right11753850-3327400Student NameYear 2 – Print, Radio, TVUnit 13/14 - Final Major Project0Student NameYear 2 – Print, Radio, TVUnit 13/14 - Final Major ProjectFMP PortfolioAcademic Year 2016/2017 CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Contents …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 2Project Proposal………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………... 5Project Action Plan and Timetable………………………………………………………………………………………....7Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8The Background of my project………………………………………………………………………..………………………8Who am I, what did I learn, why is my project important? ……………………………………………….…...8My Research Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………..............18Literature / Resources Review and Conclusion………………………………………………………………………19Research Questions and Design Evolution…………………………………………………………………………….27Research Findings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………29Data Analysis and conclusion………….……………………………………………………………………………….37-42Pre-Production Paperwork………………………………………………………………………………………………44-57Final Project - Completed Audio Piece………………………………………………………………….………………58Weekly Project Evaluations……………………………………………………………………………………..………58-62Full Project Evaluation………………………………………………………………………………………...…………..62-66Appendices………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………….67References…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………68-69Welcome to my Project Portfolio for my FMP for the Year 2 of my UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Technology – Print, Radio & TVUnit 13/14 - Project ProposalCandidate NameJamie LongCandidate NumberPathwayRadioProject TitleNews Burst – Lunchtime BulletinSection 1: Rationale (approx. 150 words)Over the past twelve units of the qualification I have developed a valuable set of skills which I can carry with me into my media career. I have learnt technical skills such as camera work, how to pick up good audio and how to edit professional pieces using Adobe software and even how to operate a variety of equipment in a live television studio. Away from the technical skills, I have learnt the likes of interview skills and how to work as part of a team, both valuable skills in the media industry. The other valuable skills that I have developed will help me into and throughout any career path and these were mainly covered in Unit 11 with the likes of CV building and finding my strengths and weaknesses as a person as well as how to make a good impression during a job interview. The qualification has been really useful to me in that I can progress onto my next step with a portfolio of useful skills. Section 2: Project Concept (approx. 200 words)The aim of this project is to inform younger listeners. I am setting out to create a radio news bulletin tailored towards teenagers that cover all of the latest news stories as well as two extended news stories covering topics that will inform my listeners. The extended news stories that will feature surround the issues of bullying and homelessness. I will use all of my research from both primary and secondary sources, and the software (Adobe Audition) to create my final piece and make it sound as professional as possible. My deadline for my FMP is mid-June and therefore I will aim to produce my piece at the end of May, to leave time for the editing process in early June. The time at the beginning of May will give me a good length of time to put together the details of my piece. I will use the soundproof studio and professional recording equipment to capture high quality audio and edit on a professional audio software to create a more seamless sounding piece. I am confident in using Adobe Audition.I will refer to feedback given by my tutor throughout to project to ensure that I create the best possible sounding piece and I will also check my ideas with peers to help with the process.Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 150 words)Throughout the project I will record my weekly tasks and activities in both my ‘Learner Progress Tracker’ booklet and in the form of blog post evaluations on my WordPress website. The tracking booklet gives me a chance to record my activities and evaluate how each task works. The booklet also ensures that I receive weekly feedback from my Lecturer to work on certain aspects of my project to improve my work to a higher standard. The purpose of the WordPress Blog post evaluations is to ensure that I go into further detail explaining the tasks and how each has gone. The website gives me more freedom to elaborate on my points. The first of the project should follow through nicely as it is mainly informative of my project, the main changes to my project may arise during production and post-production as this is the time when things can more often go wrong.Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format) BBC TRUST - BBC Radio 1. – Global Radio – The Audience, LBC. BBC TRUST - BBC Radio 2. BBC BITESIZE - Collecting Market Research As well as primary research and findings from Unit 12.Table 1 - Project ProposalProject Action Plan and TimetableWeekDate WeekBeginningActivity / What you are intending to do - including independent studyResources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops124th AprilI will be producing my Project Proposal and uploading this section of work.I will need internet access and the use of Microsoft Work on a laptop / computer to complete this task.21st MayIntroducing the background of my project and define what it is I am setting out to do. I will also create a research plan and round up the important research that I have found in Unit 12.I will need the same resources as I did from week 1.38thMayProject research. I will put together all of the research that I have found and conduct further research into my specific project. I will really specify my projects target audience and what stories will be included. I will link back to Unit 12 to look at the skills and techniques.I will also complete my pre - production research looking into the roles and producing all necessary pre-production paper work.I will need a laptop or computer with Microsoft Word. I will also need access to the internet to create online surveys, as well as books and magazines.I will need access to the recording studio and recording equipment to produce pre-production paperwork such as health and safety and a recce research.415th MayFinish the necessary pre-production paper work in the first half of the week before beginning the production of my project later in the week. I will record the main section of the bulletin this week, using the script produced,I will need access to the sound-proof recording studio, as well as the recording equipment.522nd MayContinuation of the production. I will conduct any interviews that may be lined up for this week, and/or produce vox-pops with my target audience to possibly include in my news bulletin.I will need access to the sound-proof recording studio, as well as the recording equipment.629thMayThis week is the post production week in which I will put together my news bulletin. I will spend the whole week doing this.I will need access to the recording equipment used and I will use the Adobe Audition software on a laptop/computer to put the piece together.75thJuneThis week will be a continuation of post-production, finalising my audio piece to make it sound as professional as possible.I will need access to the recording equipment used and I will use the Adobe Audition software on a laptop/computer to put the piece together.812th JuneI will present my Final Major Project and ensure that all work is up to standard and uploaded to the correct place ready for marking after the deadline on the 16th June. I will also evaluate the whole project.I will need a working computer with a speaker to present my piece, as well as access to the internet to ensure that I can upload my work.Introduction and the background of my project This project portfolio is a report of my Final Major Project (FMP) for my second-year UAL Extended Diploma in Print, Radio and TV Production. Throughout this report I will be explaining what I plan to do for my project and the background behind it, before producing a research plan.Throughout the course I have learnt a wide variety of skills in the various mediums of Print, Radio and Television and I feel that my strongest skills set lies within Radio. I feel that I can create a higher standard of work by producing a radio piece.I have decided to create a radio news bulletin for my FMP. As mentioned, radio production is my strongest skill and I also have a passion for journalism which I spoke about in Unit 12. My radio news bulletin will follow a similar structure to BBC Radio 1’s newsbeat, in that it will include the latest news stories in a quick sequence whilst also including two in depth, extended news stories. The extended news stories that I will cover are ‘Bullying’ and ‘Homelessness’. Bullying is heavily spoken about amongst younger people, who I will be targeting my piece towards, and so it seemed right to include a news story that is familiar with them. From previous research in Unit 12 I found that Homelessness is an issue that not so many young people are familiar with and so I wanted to use my bulletin to raise awareness of the issue amongst young people. I feel that my piece will be more diverse as I am including stories from both ends of the spectrum; one familiar and one to raise awareness. I have always had a passion for Radio. I first joined in with my local radio station at the age of 13, in which I built radio presenting and journalism skills. I have been volunteering since and have always had in interest in what makes good radio and how I can produce my own radio work to a professional standard. As well as volunteering at my local radio station, I have conducted work – experience at the publishing giant, Trinity Mirror further building my skills and experience in the world of journalism. At Trinity Mirror I worked on the Showbiz and International news desks for the Daily Mirror, before moving onto the National news desk for the Sunday Mirror and Sunday People. I feel that my work experience has helped me to build connections as well as the important skills of sourcing news stories and finding questions for interviews. I have also volunteered for ‘Globals Make Some Noise Day’ which was a fundraising day for one of UK’s biggest commercial radio groups, Global, which owns Capital FM, Heart and LBC to name a few. Volunteering here, I helped gain donations in the call centre and had the chance to meet celebrities who came in to help raise publicity for the event.left145415After the work in the call centre, I had the amazing opportunity to have a look around the Global Headquarters in which I got to look inside all of the state of the art studios and meet some industry professionals who I could talk to about the next step in my career. I also got the chance to read out a news bulletin in one of their Capital Xtra studios in what they were calling ‘Fake Some News’. This was a fantastic opportunity in which I sat with the head of news for Capital Xtra, Andre Morgan and I was able to read the day’s news headlines. The audio recording of the news bulletin can be heard below.You can listen to the Global News Bulletin on this link - the chance to read the news bulletins in such amazing studios and receive feedback from an industry professional helped me to confirm that this is the career path I want to take. Since then I have been really working on my radio and journalism skills and I will use the piece that I create for my FMP to send out to broadcasting corporations when applying for jobs, for example. In other words, this radio piece will be a demo of my work if requested or needed.You can see more surrounding who I am and what has influenced me by following this link: this video talks about how my interest began in radio and where I want to be in the future. I also talk about the different platforms of how we receive our news and how it’s important to not just get our news from social media.As, of course, a teenager myself I am very aware of the issues that young people face in today’s society and I really wanted to look into that and produce a radio piece that really targets the issues that people like me face. I feel that there will be a large interest in these kinds of topics and from my Unit 12 research, I am confident that a radio piece will be well received by people my age. Unit 12 showed me the different issues that young people face in today’s society and this was really helpful for me to decide and confirm what stories I will be covering in my Radio News Bulletin.Graph A – Reference 1Further research in Unit 12 also helped me to prove that producing a radio news bulletin would actually reach my target audience of younger people and be of interest to them. Some Primary research findings are below. (More can be found in my Unit 12 research)HOW OFTEN DO YOU LISTEN TO THE RADIO?DO YOU EVER HEAR THE NEWS ON THE RADIO?After research into the relation between young people and the radio, and that of the topics facing young people I seek to inform young people.The main purpose of my FMP Radio News bulletin is to INFORM. I want to inform young people, not only of the latest news headlines but I also want to inform them of the help that is available to them if they are a victim of bullying. Whilst covering this topic in one of my extended news stories I will insure that I make the listener aware of the help that is available as this could well be an issue that they are facing. Aside from the familiar subject of bullying I also want to inform the listener of a less familiar subject of homelessness. Homelessness is not spoken about much amongst young people and therefore I want to inform them of the issue and how it can happen to anybody of any age, even people their age. It could even happen to them one day. I think informing young people with news is very important. Young people find lots of their news on social media and this might not always be, true, correct or factual. I think it is important to produce facts for young people and inform them of genuine news stories instead of the fake news that is plastered on social media and that is, therefore, what I aim to achieve in my FMP.Throughout my course I have learnt a really wide variety of skills from interviewing techniques and camera work, to sound mixing and audio editing. All of these skills have been really useful and they are all details that I will carry with me into my career. Importantly, I have been able to put each and every one of these skills into practice, meaning that I have had the chance to produce my own work using each of the new skills that I have learnt. The beginning of my course included a lot of camera work and video editing which I thoroughly enjoyed, however later in my course I began improving my audio recording and audio editing skills and this has become my strongest skillset, over the video work. I really enjoy audio recording and feel that I have practised my skills thoroughly enough to create a professional audio piece without any real difficulty. I have also grown in confidence throughout the course, practicing my interviewing and presenting skills and this is something useful not only to my career but also in general. My boost in confidence will help me when applying for jobs, or just simply in my social life as I now feel that I can talk to new people and get to know them much quicker than I used to be able to and this is something that I am grateful for, nor did I expect it.As previously mentioned, my project is to inform young people. I am aiming not only to make them know of the FACTUAL news headlines, which can become easily and significantly distorted by social media, but also inform them of the support available from issues that may be facing them as a young person. I will be creating the news bulletin to cover the recent top news stories in quick succession whilst splitting these headlines up with two extended news stories. The topic of bullying will be one of my extended news stories, I will be producing facts and statistics surrounding the subject of bullying and rounding off with details on the help and support that is available to young people who are being bullied as this is an issue, proven by statistics, which is very common amongst young people. Including this topic for one of my extended news bulletins will mean that I can INFORM young people and the issue may also mean that a larger audience will listen to my piece as it will relate to them. The second extended story will cover the issue of Homelessness. This topic is, as proven once again by statistics (Graph A – Reference 1), is not spoken about as much. Homelessness is clearly not the biggest issue amongst young people but I will aim to INFORM them of the stigma surrounding homelessness and help them to realise that it can happen to anybody, of any age. I will, in a similar way to the bullying topic, make the younger audience aware of the support available to them if they are worried about the issue. As mentioned in my influence video, I feel that my project is important to inform a younger teenage audience of the facts. I feel that social media plays a huge part in distorting the facts of the news. From bias news outlets, to word of mouth amongst other social media users, news headlines can quickly get out of hand and become misinterpreted leading to those reading it to be misinformed. I am creating this project to produce factual news headlines and extended news stories that can be related to a young audience, whilst also being thought provoking. I want the audience to think about the topics that will be covered in the bulletin, rather than just agree with what others are saying on social media. The reason that I link to social media is because the majority of young people are constantly online and receive non-factual news in this way. I am setting out to change the mind-set of my audience, make them think about the topics covered and INFORM them of the facts, as well as the help and support available to them.Project Pitch PowerPoint:My Research PlanFMP - RESEARCH PLAN Interest/Topic/ThemeI will look at a range of research surrounding my radio piece. I will take some of the research from Unit 12 that will also help me for my FMP. I will ensure that I use a range of methods to conduct my research both primary and secondary. I will produce a whole word document with my findings from websites, audio and videos, books and interactive elements such as questionnaires and surveys. I will place all of my findings in this one document for ease of access and so that I am able to talk about my findings. Government Documents are helpful to find out factual statistics and always include lots of graphs and charts to show the data, this is helpful as I will be able to talk about my findings and compare the data to other sources.Why is it important? - Importance It is important that I conduct a range of research from a variety of sources to ensure that I find information that is factual and correct. I can compare the sources with each other to make sure that the information is true. Using a range of resources will mean that I can locate a wider range of information that I may not necessarily find out if I simply took my research from one place such as websites for example. Audio and videos, questionnaires and books will all be an addition to my research.My research question(s) What are the biggest issues facing young people in today’s society?How does bullying affect young people?What support is available for young people?How does homelessness affect young people?How can young people become more aware of homelessness?Who am I targeting, more specifically?Research Design I am going to use my target audience to conduct surveys. I will ask them questions that will help me gain knowledge of their thoughts surrounding the topics of homelessness and bullying. This will help me to tailor my piece towards my target audience. To research the subjects I will find facts and figures from various sources that will help me gain knowledge and write my script to include lots of information. The skills and techniques research will be found in the form of listening to online radio news bulletins and looking in books to find how I can create a professional sounding piece. Literature/Resources Review Introduction Literature / Resources Review Throughout my course I have looked at a range of resources to collect data, find information and build my skills. I will look back over what I have discovered throughout my work and look very specifically back to Unit 12 in which I carried out a range of experience surrounding radio and news producing as well as the issues facing young people, all of which helped me move onto Unit 13, for my FMP, with the idea of a radio bulletin that covers both Bullying and Homelessness. Below are the findings from Unit 12 in which I discovered the topics that I would cover in my radio piece for the FMP, as well as looking at other professional pieces.Before I began further research in how to make a good radio news broadcast, I listened to news broadcast from commercial radio stations to hear professional examples. I varied the type of bulletins, from a shorter LBC bulletin to a longer BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat bulletin. Although I knew who I wanted to target I felt that it was still important for me to look at a wider variety of professional pieces. My findings have been shortened below, however you can find the full information in my Unit 12 research.The first radio news bulletin come from BBC Radio One, whose aim is to entertain and engage a range of young listeners with a mix of contemporary music and speech, with a target audience of 15-29 year olds. (Reference 1)BBC Radio One has its own news bulletins, under the name of ‘Newsbeat’. There are hourly news bulletins that last three minutes at half past every hour. At 12:45, though, there is a special 15 minute news bulletin which goes deeper into the day’s news headlines. I really like the structure of this extended news programme. It starts with a quick round-up of the top stories before a series of extended news stories that feature interviews and vox-pops for example. The extended stories are followed by a sports round-up before a quick weather update and finally a recap of the day’s top stories. I like the round-up at the end of the bulletin to recap on the day’s events, this brings the bulletin to a structured close. I also like how the extended news stories include interviews and vox-pops and are specifically located in the middle to break up the structure of each individual story. The backing track is upbeat to appeal to the BBC Radio One audience and keep them engaged for the duration. The fast-pace of this news bulletin keeps it engaging, even during the 15 minute broadcast. Upbeat music and quick fire news stories keep the younger audience of this station interested in what is being said and there is also a lot of inclusion of the audience, who are able to share their own opinions and be featured on the bulletin, this is an idea that I really like. The tone used in the BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat bulletins is generally upbeat. You can tell that the newsreader is genuinely interested in the stories but wants to put them across in a powerful and upbeat way to make sure the point is heard. Global Radio is the UK’s leading commercial radio company and owns the talk radio station LBC (Leading Britain’s Conversation). The station reaches 1.7 million listeners, who tune in for an average of 10.5 hours each week. This proves that radio news is very popular and shows that people do in fact listen to the radio to retrieve their news. (Reference 2) The conversational station hosts in depth interviews and debates with audience participation, in that they can phone and give their opinions on the latest news stories and developments. I love how the audience can get involved in the programmes to give their own opinions, this makes them feel included. So far, LBC and BBC Radio 1 have included their audience’s opinions in the news bulletins and I will definitely look to include audience opinions in any extended news stories that I may produce in my bulletin. Their news bulletins are opened by a dramatic and powerful piece of music with the station ID located within before the music fades and the news reader begins the bulletin with similar lengths to each individual story. The tone is kept relatively similar throughout the bulletin as they focus on more hard-hitting stories, BREXIT will often arise in the bulletin as this concerns their target audience. A report about online gaming, will not. The tone is only particularly lifted at the end during the brief weather report. BBC Radio Two has a ‘broad’ target audience, appealing to ‘all age groups over 35’. It aims to offer entertaining popular music programmes and speech-based content including news, current affairs, documentaries, religion, arts, comedy, readings and social action output. The target audience of this station is older than the audience that I want to try and target, but I wanted to look at a range of bulletins to see what I can take from each. (Reference 3)The news bulletin opened with the well-recognised three beats followed by a musical instrumental in which a voiceover gives the station ID, a short piece of instrumental music follows before this fades out and the newsreader introduces themselves to give the news bulletin. The news is read at a steady pace, somewhat slower than that read on BBC Radio 1. The stories are read in fair depth but are kept short enough to keep the audience engaged. Due to the older target audience, speech is more complexed than the other bulletins that I have listened to, but the stories are still easy to understand. Looking at these professional news bulletins has helped me to gain knowledge on what works well. I have been able to look at what radio stations do to engage their audience, through that of audience participation and quick fire news stories, for example. On the other hand I have been able to see what makes each bulletin different and this is something that is really important. News bulletins are similar in many ways, however they also have many differences to make them appeal directly to their target audience. One of the ways that radio stations make their bulletins more audience specific is simply by choosing the background music/bed carefully; a radio bulletin targeted towards younger people will use a more upbeat and edgy news bed, whereas a news bulletin targeted at a much older audience will include very serious music, or even none at all. Changing the type of music that is played underneath the news changes the whole dynamic of the radio piece and this is something that I will look into and consider carefully when creating my radio piece. Aside from the bulletin itself, radio stations (specifically those targeted at a younger audience) are now using social media to reach out to their listeners. 10-20 second long videos are often published on Facebook and Twitter with some footage or images, voiced over by a newsreader sharing the breaking news story. The news ready will briefly explain the story and this means that their audience are receiving a brief news bulletin, even if they are not directly listening to the radio. I really like how radio has become so diverse. There are so many different radio stations, catering for all ages, genders and tastes.After looking at professional radio pieces, I found some information surrounding how I could create my own professional sounding piece. You can see all of my findings, most of which from books, in my Unit 12 research document on WordPress, however I have included some below:I will be likely to include an interview in my piece as the professional bulletins that I listened to all included at least one. As mentioned before a bidirectional microphone would be good as it records both sides of the microphone meaning one side will record my voice and the other will record the voice of the interviewee. (Dawson, C. (2009) Reference 4).“In cases where your interview touches on sensitive topics you might find it advantageous to offer to switch off your recording equipment” (Ref.4) this would give me chance to have a brief chat with the interviewee before starting the recorded interview, this will help calm any nerves and make sure that they have knowledge of the questions that are going to be asked.The book by Dawson also spoke about how important it is to form a bond with an interviewee that is about to share sensitive or personal information. Treating them with respect and taking your time will make them feel at ease. Eye contact shows the interviewee that you are interested in what you are saying and they are, therefore, more likely to open up and share more information. If interviewees are a little nervous or are not giving much information it is okay to ask for elaboration of a point if needed. (All of above sub-section links to Reference 4 of the bibliography)The information in this book shows the importance of a bond and sensitivity when interviewing somebody. I am going to be focusing on two sensitive subjects and if I do conduct any interviews I will be sure to ask questions sensitively and create a bond with the interviewee to ensure that they feel comfortable and give out as much information as possible.“Cause and effect form probably the most common kind of “explanation” (Berger, A. (1998) Reference 5) we use. When we explain something, we usually try to describe what brought the situation about….”When writing my script I will ensure that I talk about the cause of a situation and what effect it has had, this gives the deepest of explanations needed to describe a situation from the sole use of audio.The use of tone is important when writing a good piece. Not only should various tones of voice be used but also tone in writing is important in its “degree of formality”. I mentioned this previously in that you should adjust the tone of writing towards your audience. I will therefore be careful not to use complex language as I will be targeting my radio piece at a younger audience.Structure is important when writing a good script and I will ensure that I give my piece a clear introduction to the piece and each individual story that I include in my news bulletin. I will also clearly conclude the piece to make it as clear as possible.‘Awkward writing’ is a common mistake in scripts. (Ref.5)You often write to include as much information as possible, but when creating a script it is important to write as if you are talking. You want the information to flow naturally when you read it from the paper, this ensures that the piece sounds normal and doesn’t seem awkward. I will ensure that I write the script in the exact way that I plan to speak to my audience. The information found here is useful to me for creating a good radio script. I want to ensure my audience understand what I am talking about and this piece here talks about the importance of talking about the cause and the effect of the situation. Talking about both of these will ensure that my audience fully understand what is being said and makes them start to think about the issue, which is exactly what I am setting out to do in my piece.Above is another extract from my Unit 12 research, which shows the advantages and disadvantages of recording methods, more specifically with audio recording equipment. This information will help me when it comes to the production aspect of the project.My secondary research from Unit 12 has helped me to gain knowledge and understanding of how to create my piece and make it sound professional, whilst targeting it towards my audience. The Unit 12 research has helped me gain a clear understanding of radio and this will help me throughout my FMP as I go onto further research.Primary research was also important, in which I confirmed that young people do listen to the radio and hear the news often from this medium. I also decided my topics for my extended news stories which means that I can now conduct more direct research for my FMP in Unit 13, without having to worry about finding my topics.Due to the nature of secondary research, I instantly found a government document which gave lots of detail surrounding ‘Children and young people today’.The graph below is included in this report (Reference 6 – Children and Young people today) and outlines the “Calls and letters to ChildLine: by type of problem/concern and sex” in the UK.I feel that this graph is really helpful to see what issues young people are reaching out for to receive help. (See Graph D below)Graph D – Reference 7I have broken down the quantitative data into the issues that boys reach out for and the issues that girls reach out for the most. Before splitting the data into gender categories it is obviously clear that boys do not reach out at much as girls. The only problem/case that boys reach out for, more than girls, is ‘Sexuality which shows that this is a bigger issue than it is for girls and I could therefore look into further. I can also see that bullying is by far the biggest issue for both boys and girls with a combined total of around 32,000 calls and letters to ChildLine regarding the issue in just one year, this is a staggering number and seems like the biggest issue amongst young people and this is something that I will bear in mind when choosing the topics for my piece.Splitting the data into gender categories it becomes clear that the second biggest issue that girls have reached out for is ‘Family Tensions including divorce and separation’. This seemed to be a big issue for girls but may be more difficult to include in my bulletin due to the nature of parental divorce, for example, whereas bullying is much easier to cover. Physical abuse is a closely followed issue for girls to reach out for, as is concern for others. Problems and concerns that are not reached out for, by girls, include self-harm and suicide and this could be because the issue is not as much of a problem, or I suspect that young people do not want to speak out about these issues. I could include the deeper subjects such as suicide and self-harm to help raise awareness and help those that are afraid to speak out. For example in my report, I could cover a popular topic such as bullying and include audience thoughts and opinions and then I could also cover a less talked about topic such as suicide or self-harm and include details of how to receive help which could benefit my younger audience.I looked into further reports in which I came across a web page on the Huffington Post. This was posted in 2016, so is slightly more recent than the graph that I previously found and possibly more relevant. Some new findings, released by youth charity the ‘Central YMCA’, show that… …“Unemployment is Britain’s youth’s biggest threat, beating substance abuse and family breakdowns” (Huffington Post, 2016 (Reference 8)“The research, published in the ‘World of Good Report 2016’, surveyed 1,600 16 to 25 year olds across the UK and sought to uncover the issues affecting Britain’s young people, and the factors hindering their ability to build better lives.The results were compiled into an index with the most common responses receiving a score of 100.Advertisement- ADVERTISEMENT -Unemployment topped the list with a score of 100, followed by the education system limiting achievement at 92, and body image-related issues coming in third with a score of 86.” Ref. 11These findings are different to those from Child Line. Child Line give details surrounding what young people are reaching out for help for and these issues are different from fears of young people that may affect their future. The findings from Central YMCA show fears that may impact a young person’s life, but the issues may not be directly impacting their life at that exact moment. These fears will be useful to focus on, as they are fears that are commonly felt amongst young people, but they won’t necessarily reach out for help with them.It is worrying that unemployment topped the list as it shows that there is a genuine fear for young people, that they may not be able to find a job. The education system limiting achievement links in with this fear as it may be an attribute that leads towards the fear of unemployment amongst young people. The third biggest fear amongst young people is body image-related issues which has been spoken about a lot, the rise of magazine modelling and photo-shopping celebrity photos has led to teenagers feeling uncomfortable with their own body. This is something that I can consider covering, although this topic has recently had lots of media attention and I would like to cover less talked about issues.Previously conducting this research has meant that I am in a strong position to move onto my Unit 13 research. I have already discovered the topics that I will be including in my radio piece and I can now confidently move onto researching them in more depth to gather more specific data and information. The radio research has also helped me gain a strong understanding as to how I can relate to my target audience and direct my radio piece at them, engaging them and helping them to think about the topics that are being covered. I can now see what the differences are between various news bulletins and what would work for me when creating my own bulletin. Pre-researching to put myself in this stronger position will be really beneficial as I can now go straight into my specific research with an already strong and useful understanding of what I am trying to achieve.The commercial radio news bulletins are an example of my inspiration of my study. I want to have a career in broadcast journalism, for one of the big stations that I have previously mentioned and so listening to these broadcasts has given me a good deal of inspiration to produce my project and create it to a high standard to reach the industry standards as closely as possible. My work is closely related to the media products that I have looked at as I have received ideas from the professional pieces. I am, after all, creating a radio news bulletin in the same way as the larger commercial stations and I therefore want to work hard to complete my radio bulletin to the highest possible standard. Listening to the other bulletins has shaped my project in that I know have a clear vision of how I want my piece to sound, what I want it to include and how I want it to turn out as a finished project, this has really given me the motivation to create a piece that is to the highest standard that I can possibly achieve. Finally, after looking at these professional pieces, I have set some requirements that I want to achieve which I have listed below.Create my piece on time.Produce my finished bulletin to the highest possible standard.Create a professional script that flows naturally.Read my script using a good tone of voice which relates closely to the topic that I am talking about.Ensure that my finished product is something for me to be proud to show off as an example when applying for jobs in this career area.Short References for this section in order of appearance, Full References with links will be placed at the end of this document.Reference 1 - BBC TRUST - BBC Radio 1. Reference 2 - – Global Radio – The Audience, LBC. Reference 3 BBC TRUST - BBC Radio 2. Reference 4 - Dawson, C. (2009). Reference 5 - Berger, A. (1998). Reference 6 - Department for children, schools and families. (2007). Reference 7 - Department for children, schools and families. (2007). Reference 8 - Huffington Post. (2016)Research Design IntroductionThis section of Unit 13 explains the research design for my Final Major Project. I will be talking about what I want to find out from my research, what methods I will use and how it will help me in creating my final piece.As mentioned previously, I am setting out to create a radio news bulletin that targets a younger, teenage audience. I am setting out to INFORM them of not only the latest news headlines in a factual manner, but also of the topics ‘Bullying’ and ‘Homelessness’. These are two topics that I have found to be at different ends of the spectrum from my Unit 12 research, in which I set out to find the topics for my extended news stories. Bullying is a largely talked about subject and I will be informing my audience of the help and support that is available, whilst also showing them that they are not alone if they are a victim of bullying. The other subject is homelessness which is not talked about much in young people, as I found out in my unit 12 research, therefore I am aiming to INFORM my audience of the stigma surrounding homelessness and how it can happen to anybody of any age. I will also be giving the details of support if any of my audience are worried about homelessness.Now that I have got my main topics I need to look at how I am going to conduct more specific research. The questions that I want to find out in my research are stated below, along with details on how I wish to retrieve the information to answer each question. I have selected each question as I feel that they will be fully relevant when creating my final piece.What are the biggest issues facing young people in today’s society?To answer this question I will conduct some primary research, in the way of a short survey for a younger audience to answer. I will ask them what they think are the biggest issues that they will face. Asking young people directly will give me a clear and up to date view on what they really think the biggest issues are. I will be able to confirm that these statistics are factual and I will be able to confirm whether this links to the information I found in Unit 12 when deciding on the topics to use for my FMP. Once I have confirmed these topics are relevant I will produce more specific research surrounding each topic.How does bullying affect young people?Primary research will also be key to answering this question. I will produce a survey targeted towards younger people in which I will ask questions surrounding bullying. I will ask if people have been bullied and / or they know anybody who has been bullied. I will also ask them if they know what to do in that situation to receive help or support. I could create a vox-pop to widen my primary research methods, however the nature of these questions could be uncomfortable for young people to answer face to face. Online surveys means that the audience will be able to be more honest, this is something that I will decide on at the time of conducting the research. I want to find out this information so that I can include more personal statistics in my radio piece, I want to include facts and figures that relate directly to my target audience so that I can engage with them more than general statistics from the internet.What support is available for young people?The internet will be my biggest help to find out this information and it will be quick to find too. I will google search for the support that is available to young people who are getting or are worried about bullying in terms of websites with information and support, live moderated chat rooms, emails for support groups or even telephone numbers and local clubs that could help the audience get some help if they need it. This information will be quick to receive, but is incredibly useful for my radio piece. The whole aim of my piece is to inform, and this is exactly what I can use this information for; I can inform my audience of the support available to them.How does homelessness affect young people?ANDHow can young people become more aware of homelessness?Moving onto the second topic of my research, Homelessness, I will look at how homelessness affects young people. It may be very difficult to conduct primary research on this topic and so information found online may be useful to me. I can look on various websites of homeless charities and see if I can find any government documents to outline the statistics surrounding homelessness amongst young people. The information and data that I find can be translated into my script for my radio bulletin to inform young people about how homelessness affects young people.Who am I targeting, more specifically?I will conduct some further primary research surrounding who I am targeting, more specifically. Conducting primary research will mean that I am really able to specifically define my audience, other than just the generic of ‘teenagers’. I will link this to my secondary research, in that girls speak out more than boys for example. The primary research will ensure that the data collected is accurate and will then mean that I can properly target my audience with my radio piece. As well as sourcing the data from primary research, secondary research will also be useful using the likes of ‘YouGov profiles’.I want to ensure that my final and more specific research uses a range of sources and links back to my Unit 12 research. All of the data and information that I find will compliment my Unit 12 research and will be used when and where needed both to bring together my radio piece and include facts and figures within it to make the bulletin more interesting, engaging and interactive. RESEARCH Evolution:BullyingThe facts…There were over 25,700 ChildLine counselling sessions with children about bullying last year Source: NSPCC (2016) what children are telling us about bullying? Over half of lesbian, gay and bisexual young people have experienced homophobic bullying at schoolSource: Guasp, A. (2012) More than 16,000 young people are absent from school due to bullyingSource: Brown, V., Clery, E. and Ferguson, C. (2011) There were over 11,000 counselling sessions with young people who talked to Childline about online issues last yearSource: NSPCC (2016) Childline annual review 2015/16.The annual bullying survey carried out in 2015 had some key findings…?50% of young people have bullied another person, 30% of which do it at least once a week.?69% of young people have witnessed somebody else being bullied, 43% of which see it at least once a week.?43% of young people have been bullied, 44% of which are bullied at least once a week.?Appearance is cited as the number 1 aggressor of bullying, with 51% saying they were bullied because of attitudes towards how they look.Source: Ditch the Label. (2017). Bullying survey carried out in 2016, its key findings…? 1.5 million Young people (50%) have been bullied within the past year.? 145,800 (19%) of these were bullied EVERY DAY.? People who have been bullied are almost twice as likely to bully others? Twice as many boys as girls bully (66% of males vs. 31% females).? 57% of female respondents have been bullied, 44% of male respondents and 59% of respondents who identified as trans have been bullied.? 24% of those who have been bullied go on to bully.? Based on their own definition 14% of young people admit to bullying somebody, 12% say they bully people daily.Source: "UK Bullying Statistics 2016 - Ditch The Label". Ditch the Label.Looking at bullying over the years…0000Chart shows how somebody is being bullied in a school environment from 2009- 2013Source: Pinterest: can help?Childline are a service used by lots of young people who are a victim of bullying. You can chat to a helper on their website: .uk or ring them for free on: 0800 111111Young Minds is an organisation which runs projects to get children’s voices’ to be heard. They also listen to parent’s worries and give them advice on how they can help their child. Parents can ring 0808 802 5544HomelessnessHow do young people become homeless?Some factors are related to the family, community and individual, and others are structural, relating to the economy, the law, social trends, and the national housing system. Homelessness is likely to be caused by a combination of structural and personal factors. UnemploymentEmployment opportunities and income levels have been a key factor in the growth of youth homelessness. Homeless young people experience severe disadvantages in the labour market and a high proportion are unemployed.Family conflictEvidence shows that family conflict is the main precipitating factor leading to homelessness among under-18s, and is sometimes associated with physical or sexual abuse. It is estimated, that for at least two thirds and possibly up to 90 percent of homeless young people, conflict with their families was the immediate cause of their homelessness.Street homelessnessA report by the Social Exclusion Unit on rough sleeping in 1998 found very few under-18s sleeping rough, while 25 per cent of rough sleepers were aged 18 to 25 years. During 2004/05 a total of 3,112 people were contacted on the streets by London outreach teams, and 223 of these were aged between 16 and 24.Who’s most at risk?Young offendersThere is a strong link between offending and homelessness. Many studies show that an involvement with the criminal justice system can lead to housing problems for young people. Housing is increasingly being recognised as a serious issue for juvenile prisoners leaving custody. Research suggests that secure accommodation on release can reduce re-offending by over 20 per cent.Young refugees and asylum seekersAsylum-seeking children who come to Britain as ‘unaccompanied minors’ (i.e. without adult family members) are the responsibility of social services until they reach the age of 18. At this point, all responsibility for them ends and all contact with the agency ceases. They are then likely to be dispersed to another part of the country, often to be placed in poor or substandard housing. They may undergo several moves while waiting for a decision on their asylum application.Young people in rural areas Many rural areas suffer a lack of affordable housing caused by a proportionately smaller social housing stock and the demand for housing from other groups, such as commuters, retired households and second home-owners. While some young people may consider moving to urban centres as a choice, evidence suggests that rural homelessness may lead to people having to move to towns and cities to find accommodation. A survey found that 40 per cent of rural districts had no emergency accommodation at all for young people and 70 per cent of rural local authorities use bed and breakfast accommodation to house young homeless people.Impact of homelessness on young people Homelessness can have a detrimental impact on young people, with long-term implications for their education, employment prospects and health, and can lead to an escalation of substance abuse.It can have an impact on…Their education and trainingTheir employmentTheir mental and physical health, young people who become homeless normally misuse drugsTheir financial state There are legal frameworks to help tackle homelessness Homelessness Act 2002 In 2002, the homelessness legislation was amended to extend the groups of homeless people with a priority need of accommodation to include: ? 16- and 17-year-olds ? care leavers aged between 18 and 20 ? those who are vulnerable as a result of having been in care, the armed forces or prison, or as a result of fleeing violence or threat of violence.The Children Act 1989 Under the Children Act 1989, social services departments have a general duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in need in their areas. The Act requires accommodation to be provided for people: ? under the age of 17 who are the subject to a care order ? aged 16 or 17 whether or not they have previously been in care, if their welfare is likely to be ‘seriously prejudiced’The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 This Act amends and supplements the Children Act 1989 and places a clear duty on social services to financially support and meet the housing needs/costs of care leavers until their eighteenth birthday, and to maintain contact with them thereafter. The Act is one of a range of initiatives designed to improve the life chances of people in the care system. It aims to ensure that care leavers are given greater help to prevent them from becoming homeless, by helping them to gain employment and take advantage of educational and other opportunities.Source: Young People and Homelessness. London: Shelter, 2005. FACTS! Some 83,000 homeless young people have had to rely on councils and charities for a roof over their heads during the past year – more than three times the 26,852 young people recorded in homeless figures released by the Department for Communities and Local Government.Many homeless people do not come into contact with their local authority, and those that do are often considered to be “intentionally homeless” or not in a “priority need” category such as being under 18 or pregnant, the study says.More than one in seven young people (17 per cent) have slept rough, including in places such as cars or squats, during the past year, according to a ComRes survey done for the study.Source: Owen, Jonathan. The Independent. 2015. Statistics and graphsleft24511000left249555All of these key facts, statistics and graphs that I have found whilst conducting secondary research will be useful when writing the script for my audio piece. Not only will I have a clear understanding of the subjects that I am reporting on, but I will be able to include these facts and figures in the script itself to be able to tell the audience of the scale of the issues. Giving facts and figures makes the piece sound more trustworthy and professional, as I found out in my Unit 12 research.The numbers themselves that I have uncovered concerning both subjects are shocking enough to include in my piece to give the story more of an impact and draw my audience in.I also conducted an online survey to produce some primary research.Homelessness:Do you ever think about what you would do if you were to become homeless?Asking this question gives me an insight into whether younger people actually think about what they would do if they become homeless, to which the majority answered ‘No’. This proves my point that I need to INFORM my audience on the subject and make them realise that it can happen to anybody. To those that answered ‘Yes’ I asked them to give details on what they would do if they were in that situation. One person said ‘I have thought about it a lot I was planning to get away from Sittingbourne as far as possible and just hope that I would have the necessary things like a sleeping bag’. This shows that for there are in fact young people who do worry about this and think about it often, so therefore I want to make the information available of who they can contact to receive help. To do this I will include the contact number of a homelessness organisation in my news bulletin. Another respondent said: ‘I have no idea. I am just thankful that I am not in that situation’. These comments could be used, with permission, in my final audio piece to give the audience a sense of inclusion and engage my target audience further, this is something that works well which I found in my Unit 12 research.Have you ever stopped to help a homeless person in the streets?Thankfully there is a majority of young people who have stopped to help homeless people in the street. I asked respondents to give further detail as to why or how they have or have not helped. Many respondents said they have given money/food to a homeless person and one even said that they went back and ‘brought a tea for the man’ on their way home.Those that answered no said ‘I would not know how to approach them’ or they were ‘too nervous’ with one respondent saying that they ‘do not give money to them’ as they ‘don’t want to be feeding a drug and alcohol problem’. These are opinions which, once again, I can include in my bulletin and also proves that I need to raise awareness of the real issue.When I asked how much of a problem to you think homelessness is where you live, respondents answered an average of 40/100. This means that many do not think it is an overly big problem, and I will be setting out to inform them that the issue is actually very real, even if you do not see it every day.I finally asked, ‘If you could do ONE thing to reduce or prevent homelessness, what would it be?’ I have screenshotted and included some responses below:The final response was really interesting for me in which they said that they would ‘Build more shelters and rehabilitation units to give homeless people a chance to find work and a chance to stand on their own two feet again’. I thought this response was really well thought out and I will include this in my piece if the time allows it.Target Audience:As well as producing research for the subjects that I will be including, it was also important that I conducted some research surrounding my target audience. Details of a survey can be found below:What is your gender?What is your age?Where in Kent do you live?What radio station / stations do you listen to the most?From my target audience research, I can see that the interested respondents are mainly Females aged between 17-19, so this is exactly who I will target my audio piece towards. I will keep my bulletin sounding young and fresh and try to target a more female audience in the way that I include any music or sound clips.I see that many of the respondents that lice locally live in Sittingbourne and this could be useful if I decide to produce my audio piece to a specific place, although this is not currently the plan but the information remains useful.I can also see that many respondents listen to ‘Heart FM’ closely followed by ‘Capital FM’. These two stations are extremely popular, however they do not produce extended news bulletins. BBC Radio 1 however was the third most popular station, receiving a much higher percentage than the stations below it and this station does produce extended news bulletins every day. Following the style and ideas behind BBC Radio 1s Newsbeat bulletins I will be able to still engage with the target audience as they will be familiar with the format.All of the information that I have uncovered from homelessness and bullying, to my target audience will really help me when creating my final audio piece. I now have the facts and figures to pad out my script with information that is engaging, shocking and interesting and I also have the opinions of those that I am trying to target which I can include in my piece to make the audio itself sound more inclusive and engaging.As well as the subject research, the specific target audience research has really helped me to identify exactly who I will target. I knew all along that I wanted to target teenagers, but this has now become more specific due to my research and I now know that I am targeting females between the ages of 17-19 and will be following the format of BBC Radio One as I know that this is a popular radio station that is listened to by my key demographic. Knowing the details of my target audience also means that I am able to more specifically tailor the way that I create my piece using audio clips, music and tone of voice to engage with them in the best possible way. PRE-PRODUCTION PAPERWORKBefore the production of my News Lounge Bulletin I will produce, below, all of the pre-production details. These include; schedules, budgets, assessments and the script of the news bulletin itself.Candidate NameJamie LongCandidate NumberPathwayRadioProject TitleNews Burst – BulletinSection 1: Rationale Over the past twelve units of the qualification I have developed a valuable set of skills which I can carry with me into my media career. I have learnt technical skills such as camera work, how to pick up good audio and how to edit professional pieces using Adobe software and even how to operate a variety of equipment in a live television studio. Away from the technical skills, I have learnt the likes of interview skills and how to work as part of a team, both valuable skills in the media industry. The other valuable skills that I have developed will help me into and throughout any career path and these were mainly covered in Unit 11 with the likes of CV building and finding my strengths and weaknesses as a person as well as how to make a good impression during a job interview. The qualification has been really useful to me in that I can progress onto my next step with a portfolio of useful skills.Section 2: Project Concept The aim of this project is to inform younger listeners. I am setting out to create a radio news bulletin tailored towards teenagers that cover all of the latest news stories as well as two extended news stories covering topics that will inform my listeners. The extended news stories that will feature surround the issues of bullying and homelessness. I will use all of my research from both primary and secondary sources, and the software (Adobe Audition) to create my final piece and make it sound as professional as possible. My deadline for my FMP is mid-June and therefore I will aim to produce my piece at the end of May, to leave time for the editing process in early June. The time at the beginning of May will give me a good length of time to put together the details of my piece. I will use the soundproof studio and professional recording equipment to capture high quality audio and edit on a professional audio software to create a more seamless sounding piece. I am confident in using Adobe Audition.I will refer to feedback given by my tutor throughout to project to ensure that I create the best possible sounding piece and I will also check my ideas with peers to help with the process.Section 3: Evaluation Throughout the project I will record my weekly tasks and activities in both my ‘Learner Progress Tracker’ booklet and in the form of blog post evaluations on my WordPress website. The tracking booklet gives me a chance to record my activities and evaluate how each task works. The booklet also ensures that I receive weekly feedback from my Lecturer to work on certain aspects of my project to improve my work to a higher standard. The purpose of the WordPress Blog post evaluations is to ensure that I go into further detail explaining the tasks and how each has gone. The website gives me more freedom to elaborate on my points. The first of the project should follow through nicely as it is mainly informative of my project, the main changes to my project may arise during production and post-production as this is the time when things can more often go wrong.Project Action Plan and TimetableWeekDate WeekBeginningActivity / What you are intending to do - including independent studyResources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops124th AprilI will be producing my Project Proposal and uploading this section of work.I will need internet access and the use of Microsoft Work on a laptop / computer to complete this task.21st MayIntroducing the background of my project and define what it is I am setting out to do. I will also create a research plan and round up the important research that I have found in Unit 12.I will need the same resources as I did from week 1.38thMayProject research. I will put together all of the research that I have found and conduct further research into my specific project. I will really specify my projects target audience and what stories will be included. I will link back to Unit 12 to look at the skills and techniques.I will also complete my pre - production research looking into the roles and producing all necessary pre-production paper work.I will need a laptop or computer with Microsoft Word. I will also need access to the internet to create online surveys, as well as books and magazines.I will need access to the recording studio and recording equipment to produce pre-production paperwork such as health and safety and a recce research.415th MayFinish the necessary pre-production paper work in the first half of the week before beginning the production of my project later in the week. I will record the main section of the bulletin this week, using the script produced,I will need access to the sound-proof recording studio, as well as the recording equipment.522nd MayContinuation of the production. I will conduct any interviews that may be lined up for this week, and/or produce vox-pops with my target audience to possibly include in my news bulletin.I will need access to the sound-proof recording studio, as well as the recording equipment.629thMayThis week is the post production week in which I will put together my news bulletin. I will spend the whole week doing this.I will need access to the recording equipment used and I will use the Adobe Audition software on a laptop/computer to put the piece together.75thJuneThis week will be a continuation of post-production, finalising my audio piece to make it sound as professional as possible.I will need access to the recording equipment used and I will use the Adobe Audition software on a laptop/computer to put the piece together.812th JuneI will present my Final Major Project and ensure that all work is up to standard and uploaded to the correct place ready for marking after the deadline on the 16th June. I will also evaluate the whole project.I will need a working computer with a speaker to present my piece, as well as access to the internet to ensure that I can upload my work.PRODUCTION BUDGETName: Jamie LongProduction: News Lounge – News BulletinDescription of all1.Personnel2.Equipment3.Materials used for video audio photographyCost per weekPer day orPer hour forPersonnel/EquipmentHire OR Purchase(Cheapest Available)?Cost per unit for materials?Personnel Equipment X number weeks/days/hours used.MaterialsX number units usedSub TotalPlease add together to give the final total.Personnel (crew/cast)News Reader N/AN/AX 2 weeksN/AInterviewee - ZoeN/AN/AX 1 dayN/AEquipment/Hiring editing suite Recorder / Microphone?71.99?71.99 Purchased?71.99Adobe Audition?20.22 / month?20.22X 1 month?20.22Laptop (Pre Owned)N/AN/APurchasedN/ARecording Suite?150 / week?150x 2 weeks?300Materials (props, telephone, copying, IT etc.) Mobile Phone (Pre Owned, Contract)?15 / month?15X 1 month?15Internet?15 / month?15X 1 month?15Paper?2.50/ per pack?2.50X 1 pack“.50Food/Transport Car (Owned) - Petrol?30.00 / Full Tank?30X 2 weeks?30Breakfast / Lunch?5 / day?5X 2 weeks ?50Insurance/Copyrights PRS Music License ?83 / year?83X 1 month?6.91INSURANCE?352.22 / productionVariableX 1 month?352.22Final Total:?863.84The final total would be the cost of any requirements not already covered by the college. After taking into consideration of what is covered by the college (insurance and music licensing) the production stands at ?202.62.Health and Safety / Risk AssessmentRISKRISK LEVELLocationWHO IS AT RISK?PREVENTION MEASURESFire LowAnyAll membersA fire can be caused by reasons including an electrical issue. An assembly point will always be available with clear knowledge of the emergency escape routes as well as the fire extinguishers. The fire extinguishers should ONLY be used if there is no other way of escape.ElectrocutionLowAnyAll MembersMembers will be aware of the plug sockets at any location. In the event of this, there will always be a first aider on site who will be able to attend a serious incident. Drinks MUST be kept away from electrical items and plug sockets. All electric equipment must be pat tested. Tripping on cablesLow / MediumStudio and editing suiteNews ReaderCables in the studio will be cleared so that they are not obstructing pathways causing a fall. In the event of a trip, a first aider will be on site in these locations. There will be no cables present from the audio equipment when recording interviews on location.DehydrationMediumAnyAll MembersEspecially during the warmer weather that has now arrived, it is important that water is available to ensure that the news reader and all members remain hydrated to stop the likelihood of headaches or even fainting. Water must be kept away from electricals, as previously mentioned.Lost or Damaged EquipmentMediumAnyAll MembersA named person will be responsible for the equipment that is being used. They will need to sign for the equipment and will therefore be responsible for any loss or damage of this. Correct cases will be used to transport the equipment between locations. Any equipment that is damaged must be removed and sent for repair immediately. Blocked Staircases and / or DoorwaysLowAnyAll MembersIt is important that staircases and doorways are kept clear from boxes and other items as a means of escape during an incident such as a fire. Screen exposureMediumEditing SuiteNews ReaderThere will be lots of screen exposure during the editing process and it is therefore important that regular breaks are taken away from the computer screen to save the risk of headache or eye damage. These should be taken for 10 minutes at least every 30 minutes.ASSESSMENT CARRIED OUT BY JAMIE LONG Recce AssessmentsDate of SurveyMay 2017LocationRadio StudioProduction Contact Jamie Long – 079327382**Power Available:14 Plug Sockets Interferences: Some sound can be heard from members of the public walking past the radio studio. The sound proof room would be best, which is located behind the studio itself. The air-conditioning can create some noise, but if turned down to a minimum is not picked up through the microphone.Sprinkler System NA – NO Sprinkler System (Extinguishers Available) Sun Location: NA -NO windowsExternal Surroundings – Previously mentioned noise interference from the corridors located in front of the studio. The sound-proof room cancels out this noise completely. Type of Floor- Carpet. No visible issues.Type of Wallcovering – Thick Plasterboard, could be damaged but is currently in perfect condition.Ceiling Height – Approx. 3mWidth of hallways – Approx 2mWidth of Doors – Approx 1.5mNames of Contacts for Permits/ClearancesPolice – Emergency 999, non- emergency 01622 690690Fire – Emergency 999, non – emergency 01622 692121Ambulance – Emergency 999, non-emergency 01227 766877Date of SurveyMay 2017LocationEditing SuiteProduction Contact Jamie Long – 079327382**Power Available:4 Plug SocketsInterferences: Corridor Noise, this is minimum.Sprinkler System NA – NO Sprinkler System (Extinguishers Available) Sun Location: Blinds available.External Surroundings – Previously mentioned noise interference from the corridors. This is minimal.Type of Floor- Carpet. No visible issues.Type of Wallcovering – Thick Plasterboard, could be damaged but is currently in good condition.Ceiling Height – Approx. 3mWidth of hallways – Approx 2mWidth of Doors – Approx 1.5mNames of Contacts for Permits/ClearancesPolice – Emergency 999, non- emergency 01622 690690Fire – Emergency 999, non – emergency 01622 692121Ambulance – Emergency 999, non-emergency 01227 766877Production Schedule107442015113000847890630339200Action 142811514160500Week of 8th May 2017146431010350600Week of 15th May 2017146494511303000Week of 22nd May 2017Week of 29th May 2017MTuWThFMTuWThFMTuWThFMTuWThFResearch/ProposalTreatmentLocation recce.Shooting ScriptShootRough editFinal editProducerDirectorNews ReaderSound recordistEditorLocations Prod. Equipment Call SheetProduction Title: News Burst - BulletinDay: 22 May – 2 JuneMonth:Location: Canterbury College & On LocationAddress:Contact Name/Tel No:Main Production Contacts/namesNumber & e-mail DirectorProducerNews ReaderEditorJamie Long Radiojamielong@079327383**Cast Name/ArtisteCharacterCall TimeContact NoZoe Charity MemberThurs 25th May (10:30)07264786***JulieCharity SpokespersonFriday 26th May (14:30)01795 6658**Production Requirements Location: Julie – Friday 26th May - Canterbury Zoe – 25th May – Isle Of SheppeyEquipment: Earphones/headphones, microphone, SD Card, spare batteries.Schedule – Subject to change - 25th MayTime Action 9:009:4510:00 10:1510:3011:0011:0011:15Gather all equipment and travel to location.Arrive at locationTalk with IntervieweeSet up equipmentInterviewWrap UpPack Up equipmentLeave LocationSchedule – Subject to change - 26th MayTime Action 13:2013:5014:0014:1514:3015:0015:0015:15Gather all equipment and travel to location.Arrive at locationTalk with IntervieweeSet up equipmentInterviewWrap UpPack Up equipmentLeave LocationTravel Name Travel Method Departure time + any additional information Return time (plus any additional information) Jamie LongCarMonday 25th May, 9am. Via motorway and A249.Depart: 11:15 Via A249 and MotorwayJamie LongCarTuesday 26th May, 13:20 via CanterburyDepart: 15:15 via CanterburyZOENAJULIENAScript and Structure of programmeThe programme will begin with the breaking news story surrounding the tragic Manchester bombing that killed 22 people on the Monday of the production week. The fast-paced news stories have been cancelled out and have been replaced with a more in depth report on the events. The top news story will be followed by the report on homelessness and then on bullying in which the interviews recorded for each will be placed. The news bulletin will round off with a brief summary of the week’s top story. The script can be found below.NEWSBURST – BULLETIN SCRIPTCUT INWelcome to this week’s news burst, a roundup of the latest stories and developments.?Coming up on today's bulletin...----BEAT IN----Talk Over Bed-Terror in Manchester, as 22 people are killed and over 60 others injured at an Ariana Grande Concert.We take a look at how you can stand up to Bullying.And we also find out about the issue of Homelessness in your local area. (12/13 seconds)-----BEAT –?Fade Out----HELLO, I'm Jamie Long.This week’s top story comes from Manchester, where a suicide bomber has killed 22 people and injured over 60 others.CUT IN: Audio of bomb going off with reactionFADE OUTThis is the moment that the event unfolded at an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena on Monday just after 10:30pm... It is now known that the attacker, Salman Abedi, detonated his device in the foyer as many were leaving the concert.The attack has meant that the UKs terror threat level is at its highest, otherwise known as Critical... this means that another attack is inevitable.?Here is the Prime Minister: Theresa May....CUT IN: Theresa May SpeechCUT OUTWell, Since Monday, some of the victims’ names have been released. Among the dead is Olivia Campbell who was just 15 years old and eight year old Saffie Rose.?The Military has been deployed across the country with extra armed police to help deal with the threat, whilst investigations continue.------BEAT – Fade Out-----Now Homelessness is something that you might not know a lot about...?But it affects around 83,000 young people alone according to the charity centre point...With it affecting so many young people, why is it that so many of us are Unaware of the causes behind it, or that it could even happen to us.FADE IN - Slow Backing Music??Zoe is 17 years old and is homeless, she wants people to understand that it isn't always their fault....*****************CUT IN – InterviewCUT OUTAnd if you're worried about Homelessness then you can call the charity Centre point on: 0333 272 4855FADE OUT – Slow Backing MusicBEAT – Fade Out-----Now, Bullying affects many young people across the UK.There were almost 26,000 Child line counselling sessions with children about bullying last year alone. With over 1 million young people being bullied every year. It's a worrying figure.More worrying that over 50% of gay, lesbian and bisexual school students have experienced homophobic bullying at school.?But what can you do if you are being bullied or if you want to help stop the problem?Julie is from the Charity "young minds"....Fade In – Slow Backing Music-------CUT IN – InterviewCUT OUTSo, there are many ways that you can reach out for help... and as Julie said, if you can't reach out to somebody who you are close too, you can contact Child line by visiting their website .ukOr you can call them for free on 0800 111111 (double one, double one)?Fade Out – Slow Backing Music-----And just a reminder of this week’s top news story.BEAT Talk Over Bed22 people have been confirmed dead with over 60 others injured after a bomb was detonated at an Ariana Grande concert on Monday. The UKs threat level has been increased to "CRITICAL” (12/13 seconds)---BEAT---That's the latest, I'm Jamie LongFade OutContributor Forms: These have been filled out by those who took part during the production week.Location Agreement Form and Confirmation of Insurance:LOCATION RELEASEFrom: Jamie Long (news burst – news bulletin production)To: Zoran Tesic, Head of Media and Communication at Canterbury CollegeDated: May 2017Dear Sirs:RE: News BurstThis letter confirms the agreement between us to which you have agreed to make available to us the following premises (“the Premises”) which expression shall include all chattels fixtures fittings and equipment of whatever nature in upon or around the premises. Canterbury College Recording StudioCanterbury College Sound Poof StudioCanterbury College Editing Suite1. The Premises shall be made available to us on a sole and exclusive basis and we shall be entitled to use the Premises from 22nd May 2017 to 2nd June 2017 for the purpose of filming exterior and/or interior scenes in connection with the Film.2. In the event we should need to return to the Premises at a later date if principal recording is not completed within the period stated in section 1 the date(s) for our return shall be subject to negotiations in good faith and the terms and conditions shall be the same. During the period specified in section 1 and a return date (if any) no other person shall be permitted to interfere or carry out any activity which might conflict with our use of the Premises. 3. You agree to make available to us at the Premises on the dates listed in section 1 above the following facilities: Access for sound proofing, recording equipment and editing software’s and computers. Electrical power, gas and water, toilet and kitchen facilities; Insurance cover on standard terms for the benefit of our employees, film crew and young people involved in the production in respect of risks of fire, storm, tempest, flood, explosion, burst pipes, public liability and other usual and normal risks for such amount as to provide us with full indemnity against any and all losses or damages.4. We shall be entitled to represent the Premises under their proper name or as being another real or fictional place according to the requirement of the recording.5. Any structural or decorative alterations which we require to be made to the Premises will not be made without your prior consent.6. You warrant that you have full power and authority to enter into and to perform this Agreement. You undertake to indemnify us and to keep us fully indemnified from and against all actions proceedings costs claims and damages and demands howsoever arising in respect of any actual or alleged breach or non-performance by you of any or all of your undertakings warranties and obligations under this Agreement.12. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales the courts of which shall be courts of competent jurisdiction.Yours faithfully SIGNED ………………………………………PRINT: For and on behalf of the CompanyI agree and confirm the above and agree to be bound by itSIGNED ……………………………………… PRINT: For and on behalf of the Location OwnerMY FMP – FINAL PRODUCT Here is the link to listen to my Final Audio Piece: Evaluation Weekly Evaluations:Week 1 – W/C 24th AprilI produced my project proposal this week, leading me into Unit 13 and my Final Major Project for the year. The point of producing a project proposal was for me to explain my ideas and what I am aiming to do / achieve.? This week’s task was relatively easy, as I lead on from Unit 12 I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do already. I was given the Project Proposal form so I simply had to fill in the details surrounding what I aimed to do for my FMP, this was easy to complete.The only issue I faced this week was that I was slightly behind from Unit 12. This was due to the large amount of research that I had conducted and it therefore took longer than expected to put all of the data into one place. This meant that I only had time to complete my Project proposal this week and then further produced my timetable.Producing a timetable?means that I can see what needs to be done each week.?My timetable was split into weeks?and?I produced this both on a word document and in my ‘Learner Progress Tracker’ booklet. The reasoning behind this booklet is to write down what I plan to do each week, what problems I encountered and how I fixed them, a?short reflection for my?Lecturer to see and also gives the chance for me to receive feedback from my tutor who can help me raise my work to a higher standard when and where?it is needed. ?I now know what needs to be completed each week so that I can stay on track with my FMP and meet the deadline on June 16th.?Week 2 – W/C 1th MayThis week I created an introduction, outlining what I planned to do for my Final Major project. I had a clear vision of what I wanted to do and so I produced my introduction easily. After creating an introduction I also produced a research plan to gain an idea of how I will retrieve the specific information that I need for the project. I felt that creating a research plan ensured that I can move onto next week’s tasks straight away and without any interruptions. I feel that my research plan was very detailed and outlined exactly how I was going to find information for my FMP and how I am going to link back to all of my research found in Unit 12. The only issue that I had this week was that I struggled to find some work from unit 12 (the influences video) however I found this clips on a back-up drive so I could quickly re-edit and re-upload the video to YouTube and therefore use this to link back in my research plan.I felt that I produced this work quickly and effectively and feel confident that I can move onto next week’s task of the project research with no issues.?Week 3 – W/C 8th MayThis week I conducted as much project research as I possibly could before considering the pre-production paperwork. I wanted to squeeze in as much research as possible early on in the week, so that I could make a start on the pre-production paperwork towards the end of the week, giving myself a head start for week four.I linked back my findings to my prior research in Unit 12 and felt that this worked really well; it was nice to be able to look back at my past findings and link them together to confirm whether or not the information was relevant and useful to my project.Unfortunately due to the large amount of research that I wanted to produce, I was unable to make a start on the pre-production paperwork, however all of the research is now complete meaning that I can dedicate week four to completing this paperwork to a high standard.?Week 4 -W/C 15th MayWeek four has been an important week for the production. I have set out to complete all of the necessary pre-production paperwork including health & safety forms and budgets as well as the script for the news bulletin itself.The paperwork took much longer than expected as I had to go into a lot more depth than I thought I would. Although the paperwork was lengthy it has given me the opportunity to really think about my project and look at it from every angle which I feel has really benefited by project as a whole. The budgeting was the most difficult and time consuming as I had to decide what I already had, what needed to be bought or rented and produce a total for the project and this is something that I have not had much experience of; however I am now more familiar with this and I feel that this will benefit me in the future. Next week I will begin production, recording the main scripted parts of the bulletin that I have already typed up this week.?Week 5 – W/C 22nd MayUnfortunately on Monday evening, Manchester saw a devastating terror attack that killed 22 people and injured many others. I had originally planned to include quick fire news stories at the beginning of my bulletin and I had already produced the script last week, however I wanted my news bulletin to be as up to date and accurate as possible, even more so that it will not be edited until next week.To keep my news bulletin up to date and relevant I took the decision to wipe the quick fire news stories that would feature at the start of the bulletin and replace it with a top news story, surrounding the Manchester bombing. Using this as the top story has meant that the bulletin will now only focus on the terror attack as the main story, followed by the two topical news items that I had always planned to include. I re-wrote my news script ready to record and keep my news bulletin sounding as fresh and as relevant as possible. This, of course, took up some time for my production week but I still managed to record all aspects of my news bulletin in what I feel was a professional way.As well as recording the up-to-date scripted part of the news bulletin I also went on location to record the planned interviews for both of the topical news discussions that will be featuring in the later part of my news bulletin.Considering that I re-wrote the news stories for the bulletin, I managed to complete the production recording process on time and feel that it ran very smoothly, which I am happy about. Next week I will be editing my news bulletin using Adobe audition, piecing together the scripted audio, the interviews, the backing music tracks and the news bed, whilst ensuring that the bulletin lasts the exact planned 5 minutes.?Week 6 – W/C 29th MayAfter recording my audio pieces last week, this week I began post – production of the FMP, bringing together all of the recorded items and editing them with music and sound effects to create my final piece. To edit the news bulletin I used the Adobe Audition editing software. I feel that I am confident using Adobe Audition as I have had plenty of practice using this software and I have become more confident in editing audio more seamlessly on here.One of the issues that I had during the editing process is that I had lost one of the interviews that were recorded, however this was quickly sorted as I ensured that I backed-up the audio file. I quickly found this interview and I had ensured all files were backed up which I had learnt from previous mistakes from other projects in which I had completely lost files.One of the interviews were difficult to fit into the timeslot. I wanted to make sure that I kept my news bulletin to exactly 5 minutes as originally planned and the final piece that I needed to slot into place was a short interview with a charity worker. The only way that I could fit this interview in was harshly cut it down and edit the audio files together, this made it sound slightly jumpy. I spent a lot of time to rectify this issue as well as possible to make sure that the audio seemed seamless.I had no other real issues this week and both of the issues that did occur were rectified relatively easily. Besides one interview being tightly condense to fit the exact time scale, I am very happy with the outcome of the work produced so far. Next week I simply need to finalize the piece by adding the news bed and backing music.?Week 7 – W/C 5th JuneThis week I completed the post production of my FMP to ensure that my audio piece was finished at the highest possible standardA similar problem to last week was the timing of the audio piece which was very tight. I needed to ensure that the bulletin lasted exactly five minutes and so that the music was tightly, yet seamlessly added to achieve this.There was not much more left to do, besides add the news bed, backing music and ensure that the audio piece was finalized to the highest possible standard. I am happy with the sound quality and professionalism of the piece that I have produced and how well, in general, the project went, I will evaluate and upload all of my work next week.?Week 8 – W/C 12th JuneThis week I evaluated and uploaded my Final Major Project. I uploaded my audio piece to both Sound Cloud and YouTube so that it is available to listen to on multiple platforms, therefore extending its reach. After receiving praise from my peers and my tutors I have been put forward for the UAL Awards in London for the second year running. I will also send my bulletin to BBC Radio 1 and Global for them to listen to and I feel like this would be a great opportunity to show my work to industry professionals.The finished audio piece was exported in the wrong format but this mistake was easily rectified as I then re-formatted this to an MP3 file which has no effect on the audio or its quality.I produced a large evaluation of the whole project this week in which I reflected on every aspect of my FMP, including the positives and negatives. Overall I am happy with the outcome, which you will be able to see by reading the full evaluationFULL EVALUATION:For my Final Major Project I decided to create a news bulletin in the medium of radio. I decided to create a radio piece due to my keen interest and passion for it which I uncovered when I looked at my inspirations in Unit 12. I decided that the bulletin would last 5 minutes as this seemed the most appropriate length after listening to other professional news bulletins that were targeted at teenagers, which is the demographic that I am trying to reach.The big radio companies such as the BBC, Global and Bauer all helped me to shape my radio piece. BBC Radio 1 held a strong influence for my radio piece as it gave me lots of ideas surrounding the structure of my piece. Creating a structure that would target my audience was extremely important and BBC Radio 1 gave me great ideas of how to structure my piece.Listening to professional radio pieces was a great way to explore the medium, finding out how different structures target different demographics and how the same news story can be told in many ways to focus on a particular group of listeners. I felt that it was really important for me to explore the medium so that I was as familiar as possible with it.As well as listening to radio pieces I also made sure that I kept up to date with the latest developments and this was crucial if I was to keep my bulletin sounding fresh. My work itself proved that this was vital due to the fact that I changed the top news story. I had originally planned to create a news bulletin that consisted of my two topics (Homelessness and Bullying) and then multiple quick succession stories that were short and precise. Right at the start of my production week I woke up to the terrible news of the Manchester Terror Attack; I then decided to cancel the multiple quick succession news stories and focus on the breaking news story before following onto the two topics. The structure did change, but I ensured that I kept my work in the format originally planned. I will mention this later on in my evaluation.Due to the fact that I listened closely to BBC Radio One’s Newsbeat bulletin, I feel that my work had strong similarities to this. I ensured that the language was kept simplistic to ensure a younger teenage audience could understand it. It also had strong links to the structure in that there was a top news story followed by topics that relate to the audience, before rounding off the programme with a quick recap of the day’s top news story. I also used music and the news bed in a similar way to Newsbeat. A 3 beat divider was played between each story to break up the bulletin, a news bed was played beneath the top story round-up at the beginning/end and I also played music beneath the topical stories that fitted with the story itself, this gave the bulletin more depth and made it more engaging.Another way that I made my news bulletin engaging was by adding real life clips from the Manchester attack. I wanted to really paint a picture for my audience and the best way to do this through the sole use of audio is to add clips from the event itself. I took the decision to add the recording of the explosion in the arena to add an effect and help the listener picture the scene, the screams could also be heard meaning that audience understood the sheer panic. Adding these clips along with audio footage of PM Theresa May’s speech meant that the bulletin felt more inclusive and realistic and told the story in more depth than just words alone.As I mentioned earlier, I originally planned to begin my news bulletin with quick succession news stories, covering the biggest headlines quickly and in detail, this seemed a clever way to get the news across to a younger audience without them getting bored. However, on the Monday morning of the production week I woke to the news that 22 people had been killed in a terror attack that saw a suicide bomber detonate a device inside an Ariana Grande concert and the Manchester Arena. This breaking news story was being covered all around the world and media was focused on this story so I decided that, if I was going to keep my bulletin up to date, I should cancel out the quick succession news stories and replace it with in depth coverage of the terror attack. I strongly believe that I made the correct decision with this as my bulletin was now up to date and really draws the listener in with the way that I have decided to tell this story to a younger audience. Telling this story to a teenage audience meant that I am linking back to the original point of my project which was to inform people of the true news stories, rather than they receive fake news from social media. I ensured that I only stated the facts in this main news story to ensure that it is not biased or untrue.I feel that my project pitch could have been slightly more detailed, but due to the short time scale I had to complete it, I ensured that I focused on getting it completed so that my project ideas were presented in the clearest possible way. Next time I could put more detail into the project proposal to make it even clearer and I would allow more time to do so. Considering the time scale I had to complete this part of the project I am happy with the pitch and proposal that I created, and I did manage to move on to create my audio piece with no real issues.The smaller issues such as losing some clips and then finding them in a different location are all talked about in my weekly progress tracker booklet and in more detail in my ‘Weekly Online Evaluations’. Besides some work/clips being misplaced, which could be found in my backed up drives and the fact that the audio has tight editing timings, I faced no real issues due to the fact that I mainly learnt from the mistakes that I had made in the past.I originally stated that I wanted to make my work really inclusive of my audience and that I wanted to add their opinions into my bulletin but there was simply no space in the bulletin for these comments. I wanted my bulletin to last exactly 5 minutes and was really strict with myself on this, but this meant that I was unable to squeeze in as much as I wanted to. I feel that a 10 minute bulletin would have been too long for the audience I was trying to target and so 5 minutes seemed like the best option, however if I was going to recreate this piece I would ensure that I leaved space in the bulletin to include any audience participation including their thoughts and opinions on the topics that I covered.I feel that my finished piece can quite easily target the intended audience that I want to reach. I feel like the top news story about Manchester was engaging and that the topical subjects covered were relatable to teenagers and so I feel like they would show the most interest in my piece. I showed my work to my Tutor to ensure that it was of a high enough standard to be exported and uploaded online and she was very happy with the outcome, telling me that it sounded professional and really captured the moment of the news story that I was trying to tell. She was so pleased with the work produced that she wanted other members of staff to listen to my work straight away and told me that I should send it to news and media corporations such as BBC Radio 1 for them to listen to it.Once I uploaded my piece I asked those that listened to complete a short survey on what they thought about the audio piece. I ensured that those that answered it were in the age demographic that I wanted to target, so that I could focus on whether I actually managed to reach them specifically.100% of respondents were between 14 and 19 years old as I deleted responses from those who were not, so that I could focus on the demographic I was trying to target.I asked ‘Please Rate how interesting you found listening to News Burst’ in which the average response was 8/10. This is a really positive outcome for me as it shows that the majority of those that listened to the news bulletin within the target age demographic were interested in my audio piece and the news stories that I covered. An average of 6.5/10 was given to the question ‘How likely are you to listen to news burst again?’This response was slightly more disappointing. Although over half of the target respondents said they were more likely to listen again than not listen again, it still would have been nicer to receive a more positive response confirming that they would listen again. If I was producing another bulletin I would ensure that I include the thoughts and opinions of my target audience to make them feel included. I feel that this would ensure that the audience want to listen again week upon week.I am relatively happy with the response I received on my news bulletin and it has become clear on how I can cater my work towards my audience more specifically in the future to engage them even further with the product itself.Overall I have learnt how to create a professional sounding radio news bulletin and how I can target it towards a specific audience by the way that the stories are told and through the use of music and even the structure of the bulletin itself. These key ways of targeting a specific audience will be very useful in the future through any projects that I may create and even my career. I feel that it is important that I learnt the skills of targeting a specific project towards a certain audience.I also learnt the skills of time keeping, scheduling and budgeting which are all very important in the media industry and lots of practice from this project will prove very useful in the future.I am generally very happy with the outcome of my radio bulletin and I feel that its sounds quite seamless and rather professional, which has also been said by my tutor at college. I feel proud of what I have achieved for my FMP in Unit 13 and believe that this will be the key piece of work that I show off in the future when applying for various roles in the industry. I have developed my skills from a wide range of areas that can be put forward into my future work and I feel that I have been able to showcase all of these skills in this project. APPENDICES Extended project in creative media production Learning Outcomes and Assessment 1. Be able to initiate and develop a creative media production project proposal. 1.1. Use critical and contextual perspectives to initiate a creative media production project proposal. 1.2. Use analysis and evaluation to clarify and develop ideas for a creative media production project proposal. 2. Be able to use research, analysis and evaluation to develop solutions for creative media production project. 2.1. Use research to support the development of a creative media production project. 2.2. Use analytical and evaluative skills to develop creative solutions to realise a media production project. 3. Be able to solve practical, theoretical and technical problems in a creative media production project.3.1. Solve practical and technical problems within a creative media production project. 3.2. Solve theoretical problems within a creative media production project. 4. Be able to plan, organise and produce a creative media production project. 4.1. Demonstrate the ability to plan, organise and produce a creative media production project within an agreed timeframe. 5. Be able to use practical methods and skills in a creative media production project. 5.1. Demonstrate the exploration, adaptation and application of practical methods and skills in the realisation of a creative media production project. 6. Be able to use evaluative and reflective skills in the production of a creative media product. 6.1. Maintain evaluative and reflective records of the development and production of a creative media project. 6.2. Use evaluative and reflective skills to make decisions for a creative media production project. 7. Be able to present a creative media production project. 7.1. Explore strategies to present a creative media production project. 7.2. Present a creative media production project to a specified audience.REFERENCES BBC TRUST – BBC Radio 1 BBC [Last Accessed: 10/05/2017] BBC Trust – BBC Radio 2 [Last Accessed: 10/05/2017]Berger, A. (1998). Media research techniques. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE, pp.127-159. Brown, V., Clery, E. and Ferguson, C. (2011) estimating the prevalence of young people absent from school due to bullying (PDF). [Last Accessed May 2017] Available at: , C. (2009). Introduction to research methods. 4th ed. Oxford: How to Books, p.66-78.Department for children, schools and families. (2007). ‘Children and Young People Today’. P.17, section 2.11 – P.18, section 2.17. Available At: Department for children, schools and families. (2007). ‘Children and Young People Today’. P.17, Section 2, Chart 2.2. Available at: the Label. (2017). UK Bullying Statistics 2016 - Ditch the Label N.p., 2017. (Accessed 11 May 2017).Ditch the Label. (2017). The Annual Bullying Survey 2015 - Ditch the Label. (Online) Available at: (Accessed 11 May 2017) Global Radio – – The Audience, LBC [Last Accessed 10/05/2017] Guasp, A. (2012) The experiences of gay young people in Britain’s schools in 2012. (PDF) [Last Accessed May 2017] Available at: Post. ‘Unemployment Is The Number One Fear For British Youths’. (2016) Available at: NSPCC (2016) Childline annual review 2015/16: It turned out someone did care [Last Accessed May 2017] Available at: (2016) what children are telling us about bullying? London: NSPCC [Last Accessed May 2017] Available at: Owen, Jonathan. The Independent. (2015). “Number of Young People Homeless In Britain Is More Than Three Times The Official Figures” [Last Accessed June 2017]Pinterest: ‘Cyberbullying and more’ [Last Accessed May 2017] Available At: : London (2005) Young People and Homelessness. London: Shelter Last Accessed May 2017] Available At: ................

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