
Chris McNairFilm and TV Year 2UAL Extended Diploma: Creative Media Production and TechnologyUnit 12 Specialist Study in Creative Media ProductionFigure 1 – Clapper Board (, no date)CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Chapter 1 - Who am I? PAGEREF _Toc504054993 \h 4Chapter 2 – The Report PAGEREF _Toc504054994 \h 18Chapter 3 - Experimentation and Skills PAGEREF _Toc504054995 \h 19Chapter 4 - Unit 12 Presentation and Plans for Unit 13 PAGEREF _Toc504054996 \h 20Chapter 5 - Weekly Schedule of Work PAGEREF _Toc504054997 \h 21Chapter 6 – Peer Reviews PAGEREF _Toc504054998 \h 26Chapter 7– Weekly Progress Tracker PAGEREF _Toc504054999 \h 27Appendix PAGEREF _Toc504055000 \h 32Appendices 1 – Unit 12 Criteria and Work to be Produced PAGEREF _Toc504055001 \h 32Appendix 2 – Students Calendar, Checklist and Scheme of Work PAGEREF _Toc504055002 \h 32Appendix 3 – Chapter Bibliographies PAGEREF _Toc504055003 \h 35Chapter 1 PAGEREF _Toc504055004 \h 35Chapter 2 PAGEREF _Toc504055005 \h 35Chapter 3 PAGEREF _Toc504055006 \h 35Table of Figures TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1 – Clapper Board (, no date) PAGEREF _Toc504055007 \h 1Figure 2 - Who Am I Mind Map 16/09/2016 (Chris McNair, 2016) PAGEREF _Toc504055008 \h 4Figure 3 - Who Am I Mind Map 25/03/2017 (Chris McNair, 2017) PAGEREF _Toc504055009 \h 5Figure 4 - Who Am I Mind Map 04/01/2018 (Chris McNair, 2018) PAGEREF _Toc504055010 \h 6Figure 5 - College Timeline - first 2 terms (Chris McNair, 2017) PAGEREF _Toc504055011 \h 16Chapter 1 - Who am I?During my life time my values and interests have changed lots and I expect them to carry on changing into the future. Overall I have gained more experiences which has increased number of interests I have and values I have. I have also dropped some values and interests. As you can see below I have found 2 past mind maps of my key interests, experiences and values. By comparing them to each other and comparing those to the one I just made, you can see how the key things in my life have changed.Date of completion for figure below: 16/09/2016Figure 2 - Who Am I Mind Map 16/09/2016 (Chris McNair, 2016)As this one is mainly pictures and you may not know what they mean I will describe the pictures that you might not be able to work out in words (left to right from top to bottom): The Flash (TV show), Doctor Who (TV show), Education, Albert Einstein, PlayStation, The Arrow (TV show), YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, (I can’t remember what the cat in the doughnut symbolised), The Big Bang Theory (TV show), Astronomy, Casey Neistat, Hyper Cars.Date of completion for figure below: 25/03/2017Figure 3 - Who Am I Mind Map 25/03/2017 (Chris McNair, 2017)Date of completion for figure below: 04/01/2018Figure 4 - Who Am I Mind Map 04/01/2018 (Chris McNair, 2018)As you can see some things have stayed the same on all 3 maps: Casey Neistat, YouTube/Youtubers, animals. These are my key interests and jut because they are not on the map doesn’t mean I am not interested in it, it just means there was something I found more interesting. In the last map you may be wondering what the difference between hobbies and interests are. Hobbies are things I enjoy doing at the moment. Interests are things that either I would like to do someday or things that I like to do but I don’t do often or things I used to do but no longer do. An example is kart racing. I am very interested in that but due to it being expensive I only go once per year for my birthday. I used to do kayaking regularly, but I quit so I would have more time to do my college work. I would like to learn archery in the future perhaps at university if I have time.My favourite media product was difficult to come up with as there are so many. Probably Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” is my current favourite film. The reason this film appeals to me is because it has got a fairly complex plot. It makes me think and contemplate my own life as well as the characters in the film’ses. It is intellectually stimulating. All the Christopher Nolan films that I have watched have made it to my top 50 films. They all tend to make me think. It is not really a film to watch to relax. Probably my favourite film that doesn’t require much brain power to watch is “why him”.I have quite a few inspirational media practitioners but my main one is Casey Neistat and possibly Steven Spielberg. I have a lot of media practitioners that I look up to but being inspirational is not how I would describe them. This is because most of them are film directors and I really respect their films but I don’t know much about their life and who they are as a person. I just know there work. As Casey Neistat is a YouTuber and his videos are about his life and experiences, he is much more inspiring to me. Casey picked up the concept of making vlogs (video blogs) from other YouTubers but he put his own spin on it. He makes each day’s vlog into a short film. He does this by implementing B roll, cinematography etc. into his videos. He talks to the camera as if he was talking to a person which helps to get to know him better hence why I am inspired by him. I have enjoyed lots of Steven Spielberg’s films but it was his documentary “Spielberg” that inspired me. This documentary was an account of his life, like a video version of a bibliography. He explained about his journey. George Lucas also appeared in it for a short amount of time. He is one of my favourite media practitioners but as I don’t really know who he is as a person he can’t be one of my favourite inspirational practitioner.My skills have come so far since the beginning of the course. When joining the course I had hardly any skills. I now have lodes. I had some knowledge as I had done lots of stop motion animation and live films before I also started and lead a filmmaking club at school. But this knowledge was more about the story, camera and basic editing software. Since starting the course I have learned valuable technical skills. An example would be that I knew that I needed to point the camera at the subject but I didn’t know about how to frame it (rule of thirds, natural framing, leading lines etc.). I have created a timeline of the skills I have learned in the first 2 terms which can be found here: 5 - College Timeline - first 2 terms (Chris McNair, 2017)As you can see I have learned a lot in the first 2 terms. This is the case for term 3 as well as year 2 term 1. Term 3 and year 2 term 1 were set out a bit differently. In both these terms we concentrated on making a short film rather than having lectures on skills. But just because we didn’t have any lectures on improving skills doesn’t mean I didn’t learn any. We were left up to our own devices more. This meant we had more freedom in the area we chose to learn. The skills picked up were because of mistakes that I learned from as well as skills I researched. So for example after the last project I learned more about the skill of scriptwriting as I made a mistake of making the script uninteresting and have learned from it. An example of a skill I picked up by researching, is one of the transitions that I used on my last project. I prefer this method of learning as it is clearer how it relates to the particle work. Some of the skills I learned more in depth were: research, movement, pre-production paperwork, target audience, post-production (Avid) (Adobe Premier Pro), scene recreations, the exposure triangle, lighting, scriptwriting, transitions, colour correction, colour grading, special effects, camera movement, syncing audio, evaluating, organising, location scouting, directing, etc.I will focus on improving my skills over the next few months in order to prepare for the Extended Project. Some of the areas I will be looking into more are transitions and scriptwriting. The reason I have decided to look into scriptwriting is because I choose to have lots of dialogue in my last film project and it got a bit uninteresting. The reason I want to improve on my transitions is because a YouTuber I watch (Peter Mckinnon) has inspired me by uploading videos showing off cool transitions and how to make them. I tried to do a cool transition in my last project which worked out OK. Also the music video “BIG SHAQ MANS NOT HOT” also inspired me because it has a lot of good transitions that complement the music and movement of Big Shaq (artist). I guess this also links with improving my movement skills as movement can motivate the transitions. I would also like to improve the sound, video, and lighting quality but I won’t be able to afford a good microphone, a good camera or good lighting. So I am pretty much stuck with the college equipment. Unless I hire good equipment which I most likely won’t be able to afford either. I am currently working on my cinematography skills and I hope to develop them further. In order to learn these skill I will use a range of different mediums. I will use video courses that are available online on sites such as (What I’m currently using for the cinematography) and . I will also use YouTube videos. These YouTube videos will be from a variety of sources but I will definitely look at Peter Mckinnon’s transition videos. As I am a visual learner I have identified that the best way of me learning is through a video. That being said, I will also ask people around me and my tutors if they could give me a few pointers to help learn these skills in more depth. In conclusion I have found out things about myself that would most likely influence my future work. This is very useful to know as we learned about copy transform and combine and how everything you come up with is based on what you already know (experiences, watched films etc.). This chapter needs to include: -Your work on who you are? Your favourite media product, and/or your inspirational media practitioner (past and present).You also need to include your skills timeline which details the skills you joined the course with, and the skills you have nowYou also need to include your skills focus, which details and explains the skills you are considering developing and working on for your Extended Project.Chapter 2 – The ReportThis chapter needs to include: -Your research, your analysis of that research and your conclusion of how that research is going to facilitate your work for your Extended Project.You can produce either of these reports, or both.Product Report which will detail all aspects of your favourite media product. Covering research, analysis and application of that research. This should be a personal report, it is about why you like it, but it is also about its contextuality, its relevance to the wider world of media and it’s place in the development of media products i.e. was it ground breaking? Genre creating? Technology driven? OrPractitioner Report, which will look at two inspirational media Practioners that you feel have influenced your media development. There should be a present one (active in the last 10 years) and a past one (technically dead! but can be not active in the last 10 years) . The report will cover your research, analysis and application of that research. This should be a personal report, it is about why you like them, why you chose them. It is also about their contextuality, and their relevance in the wider world of media i.e. were they ground breaking? Genre creating? Etc etc!Do not just choose one because it is less work. You choose the report that is most relevant to you, and ideally, to benefit you, you do both reports. The more you research, the more informed you are, the better your decision on your Extended Project will be, and therefore the better your Extended Project will be.Chapter 3 - Experimentation and SkillsThis chapter needs to include: -The research questions, research plans and analysis of that research, for each of your experiments and skills development. Each experiment needs: -An introductionA clear explanation of what was undertaken A conclusion of how this information was used by you.ExampleIntroduction I am interested in lighting. I want to see how it is possible to film at night so that you can still see the action. I think this is an interesting skill to develop as it is making me further understand the technical aspects of lighting, and shows how lighting can become part of the narrative.Research Question – How to film at night? (so you can still see the action)Research plan – Literature review of any YouTube videos of “How to film at night”. Review on “Making of DVD’s” from famous night based films – any film noir filmReview any Ted TalksInternet search on the technical aspects of Analysis of Literature Review – what has your research revealed to you? What did you find out? What of that new information can you use? Design your Experiment – using your analysisExperiment – in TV studio, in Bedroom, outside.Analysis – of results of experiment, what worked? What didn’tExplanation of what was undertakenFollowing my literature review, it became clear that my darkness was never going to be real darkness. I had learnt the type of lights and reflectors that I needed to use. I practiced in a variety of locations. I then showed the footage to peers and lecturers to gauge their opinion. I also posted it to Twitter and gain some very helpful responses. ConclusionIt didn’t do what I really wanted. To get the scene as dark as I wanted, the actors had to have unnaturally bright lights on them which was not the look I wanted. It looked to staged and filmnoir”e”. I am going to experiment now, with filming at dusk, to see if that gives me more tonal variation, and allows for the feeling of dark, but the ability to see the action.We must be able to see all that you do. It does not serve you just to post the footage of “My filming in the Dark”. We must see the whole journey, from start to finish. You need to tell us what you did, what you learnt and how you might use it.You must also include any experiments that don’t work, and tell us why. You can learn as much from what went wrong as what went right.Chapter 4 - Unit 12 Presentation and Plans for Unit 13This chapter will include your presentation that you have given to the class and lecturers detailing the work and research you have produced, and your analysis of how that work, research and experimentation have informed your plans for Unit 13.Chapter 5 - Weekly Schedule of Work Week 1 w/c January 1st2018Introduction to Unit 12PowerPointTasks to be undertaken this weekApprovedMonday am x 3 A’s not inWednesday am x 3N/AMonday pm x 2A’s not inThursday am x 3N/ATuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Listen to the overview of the unit.Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Create a “who am I” mind map and write about it and my favourite media practitioners and media product.Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Write about the skills timeline and talk about the skills that I want to improve.Week 2w/c January 8th 2018The Report PowerPointMain Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Week 3w/c 15th January 2018Experimentation and Skills PowerPointMain Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Week 4w/c 22nd January 2018Main Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Week 5w/c 29th January 2018Main Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Chapter 6 – Peer ReviewsWeek 1Reviewed by:- Brandon VirtueReally well presented. You have met the criteria and answered the question “who am I?” very well. I like your choice of practitioner in Steven Spielberg and have learned about Casey Neistat. Week 2Reviewed by:-Week 3Reviewed by:-Week 4Reviewed by:-Week 5Reviewed by:-Chapter 7– Weekly Progress TrackerProgress Tracker - Week 1Reflection on the work you have produced this weekOverall I am happy with the work that I produced. I managed to stay on schedule despite having a shorter week (as it was bank holiday on Monday). I found this week interesting as it made me think of who I am as a person. Writing/talking about your interests is always enjoyable. It also helped me identify more specific skills that I want to improve and how to build on them.Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNo problemsN/ANotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postAs it about “who am I” all the sources came from me.ChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublished////N/A//Lecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Jenni likes my work and thinks it expresses the theme of “who am I” well.Progress Tracker - Week 2Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 3Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 4Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 5Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)AppendixAppendices 1 – Unit 12 Criteria and Work to be ProducedUNIT 12- SPECIALIST STUDY IN CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTIONLearning Outcomes Assessment CriteriaWork to be producedAIM: Research and critically examine the influence of historical and contemporary contexts on their own practice.Understand the principles and practices of a chosen discipline in creative media production.1.1 Critically describe a range of contextual perspectives influencing a chosen discipline in creative media production.The Report Practioners ReportProduct Report1.2Apply knowledge of critical perspectives to inform own practice.Unit Portfolio and PresentationBe able to locate and evaluate information form a range of sources 2.1Identify a range of relevant academic and cultural sources for a personal research project.The ReportExperimentation and Skills2.2Critically evaluate information from a range of sources to inform ideas.Unit Portfolio and PresentationBe able to communicate ideas and arguments in a variety of forms. 3.1Apply academic conventions in the production and presentation of ideas.Unit Portfolio and Presentation3.2Effectively communicate ideas in appropriate formats.Unit Portfolio and PresentationAppendix 2 – Students Calendar, Checklist and Scheme of WorkWEEK 1 – w/c 1st January 2018Tuesday amRemainder of the weekCollege not open MonIntroduction to Unit 12Power Point 1 – Introduction to Unit 12What is expected i.e. Portfolios etcHow it works – Personal ScheduleStudy GroupsPeer ReviewCritiquesWhy – Unit 13WHO AM I?Objective for session: - Schedule Week 1 producedWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWed pm (x3)Tues pm (a’s) Thurs am (x3)Introduction to Unit 12Power Point 1 Introduction to Unit 12What is expected i.e. Portfolios etcHow it works – Personal ScheduleStudy GroupsPeer ReviewCritiquesWhy – Unit 13WHO AM I?Objective for session: - Schedule Week 1 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -Produce Timeline for skills development to dateMind Map on Who am I? – my favourite media products, my inspirational media producerMy skills focusWEEK 2 – w/c 8th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Power Point 2 – The ReportHow to undertake a Literature Review, both generally and specifically for The Report, based on weeks 1 tasks – favourite media Practioners, and favourite Media Product and should tie in with skills focus.Objective for session: - Schedule Week 2 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -The ReportWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWEEK 3 – w/c 15th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Power Point 3Experimentation and SkillsHow to structure an experiment – what is the research question and what is the research plan to find the answer to that question.Based on weeks 1 tasks – when you looked at your skills, and what you want to focus on.If you are unsure of what to do, then use the FEAR project to get you focused and doingSchedule Week 3 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -Detail planed experimentation and skills task What is their research question and what is their research plan to answer that question? You can leave college if necessary and relevant.OrFEAR ProjectWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWeek 4 and Week 5 w/c 22nd and 29th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Independent Study now….Schedule Week 4 and 5 produced and approvedWork on Schedule – With constant checking by staffWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWeek 6 – 5th February 2018Presentation and Progress Review Week – All students present their findings and possible thoughts on Unit 13. Portfolio made perfect!Self-Directed Study Week Appendix 3 – Chapter BibliographiesCover . 1973. Clapper Board. [ONLINE] Available at: . [Accessed 2 January 2018].Chapter 1N/AChapter 2Chapter 3 ................

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