Prospect Facebook Ad CampaignHeadlineCoronaVirus Affecting Sales? Take Your Business ONLINE Today!TargetingAd TextSo, your business is suffering and sales is at an all-time low because of this Pandemic Period?I bet you are beginning to despair as a result of this…Well, worry not! I’ve got just the right solution!You see, your sales are down because your customers can’t get out of their houses to buy your products/services.And I don’t need to tell you why that is the reality - Blame it on the Virus!However, within the shortest time possible, I can help you Create and Set a Premium Website for your business where your Customers will be able to ORDER for your services and products ONLINE from the convenience of their homes.And all you have to do? Just send the delivery man and you can close the sale!Interested already?Click this link to check out my Service Website and Get a Quick Quote!Age Group:25 Years - 55 YearsInterest:Local Business,Online Marketing,Advertising,Web Technology,Restaurants,Super Markets,Grocery Stores,Sports Shop,Virtual Assistance,Fashion Stores,Book Stores,Pharmacies etc.Location: [insert as appropriate]HeadlineRow With The Big Guns! Give Your Business The Exposure It Needs!TargetingAd TextYou want to know why big businesses like KFC, Dominoes, Amazon and the likes continue to record huge sales?Simple! They have massive exposure!And how they did this is also simple - all these businesses have extensive representations ONLINE!I’ll bet you’ve ordered one or two things online before. Not so?Ever wondered how these big businesses did it?Would you like to get your own business that kind of exposure too?Relax. You are with the right crew!My Super Team will help you build and launch a Top-Notch website that will feature everything about your business and give it the exposure it needs!Trust me, this time, you can row with the big guns while your Sales Margin skyrockets.Excited? Reach out NOW!Visit my Service Website to Get a Quick Quote and Get Started!Age Group:25 Years - 55 YearsInterest:Local Business,Online Marketing,Advertising,Web Technology,Restaurants,Super Markets,Grocery Stores,Sports Shop,Virtual Assistance,Fashion Stores,Book Stores,Pharmacies etc.Location: [insert as appropriate]HeadlineLosing Sales & Customers? Glue Your Customers To You With Brand New Web Solution!TargetingAd TextAre you losing Sales and Customers by the tons…...and you don’t even KNOW WHY?!Well...the reason is pretty obvious - your customers are not satisfied with the value they are getting from you.Now, I can imagine you thinking that you could have done something about this if ONLY they would reach out to you to voice out their grievances…Well, you might be right on that. But you can’t really blame them when you have no means through which they can engage and communicate with you.So, here I the RESCUE!I can help you Increase Customer Engagement, Retention and Satisfaction for your business.Ask me how?Easy. I’ll put your business on the internet.My Excellent Team and I will help you set up and launch a Premium Website through which you can update your customers on current changes in your business and get their feedback INSTANTLY!With this Web Solution, they can even Check through all you have to offer and initiate a purchase from anywhere they are in the world!Awesome, right?CONTACT ME NOW and let’s Get Started!Age Group:25 Years - 55 YearsInterest:Local Business,Online Marketing,Advertising,Web Technology,Restaurants,Super Markets,Grocery Stores,Sports Shop,Virtual Assistance,Fashion Stores,Book Stores,Pharmacies etc.Location: [insert as appropriate]HeadlineHere Is Why You Need A Website! Get One With Ease Today!TargetingAd TextLet’s Face It…You need a Website!With a Website, not only will you be able to get your business massive exposure, you’ll also be able to:Increase Customers EngagementClose Sales OnlineGet More Business LeadsWith a Website, you can move your business to the next stage and expand your sales margin!Ready Now?Let’s work together.Visit my Service Website to check out my Web Solutions Agency and Get a Quick Quote!Age Group:25 Years - 55 YearsInterest:Local Business,Online Marketing,Advertising,Web Technology,Restaurants,Super Markets,Grocery Stores,Sports Shop,Virtual Assistance,Fashion Stores,Book Stores,Pharmacies etc.Location: [insert as appropriate]HeadlineThe Business World Is Evolving! Help Your Business Adapt Or Be Crushed Out Of The Competition (See How)TargetingAd TextHey there!Do you know that the best gift you can give to your customers apart from Premium Services and Goods is Convenience of Purchase?Are you also aware that the best thing you can do for your business is to take it ONLINE for more exposure?See, with the rapid evolution of the business world to being tech-tolerant, businesses that are not adapting are being smashed out of the competition.Now, I’m pretty sure you don’t want that.Why not let us help you take your business to the next level?With our website solutions, we can put your business online right in front of the eyes of your customers (both old and prospective).So, here is the equation - You get more Exposure + Customers order online from anywhere + Sales increase + Customers are happy = More Money in your Account!Ready to Start Now?Contact Us Today - Visit Our Service Website for more Info and Get a Quick Quote.Age Group:25 Years - 55 YearsInterest:Local Business,Online Marketing,Advertising,Web Technology,Restaurants,Super Markets,Grocery Stores,Sports Shop,Virtual Assistance,Fashion Stores,Book Stores,Pharmacies etc.Location: [insert as appropriate]HeadlineTestimonial #1 - “Sales Exploded By...200%!” - See How!TargetingAd TextHullo!Check this out -XYZ Company [insert real reference name] has this to say about us:“My business has been battling with severe loss in sales. I had done everything I could and it wasn’t working. I was at my wits end…...but within 3 weeks that my business website was built and launched by ABC Company [insert your company name], Sales Exploded and increased by a freaking 200%...!I couldn’t believe it. It looked too good to be true. But it’s real!ABC Company is the grandmaster of web solutions!”That says it all.Want to share in their Success Story?Reach Out To Us TODAY!Visit Our Service Website for more Info and Get a Quick Quote.Age Group:25 Years - 55 YearsInterest:Local Business,Online Marketing,Advertising,Web Technology,Restaurants,Super Markets,Grocery Stores,Sports Shop,Virtual Assistance,Fashion Stores,Book Stores,Pharmacies etc.Location: [insert as appropriate]HeadlineTestimonial #2 - “ was dying...just like Magic, the Story Changed!” - See How!TargetingAd TextHowdy?YOU NEED TO READ THIS!“ business was dying and I knew it. I was already subconsciously preparing myself to declare bankruptcy and sell it, but a miracle happened!ABC Company [insert your company name] came into the picture and just like magic, the Story Changed!Now, I have two more physical branches and I’m getting ready to open another…”Peter Pan, CEO XYZ CompanyNeed I say more?!Contact Us TODAY and this can be your story!Visit Our Service Website for more Info and Get a Quick Quote.Age Group:25 Years - 55 YearsInterest:Local Business,Online Marketing,Advertising,Web Technology,Restaurants,Super Markets,Grocery Stores,Sports Shop,Virtual Assistance,Fashion Stores,Book Stores,Pharmacies etc.Location: [insert as appropriate]Facebook Ads Graphics ................

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