similar), you are almost certainly wrong{{**}}—and the stakes are high, with a crash of the dollar, a requisite crash of the “grid,” and political & social unrest at stake, so do NOT say you weren't warned: I am giving you Fair Notice. {{**}} As but one example of how “both sides” are almost uniformly wrong, I will first show that fellow-Conservatives are wrong to dismiss “cancellation” as a 'bad' policy, when, indeed, it is the 2ND-best option. [For proof: See 'Figure-1' at the bottom of this Editorial.] “Liberals” are also wrong to tout cancellation as the 'best' option, when, in fact, one even-better option exists. Yes, both sides are wrong,...likely including you, so pay attention.


Back in November of last year, my esteemed colleague, fellow-writer, Zack Friedman, wrote a column titled: “No, Joe Biden Can’t Forgive $50,000 Of Student Loans.”[[2]] Because this issue has been a point of controversy of late, even prompting a CHANGE petition () which, at this time, has close to a Million signatures, by my good friend, Alan M. Collinge, I feel that I must address this issue from an objective, academic, and Conservative point of view. The short answer is, “yes,” Zack, President Biden CAN 'forgive' all said student debt (and not just the 50k being bandied about). Now, whether he **should** forgive it is quite a different matter, and I present both sides—meaning that no matter your views, I argue that you could be wrong, so pay attention: I show that Collinge is correct in his claims that NO tax dollars are needed.

With over 44.7 Million Americans holding student debt, and another 40—50 Million who are cosigners, family, or friends – a sum total close to (or exceeding) 100 Million – this debt affects roughly one-third to one-half of ALL adult Americans.[[3]] Add to that the fact that the nation's top student debt expert has said that well-over Eighty-Five (85%) Percent of ALL student debt borrowers will NEVER repay their student debt.[[4]] Key hashtags: #TuitionBubble #HigherEdBubble #HigherEducationBubble and #LoomingCrash – Since it is now well-known that almost Two Trillion ($2,000,000,000,000.oo) Dollars of U.S. Debt is Student Debt, this will both crash the dollar (for obvious reasons), and—subsequently—crash the Power and Telecommunications Grid (obviously because the money is being spent elsewhere and can't be used for much-needed Infrastructure and Grid upgrades).

Lastly, since soaring tuition and requisite college debt hurts both students (who can't repay these impossible debts) and taxpayers (who foot the bill for this madness), and the only “winners” are a select elite in Higher Education (who now refuse to even hold “in-person” college / university classes in many instances—due to pandemic issues), this is a sobering matter, and now is your “last stop” before the worst major social and economic crash in a lifetime—so pay attention: There WILL be a test.


For those that don't know me, I'm the “far-right” Conservative activist and blogger who, single-handedly, nearly won the legendary Terri Schiavo pro-life case –all by myself, and doing better than all other “pro-lifers” – combined.[[5]] Additionally, I was the only “non-lawyer” that was permitted to participate in the recent “Gay Marriage” case in the ELEVENTH CIRCUIT Federal Appeals Court[[6]], defending 1-man-1-woman marriage (but also defending gays against mistreatment, and making friends on both sides: Conservatives are NOT prejudiced). More “to the point,” however (as this issue deals with 'economic' issues—not 'social' issues), I am a “far-right” anti-tax, anti-spending Conservative, who has written EXTENSIVELY[[7]] demanding our sorry Liberal “R.I.N.O.” Republican lawmakers STOP excessive pork barrel spending / waste –specifically, the obscene excesses in use of your tax dollars to make or guarantee student loans—which hurts taxpayers who see $2 Trillion in student debt added to nat'l debt—and which hurts students, since college simply “raise prices” when they see students with “deep pockets loans” paid for by taxpayers! (For those who remember, that is the “Bill Bennett Hypothesis,” so-named after former Ed Secretary, Dr. Bennett, from the Reagan administration: Subsidies increase prices/costs: Google “Bill Bennett Hypothesis,” if you slept in history class.) Oh, I was also featured in a recent FORBES article—tho only as a contributor of a handy graphic flow-chart for one of Alan's columns.[[8]]

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: Lastly, besides being a far-right Conservative on all issues (including economic issues, which relate to the “Epic Fail” Higher ed lending system), I did better even than Jeb Bush and his legal team in the pro-life case cited above: I almost won my case; Bush lost 7-0, and before the same panel of Florida Supreme Court Justices—and on the same issue[[5]], so this is pretty good evidence that I'm “smart enough” to give a credible “academic” legal analysis of this issue—and not be a waste of your time. So, let's get going, shall we?

Conflict of Interest Statement:

Oh, I almost forgot – My personal disclaimer: Do I have any “conflicts of interest,” in this regard? (I.e., am I trying to get the government to “forgive” or “pay” any student debt that I may have?) Short answer: NO.

Long answer (because there's always “one in the crowd,” that likes to get loud):

First off, while I do have student debt, it is, technically, paid for en toto: Based on my current IBR (Income Based Repayment) plan, my monthly payments are $0.00 per month, and thus if I continue to “rock the boat,” this neat IBR plan just may evaporate in a mist of smoke and disappear. Proof that I'm on the IBR (Income-based Repayment) plan of zero dollars per month repayment:



Archive-1: (clips bottom pages, but shows at least application, which was, of course, approved: $0.oo/month payment, based on 10% of my discretionary income, that is, 10% of $0.00, which, itself, is zero.)


So, no, I have absolutely NO conflicts of interest in complaining. (In fact, IF I have any conflicts of interest, it would be for me to keep quiet & avoid "rocking the boat," as I am now doing, because lawmakers could just as easily remove IBR as they illegally and unconstitutionally removed bankruptcy protections from existing student loans CONTRACTS—thus violating the Contract Clause of the US Constitution, as well as the ex post facto Law and UNIFORMITY clauses—look them up if you slept in law class that semester!) #EndOfConflictOfInterestStatement – Continuing...


Whether you agree or disagree, the “Liberal”calls for complete and outright debt “forgiveness” (or: cancellation is a better word, as there are many who allege that no “sin” was omitted by the ubiquitous victims of wide-spread and quite illegal price-gouging – or obscene “over-taxation” if you accept Conservative Senator, Rick Scott's definition of tuition as being a “tax”[[9]]), the hue and cry from the “Liberals” is wide-spread, ubiquitous, and deafeningly loud.

Liberals also point to the fact that college, once free, is now VERY unaffordable.[[10]] If my conservative readers wish to question the left-leaning PolitiFact which rated Bernie Sanders as “mostly true” in this claim, you need look no further than Conservative Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), who attested almost the same thing: College was indeed once almost free—indeed, VERY affordable just a few decades ago.[[11]] It is upon this backdrop that Liberals began a tireless campaign for both student loan bankruptcy equality (returning standard consumer protections—like bankruptcy—to student loans, as it was just decades ago)—and the far more “extreme” call for outright collegiate loan cancellation (aka “forgiveness”).

TIME-LINE of LIBERAL REACTIONS—along with a Joe Biden “flip-flop”

Elizabeth Warren's campaign & plan calling for cancellation of 50k student debt by Exec Order authority, etc.[[12]]

Biden endorses Warren's Bankruptcy plan, and all other aspects too, including debt cancellation: Mar. 14, 2020.[[13]]

S.Res.711 - A resolution calling on the President of the United States to take executive action to broadly cancel Federal student loan debt. (9/22/2020), plus House bill, and refiled bills this session.[[14]]

Presidential Candidate Biden's broad promise to eliminate student debt for all making ................

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