
‘’A ROAD MAP TO THE FUTURE’’CHAPTER 1, Visioning StatementTodays modern day we all are using electronics 61% of the USA use the internet Africa 16% Asia 38% and the numbers are growing population is racing and Mark Zuckerberg's biggest goals is to connect the rest of the world to the Internet.On 20 August, in an effort to reach his goal, the CEO of Facebook announced the establishment of , consortium?that allied his company with handset makers (Nokia, Samsung, Ericcson), a browser company (Opera), and network infrastructure manufacturers (Qualcomm, MediaTek). Said yes, Facebook, he postulated that a connected world could address economic disparity and outlined a vision of even the poorest people connecting to low-cost, low-data versions of basic internet services. Bill Gates, who stepped down from his post as the head of Microsoft almost 14 years ago now, says “I certainly love the IT thing,” Gates said in the interview. “But when we want to improve lives, you’ve got to deal with more basic things like child survival, child nutrition.” He said making it a "priority" for the whole world to be connected to the Internet was, "a joke." Why I bring this up is that the world is changing, fast! And all it takes is one-man image if you had more the a dozen the world will change tomorrow. Chapter 2, ApocalypseSome people think that technology is moving way to fast and it could be the death of human existence. Stewart Brand says the newest technologies--computers, genetic engineering and the emerging field of nanotech--differ from the technologies that preceded them in a fundamental way. The telephone, the automobile, television and jet air travel accelerated for a while, transforming society along the way, but then settled into a manageable rate of change, Like the plot of an American dystopian science fiction action film I-Robot directed by Alex Proyas for those who never seen this movie its In the year 2035, anthropomorphic robots enjoy widespread use as servants for various public services. They are programmed with the Three Laws of Robotics directives:First Law: A robot must never harm a human being or, through inaction, allow any harm to come to a human.Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given to them by human beings, except where such orders violate the First Law.Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence unless this violates the First or Second Laws. And end up malfunctioning and killing everyone. Notice that the year was 2035 just 22 years from now.Chapter 3, The New BeginningTechnology is advancing faster and faster every generation. There are many predictions in how the world will be like in the future with advance technology. Like the movie IRobot they predicted 22 years from now we will have robots walking down the street. I’m going telling you how the world will look like in 50-100 years from now. Human lifespans have been going up for decades, and most of us can expect to see 80 even if we aren't that careful about our habits. Through out this period, the world is thrown into turmoil, as oil and gas prices begin to spiral out of control – crippling many economies and triggering widespread social unrest we are using oil and fossil fuel faster then the world can make it. We will run out one day and will need to use other energy source then fossil fuel gas. Many countries in the West experience a decline in living standards, with oil rationing and conservation measures introduced by governments. Likely in the use wee have lots of oil we take oil from other country cause we know well run out one day. On July 24, 2008 The area north of the Arctic Circle has an estimated 90 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil, 1,670 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable natural gas, and 44 billion barrels of technically recoverable natural gas liquids in 25 geologically defined areas thought to have potential for petroleum.Chapter 4, EnergyAs technology grows population dose too as more people and more technology are in every house hold more energy is being used.?A prototype commercial fusion reactor is entering its final phase of operation. Power Plant it has built on the success of that project, achieving a number of major breakthroughs. K-DEMO will serve as prototype for the development of commercial fusion reactors. According to the PPPL, it will generate “some 1 billion watts of power for several weeks on end”, a much greater output than ITER's goal of producing 500 million watts for 500 seconds by the late 2020s normal American homes will have smart meters. A smart meter is usually an electrical meter that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing purposes. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. And home storage batteries. A storage battery is a rechargeable battery, storage battery, or accumulator is a type of electrical battery. It comprises one or more electrochemical cells, and is a type of energy accumulator. This will be a law to have in your homes.Chapter 5, City LifeCities will be bigger and more populated, Bike lanes will be inhanced and subways, Along with being more energy efficient and cheaper, advances in design and technology boosted subways speeds by hundreds of miles per hour, making them competitive with flight schedules in many cases. The very fastest routes now included trains traveling at over 1,000 km/h (625 mph). Maglev routes were expanded significantly, especially along the coast. Along with internal connections, plans were formulated to link the Chinese rail system with those of Europe, India, Russia and Japan. With such a huge rail network, the cities of China were more closely connected than ever before. In a sense, high-speed rail created a 1.2 billion-person "single city" effect, with much of the population only a few hours away from each other. There’s no shortage of great food in the city, and you’ll want to try it all, so learn how to do it cheap.? Pick up a guide to cheap eating – a number exist, or visiting websites like , and that feature reviews of the cities most inexpensive spots. You can also pick up a copy of The Cheap Bastard’s Guide to New York City for other ways to save some dough. Make a point of finding the $1 tacos and $2 falafels in your neighborhood. Chapter 6, Life StylesLife will be out of this world. NASA's programs, until this point, have been largely focused on Mars exploration. As a result, lunar occupation by the United States has been mostly in the form of private companies like Bigelow Aerospace. This venture has been especially productive, with a new generation of large inflatable modules established on the lunar surface. Now, however, NASA itself is playing a more active role. With completion of the first Mars landing, there has been a refocusing in recent years on lunar exploration. Though a completed NASA base is still years away, manned operations are initiated around this time. This is done in conjunction with both private and governmental partners and utilises the commercial infrastructure already present. Humanity will start living in outer space but till be price. Technology will be everybody will have technology in there position everywhere they go and every corner they turn. Health monitor will be in everybody home to keep humans healthy of all ages. Chapter, 7 TransportationCars will get ride of there weals. Cars will hover with the same technology as maglev. A few countries are using powerful electromagnets to develop high-speed trains, called maglev trains. Maglev is short for magnetic levitation, which means that these trains will float over a guide way using the basic principles of magnets to replace the old steel wheel and track trains. In this article, you will learn how electromagnetic propulsion works, how three specific types of maglev trains work and where you can ride one of these trains. Accelerating breakthroughs in the fields of artificial intelligence, sensors and telecommunications have led to a new generation of self-driving cars. These vehicles are considerably safer and more reliable than previous models and now dominate the mainstream markets, particularly in developed nations. Today, annual purchases of autonomous vehicles are nearing 100 million worldwide, representing almost 75% of all light-duty vehicle sales. This compares with 60 million total light-duty vehicle sales in 2012, and is largely due to soaring populations and the rapid industrialisation of many countries. self-parking and freeway cruising features. Now though, computing power and stronger AI mean that today's autonomous vehicles can outperform even the best human drivers. A combination of GPS, on-board sensors, traction and stability control, and adaptive cruise control allow a car to sense incoming objects from all directions, detect incoming crashes and impacts, predict the movements of other vehicles on the road, and adapt to changing road and weather conditions. The future looks bright and also dark we have to change are way of life because our earth is dyeing without change there probably wont be an earth for this report please recycle and help the world, thank you.My sources. ................

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