Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Family and Community Involvement (English)............................................29 Family and Community Involvement (Spanish) ...........................................30 Section 2.1 .....................................................................................................31 Section 2.2 .....................................................................................................37 Section 2.3 .....................................................................................................43 Section 2.4 .....................................................................................................49 Section 2.5 .....................................................................................................55 Section 2.6 .....................................................................................................61 Section 2.7 .....................................................................................................67 Technology Connection.................................................................................73

28 Big Ideas Math Blue Resources by Chapter

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Dear Family,

Photo albums record our most precious memories--and can last for generations. It can take a lot of creativity to make a great family album. One of the keys to designing the album is to use photos and text in a variety of sizes and positions.

You and your student may want to work together on a family album. While working, you might think about some of the following possibilities.

? Move your photos around on the page--don't position every photo in the same way. In mathematics, this is called a translation of the image--and it's a simple way to add interest to your pages.

? Try rotating your photos--not every photo has to be straight on the page. Rotate some photos so that they are on an angle.

? Sometimes a photo works better when you use its reflection. For example, digital photos can be "flipped" so that a person faces in another direction. This can make the composition more pleasing, but use this with care--it can make people look a bit different and any written words in the photo will appear backwards.

? Try different sizes for the text and rotate the position of the text. A good rule of thumb is to use three fonts or less on a page.

? Remember to leave some space around the photos and text. A page with too much on it will look cluttered. Try to figure out a proportion of covered to uncovered space on the page that looks good.

Computers have simplified the task of making family albums, but don't be afraid to work on paper--it's still a great way to work on a project together.

Show the album to your family and friends--they are sure to enjoy it!

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Estimada Familia:

Los ?lbumes de fotos registran nuestras memorias m?s preciadas--y pueden durar por generaciones. Se requiere de mucha creatividad para hacer un ?lbum familiar incre?ble. Una de las claves para dise?ar el ?lbum es usar fotos y texto en una variedad de tama?os y posiciones.

Usted y su estudiante querr?n trabajar juntos en un ?lbum familiar. Al trabajar, pueden pensar acerca de algunas de las siguientes posibilidades:

? Muevan las fotos por toda la p?gina--no coloquen cada foto del mismo modo. En matem?ticas, esto se conoce como traslaci?n de la imagen--y es un modo simple de a?adir inter?s a sus p?ginas.

? Intenten rotando las fotos--no todas las fotos tienen que estar derechas en la p?gina. Roten algunas fotos para que queden en ?ngulo.

? A veces una foto funciona mejor cuando se usa su reflejo. Por ejemplo, las fotos digitales pueden voltearse para que la persona mire hacia el otro lado. Esto puede hacer que la composici?n sea m?s agradable, pero h?ganlo con cuidado--la gente puede verse algo distinta y cualquier palabra que aparezca en la foto se ver? escrita al rev?s.

? Intenten con distintos tama?os para el texto y roten la posici?n del texto. Una regla muy importante es usar tres tipos de letra o menos en cada p?gina.

? Recuerden dejar algo de espacio alrededor de las fotos y el texto. Una p?gina que contenga mucho de esto se ver? demasiado llena. Intenten averiguar una proporci?n de espacio cubierto y sin cubrir en la p?gina que se vea bien.

Las computadoras han simplificado la tarea de hacer ?lbumes familiares, pero no tengan miedo de trabajar en papel--a?n sigue siendo una gran manera de trabajar todos juntos en un proyecto.

Muestren el ?lbum a sus familiares y amigos--?les va a encantar!

30 Big Ideas Math Blue Resources by Chapter

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2.1 Activity Start Thinking! For use before Activity 2.1

Draw two triangles that are:

1. the same shape and size. 2. the same shape but not the same size. 3. not the same shape and not the same size. Which pair of triangles do you think are called congruent triangles? Why?

2.1 Activity Warm Up For use before Activity 2.1

Copy the triangle and use a ruler to measure each side.





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Start Thinking!

For use before Lesson 2.1

With a partner, discuss the questions below. Be sure to support your answers.

1. Is it possible for two triangles to have the same angle measures but not be congruent?

2. Is it possible for two triangles to have the same side lengths but not be congruent?

2.1 Lesson Warm Up For use before Lesson 2.1

Tell whether the triangles are congruent or not congruent.







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