ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

BTN: Episode 35 Transcript 5/12/17

What will you remember 2017 for - the happy moments or the sad ones?

The kids who achieved amazing things?

Or the ones that amazed us with their stories?

Well today we're going to find out as we take a look back at a big year of BTN!

Hi, Nathan here and welcome to the last BTN for 2017.

Also on today’s show we’ll reveal the winner of the BTN teacher awards!

Aussie News

Reporter: Matthew Holbrook

INTRO: That'll be up later. But to kick us off here's a look at some of the biggest stories that made headlines here in Australia this year.

Welcome to 2017! The year bucket loads of Australian politicians discovered they weren't actually Australian. Or weren't JUST Australian. Or something like that. So far, nine MPs have had to go and there could be more. The rest have just had to fill out a questionnaire on their background, so it'll soon be sorted once and for all. Probably.

The other big topic in parliament this year was same-sex marriage. After a heap of debate, the government put the idea of legalising same-sex marriage to the Australian population in a survey.

DAVID KALISCH, AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS: For the national result: Yes responses, seven million, eight hundred and seventeen thousand, and two hundred and forty-seven.

61.6 per cent of the more than twelve million Australians who took part, voted yes.

It's also been a year of pretty crazy weather. It started with serious bushfires in New South Wales. Then Cyclone Debbie hit northern Queensland affecting thousands.

Technology provided a few ups and downs. People flocked to the World Solar Challenge. We got a fancy new $10 note to keep our other fancy new note, the $5 note, company. Hooray! And we said goodbye to Australia's car industry as the final Holden factory closed its doors in Elizabeth.

There were some important anniversaries, including 50 years since the 1967 referendum, which saw the majority of Australians vote to change our country's laws to count Indigenous Australians as full citizens. And in February, we reflected on the 75 years since Darwin was bombed by Japan during the Second World War - the biggest ever attack on Australian soil.

It's been a pretty great year for Aussie sport. The AFL women's league kicked off and was a huge success. The men's comp was amazing, especially if, like me, you're a Tigers fan. The Richmond Tigers won their first Premiership since 1980 in spectacular fashion. GO TIGES!

It wasn't all about AFL, though. Melbourne Storm won the NRL premiership. The Socceroos qualified for their fourth straight world cup. And number one NBA draft pick, Ben Simmons, took the league by storm. The Ashes started out pretty well for us Aussies too, but it's a bit too early to weigh in on that. We'll let you know next year. Unless we lose. Then we'll pretend it never happened.

Super Quiz 1

Throughout today's show we're also going to test you on how much you were paying attention to the news this year with a 15-question super quiz!

The answers are given after each question and there are heaps of clues throughout the show too.

Good luck!

Ok, question 1: Why have lots of Australian politicians been thrown out of office this year? Is it bad behaviour, dual citizenship or vote recounts?

The answer is dual citizenship.

Question 2: This year it was decided that climbing which famous Australian landmark should be banned?

The answer there is Uluru.

Question 3: Which big car brand closed its last manufacturing plant in Australia this year? Was it Volkswagen, Kia or Holden?

And of course, that was Holden.

Question 4: Which everyday utility had politicians and the public talking most this year?

That was electricity.

Question 5: This year marked the 75th anniversary of which famous Australian campaign during WWII?

That was Kokoda and we marked it with a VR experience you can download now.

World News

Reporter: Charlotte Batty

INTRO: Now this year there were a lot of stories that got the whole world talking too. Here's a look back at some of the biggest international stories of 2017

The year kicked off with this guy becoming the 45th President of the United States.

DONALD TRUMP: Together, we will make America great again.

And it wasn't long until his actions made the news.

NEWS READER: His controversial executive order - one that bars 134 million people from seven Muslim majority countries from coming to the United States.

He also had a pretty awkward phone call with our PM and had some pretty strong words for North Korea's leader, who got world leaders angry after testing a bunch of nuclear weapons.

Meanwhile in Catalonia, there were big protests when the region voted to break away from Spain. And over in Zimbabwe, the President Robert Mugabe resigned and the streets were filled with celebrations.

Some events that made headlines were hard to hear about, like terrorist attacks in Manchester, London and the Middle East, and a big shooting in the US city of Las Vegas.

Natural disasters were seen all over the globe too with huge hurricanes slamming the Caribbean Islands, Florida, and Texas, and massive earthquakes hitting Iran and Mexico.

But, in all this devastation we saw people come together to lend a helping hand and be there to support each other through the tough times.

Then there were events that were out of this world! Like the Cassini spacecraft ending its 20-year journey after helping us discover heaps of new things about Saturn and its moons. A solar eclipse that wowed people in the US. And NASA astronauts celebrated the 200th ISS spacewalk!

Sticking with good news stories, the hole in the ozone layer's the smallest it's been in three decades! And witches, wizards and maybe some muggles too, celebrated 20 years since the release of the first Harry Potter book. Phwoar - what a year!

Super Quiz 2

Ok, question 6 now: Which country swore in a former reality TV star as its President this year?

That was the United States and as we mentioned before, his name is Donald Trump.

Question 7: Which small, isolated country regularly threatened nuclear war during 2017?

That was North Korea and this is where it’s located.

Question 8: Which of these places have been threatened by North Korea this year?

Australia, Guam, Japan or all of the above?

The answer, yep it’s the last one, all of them.

Question 9: Where did these demonstrations take place after an independence vote?

We’ll accept the region, Catalonia, or the country Spain.

Question 10: The Cassini spacecraft was deliberately crashed into which planet this year?

Was it Mercury, Saturn or Neptune?

The answer there is Saturn.

Kids’ Stories

Reporter: Ruby Cornish

INTRO: Next up. The biggest stars of our show are always the kids that are brave enough to open up their lives to all of us. Here's a look just some of the kids that moved us, made us laugh or made us think this year.

Well first of all, whoever said kids weren't interested in politics clearly hasn't been talking to the same kids we have! We met nine-year-old Levi, who's part of a group of young people suing US President Donald Trump over his environmental policies. And Meg from Victoria helped convince big supermarket chains to ditch single use disposable shopping bags.

MEG: Coles and Woolworths have put a price on single use plastic bags.

Your eco-friendly undertakings didn't stop there! One school began a War on Waste in their local community and another embarked on a mission to reduce their school's rubbish to one wheelie bin a week. Speaking of classrooms, this year BTN met a bunch of you who do school a bit differently. We learnt all about School of the Air, and we met some regional students doing classes in virtual reality.

MAC: Instead of going to a high school class I go to the library and log in to my Aurora class via my laptop.

Overseas, we saw the lengths some children have to go just to get to school, trekking through the ice and snow. And we met some Aussie expat kids getting an education over in the Middle East.

JACOB: It's actually very safe here and the people are very friendly.

Some of you had to worry about keeping safe when disasters struck! Gaby and Bella had to take an unexpected holiday when Hurricane Irma hit the US.

BELLA: It made me feel frightened because I realised I could have lost my whole house.

And kids on Guam had to practice emergency drills when the territory was threatened by North Korea.

EZRA: Everybody has to bring emergency kits with food and water and towels.

Back home, people joined forces to fight bushfires.

DENNY: My mum and dad helped save my friends' home from being burnt down.

And a long, hot drought in Queensland finally ended.

LOCHY: It's really green and we've got plenty of food for the cows.

Aussie kids also shared personal stories this year that warmed our hearts. Xander described what it's like to live with albinism.

XANDER: I say the best thing to do is stand up for yourself and say albinos are cool.

Archer explained the challenges of living with epilepsy, and Tess told us about life after her spinal cord injury.

TESS: I'm so proud of myself for where I am today.

When it comes to tech, you had your finger on the digital pulse this year! Yuma told us about his app business.

Our Rookie Reporter superstar Ness showed us around the international space conference and interviewed the head of NASA!

You're also super creative! From songs about life on the farm.

AIMEE: Every year the story is the same, we plant the seed into the ground and look into the sky for rain.

To keeping a traditional Irish language alive through music, and recording phrases in Wirajuri for an art installation. We met Mallory, who'd just published her first novel, and a bunch of you helped us welcome new Australians to the country by drawing pictures and writing messages for our Welcome Book.

You've been pretty active in 2017 too. Rock climber and Olympic hopeful Leah showed us what she's made of, and so did some of the first boys in the country to take up synchronised swimming! And how could we forget Oliver, the youngest pilot to fly solo around Australia! It's certainly been a high-flying year for kids all over Australia right here on BTN.

Super Quiz 3

Ok, time for our last five questions now.

Question 11: Which new women’s sporting comp opened with big ratings and huge crowds in 2017?

It was the AFL new women’s comp and Adelaide won the grand final.

Question 12: Which toy took playgrounds around the world by storm?

It was fidget spinners.

Question 13: Which popular kids book turned 20 this year?

We gave you the answer earlier, Harry Potter.

Question 14: Which song this year became the most streamed in history?

It was Despacito and it broke the record with 4.6 billion streams in just 6 months.

And finally: What is the name of the book released this year that was illustrated entirely by Australian kids?

That was the Welcome Book, and those illustrators were you guys, our wonderful audience. Thanks for taking part.

Teacher Awards Finalists

Now, all of us here at BTN have a story about a special teacher that made a big difference to us as a kid. It might be because they helped us improve, made us laugh or just seemed to get us when others didn't. That's why this year we introduced the BTN teacher awards to give you a way to recognise a special teacher in your life. All up we received more than 300 entries so thank you to all the kids that entered a nomination and to all of their teachers for doing such an amazing job. We narrowed it down to our 8 favourites before sending them to our special judges Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham, NSW's Local hero & star of WooTube, Eddie Woo and the ABC's Head of Education, Annabel Astbury. Take a look.

FINALIST: Hello BTN, my name is Connor and my teacher is called Mrs Murray and I'm going to tell you all the amazing things she does and let's see if she wins your trophy. She is actually the DJ of our school and that's saying something. She built like a noughts and crosses table, but then like a reading area, yoga and a fairy garden cafe! That's pretty awesome!

FINALIST: I nominate Miss Hilton because she makes learning fun! We do lots of dancing. We do lots of games. Every morning we do our sensory gym and get to climb and play in the ball pit. Miss Hilton is a marvellous teacher and we are very happy to have her in this class.

FINALIST: Our teacher is Mr Rowley and this is why he should be teacher of the year! He's going bald and we can see his scalp, which shows he has nothing to hide. He blends in with students because he can't grow facial hair. Mum, come quick. I'm growing some hair! Finally, I get to use these tweezers I bought 4 years ago. What’s brown and sticky? A stick! We know that Mr Rowley deserves the teacher of the year award. And if he wins he might get a pay rise - something he desperately needs!

FINALIST: Hello BTN! I'm here to give my teacher Mr Thoaday a lovely reward. I’m just a bit nervous here. He's a very, very good teacher.

FINALIST: We love Frank because he's kind, supportive, caring and we also love his Dad cringey jokes. I like Frank because he’s got a beard! That's our teacher Frank!

RUNNER UP: When we started this topic, Russell brought in a book named The Great Escape of the Rebel Gang. The book was a picture story book that Russell made as a kid. Me and my friends really enjoyed this session and not just because we got to see a picture of Russell when he was a kid!

SIMON BIRMINGHAM, MINISTER FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING: A big thumbs up! Right through that video it's clear that Russell is inspiring and changing the way you think about learning. As well as inspiring you to learn so much more!

FIRST PLACE: Today I will be talking to you about my teacher nomination Mrs Lindon from Unley Primary School. She has been almost my mentor throughout my schooling life. She has helped me in Maths, English, History whatever but she also taught me a lot of social lessons - how to almost fit in, but still stand out because everyone is different and everyone needs to embrace that.

ANNABEL ASTBURY, ABC EDUCATION: What that shows to me is that Mrs Lindon is a teacher who obviously has a lasting impact. Her former student said that she was a mentor to him.

EDDIE WOO, CELEBRITY MATHS TEACHER: She's obviously made a really lasting impact on him. Even though he's not in her class anymore, he remembers how much care and respect she had for him and the way she looked after him and nurtured his gifts. So, well done Mrs Lindon!


Huge congrats from all of us Mrs Lindon! And what an amazing nomination from Ethan! We'll be in touch shortly to organise delivery of your prize pack kindly donated by the ABC Shop. Now let's keep the celebrations going with a look at all of the fun we had making BTN for you in 2017.

When you think BTN reporter, you probably think slick, professional and well-spoken. This year, we've made an effort to get on your level and communicate succinctly. Sometimes, we've struggled to keep a straight face, and things haven't always gone to plan, but we've always had lots of fun. We hope you've enjoyed watching BTN this year as much as we've enjoyed making it for you!


And here they all are BTN's star reporters! As you could see there they have a huge amount of fun bringing you the news each week. They also put in a massive amount of work so thanks to you guys for making the show what it is. But before we head off, after ten amazing years today will be my last episode as host of BTN.

AMELIA: Nathan Bazley, we had no idea! And we’re really upset about it. But luckily, we did pre- prepare a little package so let’s have a look shall we.

Hi, my name is Nathan Bazley, and welcome to Behind the News.

For more than ten years, he's been the face of BTN.

While some things have definitely changed. The spiky hair, the Justin Bieber look?

And this incredible turn to camera. Nathan has been a constant figure in the lives of millions of Aussie kids.

Nathan's originally from the farming town of Dalby in Queensland. And while he's never made a very convincing farmer, or soccer player, or skateboarder.

Since arriving at BTN in 2007 as a reporter, Nathan has been very serious about news.

Good evening and welcome to real news, I'm John Johnson.

He's had a crack at being a teacher.

NATHAN: All settled? Very good! Welcome! My name is Mr Bazley and I'll be your teacher for today.

Hosted a fake reality show.

Done his time in the kitchen.

Got totally crushed at Wheelchair rugby.

And been clean bowled playing cricket.

Through it all, Nathan's given us plenty of laughs.

Some questionable music and has left his mark on the show like no other.

Well, we guess you can pack it up for real this time Nathan.

Congrats and we’ll miss you.

And that's it for today's show, we'll see you next time.


It's been an absolute honour bringing you the news each week so I want to thank you for being so lovely and for supporting all the great things this show does.

BTN will be back bigger and better than ever next year with a new host to meet too! So, make sure you tune in for that but in the meantime, have an amazing Christmas, a fun summer holidays and these guys are excited to see you again in 2018.



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